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 Post subject: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:53 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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Do you have a craving to write, but lack a platform? Well do I have a propos--

Eh, I'm not going to try that salesman shtick. It's not my thing. Let me speak plainly, I need help with the blog. Well, "need" might be overstating it, I'll do fine without further assistance, but would greatly enjoy it.

Since my return to the site a while ago, one of my main goals was to bring some vigor to the tendrils of the UESP, the meaty chunks of it that had developed over the years. This has grown to include the wiki, forums, chat channels, blog, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Google+. But this is obviously too much for one person to handle on their own. And I don't, I have a good amount of help on many of these platforms. This post is about the ones I don't have much help on.

The UESP's Blog was our first foray into becoming more than an information platform for ES, but it has fallen into a bit of disuse as of late. This thread exists to possibly remedy that. If you are interested in writing for the UESP, please let me know here, or via private message, and I will help you get started.

Additionally, while I'm here, I'm also interested in seeing if anyone else wants to help contribute to the running of our other social pages. These include Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and Tumblr.

Lastly, I want to do an survey on a few things. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability, but feel free to skip questions/go into as much detail as you want to.

Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog?
Are you interested in blogging?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki?
Are you interested in contributing to wikis?
Have you ever ran a forum?
Are you interested in running a forum?
Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)?
Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page?
Have you ever ran a Twitter account?
Are you interested in running a Twitter account?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog?
Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel?
Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel?
Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream?
Are you interested in running a Twitch stream?
Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast?
Are you interested in being part of a podcast team?
Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work?
Do you have any other skills that you would like to share?
What do you think you would bring to the UESP?
If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be?
How did you first discover the UESP?

Note, this is not an actual job offer as the title may imply, nor a guarantee of acceptance for any of these positions, or even a confirmation that these positions will exist in the future. Any involvement would be on a volunteer basis only. Also note this isn't some desperate plea, we will get by without more help, but I am a strong believer in strengthening teams whenever I can.

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

Thought for the day:

Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:36 am 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I would like to volunteer for the blog and I would also like to volunteer to help out with the Facebook page. I would offer to do Twitter as well but for some bizarre reason, twitter refuses to let me use it. Literally can't reset my own password. If the requirement of having an existing account is not part of helping out with UESP's twitter then I would like to volunteer for it. :)

Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog?

During College when I was undertaking my main I.T Qualification, we all had to do a blog. I created one on Blogspot and did attempt to keep it up to date. I sadly failed as at the time, I was very busy with life and just ran out of ideas. I recall trying to turn it into a review blog but it never took off. With the UESP Blog, I feel I can contribute regularly on account of TES and I have at least 3 ideas for articles at the moment.
Are you interested in blogging?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki?
Unfortunately, because I do not own any of the past 3 TES games on PC, I feel I am very limited in terms of contributing to the wiki. I feel that without access to the game itself, any information wasn't on the wiki would be hard to put up due to no viable source. I have started to take part in discussions on the wiki on certain articles of late though.
Are you interested in contributing to wikis?
In the future when I have Oblivion, Skyrim, Morrowind or ESO, I would be interested in helping out due to having a much stronger source and able to provide proof.
Have you ever ran a forum?
No. I've never had the chance.
Are you interested in running a forum?
I would be interested in running a forum. However, I have no knowledge of coding beyond HTML and most of that is very rusty.
Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)?
I have not. I've never had the chance to.
Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page?
I would be interested running a Facebook page and feel it is something that wouldn't take long to learn. I have never used Google+ and whilst I can learn how to use it, I have no interest in Google+ at this time.
Have you ever ran a Twitter account?
Yes. Unfortunately, I got locked out of my personal one. I have got a good idea of what a Twitter Account of things tend to tweet. E.g. a gaming site would tweet about their latest article.
Are you interested in running a Twitter account?
Yes but I am doubtful i could ever access one due to Twitter's awful reset system involving a picture instead of a link.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog?
I have not.
Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog?
I have no interest in Tumblr at this point in time.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel?
Beyond commenting in the past, I have not.
Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel?
In the future when i've got proper broadband, I would be interested in.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream?
Are you interested in running a Twitch stream?
No. Maybe in the future.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast?
I have been part of a podcast on another gaming website. It was just mostly causal and messy but I was a young Dovah at the time.
Are you interested in being part of a podcast team?
Whilst I am interested in being a part of a podcast team, my internet is rather poor due to limitations. Mainly the 6GB data cap being the biggest issue.
Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work?
I have wrote fanfiction in the TES Roleplayers Thread and used to contribute to it regularly a few years back. Apart from that, I can't really say I can.
Do you have any other skills that you would like to share?
Hmm, that is a good question. Can't really think of anything beyond chatting about TES and being passionate about the franchise.
What do you think you would bring to the UESP?
Articles for the blog, fun facts for social media(E.g. Sheogorath being Jyggalag, age of X TES game on X date etc..) and in the future, I hope I can provide a lot of information to the wiki side from ESO or TESVI. Hopefully it'll be ESO before TESVI.
If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be?
Apart from giving the blog and the social media outlets a presence on the front page, i can't really think of anything.
How did you first discover the UESP?
I don't actually know. :O Probably me looking for TES wikis and found this. Let's go with that.

Praise Sheogorath!

Last edited by The SheoDovah on Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:43 pm 
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I might be able to help with the blog sporadically, but I'm not the most consistent.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog?
I made a blog on Jekyll once. I've never used wordpress or anything like that though, so I don't know how those sorts of things work.
Are you interested in blogging?
A bit. It might be fun to have a go and see if I like it.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki?
I've done some contributing on the wiki, but nothing major.
Are you interested in contributing to wikis?
When the interests strikes me. WikiSloth life.
Have you ever ran a forum?
Are you interested in running a forum?
Not really, I'm not sure I'm built for it.
Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)?
Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page?
Have you ever ran a Twitter account?
Are you interested in running a Twitter account?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog?
Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog?
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel?
Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel?
Yes, but I have no mic, no camera, hate my voice, and it's impossible to find a quiet spot in the house.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream?
Kind of. I played around with OBS and tried a little streaming (It didn't go well).
Are you interested in running a Twitch stream?
Again, kind of. Without having a camera or mic I would say I'm not there yet.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast?
Are you interested in being part of a podcast team?
See Youtube answer
Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work?
Not really. I once made an ashtray in pottery class :P
Do you have any other skills that you would like to share?
I know my way around Sonic Pi pretty well. There's that I guess.
What do you think you would bring to the UESP?
An outside-looking-in influence that tries not to jump to conclusions. I can say what the average well-informed person hears about the new releases, without (too much) personal bias.
If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be?
I'd try to do some outreach with the more major TES derivatives: OpenMW, Tamriel Unlimited, XL engine, USLEEP, Etc,.
How did you first discover the UESP?
I honestly don't remember. If I had to take a guess, I was probably looking up some esoteric piece of Skyrim trivia,

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:54 am 
World Class Eejít
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This may help a bit. :wink:
[b]Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in blogging?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in contributing to wikis?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran a forum?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running a forum?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran a Twitter account?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running a Twitter account?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in running a Twitch stream?[/b]

[b]Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast?[/b]

[b]Are you interested in being part of a podcast team?[/b]

[b]Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work?[/b]

[b]Do you have any other skills that you would like to share?[/b]

[b]What do you think you would bring to the UESP?[/b]

[b]If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be?[/b]

[b]How did you first discover the UESP?[/b]


"I Seek Truth, Not For Power, But For Understanding"
~Former Steward of The Queen's Sweetrolls~
~Proud Disciple in the ways of Believe~
~Forever a UESP user~

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:36 am 
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I'm curious of how you feel about a UESP YouTube/Twitch channel with vlogs, let's plays, news and such.

Bats use bats to bat the bats with bats.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:04 pm 
Global Wiki Admin
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Tingz0r wrote:
I'm curious of how you feel about a UESP YouTube/Twitch channel with vlogs, let's plays, news and such.

Promoting that sort of content is one thing, but I remain unconvinced that we should officially endorse it.

Wiki admin. Contact me on my talk page or via PM.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:10 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I feel that it wouldn't do much for the wiki and could turn it into something else that isn't suitable for purpose. The news in video form, it would work but i doubt it would be worth the time and effort to produce it. A history of TES video, lore stuff, that would be the best stuff to use youtube for. Let's plays are more of a forum promotion/thing then a wiki one and could result in trouble. Even promoting a member's let's play via social media is not something i feel is suitable. On the blog? Er.... so and so as the blog needs all the content it can get to help revive it but shouldn't be turned into "Hey, check out my Let's Play" platform.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:42 pm 
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legoless wrote:
Tingz0r wrote:
I'm curious of how you feel about a UESP YouTube/Twitch channel with vlogs, let's plays, news and such.

Promoting that sort of content is one thing, but I remain unconvinced that we should officially endorse it.

Well we already do news, and a vlog isn't different from a blog, so the only thing that's questionable is the streaming/let's play.

A let's play would be fun if we delved into the lore, talked about the game, and ranted/discussed (depending on the number of people) TES news. Of course, we would have a UESP Youtube channel and a publishing schedule, to help avoid TSD's scenario of user promoting their own let's play.


 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:53 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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It would be and it could even use the wiki's guides. E.g. Arena's first dungeon is shown in video format. Let's Plays, it could send a mixed message about what UESP is. There is also the potential issue of all the videos being content IDed and sound being muted because Youtube's awful content ID system. E.g. a video could be muted because it has Skyrim's theme. But this isn't the thread to discuss that.

There could be quest videos. E.g. Intro is shown in it's entire form. Some youtubers do it with other games. I'm partial to a certain one that does Biowares and it is rather neat. Easter Eggs, NPCs, Sheogorath's words etc..

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:56 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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Tingz0r wrote:
I'm curious of how you feel about a UESP YouTube/Twitch channel with vlogs, let's plays, news and such.

Well officially, we do have a Youtube channel, it's just not been used. My personal opinion on the subject is we should definitely get into the field sooner then later. What it would be, as it doesn't exist yet, is undecided. Right now, I see the options as being:

Let's Plays
Machinimation of lore/in-universe stories
Video news
Game guides
Technical tutorials (such as about how to use developer tools)
Mod reviews
Platform for podcast distribution
Lore videos (a video explaining a piece of lore)
Opinion pieces on the series

That's just off the top of my head a few things we could do. Personally, again, I'm very interested in the possibilities, but it's not a thing yet, for sure.

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

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Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:41 am 
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And what if someone offered to help make it a thing?

Bats use bats to bat the bats with bats.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:58 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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Then if it can be done, I would like to see it done. It won't without volunteers, though.

Although I'm not the UESP, my will doesn't override everyone elses. I do control the Youtube channel, though. Our ability to get anything done is mainly driven by people's desire to do it, though. If someone or a group of someone's care enough, it will happen.

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

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Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:20 am 
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A couple of years ago, Musicman, Eltee and myself were throwing around the idea of "interviewing" various members of UESP. That could be something else for the Youtube channel.

Although in saying that, I'm not the most tech-savvy person around, so I don't know how viable it would be, with ideally needing video footage of the people speaking aswell. (And I doubt that simply recording a Skype call would suffice..)

*advice given by Believe does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of UESP, its owners, staff, or users*
BetaB17 wrote:
I somehow feel that if the mods were all gods.. Believe would surely be the God of Awesome and Booze

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:41 am 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I created something like that on another site. We used Skype and a recording program, which was edited afterwards. Nothing was removed, just edited to cut out anything that is awkard. E.g. small gaps of dead air. Would recommend Skype and a method of recording. I can't offer to assist at any point this year if that does become a thing but I do believe in a year's time, I would be in a better position to offer techincal assistance.

Gamespot used to do top 10 weekly mods for TES games. I'm not going to say we aquire the same idea but it would be fairly easy to do a top ten every week if there were enough volunteers. There's thousands on the Skyrim nexus and a platform as big as UESP(which, i feel we are fairly big as a wiki and community) could help bring some hidden gems to light.

We could have 4 sets of lets plays. One is tailored for each guild. E.g. A warrior for Companions, a mage for College of Winterhold etc... Apart from the Bards College.

Could be worth tying the COTM into the channel once or twice a year. E.g. Create your own trailer for Skyrim. However, that would open the channel up to....... Content ID and would result in either monatisation being disabled or worse, the entire video muted or the channel getting a strike.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:37 am 
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Someone at PAX (I believe it was Mav from TheMavShow) suggested that we could do Let's Plays of various games. Basically just playing the game and talking about it, maybe picking a longer quest. Not showing necessarily a guide on how to do it, but rather just doing it your own personal way with some entertaining commentary. We could also do this for ESO on a weekly basis, maybe in coordination with weekly trials for the UESP guilds? Someone would, of course, be required to actually step up and do it, but I don't think it is something that is completely out of the realm of possibility.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:49 am 
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I love completing surveys, so here you go.

Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog? No.
Are you interested in blogging? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki? I have contributed to a wiki in minor ways.
Are you interested in contributing to wikis? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran a forum? No.
Are you interested in running a forum? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)? No.
Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page? Absolutely not.
Have you ever ran a Twitter account? Only a personal one.
Are you interested in running a Twitter account? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog? No.
Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel? No.
Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel? I am unsure.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream? No.
Are you interested in running a Twitch stream? Not particularly.
Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast? No.
Are you interested in being part of a podcast team? Maybe.
Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work? No.
Do you have any other skills that you would like to share? Photography is one hobby that I'm actually good at, if that counts. My subjects mainly involve figurines. If any TES related statuette or action figure needed a review or images in general, I could totally contribute.
What do you think you would bring to the UESP? A horrible sense of humor.
If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be? A section of the wiki dedicated to TES merchandise might be neat.
How did you first discover the UESP? I discovered UESP while hunting for information on a quest in Skyrim. UESP is infinitely better for information on the TES games than any other wiki and has since become my go-to for anything related to the game series.

I know, I know. I'm no help. :P

The Soulless Collection - A UESPF RP
Unionhack wrote:
Your religion does not make you better than other people.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:01 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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UESPoints: 4985
Jeancey wrote:
Someone at PAX (I believe it was Mav from TheMavShow) suggested that we could do Let's Plays of various games. Basically just playing the game and talking about it, maybe picking a longer quest. Not showing necessarily a guide on how to do it, but rather just doing it your own personal way with some entertaining commentary. We could also do this for ESO on a weekly basis, maybe in coordination with weekly trials for the UESP guilds? Someone would, of course, be required to actually step up and do it, but I don't think it is something that is completely out of the realm of possibility.

When are you going to do a write up of everything you did?

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

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Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:32 pm 
Wiki Admin
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When I find the time! I basically talked to a bunch of people, but most of my actual questions got asked during panels, which means the answers are found on the record there. I have several answers off the record and of a personal nature (like what class would each dev want to add, personally, if they could). Other than that, the only brand spanking new thing I have is concept art that Senior Concept Artist Mat Weathers was creating live. I can upload that picture at some point, if you want to send me a message to remind me! Other than that, I have codes to give away (some of which have already occurred in ESO). :) There wasn't a ton of NEW information at PAX that wasn't found in the broadcasted panels, unfortunately.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:36 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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UESPoints: 4985
Jeancey wrote:
Someone at PAX (I believe it was Mav from TheMavShow) suggested that we could do Let's Plays of various games. Basically just playing the game and talking about it, maybe picking a longer quest. Not showing necessarily a guide on how to do it, but rather just doing it your own personal way with some entertaining commentary. We could also do this for ESO on a weekly basis, maybe in coordination with weekly trials for the UESP guilds? Someone would, of course, be required to actually step up and do it, but I don't think it is something that is completely out of the realm of possibility.

It's not that it's out of the realm of possibility, from where I'm sitting, we just need someone who can do it. The kinks can be worked out as we go along, like for everything else we do :P

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

Thought for the day:

Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:28 am 

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Im fanatical about Morrowind, world-buidling and MK/canon... i would be able to provide (free) articles once a week about these matters (text with images) if this is still an ongoing effort?

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:35 am 
Global Wiki Admin
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UESPoints: 4985
It is.

UESP Admin, Blogger, Cartographer, Moderator, Editor, and Patroller

Thought for the day:

Success teaches us nothing; only failure teaches.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:07 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:16 pm
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I know I'm a bit late, but if it's still open, I think I could help with the Facebook account, although my experience is pretty limited...:

Have you ever ran or contributed to a blog? - No
Are you interested in blogging? - No
Have you ever ran or contributed to a wiki? - http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:Contrib ... arthesArai
Are you interested in contributing to wikis? - Well, yes xD
Have you ever ran a forum? - Well, just a small, neglected personal one...
Are you interested in running a forum? - Not any more
Have you ever ran a Facebook or Google+ page (not including personal ones)? - No
Are you interested in running a Facebook or Google+ page? - Yes
Have you ever ran a Twitter account? - No
Are you interested in running a Twitter account? - No
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Tumblr blog? - No
Are you interested in running a Tumblr blog? - No
Have you ever ran or contributed to a Youtube channel? - Yes, though I don't have many videos online
Are you interested in running or contributing to a Youtube channel? - Yes
Have you ever ran or been a part of a Twitch stream? - No
Are you interested in running a Twitch stream? - Possibly
Have you ever ran or been a part of a podcast? - No
Are you interested in being part of a podcast team? - Maybe
Do you have any other experience with management or producing creative work? - A bit of this, a bit of that, nothing serious
Do you have any other skills that you would like to share? - Does modding count?
What do you think you would bring to the UESP? - lots of contributions xD
If you could do one thing to improve the UESP, what would it be? - Just small things ;-)
How did you first discover the UESP? - Dunno, too long ago...

The Early Beard catches the Storm.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:10 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:37 pm
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I was the lead administrator for the community at UGO Networks Inc. at UGO.com for roughly a decade, lead administrator for UGOPlayer.com, the Managing Editor for CastersRealm.com, the creator of Lovecraftian-niche sites such as "The Wilmarth Cafe" and "WARK - Arkham Radio", and co-creator of the Mythos-inspired comic The Ghastly Eye. I have signature certification in Gamification. I am the published author of several short stories. I do voice acting. And I actively mod (create) for TESV: Skyrim, Fallout 4 (Fallout 3 and New Vegas, to a much less degree), Sims 4, and Sims 3. Take from this information what you will.

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:45 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:32 am
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ES Games: Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Status: In high school plays skyrim every day
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UESPoints: 0
I'd like to volunteer for the blog (i have no social media accounts sorry)

 Post subject: Re: UESP! Now Hiring! (User Survey)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 11:54 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2024 11:46 pm
Posts: 1
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC, Switch
UESPoints: 0
Hello! I am interested in helping out with the blog. I am currently getting my bachelor's degree in graphic design with an emphasis in drawing; we've been focusing a lot on web and app design lately. I do a lot of traditional as well as digital drawing. The world of the Elder Scrolls (specifically Oblivion and Skyrim) is a huge part of my life. This would be a great introduction for me to add to my portfolio for the type of work I plan on doing careerwise after I graduate in '26. Have a great evening everyone! :)

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