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[REL] Better Dwarven Spectres - Mer and Maidens Edition
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Author:  Melchior Dahrk [ Thu May 10, 2018 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  [REL] Better Dwarven Spectres - Mer and Maidens Edition

Better Dwarven Spectres - Mer and Maidens Edition

by Melchior Dahrk

Part of Morrowind May Modathon Month 2018

Download: https://www.nexusmods [dot] com/morrowind/mods/45617

This mod adds the long desired female Dwarven Spectre to the leveled lists and replaces one unique spectre with the new model. In addition, thanks to Moranar, this mod is also a BB conversion of the original Dwarven Spectre. And in addition to THAT, the mod also adds the Dwarven Robe worn by the spectres as a random drop from them; complete with male and female versions (just ignore all that sticky ectoplasm).

The mod includes 4 different versions:

  1. If you want a 75% chance for male spectres and 25% chance for female, install "Dwarven Spectres BB + Fem.esp"
  2. If you want a 50% chance for male spectres and 50% chance for female, install "Dwarven Spectres BB + Fem (50-50).esp"
  3. If you want a 75% chance for male spectres and 25% chance for female, and for them all to be renamed to "Dwemer Spectres", install "Dwemer Spectres BB + Fem.esp"
  4. If you want a 50% chance for male spectres and 50% chance for female, and for them all to be renamed to "Dwemer Spectres", install "Dwemer Spectres BB + Fem (50-50).esp"

Enjoy the mod!

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