I am using the Construction Set that comes with Morrowind GOTY on "Good Old Games" on a Win 10 laptop.
I was trying to start a mod when I thought I made a mistake so I saved it and checked my mod with the details button in the Data Files entry like it says in the
http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:Creating_Clean_Mods tutorial and I find a load of stuff that I don't know anything about. So I deleted that mod, started a new one, and saved it without any changes what so ever. I get the same list of changes. I had only included Morrowind.esm. Here is the list of changes listed in my brand new, untouched mod. Are these supposed to be there? Thanks:
GMST sTeleportDisabled
GMST sLevitateDisabled
GMST sWerewolfRefusal
GMST sWerewolfPopup
GMST sWerewolfRestMessage
GMST sWerewolfAlarmMessage
GMST sMaxSale
GMST sDeleteNote
GMST sEditNote
GMST sProfitValue
GMST sCompanionWarningMessage
GMST sCompanionWarningButtonOne
GMST sCompanionWarningButtonTwo
GMST fWereWolfRunMult
GMST fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamage Mult
GMST fWereWolfBounty
GMST fWereWolfStrength
GMST fWereWolfAgility
GMST fWereWolfEndurance
GMST fWereWolfSpeed
GMST fWereWolfHandtoHand
GMST fWereWolfUnarmored
GMST fWereWolfLevelToAttack
GMST fWereWolfFightMod
GMST fWereWolfFleeMod
GMST fWereWolfAthletics
GMST fWereWolfAcrobatics
GMST fWereWolfHealth
GMST fWereWolfFatigue
GMST fWereWolfMagicka
GMST fWereWolfIntelligence
GMST fWereWolfWillPower
GMST fWereWolfPersonality
GMST fWereWolfLuck
GMST fWereWolfBlock
GMST fWereWolfArmorer
GMST fWereWolfMediumArmor
GMST fWereWolfHeavyArmor
GMST fWereWolfBluntWeapon
GMST fWereWolfLongBlade
GMST fWereWolfAxe
GMST fWereWolfSpear
GMST fWereWolfDestruction
GMST fWereWolfAlteration
GMST fWereWolfIllusion
GMST fWereWolfConuration
GMST fWereWolfMysticism
GMST fWereWolfRestoration
GMST fWereWolfEnchant
GMST fWereWolfAlchemy
GMST fWereWolfSecurity
GMST fWereWolfSneak
GMST fWereWolfLightArmor
GMST fWereWolfShortBlade
GMST fWereWolfMarksman
GMST fWereWolfMerchantile
GMST fWereWolfSpeechcraft
GMST fFlee distance
GMST sEffectSummonFabricant
GMST sEffectSummonCreature01
GMST sEffectSummonCreature02
GMST sEffectSummonCreature03
GMST sEffectSummonCreature04
GMST sEffectSummonCreature05
GMST sMagicFabricantID
GMST sMagicCreature01ID
GMST sMagicCreature02ID
GMST sMagicCreature03ID
GMST sMagicCreature04ID
GMST sMagicCreature05ID