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 Post subject: Missing meshes and textures
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:36 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:11 am
Posts: 17

I´m using Mod Organizer 2.1.6 to mod Morrowind Goty (GOG Version).

Recently I added the mod "Vurt´s corals" . There is no flash indicating any conflicts, but when doubleclicking it, the conflict section mentions overwritten files in the data folder and some Morrowind Rebirth files.

When playing Morrowind, there are popping up some error messages. For example the mesh V_braincoral.nif is missing, which is clearly related to "Vurt´s corals".

I don´t know what to do since the mentioned mesh should being loaded.

A few days ago I had a similar problem: for example the mesh pa_dc_hat_o.nif and the corresponding texture pa_dc_hat_o.dds were missing. Googling the files I found that they are related to the mods "Resized Books V2-44848-2" and "Balmora Underground by Zin-45274-4-1.7z". I hadn´t even installed these mods which puzzled me a lot. To solve the issue I installed them both, but sometimes when loading the files of some entered house Morrowind keeps telling me these or similar meshes and textures are still missing!

How would you proceed? Many thanks for any help!

 Post subject: Re: Missing meshes and textures
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:11 am
Posts: 17
Sadly, I still haven´t found a solution for my problem. On the contrary, some missing meshes have led to a crash.
Please, how can I help to shed some light on this issue?

 Post subject: Re: Missing meshes and textures
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:31 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:51 pm
Posts: 233
Location: Lietuva Šiauliai Ginkūnai
ES Games: GOG.com: All except these >>> Steam: Skyrim LE & Special; ESO all chapters; Legends
Platform: PC
Status: Juggling my games
Other Profiles: Ciberzombie or CZR
UESPoints: 8
maybe one or some of your mods have resident/hidden dependencies on resources from other mods and did not include these files , but have content linked to them (used shared resources but did not include all used in it). sloppy mod compiling.

Dar'averr , jack of all trades

 Post subject: Re: Missing meshes and textures
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:26 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:11 am
Posts: 17
I don´t understand. The missing meshes and textures are clearly included in "Vurt´s Corals", "Resized Books V2-44848-2" and "Balmora Underground by Zin-45274-4-1.7z" (I have doublechecked it.) These mods should be loaded by ModOrganizer2. I even included these files in the unmodified Morrowind texture and meshes folder. Even if there were some other mods which have dependencies for these files, these issues should be resolved by loading these three mods? Or have I some knot in my brain at this point?
Still the game complains about files, which should be loaded. :(
Could there be mods which prevents files from loading?

 Post subject: Re: Missing meshes and textures
PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:27 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:51 pm
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Location: Lietuva Šiauliai Ginkūnai
ES Games: GOG.com: All except these >>> Steam: Skyrim LE & Special; ESO all chapters; Legends
Platform: PC
Status: Juggling my games
Other Profiles: Ciberzombie or CZR
UESPoints: 8
maybe one of your mods expect these files in different folder, other than they actually are, maybe your older mods use shared resource that was also used by your new mods (but they do include them or are the original source of these files) but these files are in other folders. for me it sure looks like your older mods have wrong or broken file paths set and missing files/not listed requirements of some resource packs.
i had similar things happening with few mods (what did not list as having any other requirements but official expansions, which i had from beginning) they had some serious missing textures and meshes, loots of them, did redownload ~5 times from different sources and rechecked archive integrity every time i downloaded - archives had no errors, hash sum matched, but in game had chunks of mod content missing, yellow diamond missing textures/meshes everywhere in mod effected area. dumped them out of load order and my data folder, loaded save x, saved y, loaded save y, saved z, loaded z and continued playing with out those broken/missing content mods.
Moral of the story: not all mods are self sufficient/competently made.

Dar'averr , jack of all trades

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