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Sanguine quest help

Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:44 pm

when i cast the spell i didnt get everybody (i thought i did) and ran out of the castle. when i got out my stuff was reterned to me and it said i failed the quest. and i didnt save before. can do it again? with this prevent me from doing the Hermaeus Mora quest?

Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:47 pm

that happend to me once.. but i reloaded.. w8 till the gaurd leaves the party room and close the door.. cast the spell in the middle of the table.
gaurd runs to u. u go to jail (lose ur stuff but sanguine gives it back in a chest if u get everyone with spell) try to find a previous save game. or if u cant im not really sure.. but sanguine might give u stuff back

Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:55 pm

im not sure if it will prevent u from doing Hermaneous moras quest (spell check?) but if i were u i wuldnt take that risk so try to find a good reload unless its too far back..

Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:43 pm

I do it right in the doorway, and I just try to aim at the middle of the group. If you fail, just reload. What I do, also, is get the disposition of the closest guard above 90, so that after I cast it, he'll approach me, but pay off my bounty for me. Then I just return to the shrine, and eveything's done with a minimum of fuss. :)

Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:30 pm

You can reload and try again, but it will have no effect on Hermaeus Mora's Quest if you don't want to do it.

Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:37 am


You can always tell who hasn't been hit by seeing who's still wearing clothes. You can always re-cast the spell again.

There's some dinner guests but the Countess has to be there too. The guests will always be there when you show up but she might not. That can cause a failure.

It won't prevent you from doing Hermaeus Mora's quest as long as it shows that it's a completed quest in your journal.

Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:05 am

What happened to me was the countess was away on a trip at the time i did this quest. w8 a few days and see if she shows up. (if shes not there)
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