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Heroes of Skyrim impressions
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Author:  Alarra [ Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Heroes of Skyrim impressions

If you've played around with the expansion so far, what do you think of it?

My thoughts:
- I love the new music, though as far as I can tell it doesn't play during actual games.
- The lane art's a nice touch too.
- I haven't played with the new cards a ton yet, but I'm really liking the Aela's Companions deck so far, won 3 of 3 games I've played with it thus far.
- I love all the "meme"-y cards. Prized Chicken (kill the chicken, it summons a mob of angry villagers), A Night To Remember (says something about how a card "disappears to who knows where"), etc - so many great references!

Author:  legoless [ Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heroes of Skyrim impressions

Aela's Companions is a lot of fun. I've already gotten over 50% of the new cards, so I'd call that a successful expansion.

Author:  Will Zurmacht [ Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Heroes of Skyrim impressions

Overall very positive. There were generous incentives to help players get started on the set, what with pack quests, reasonably priced starter decks for gold, and the new Twitch Drops promotion.

Card wise I'm most excited for the new draw options in yellow/Crusader for more aggressive decks, like Bandit Ringleader, Cleric of the Eight, and Crusader's Assault. Running out of steam around turn six or seven was the major weakness of token strategies especially.

Werewolves are a mixed bag, with a few good ones in red but the purple ones are a let down. Dragons are another mixed bag: while their flavor is excellent in the set only a few new dragons are actually good, like Shearpoint, Swiftwing, Mystic, and Paarthurnax. Shouts are mostly a gimmick in terms of game impact, but Soul Tear and Drain Vitality are actually good for cost and will see play for a long time.

The early trend on competitive streams seems to be to cherry pick a few power cards from the new set and slot them into long-proven archetypes, rather than try to build new decks around HoS cards. One exception to that trend is the new one-turn-kill decks revolving around Thieves Guild Fence and/or Ring of Namira.

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