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I want to steal as much as possible
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Author:  SeikenDensetsu [ Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  I want to steal as much as possible

Hello everyone,

I would like to steal items as much as possible in morrowind.
I didn't finished yet the game because I couldn't resist about stealing as much as possible, including ordinary/duplicate items.
I want to start a new game with mods help to steal.

I already took CarryUnlimited.esp mod which gives me encumbrance strength multiplier to 50000.

I would like to have 3 other mods :

- A mod with a big lair (with many containers) where I could put/sort as much as possible items
- A mod allowing me teleporting with many marks (not the most important)
- A enhanced graphics mod, I would prefer a vanilla experience but if you recommend an other thing I can be ok with that, I was curious about stealing as much as possible in vanilla game, but maybe it would be better with map/quest extension since I want to play only one more (big) game.

Thanks in advance,


Author:  Thefakewhitefang [ Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I want to steal as much as possible

I don't know any good graphics mods but mods exist for the mark and recall feature you want.

For the storage location, I recommend Hlaalo Manor in Balmora. It already has plenty of storage in the ground floor. A container with infinite storage capacity cough Ralen Hlaalo cough and if you want separate storage containers, you can spawn them in with the placeatpc console command.

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