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TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
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Author:  Cam877 [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... kFdqqyI8y4

Literally just a teaser at this point, but it contains a good landscape you could use to guess the province in which it takes place. What do you all think?

Author:  Vendetta [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Hello. Back for the hype train. Choo Chooooo

Anyway from an extreme speculation standpoint, going off of the teeeeeeny bit of footage we have, it's probably Valenwood or Black Marsh. Valenwood if that structure in the background is an Ayleid ruin.

Author:  Ysmir [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

From the trailer I'd say it could be Hammerfell or High Rock. I've seen some bizarre guesses from random people since. Here's my opinion.

Black Marsh: Very unlikely imho because the only part of BM that was even slightly habitable to non-Argonians is the coast and BM is swampland and forest throughout. I do recall there being times Imperials/other races did try to settle the coast at least (popular theory is ruins are imperial ones) so maybe they did the coast to trick people into not thinking but I feel that it's too far-fetched. The landscape is mountainous, rocky, has some green, and obviously a coastline or bay. But doesn't feel noisome or mire like BM would given sources...

Hammerfell: I feel is very likely. We have reason to be there one (to either get them to rejoin the Empire or Conquered by the Thalmor) two, I know Hammerfell is desert but I also know it has many coastal areas/cities and it did at one point have lots of Imperial presence. (Again going on the theory the ruins/fort are Imperial). I'm also convinced that coastline is actually a bay or some sort of inner sea. Iliac Bay anyone? Also not sure if it was snow or just wispy clouds but at one point you see a large background of jagged edged mountains with icy peaks? Perhaps we are seeing the Dragontail Mountains? Or Craglorn? Western Reach? Who knows right?

High Rock: Pretty much same as Hammerfell reasons. Also because they are so close. Also because High Rock hasn't been fully fleshed out as a province.

Valenwood: Possible. Maybe we are seeing the Reaper's March (or whatever it's going to be called in TES6) region that is closest to Elsweyr and therefore more rugged and not densely forested but again part of me also believes it's almost too bare?

Elsweyr: Again I wouldn't rule it out like Valenwood. Perhaps we are seeing the coast there? By Senchal?

Alinor: Idk...I mean it's possible. It fits some of the descriptions of Summerset but not quite. Maybe it's Auridon or something. Not sold on it.

Akavir: Seems impossible. But a popular theory I been seeing thrown around on Twitter, lol.

Skyrim: Impossible, right?

Cyrodiil: I honestly wouldn't mind going back to it but again seems impossible.

Mainland Morrowind: Idk...I mean that ruin looks like it's straddling a rim (reminds me of Mogollon Rim here in AZ) maybe a crater from a part of the Red Mountain? Or something else. The area and coast looked bare and the plant life at least from the trailer looks like shrubs and perhaps small trees. Plant life could change, we learn this in ESO with it's version of Vvardenfell 700 yrs before TES 3. Nah, idk, lol. Seems really impossible but we've never been to Mainland Morrowind (fully fleshed out).

Skyrim: Whole lot of nope right there.

Author:  Avron the S'wit [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Vendetta wrote:
Hello. Back for the hype train. Choo Chooooo

All aboard! :D

I tell ya, seeing this tiny lil' announcement (and getting giddy over other things in the franchise) made me young again. It will be quite a while until any information arrives on our shores, but the speculation is the fun part. I'm not very interested in guessing over location: not a corner of Tamriel I wouldn't wander off too. But I sure do want to know the in-game date. So many questions I need answered lore-wise!

Author:  SeaGtGruff [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

When I saw the little bit of trailer, I immediately thought of High Rock. But I wondered if TES would go back there, given that TES2:Daggerfall took place in (parts of) High Rock and Hammerfell? I also thought of Wrothgar-- which has been in different locations, so I don't think we can rule it out just because the trailer didn't look like Wrothgar as seen in ESO. And despite what some people are arguing about races and that a non-humanoid race wouldn't appeal as much to a majority of gamers, it seems to me that Orcs are quite popular among a lot of gamers. Anyway, let's hope they announce the location before too long. :)

Author:  Imbalance [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

It could be Eye of Argonia polished and stretched into a full game for all I care. I'm assuming a mid or late 2019 drop, meaning the GOTY edition will hit just in time to help me completely ignore most of 2020.

Author:  Chaos the N'wah [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

YUS! UESP will surge once more!

Location-wise: That's a lot of mountains and the fort looks similar to the old imperial ones from Oblivion, so either both are a red herring and it literally could be any coast of any of the provinces
Or it's High Rock since it's the province described as having a ridiculous amount of mountain ranges

Author:  Dirty Spaceman [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

The hype begins anew! My guess would be a late 2019 or maybe even mid-2020 release; just in time for the end of my university degree.

As for the location, looks like it could be High Rock to me, but I'll be excited no matter where we end up. The real crazy thing is, I thought it still felt too early for an announcement given Todd's comments about the game being "a long way off" - then I realized those comments were from two years ago, and a 2019-2020 release was what we'd been speculating back then. Time flies...

Edit: Considering the other Bethesda games that are supposed to come out before VI, a 2021-22 release date might be a better guess in the end.

Author:  The SheoDovah [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I know I should be "woooo! etc... do an over the type reaction to it as a joke but I really can't muster up the hype. It's likely because I knew it was inevitable and the teaser was nothing. It comes off as a "FINE! here's the teaser. We're about to work on it, stop asking!" thing but it may be that teasers no longer get me hyped.

Author:  Dark Spark [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

"The new Elder Scrolls game is going to be announced: Elsweyr."

"Well, why not say it here?"

Author:  Cassandra [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Hype! Hype! Hype!

Avron the S'wit wrote:
I'm not very interested in guessing over location: not a corner of Tamriel I wouldn't wander off too.
Same here! I don't even know much about lore so I don't care about when it takes place, either.

High Rock would be absolutely fabulous, though. I'd love to go there.

Author:  Kerr [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Honestly we don't really know anything more than we did last week. We are making an Elder Scrolls Six, it's coming out, eventually.

Although with new Fallout and their new Starfield IP, suppose it is nice to say that yes, they do plan on making more single player TES titles.

Author:  AutismFanaticism [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Like many others, I'm guessing High Rock for location, though Hammerfell, Summerset/Alinor, or Elsweyr would be desirable locations, too; again, like others have already said, the landscape looks quite mountainous, and High Rock is supposed to be the only place in Tamriel with so many mountains (though not nearly as tall as the mountains of Skyrim, which these certainly didn't look, further pushing location toward High Rock); however, I think the Summerset Isles might also be a strong possibility, since the main island is supposed to have some low mountains (especially Eton Nir, which we know of from ESO), also, I think it quite likely that the war with the Thalmor will be either continued or finished (my guess finished; see below for in-game-date-/time-setting reasoning) in TES6: if continued, then probably Hammerfell (as others noted, Hammerfell isn't all desert, though this teaser suggests perhaps a little too much green? Plus, I don't think the Thalmor are quite finished with the Redguards); if finished, then obviously the Summerset Isles would be the place, being Thalmor base-of-operations and all. Personally, I think either Alinor or High Rock will be our new setting, since we haven't really gotten a decent opportunity to see Tamriel's mages at their finest (TES3 & 4 had their main races focused on being "Bards"/all-rounders, with a slight penchant for stealth (Imperials more-so); TES5 focused on the warrior Nords; both High Rock and Summerset are well-known for their wizards and spell-crafters, so I think it likely that the home-province of a race typically seen as spell-casters/mystics/enchanters likely for our next setting, since, as mentioned, we haven't seen pure mages take the limelight), and either High Rock or Alinor would be prime places to delve into magic and the realms beyond (perhaps we'll get to activate Numidium yet again, and reforge the Empire for good? Would be a great way to show us Aetherius and/or one or more Daedric realms, even if the lore would need to be worked on to bring back either the Ash-king and/or the Mantella); those would also be great places for BethSoft to capitalise on the spell-maker system that was present ever since the beginning and a cornerstone of what made The Elder Scrolls what it is, but went AWOL in Skyrim. For release date, I'd say either next year (2019) or 2020 (probably 10/10/2020; Bethesda and Zenimax seem to have gotten a preference for humourous release-dates during Skyrim's development). In-game time period could literally be anything at this point; I wouldn't be surprised if we're now in the 5th Era, since each new Era seems to last only half as long as the one before it, which means TES will be coming to a dead stop before long. Anyway, we left off in 4E 201, my guess is TES6 will be set between 4E 210-220; if Bethesda wants to create a new Era, then 5E 10-20, since I expect the new game to be (as mentioned) either a continuation, or the conclusion, of the Thalmor War story arc.

Author:  Starfang [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I want to add my 2 cents to the Highrock/Hammerfell train. The terrain looks like it could be part of the Reach/Highrock or Hammerfell. I watched the teaser again with my headphones and while the music does sound similar to Skyrim, I noticed that it sounded "brassier", like the kinds of horns you'd gear playing in a royal court setting?

Author:  Unionhack [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I would LOVE High Rock to get a proper game in the new millennium. It's such a good setting, with a lot of political intrigue to set the stage and a good touch of mystery and the supernatural to differentiate it from similar settings.

Plus, dumb french names.

Author:  AutismFanaticism [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Unionhack wrote:
Plus, dumb [French] names.

Yeah, definitely a good reason for picking High Rock! Hammerfell would also be great for epic African- and Arabian-style names! And Summerset/Alinor or Valenwood (someone suggested Valenwood as a possibility) for cool LotR names!

P.S.: Sorry about editing your quote, just wanted to clarify.

Author:  Chaos the N'wah [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Not that I think any guess on release date is wrong at this point, but I vaguely recall Todd Howard claiming in an interview within the last year or so that he didn't want put out trailers or teasers unless they currently focusing on said title and were actually close to be the next game in their roster to launch or at least have most of the groundwork lain.

You can hear it mentioned/hinted at [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYtulRRfDU"]here[/url] talking about their previous philosophy of working on only one game at a time.
So more of a compromise of the two ideas, a small team is always doing some level of work on all their projects, but move the larger bulk of the team on producing and polishing on the closest to launch
Still better than feeling like everything is on pause until the current hotness is done being the doorstop to more...

But as some have already pointed out, we probably won't see anything of substance until Starfield is launched

Author:  SeaGtGruff [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I may be wrong, but I think High Rock is the only province that's completely covered in ESO.

Well, I suppose the province of Summerset Isles is completely(?) covered now, too-- but High Rock has been covered longer.

Narrator: "A secret report within the Guild meeting between The Elder Scrolls VI: WhatsItGonnaBeCalled creative team..."

Team member 1: "What are we going to do about TES6? People keep clamoring for it, and we haven't even figured out what province it's going to be set in yet!"

Team member 2: "Yeah, and you know how long it takes to come up with a 3D terrain map for an entire province."

Team member 3: "I know, it takes years! So once we figure out where it's going to be set, it's going to take years after that before we have a map ready, and another year or two after that to come up with the main quest and all the guild quests and other side quests, and another year or two after that before we have anything ready for testing, and another year or two after that before it's ready for release."

Team member 4: "*Groan!* The people aren't going to be happy if TES6 doesn't come out until 2025 or later. Why didn't we start working on this years ago?"

Team member 5: "Two words-- Elder Scrolls Online."

Team member 1: "Dude, that's three words."

Team member 5: "Whatever. My point is that all the milking of the ESO cash cow has diverted our attention away from TES6."

Team member 3: "Hey, wait a minute! Elder Scrolls Online!"

Team member 5: "I already said that. Stop playing with your phone and pay attention."

Team member 3: "No, I mean we could use the 3D terrain maps from ESO. We'd still need to revamp them to make them detailed enough for a game all their own-- caves all over the place, mines, a whole new set of harvestable plants for alchemy, and so on-- but it would shave years off of the development process!"

Team member 2: "The only problem is that ESO doesn't cover entire provinces, just portions of them."

Team member 1: "No, High Rock is completely covered, so we could set TES6 in High Rock."

Team member 4: "But TES2 was set in High Rock. Won't it be repetitive to set TES6 in High Rock?"

Team member 5: "TES2 covered only part of High Rock, so it would still be nice to cover all of High Rock. And it would be going full circle, returning to where the series began."

Team member 3: "Technically, TES began with Arena, which covered all of Tamriel, so ESO has already brought the series full circle."

Team member 5: "I don't think Arena counts, because nobody could ever make it out of the Imperial Dungeon."

Team member 2: "I'm pretty sure I heard a rumor that a couple of people made it out, but I see your point."

Team member 1: "So we're all agreed? TES6 will be set in High Rock, which will let us release it by the earliest possible date?"

Team member 3: "Yes! Another successful meeting. That makes two in one year! High fives all around!"

Team member 5: "Two? What was the other one?"

Team member 3: "Remember when we were trying to decide where to go for lunch and we all actually came up with the same place? That never happens!"

Team member 5: "Oh, right!"

Author:  Imbalance [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Lol SeaGtGuff! Sounds about right.

AutismFanaticism wrote:
Like many others, I'm guessing High Rock for location, though Hammerfell, Summerset/Alinor, or Elsweyr would be desirable locations, too; again, like others have already said, the landscape looks quite mountainous, and High Rock is supposed to be the only place in Tamriel with so many mountains (though not nearly as tall as the mountains of Skyrim, which these certainly didn't look, further pushing location toward High Rock); however, I think the Summerset Isles might also be a strong possibility, since the main island is supposed to have some low mountains (especially Eton Nir, which we know of from ESO), also, I think it quite likely that the war with the Thalmor will be either continued or finished (my guess finished; see below for in-game-date-/time-setting reasoning) in TES6: if continued, then probably Hammerfell (as others noted, Hammerfell isn't all desert, though this teaser suggests perhaps a little too much green? Plus, I don't think the Thalmor are quite finished with the Redguards); if finished, then obviously the Summerset Isles would be the place, being Thalmor base-of-operations and all. Personally, I think either Alinor or High Rock will be our new setting, since we haven't really gotten a decent opportunity to see Tamriel's mages at their finest (TES3 & 4 had their main races focused on being "Bards"/all-rounders, with a slight penchant for stealth (Imperials more-so); TES5 focused on the warrior Nords; both High Rock and Summerset are well-known for their wizards and spell-crafters, so I think it likely that the home-province of a race typically seen as spell-casters/mystics/enchanters likely for our next setting, since, as mentioned, we haven't seen pure mages take the limelight), and either High Rock or Alinor would be prime places to delve into magic and the realms beyond (perhaps we'll get to activate Numidium yet again, and reforge the Empire for good? Would be a great way to show us Aetherius and/or one or more Daedric realms, even if the lore would need to be worked on to bring back either the Ash-king and/or the Mantella); those would also be great places for BethSoft to capitalise on the spell-maker system that was present ever since the beginning and a cornerstone of what made The Elder Scrolls what it is, but went AWOL in Skyrim. For release date, I'd say either next year (2019) or 2020 (probably 10/10/2020; Bethesda and Zenimax seem to have gotten a preference for humourous release-dates during Skyrim's development). In-game time period could literally be anything at this point; I wouldn't be surprised if we're now in the 5th Era, since each new Era seems to last only half as long as the one before it, which means TES will be coming to a dead stop before long. Anyway, we left off in 4E 201, my guess is TES6 will be set between 4E 210-220; if Bethesda wants to create a new Era, then 5E 10-20, since I expect the new game to be (as mentioned) either a continuation, or the conclusion, of the Thalmor War story arc.

This all sounds agreeable to me. I know I often get distracted from playing a pure wizard, because weapons, but if the hook in the next installment (assuming they continue spicing up their games with such things as the Thu'um) is some kind of compelling way to channel welkynd energy to enhance spells (or whatever befits the mage-as-chosen one in any of the above mentioned geographic settings), I will be much more excited for it.

Time frame and political landscape are probably the least likely for us to nail down this far in advance. What I think would be interesting and shock a lot of fans is if this turns out to be a prequel to ESO. It would be pretty dumb to call that game TES:VI, though, but I would play it. Assuming they stay the course with chronological progression, however, I suspect the events of the forthcoming chapter will follow Skyrim's much more closely, perhaps even a bit concurrently. I would almost bet that both the Thalmor and a contingent of remaining dragons will have a presence in this game.

P.S.: calling it now - the first expansion will be set in Mir Corrup.

Author:  Yojji [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I'm going to make a pitch for Elsweyr: Go play the trailer and stop it at about 0:17. Those "peaks" near the shore look more like rock formations than a mountain range. They don't appear high enough to be called mountains. There is what appears to be a mountain range in the distance, off to the right. But the soil in the foreground is a pale color; it looks sandy. And there are no trees, only a sparse, green ground cover that seems to thicken in the middle distance. Could this be a view along Topal Bay north towards Leyawiin?

Author:  Avron the S'wit [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

Cassandra wrote:
Avron the S'wit wrote:
I'm not very interested in guessing over location: not a corner of Tamriel I wouldn't wander off too.
Same here! I don't even know much about lore so I don't care about when it takes place, either.

Ah, but to me, it's the cake. Everything else is the icing. I love the lore and the lure of the stories and the characters. The motifs that run through this series are fantastic, in my opinion. And they're strong. Now, sometimes I have to dig a little deeper until I hit that part that gets me right in the gut, but, seeing as how I'm a mushy gushy s'wit, it's usually not so hard.

But the sightseeing typically brings me back round to the same places that allow for that digging. I'm always intrigued by the lay of the land and the different cultural details. The writers do a fair job on this, I think. In fact, I daresay half of my hundreds of hours in my games is just me roaming through fields or mountains or cities. Shoot, half of my ESO playtime is me going, But I must climb this spot and see what is there and if I go just a little farther - !

I suppose the real question now is, whose prisoner do we start as this time? :lol:

Author:  Nord85 [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

I'd guess it's High Rock, judging by the rocky terrain. Could also be mainland Morrowind, because of the jaggedness (and notice how they don't show the sea enough to see if Vvardenfell is there). Hard to guess, since there's so little vegetation.

Anyway, hot damn, am I excited! I hope the release date will be soon. To think of it, the first time I have the money to buy both the game and the computer to run it well directly at release date! After all, I only could play Oblivion in 2008 and Skyrim in 2013 and even then only by using some tricks to get my rubbish computers to run them. Can't wait for the new release, it surely will be worth every cent (well, at least after bug fixes and some mods, like Skyrim). And now off to the Google to pry every ounce of information about this!

Author:  Alarra [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

My guess is Hammerfell. It reminds me a bit of the Craglorn and Hew’s Bane zones in ESO, it’s a mostly-new location, and it might be relevant to the whole Aldmeri Dominion thing if they continue that conflict.
Craglorn screenshot
Hew’s Bane screenshot
Hew’s Bane concept art

SeaGtGruff wrote:
I may be wrong, but I think High Rock is the only province that's completely covered in ESO.

Well, I suppose the province of Summerset Isles is completely(?) covered now, too-- but High Rock has been covered longer.

All of Valenwood’s been in it since the start (might be missing a little sliver on the southeast side, hard to say, but even if so, it’s still got at least 90% of it.) And yep, all Summerset is in it now too since they added the main island.

Avron the S'wit wrote:
I suppose the real question now is, whose prisoner do we start as this time? :lol:

Let’s see, so far we’ve been....
- Imprisoned in the Imperial Dungeons (Arena)
- Trapped in the Battlespire by Mehrunes Dagon (Battlespire)
- An Imperial prisoner on a ship being brought to Morrowind (Morrowind)
- Imprisoned in Stormhold Prison by Quintus Varus (Stormhold)
- Imprisoned in the Imperial City Prison (Oblivion)
- Caught by the Imperial army and being brought to execution on suspicion of being a Stormcloak (Skyrim)
- Caught by cultists of Molag Bal & killed in a ritual by Mannimarco, making you a prisoner in Coldharbour (ESO)
- Captured by a Dremora and cultists of Boethiah and forced to fight against other prisoners (Legends)
- Captured by slavers who lured your ship to be wrecked and imprisoned at their base on Firemoth Island (ESO: Morrowind)
- Imprisoned within your own mind by a Sload using mind magic (ESO: Summerset)

(Looks like Daggerfall, Redguard, Dawnstar, and Shadowkey you don’t start as a prisoner, correct?)

Author:  Imbalance [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

In Daggerfall, you are captured by pirates.

Edit: actually, not so much captured BY them as inadvertently trapped in their hideout after a shipwreck.

Author:  The SheoDovah [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!

We are a prisoner of Mara and we must break the chains of love!

Or hopefully, they'll ditch prisoner entry and go for something else. Would be neat if we get starter equipment based on classes(or rather, combat, magic and stealth options chosen at begining of game). I always dislike how we always have to be in rags. I mean, let us start with the crappy gear at least!

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