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 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:43 am 
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This is my envy face. Though he may not look very envious. But he is green.

I tried running morrowind with the TR maps, and it put my FPS at a whopping 3. *sigh* I really need a new machine...

"Sweet Moon Sugar!"

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:11 am 
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My FR only drops in big Imperial cities, like Firewatch. Not Telvanni ones, for some reason.

Rule #137: Always waste time when you don't have any.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:02 pm 
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finished the main quest, still unappreciated, but yup, saved morrowind from certain destruction

HatofMadness wrote:
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Musicman247 wrote:
I don't suck, I blow.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:32 pm 
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I received Goldbrand for doing Boethiah's quest. So stoked to have it.

Check out my music:

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:56 pm 
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I escorted Itermerel to Pelagiad for the Mage's Guild. He kept hitting me with lightning every time we encountered a freakin' kwama forager.

"Sweet Moon Sugar!"

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:43 pm 
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Today, I got through an underwater tunnel into the Imperial Commission's secret chamber in Ebonheart, and was surprised to see this (NSFW!)


This is the result of having Visual Pack installed. :shock:


 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:56 pm 
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Today I found out why getting TR can complicate your character's life. I was running around Tel Vos, wanted to go back home and instead of using Recall I used Divine Intervention and landed in Firewatch, instead of Sadrith Mora. I could have Recalled home right away, but I wanted to do some exploring first, because I'd never seen that part of mainland before. But as my character is a Telvanni archeologist, I didn't want to stay in an Imperial town, so I decided to check where the nearest Temple was. Ranyon-ruhn was pretty interesting, but there were no ruins or tombs that I could find in the neighborhood, so I hung around for a while, talked to some people and help a drunk Imperial stop drinking. ;) Now I need to check a console command for moving an NPC to me, because we went to do some adventuring together so that the poor guy could get his life back on track, and he somehow got himself wedged into a corner and can't move... ;)

Oh, and I bought a toy guar at the Ranyon-ruhn market. If I had a toy kagouti as well I could do the "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" scene from Firefly. :D

Rule #137: Always waste time when you don't have any.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:34 am 
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I went searching for the burial that Ennbjof was talking about and found it. I also took the Daedric Face of God and the Daedric Warhammer...FINALLY!

So I was pretty happy about all the loot there.

Also completed a few writs for the Morag Tong storyline.

Check out my music:

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:13 pm 
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dzio wrote:
Oh, and I bought a toy guar at the Ranyon-ruhn market. If I had a toy kagouti as well I could do the "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" scene from Firefly. :D

Hooray for Firefly! You get points, or something.

P.S. You should make a Redguard assassin named Early. You can thank me later. :D

"Sweet Moon Sugar!"

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:25 pm 
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Muahahahah, mine is the evil laugh!

Actually, one of my short-lived Morrowind characters was a rather unstable Breton acrobat/assassin/illusionist called River... :D

Rule #137: Always waste time when you don't have any.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:43 pm 
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Oh how I love lore-breaking characters. At least you didn't make Aragorn. :lol:

"Sweet Moon Sugar!"

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:48 pm 
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She wasn't lore-breaking, that's called a cross-over. She had a slight frame, was nimble, good at killing people and messing with their heads. That's inspiration, not lore-breaking. ;) I just might make her my first serious Oblivion character, when I finaly have a chance to play the game more than few hours a week.

Rule #137: Always waste time when you don't have any.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:32 pm 
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Alright, you win. It's a fine line though. :D

"Sweet Moon Sugar!"

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:03 pm 

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I cleared out Galom Daues for the Temple. There was a weird graphics glitch on one of the lesser vampires, Germia, I believe, where she appeared to be wearing enchanted armor. At first I thought it might be conjured, but she was equipped with a netch cuirass. Once she fell, I took the armor, but the effect remained. It disappeared when I took her common shirt, which itself was nothing out of the ordinary nor enchanted. I placed these items back on the corpse, but the effect was gone. Never seen anything like it.

Stupidly, after slaying Raxle and gathering loot, I somehow managed to Almsivi back to Molag Mar with everything but the Daedric boots.

Back in town, I dropped all the heavy stuff inside the temple door and closed the quest. Not much left to do for the Temple. Went looking for a buyer for my loot, and found myself in the lower level of St. Veloth's Hostel, chatting with a Nord hunter. Says his name is Gudling. Gudling the Rascal. I found it an apt title, as he attempted to educate me on some of the "natural creatures" found around Vvardenfell, such as the mudcrab titan, the rust rat, the electric slaughterfish, and the dreugh man o'war. Right.

I know I've encountered him before on prior runs over the years, and remember being curious about these unique species that he claims to have hunted around Azura's Coast and the Amar region, but this time I got curious enough to do some digging. I'm not certain, but I think he is the only hunter class in the game with these dialogue options. However, none of the wikis mention anything special about him, and none of these creatures he speaks of turn up at all, of course. So, I'm left to wonder if his ramblings are creative musings of the dialogue composers, or if they're leftover references to things that may have been intended for the game at an earlier stage of development.

The world may never know.

His name was Emer Dareloth.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:17 pm 
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I became an oathman of the Great house telvanni after doing menial tasks for a few mage-lords. I also have been playing for 4-6 hours total and am only level 5 i think....

\[T]/ Praise the Sun Y'all

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:02 am 
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I remembered reading something in the wiki article on Useful Enchantments about a spell made up of Damage Attribute effects that can paralyze characters with no spell protection, like Vivec and Almalexia, and decided to try it out on Dagoth Ur. I'd been using this as a disabler spell for a while, and was curious to see if it would work on him. Well, it turns out Dagoth Ur has no defense against this kind of spell either. Two shots of this and he sort of curled up into a trembling fetal position, allowing me to put away my weapons and punch him in the head. This works even in the heart chamber, where he's shielded and shooting fireballs at you. I kept at it for a while to get it out of my system, and even went up a few levels in Hand-to-Hand, before I got bored and finished the quest as usual.

One thing I never understood about Alchemy is how you're supposed to chew diamonds, unless you're Kanye West.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:30 am 
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Today I continued my personal quest. I'm collecting artifacts to use against Dagoth Ur, and so far I have Mehrunes' Razor, Eleidon's Ward, and Volendrung. I'm going to start looking for the Ebony Mail next.


 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:35 pm 

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Two shots of this and he sort of curled up into a trembling fetal position, allowing me to put away my weapons and punch him in the head.

That is hilarious!

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:01 am 
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I got turned into a vampire -_-

\[T]/ Praise the Sun Y'all

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:36 am 

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Mikutrandiel, High Elf Bard, first days in Morrowind...

This guy is back on his track! Seems like Pelagiad kinda reminded him of more civilized provinces of Tamriel and it took him some time to move on. Well, actually, there were two things that motivated him really well. First one - Ahnassi. They drank some shein together and she showed a lot of affection. Maybe a little bit too much for his taste. I mean, it is really nice to have some actual friends on this island, but what would his momma say about this purrrrrrifying lady?

And the second thing was Dunmer lady. That attacked him. Out of nowhere. Just because. Ladies are showing him a lot of affection recently. Maybe it is the outlander charm? Luckily - he was able to defend himself. Literally luckily. No way to run away, no place to hide, clumsy swings and slashes. And thus - with blood on his sword, he decided to move on.

Only to meet more crazy ladies.

First stop - a cave near Pelagiad. As he kinda escaped from the village, not necessarily interested in consulting officials about that dead Dunmer lady in the middle of the street, he didn't consider how much time would it take to get to another civilised place. So he met the dusk in the middle of nowhere. Luckily - he spoted a cave near the road. Unluckily - firts thing in a cave was another crazy lady, that attacked him on shight. So he ran away. No need to push his luck. Spent exhausting night under the moons and stars,

Next day he spotted lonely lady near the road. He approached her carefully, but no fighting this time. That one was probably even crazier than the fighing ones. 'Ohh, I got robbed, but the robber was really sweet dude, find him for me, have this glow, he'll certainly remember me!' So Mikutrandiel took the glove and headed in opposite direction. Why would he want to go back to Pelagiad anyways?

When he got to Moonmoth Fort he confirmed that Imperial Cult does not seem to provide warm beds in places other than Ebonheart. Couldn't decide if it is worth running any errands for them in that case. He also thought about learning some spells, but didn't find anything interesting. So - to Balmora! There he found South Wall Cornerclub and asked about the guy that he was to report to. He was thinking that if the cult wasn't that good idea for a shelter, maybe Imperial office would be. Wrooooooong. There wasn't any office, only half naked, stoned dude. 'So, ya wanna work for me?'. 'Hell no'. What kind of epic story can a bard live through while running errands for a skooma addict? Maybe the cult wasn't that bad?

As he wandered the streets, he found Warriors and Mages Guilds. And the crazy ladies again. What is wrong with this place? Wherever he would go, somebody would ask him to joing an organisation. He even thought of a song. 'Hey! I just met you... and this is crazy... but here is a guid hall... so join us, maybe?' The crazy ladies were staring at him with the same flaring eyes. Red eyes of a Dunmer and Fire-Eyes of a Nord. In the end he decided to join Fighters Guild. To kill some rats? That can't be too difficult. And having some strong folks around might help him survive another attack of crazy ladies. How naive.

He barely survived fight with first rat and ran away from the two on the upper floor. Half dead, he got to Eight Plates, cause there is no warmer place for world weary man than a bar. He even tried to be a real bard again, but they kicked him out when he didn't succeed to juggle kwama eggs. So he wen't back to Fighters Guild mumbling about how world is harsh on him. Fasile heard that and offered some training. 'By the Nines! Yee're the only nice person in this city!'
'You have to pay.'
'Okay.' :(

She showed him one or two swings and next day he went to the upper floor of rat manor again.
Only to be completly destroyed. Being ashamed to show up in the guild hall again, Mikutrandiel decided to continue on errand for Imperial Cult. How can some seaside city be worse than this city of stone? City of rock-hard hearts and stoned imperials? Obviously - he didn't got there. He didn't even find any worse things on the way there. He found exactly the same thing. Crazy rat so keen to kill him, that didn't mind dieing by the hands of Balmora's guards.
It took two of them to kill the creature.

And that was too much. 'Enough of being a p**sy. Gotta learn how to fight or I'll spend rest of my life as a drunkard, sleeping on the street. Even the skooma addict has a roof over his head!' Obviously it is not that easy to learn how to fight, takes a lot of time, training and wealth. Mikutrandiel wasn't wealthy, but certainly was a clever one. He went to Mages Guild again. Even though no mage there specialised in ilusion magic, that he had an interest in, one of them sold him some cheap magical amulets. A shield spell, restore fatigue spell. He even decided to buy sword enchanted with poison from a wanderer trader.

With this kind of gear he was able overcome the rats and even though the pay wasn't enough to refund for the sword, he is now celebrating in Eight Plates.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:49 pm 
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Thagar, that was awesome. :) And this part:
Thagar wrote:
He even thought of a song. 'Hey! I just met you... and this is crazy... but here is a guid hall... so join us, maybe?'

made me lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Rule #137: Always waste time when you don't have any.

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:18 pm 

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today i went to balmora and roamed the plaza before heading over to sadrith mora's mage guild. what next i do not know, but thats the great thing. probably get back on track with the main quest before breaking off again

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:47 pm 

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Reached the rank of Diviner in the Tribunal Temple. Also maxed out my acrobatics. It's fun, hopping all over Vvardenfell. :3

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:44 am 

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Decided to create a Breton, managed to get him to level 5 before being crushed by some heavy armored bandits in a dank dimly lit cavern.
He was becoming quite the spellcaster, although ever so fragile... I really should of focused on my endurance
for a while, just for a bit more stability. :P

 Post subject: Re: What did you do on Morrowind today?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:37 am 
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I flew everywhere and managed to get stuck in the ground. -.-

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