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Possible leak of Redguard reboot
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Author:  Daring Fieldmajor [ Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Possible leak of Redguard reboot

http://elderscrolls.net/2013/03/31/4300 ... nomere-gi/
Wasn't sure whether to put this in the Redguard subforum or just in the general, decided to put it here, mods will move it if necessary.

A translation, by reddit user yamamushi
"For those of us that can't read russian:
Great news for all fans of the game series The Elder Scrolls !
The May issue of GameInformer - one of the most popular western gaming magazines, was found an article on a new game based on the universe of The Elder Scrolls It seems that the rumors circulating previously associated with old registration Bethesda brand Redguard, confirmed. The truth in this case it is not about the DLC as previously assumed, but a whole separate game, developed for the past year to a subsidiary Bethesda Softworks company - Arkane Studios . We remind you that in 2012 the French studio has released a successful stealth first-person shooter with RPG elements - Dishonored.
Events Redguard unfold in the southern province of Hammerfell. Players will visit the two port cities - Helges and Guylaine, as well as on the island of Stros M'Kai, which is already familiar to players of the same name finds adventure game from Bethesda 1998 release. Players have an opportunity to be in the skin of dark-assassin Redguard, whose family was destroyed by agents of the Thalmor during the Great War.
In terms of gameplay the game will be very close to the Dishonored: first-person view, a lot of abilities and an extensive range of tools for the passage of quests. In the arsenal of the player will be a variety of weapons, from conventional blades to throwing knives, and magic.
Naval battles. An integral part of the game will be sea battles and boarding ships under pirate flag. When traveling on the sea front of the player is at issue of moral choice: whether to plunder merchant ship of the union state and dismiss, this choice will result in a number of implications.
The captain and crew. To gain access to the sea battle, the player will collect the most inveterate motley crew of thugs south. In the selection of the team the player must take into account the characteristics of the team members, the racial hostility and personal qualities of the corsairs, and sometimes sort out a conflict within the team.
The article mentioned a little bit about the interactivity and the environment: after the rain the splendid rainbow, and returning to a previously explored location, you may find the corpses pecking crows.
Game is scheduled for release at the end of 2014 for PC and next-generation consoles."

So, fake or real? May give an explanation for the whole Redguard trademark renewal, but it doesn't seem to be a downloadable title..
If any new discoveries are made, this would be a good place to post them.
EDIT: It has just dawned on me that this may be just an early April Fool's Joke, but, still, there is evidence, what with the trademark and what not.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible leak of Redguard reboot

Early april fools, Musicman's been doing some of his own as well.

Author:  Chizmad [ Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible leak of Redguard reboot

maybe they are running out of ideas for games, they see the mass ammount of TES fans who will go to lengths to play and obtain the older games for PC use. and/or they could be trying to reboot the adventures/legends series of the elder scrolls franchise.
Personally I think this is a great idea since Redguard had so many issues with some users, minor broken gameplay elements, and having to use a VM to actually play it now adays would be great for the fans who love the TES series, and because Bethesda didnt really bring the game to justice (i believe) and should be redone so that it could be played and enjoyed the way they wanted them to.
tho i dont think they should remake Arena or Daggerfall, they are free now, and u can easily play them on Dosbox (plus the DaggerXL project is looking good, with SOME promise that an Arena Version might be available in the future when Dagger XL is finished.) arena and daggerfall are great as is, battle spire is fine, but it would be nice to see a remake of battlespire, tho its unlikely.

Id say I would buy redguard, would be nice to see what it could become, and what they could add to that existing storyline.

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