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Polished Skull Emporium NA DC Necromantic *RP* PvE PvP Guild
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Author:  VeclaugeMortesque [ Mon May 19, 2014 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Polished Skull Emporium NA DC Necromantic *RP* PvE PvP Guild

Welcome ghouls & gals to the Necromantic Emporium of Polished Skulls. We dabble in everything from the occult to cheese wheels. I'm your Lich Lord Emporium owner Veclauge Mortesque (Vek-losh Mort-esk) but you can call me Mort. I've always been fascinated with Necromancy in all its forms. I have both my arms & chest tattooed with Daedric Runes & other various icons concerning the art. *irl

I seek to create a legion of undead & undead sympathizers to conquer all of Tamriel. Crafting, Selling, *RP*, PvE, and PvP are all acceptable. If you have any questions or comments please hit me up in game @VeclaugeMortesque or visit the Emporium homepage & store front at pse.guildlaunch .com.

~Polished Skull Emporium~ is a Necromantic shop / home to a community of helpful & friendly Roleplayers. We are seeking all types of undead & undead sympathizers for guild events, be they *RP* PvE or PvP. Skeleton gemstone costume, website, store, and bank available to all. *Website participation required for promotions *112+ Members

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