UESP Forums

Not just new to ESO but new to MMO
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Author:  MortenOSlash [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Not just new to ESO but new to MMO

As I am not used to MMO at all, I have up until now played ESO more or less like an ordinary TES game. So far I have a good experience, having built my first character, Brist the Restless, up to a L11 Nightblade in the Dominion so far.

However, I do observe the cooperation between other players, and I there are challenges made for teams I wonder about the correct etiquette to form temporary teams. Should I just approach other players more or less my level, or is it better to hang around outside a Group Boss site or similar and wait until there comes other players there?

Btw. I have joined the UESP guild on the EU server: @MortenOSlash

Author:  legoless [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Not just new to ESO but new to MMO

It doesn't really matter. For group bosses it's usually best to wait around. You might want to join a LFG guild if you're having troubling finding people to group with, although that doesn't really become an issue until the veteran zones.

Author:  MortenOSlash [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not just new to ESO but new to MMO

I managed to get some tips from another member of the UESP guild, so I ventured on trying the group thingie menu. Ended up with someone that seemed to be primarily French speaking, but we managed to get around using English.

We did a quest that I had done before, but since I had more than enough with communicating, sometimes shouting out to everyone, sometimes whispering to wrong user, most of the time leaving the group out, I found this more than enough as a first. (No problem with not including the the group anyway, as there were few others, non lasting, most joining only for short time and dropping out again.)

I guess I should try again within short time to refresh my new experiences with groups. Then I guess we will see what I will do further.

Author:  legoless [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not just new to ESO but new to MMO

The group finder mechanic is pretty bad. To speak to your group, use the /g command or select the orange "group" option from the chatbox dropdown.

Author:  Alarra [ Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not just new to ESO but new to MMO

Whenever I want to do a group boss, usually I'll just say "anyone up for [boss name]" in the /zone chat. And then if anyone says "yes", I press "P" and create a group.

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