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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:29 pm 
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Right where you left her. "Outside".

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:15 pm 
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Yeah, she, Psyfalia, Niralie, and Katien were all throwing spells at the vampire.


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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:41 pm 
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Arellius Afer III - Gaurdhouse Courtyard, Suran.

Arellius ignored the question, shifting his gaze towards the guardhouse - and Per's movement towards it - now. The troop were late. He now found himself in an increasingly sticky situations - they'd meant to arrive when the survivors had been fighting the vampire; it would've been so much easier to escape then. It was as the deepness of the [&@%!] he found himself in suddenly began to the mercenary that he turned his gaze back to Aenor and growled a response: ""Is there a woman in tha' guardhouse?" he grunted. "Blonde, 'nd Nordic. Ye can't'ave missed'er."

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:32 am 
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Either one of dead, disarmed or relatively fine, depending on how Mars handles an altmeri mage trying to use a sword for the first time in 40 odd years...

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:17 pm 
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I'm waiting on you and Ebony, actually :p

You have to make a move. The last thing you did was grab a sword. Gudrun is no position to be attacking.

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:23 pm 
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Mars wrote:
I'm waiting on you and Ebony, actually :p

You have to make a move. The last thing you did was grab a sword. Gudrun is no position to be attacking.

Na, just Ebony; back on page 30:

CBR JGWRR wrote:
Only just noticed this...

Sinyail decided to follow up his spell's strike with his sword, swinging it to knock the dagger out of her hand rather than finish her off.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:34 pm 
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Derp. Alright, then. The battle will come to a close very soon...

Inside the guardhouse

Sinyail's swing worked as intended. Gudrun's dagger flew from her hand, and the Nord jumped back, with an angry grimace on her face.

At the same time, Llevana heard the door open. She was not prepared to see who she saw.


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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:50 pm 
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Sinyail held is sword ready to follow his strike up, while acquiring the dagger before the staggered Nord could recover it. With some bravado, he gave her a chance to stay alive.

"Surrender, or next time I'll aim for you rather than your blade. You're outnumbered, your sailors are dead and your pet vampire is most likely in agony from seeing the sun, and certainly not able to save you this time."

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:28 pm 
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"Possibly. I don't remember." Aenar answered, both thinking back to the chaos within the building and not wanting to give the Imperial a real answer. "Why does it matter to you?" He inquired.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:31 am 
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Per blinked at the dunmer. "Lels?! You look like [&@%!]" he exclaimed with a roar of laughter. As he surveyed the scene he grew stiff. The Nord readied his waraxe, roared, and sprung at at Gudrun to plunge his axe right in her face with all his force, hoping her lifes-blood would splatter the walls.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:15 am 
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"Who the..." Raylis said as he saw Per storming at Gudrun like a madman. Llevana was just as dumbfounded. She hadn't seen Per in such a long time, and suddenly seeing him in the same room as her was a little too abrupt.

Gudrun wasn't as surprised. Per had a long way to go until he reached her, giving her more than enough time to react. She stormed forward and planted a kick on Sinyail's chest. The Altmer stumbled backwards, surprised by the swift attack. Gudrun jerked backwards, avoiding the Per's incoming blow, though she didn't do so quite as nimbly as she would have if she had been in top form. The floor showed cracks where the axe had stricken. The blow would surely have killed her.

It was obvious to Gudrun that she had no chance of beating Per in combat without a weapon. As the Nord was raising his axe for another furious attack, Gudrun used the same trick on him as she had on Sinyail; a strong kick to the chest send Per reeling backwards, giving the relentless Nord woman time for another move. She didn't go for Per. Instead, she turned and sprinted towards Llela.

Raylis and Llevana both snapped out of their confusion. This was no time for having a runny brain. Despite Llevana's heavy injury, she had to try and stand between Gudrun and Llela, but Raylis held her back and took her place. He pulled the blade from the sheath at his belt and swung at Gudrun, but she was too fast. She ducked under the swing, and delivered a mean punch to the Dunmer's chin. Raylis stumbled backwards, though he didn't drop his sword. Llevana tried to throw herself at Gudrun but she was too slow. With minimal effort, Gudrun overpowered the still groggy Llela, and immobilised her the same way she had before: wrapping her right leg around Llela's legs, holding her arms together with one arm, and putting her other arm around her neck.

"Careful now," she said with a grin. "Something might...break, if we act too hastily".

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:22 am 
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Per's rage drowned out for just a moment, and he halted his next planned strike. He swallowed hard. Had he really come this far to find his friend again, only to let Gudrun muck it all up? No. These were the only friends he had left. Gudrun had been running his life for too long. Anger flashed in his eyes.

He roared again and hurled his waraxe, as he once had done in a dungeon. But this time not in the air, but square at Gudruns face.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:29 am 
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I'm waiting on you and Ebony, actually :p

You have to make a move. The last thing you did was grab a sword. Gudrun is no position to be attacking.

Yes, I know. Can somebody help me out and clarify what is going on? A lot of other things that are of higher priority happened recently, so I was online less in the past couple of weeks. Nevertheless, it looks like life is steadily coming back to normalcy for me, so I should be a little more active now.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:42 am 
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Ebony Dragon wrote:
Can somebody help me out and clarify what is going on?

You last posted when Gudrun unleashed the vampire inside the guardhouse. The vampire was lured outside and has just been killed. Meanwhile, Velvet's character Arellius (who is working for Gudrun) realized that there's a troop of soldiers murdering everyone in town, heading in the direction of the guardhouse. He decided to hide in the guardhouse courtyard (as he would've been seen by the troop on the roof) until they arrived and make a break for it then, but that didn't work out as the troop has not yet arrived and the adventurers have spotted him. Inside, Gudrun decided to make her move and try to kill Llevana, so the people inside have been fighting against her. Per - an old friend of Llevana and Llela's, and up till this point a prisoner of Gudrun and Arellius - has made his way into the guardhouse, reuniting with his friends and joining the fight.


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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:39 am 
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Sinyail, winded by the kick, attempted to get himself back up, reacquiring the dagger to throw, but deciding against it - all Gudrun would do is spin around to put the dunmer into the daggers path.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:37 am 
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Inside the guardhouse

Sinyail had made the wiser choice; Per had not. The only good thing was that Gudrun wasn't prepared for the axe to be thrown. She had assumed that someone would at least shout a few profanities at her before taking action.

Gudrun yanked Llela around, intending to bring her into the axe's trajectory, but she was a little too slow. A little. The axe hit Llela's left side, but also Gudrun's left arm. They both fell to the floor in pain. Llela curled up clutching her side, while Gudrun crawled away. She was apparently unable to use her left arm.

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:44 am 
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Per had no time to worry about Llela. He charged forward and heaved himself on top of Gudrun's back, pinning her down with his massive weight. He then proceeded to clasp the back of her head with a large hand and smash it against the hard floor. Up and down, over and over again. He heard cracking noises, but didn't stop. Not until what he held in his hands no longer looked like a head, but a red, dripping, ball of gore.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:52 am 
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Raylis and Llevana were dumbfounded. Just a few seconds ago it had seemed like the battle would go on forever. No matter how hard they tried Gudrun always slithered out of every deadly situation. And now, just like that, her reign of terror on Llevana's life was over, ended in a gory mess at the hands of her friend. But...


Llevana's arm was in pretty bad shape, but not as bad as Llela's side. The flesh was badly torn and bleeding. The Dunmer was unable to speak. All she could produce were grunts and pants.

"We have to help her, quick!" Llevana's voice was shrill with panic.


"Um..." Sethesi tried to get everyone's attention. She pointed at the far end of the street. "Who are those guys?"

The armored figures had entered the street, and were ominously marching towards the guardhouse.

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:14 pm 
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Sinyail ran over.

"Right. You, nord. Put that smashed skull down, we need to help the women. I'm going to guess you haven't got any magical talent, so we need to rip up clothes to make bandages because I'm spent. If you do, cast whatever spells you know while I make bandages. Raylis, is there any first aid material around?"

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:32 pm 
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Niralie took her eyes off the Imperial and looked in the direction Sethesi was pointing. "I don't know," she said with a slight frown. She couldn't help but feel that they were bad news - though perhaps it was only her new paranoia of strangers influencing her impression. She tried to decide what the best course of action would be. "I guess we just have to wait and talk to them." It would be pointless to hide, because they were already in plain view, and they wouldn't be able to run, as the soldiers were blocking the only entrance to the courtyard (assuming they were even in condition to run in the first place). But, she admitted, she didn't know whether the soldiers even meant ill at all. For all she knew, perhaps they'd be able to help the small group.

She remained sitting where she was and waited.


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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:05 pm 
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Per snapped out of his berserk and sat dumbfounded for a moment. He then let the no-longer-a-head fall through his fingers, and crawled across the floor to Llela's side. A weak, healing glimmer left his hand, and twined into her wound. His minimal pool of magicka was depleted almost instantly, but he'd done his best.

 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:51 pm 
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Psyfalia noticed the armed figures and said "I don't know." to Sethesi. She remaining sitting against the wall and hoped that they were not here to harm them.

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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:11 am 
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Once again sorry about my absence. I think I'll be able to really hop back in now.

Tia's still fighting the vampire, oui?



 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:49 am 
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Unionhack wrote:
Tia's still fighting the vampire, oui?

Nope. The vampire's been killed (while they kept it down with spells, Sethesi stabbed it in the heart and it crumbled to ash). The group outside is kind of just sitting around outside the guardhouse at the moment (the women are resting after the fight, while Aenar and Fornar are challenging Arellius). A troop of armed soldiers has just arrived on the street (which dead-ends at the guardhouse, so it's the only way out), heading toward them. Sethesi has just pointed them out.

Meanwhile, the group inside the guardhouse has been fighting Gudrun. Per entered and joined the fight - accidentally causing serious injury to Llela in the process - and killed Gudrun, so they're working on healing Llela and Llevana, whose shoulder was stabbed in the fight.


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 Post subject: Re: Tamrielic Adventures: Vol. 2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:01 am 
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Kay, thanks!

Valenita sat after the battle, a bit winded from her first tastes of real combat. She was still shaking and bewildered, having her mind basically auto-piloting itself on instinct during the last few moments. Her restoration skill was decent, but she felt too drained to assist in healing.



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