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Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:16 am


The year is 2191, five years after the defeat of the Reapers. Five years after the heroic sacrifice of Commander Shepard, savior of the Galaxy. The exploits of the Commander and the crew of the Normandy have become legend, and people struggle to rebuild their shattered lives after the devastation the Reapers caused.

Yet still, life in the galaxy continues on.

Four years of peace followed the Reaper wars, until the eruption of the Krogan Civil War in the late months of the year 2190. Urdnot Wrex's reforms of Krogan Society conflicted with the views of traditionalist Krogan, who wanted to take another shot at conquering the galaxy. The flames of war came to the newly-colonized planet of Zorya, the new capital planet of the Krogan after Tuchanka's delegation as a pilgrimage site for adolescent Krogan. This civil war rages on, and the Citadel Council has been monitoring the situation closely, though to the residents of Citadel Space, the war seems like a far-off minor disturbance.

Rumors of massive fleets gathering in the Terminus systems under the command of Aria T'Loak, 'Queen' of Omega, have also fallen on war-weary ears, people finding it best to shut out the sounds of dissent in favor of simply committing themselves to rebuilding.

Life in the galaxy continues on.

You are a citizen of the galaxy on the Citadel, the hub of the Galactic community. You may be a resident, a visitor, a criminal in hiding, or anything; something has brought you to the Citadel. Once there, you find yourself in a situation beyond your control.

Life in the galaxy is about to change.


Mass Effect: Aftermath is a free-form roleplay based in the Mass Effect universe, based 5 years after the ending of Mass Effect 3. Unlike my past roleplays with a mandatory participation in the main storyline, the galaxy is yours to explore here; there is a main plot, but you can do whatever you like and find yourself in any number of situations.

Below are the details for the RP: please read. And if you have any questions, please let me know.

Details of Shepard's Journey

The Reapers pushed the galactic community to the brink of destruction, but the diversity of the races of the galaxy coupled with the heroics of Commander John Shepard ensured the survival of many people, despite incredibly heavy losses.

Commander John Shepard, more commonly known just as Commander Shepard, was a human male born on Earth. After escaping the gang culture of the streets of Earth's city of Vancouver, Shepard enlisted in the Alliance Military as a soldier. During a fateful mission on the planet Akuze, Shepard escaped certain death during a thresher maw attack on his unit. Thresher Maws are among the most dangerous of creatures in the galaxy, and Shepard earned the reputation of a Sole Survivor in the face of certain death.

In the year 2183, Commander Shepard was selected to become the first human member of the Special Tactics and Reconnaissance organization (more commonly known as the Spectres), a group of agents directly serving the Citadel Council and charged with keeping galactic peace. Commander Shepard's first mission was to track down the rogue Turian Spectre named Saren, who was responsible for an attack on the human colony world of Eden Prime involving the commanding of Geth, a race of violent AI's. With the help of his crew, Shepard tracked down traces of Saren's activities, including saving the last remaining Queen of the ancient Rachni Race. and an attack on Saren's Krogan breeding facility on the planet Virmire. Though the attack was successful, one of Shepard's crew, Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams was killed in action. Shepard pressed on and tracked Saren down to the lost planet of Ilos, where the rogue Spectre used a hidden Mass Relay to sneak into the Citadel and prime it for an attack by his Geth fleet and his massive Dreadnought Soveireign, which was in actuality a member of synthetic destroyers known as the Reapers. Shepard stopped Saren's plans and coordinated the Alliance fleet to drive back the Geth, saving the Galactic Council and their flagship, the Destiny Ascension, at the cost of many human vessels. With the threat ended, Humanity was revered for their role in the conflict and their sacrifice, and was welcomed as a fourth Council race to stand with the Asari, Salarians, and the Turians.

Months later, Commander Shepard and his crew was sent to clean up remaining geth in Citadel space. What was supposed to be a routine patrol turned out to be a disaster when a massive, unknown vessel attacked Shepard's ship the Normandy. In the attack, the Normandy was completely destroyed, and Commander Shepard failed to make it to an escape pod. He was assumed to be killed in action. In truth, the shadowy pro-human organization known as Cerberus acquired the Commander's body and spent two years rebuilding him, effectively bringing him back to life as the sole subject of the Lazarus Project. Shepard agreed to work with the supposed terrorist organization in order to stop the attacks on human colonies by the mysterious Collectors. Shepard traveled the seedy Terminus systems to gather a team of specialists to strike at the Collectors at their base. The rebuilt Normandy passed through the notorious Omega 4 Relay to a safe zone in the Galactic Core and struck at the collector base, in what was effectively a Suicide mission. In the ensuing battles, several members of the crew did indeed find the mission to be a one-way trip; Cerberus Agent Jacob Taylor, Asari Justicar Samara, and Drell Assassin Thane Krios. Shepard and his crew completed their mission and destroyed the Collector Base, much to the chagrin of the Cerberus Leader, the Illusive Man.

After the mission with the Collectors, Shepard and his crew pulled off several other operations, including a mission dealing with a rogue VI, the mysterious Shadow Broker, and even an infiltration mission that resulted in Shepard launching an asteroid at a mass relay to stop the early arrival of the Reapers, killing hundreds of thousands of Batarians in the process. Shepard was detained by the Alliance military to be put on trial for the Relay incident and for working with a terrorist organization, and ended up being grounded for 6 months. His trial never happened, as the Reapers finally appeared and launched the Reaper war. Shepard left earth with Major Kaidan Alenko and Lieutenant James Vega to gather allies in the fight against the seemingly undefeatable Reapers, and to gather specialists to work on the mysterious Prothean superweapon, the Crucible. In order to secure an alliance with the Turians and the Krogan, Shepard participated in curing the Genophage virus that afflicted the Krogan people. Shepard's former shipmates Mordin Solus and Urdnot Wrex also spearheaded the effort; the former died to disperse the cure, and the latter ascended to become the leader of the Krogan people.

The commander then went to the Quarian people, owners of the largest fleet in the galaxy. The Quarians were in the middle of a war over their homeworld that was taken over three centuries prior by their creations, the geth. While Shepard supported the Quarian's efforts, he also wished the Geth to be allowed to live as well, seeing as they had only defended themselves so long ago and wished for sentience. Thus, during the pivotal battle over the planet Rannoch, the Quarians and the Geth achieved peace, and committed both of their forces to the fight against the Reapers.

At last the time to fight over the planet of Earth came, and Shepard brought his massive gathered forces to bear against the Reapers. The ensuing battle saw innumerable casualties, including Major Alenko. Shepard and his team were part of the final push to a mysterious beacon, one that only Commander Shepard and Admiral David Anderson were able to reach. The beacon transported both men onto the Citadel, that had been floating over Earth during the battle to be used as the trigger for the Crucible. Upon the station, Shepard and Anderson found the Illusive Man, who was hell-bent on controlling the Reapers in the name of humanity's dominance. Anderson was shot and the Illusive Man was killed, with Anderson dying a few moments later. Commander Shepard was taken to the core of the Citadel, where he spoke with a mysterious AI that had built the Reapers to eliminate the race that had built it instead. It offered the commander three choices; to control the Reapers and use them to Shepard's own ends, to merge organic and synthetic life, or to finally annihilate the Reapers. Shepard chose the last of the options, activating the Crucible and launching a massive wave of energy over the Earth and eventually through the entire galaxy. This pulse permanently deactivated the Reapers and obliterated their ground forces. At last, the conflict was over, elevating the heroic Commander Shepard to nearly-Messianic status. However, the Commander was nowhere to be found after the activation of the Crucible, and was presumed to have made the ultimate sacrifice to save the galaxy from the Reapers.

State of the Galaxy

The year is 2191, five years after the defeat of the Reapers. Most of Citadel Space (which now includes Earth Systems Alliance Space) is still working on repairs to their cities, Many of the Mass Relays also required repairs, and many are still non-functional to this day. Only one route from Citadel Space to the Attican Traverse and thus the Terminus systems is currently functional; the Shadow Sea Relay near Horizon leading to several mass relays in the Traverse and the Terminus systems. Thus, contact with planets outside of Citadel Space is very limited.

The Krogan have defied expectation and has come together under Urdnot Wrex and Urdnot Bakara to become a respectable warrior race. They have been given several planets besides Tuchanka as thanks for their role in the Reaper war. However, they have met considerable resistance from militant Krogan insisting that their race become the conquerors that they once were. The Krogan are thus embroiled in a bitter civil war, mostly over their new Capital planet, Zorya. The council has lent limited aid to help the Urdnot government against the insurgents.

The Quarians and the Geth have come together very well in the time after the Reapers were defeated. Rannoch was successfully settled and is being developed at an astonishing pace thanks to the unlimited stamina of the now-sentient Geth. A majority of the civilian ships of the Migrant Fleet were deconstructed to construct homes and other buildings, while most military vessels remain in orbit. The Quarians still remain in their suits even on their homeworld, and will likely remain dependent on their suits for decades to come even with the help of the Geth. The Quarians have constructed a capital city named Zorah, and co-inhabit it with the Geth, who in turn have a capital named Koris on another continent. The Quarians continue to send their young adults on pilgrimage. They previously adopted their ship names in their full names (nar'[shipname] pre-pilgrimage and vas'[shipname] post-pilgrimage), but now use the name of their towns and communities in their names.

Much anti-human sentiment from the Turians has subsided in light of all they had contributed in the last few years, and humanity is now considered to be a fully-fledged Council race. The batarians, however, who have returned to their few remaining planets in the Traverse, still harbor a deepening resentment towards humanity for their early conflcits and for the Arrival incident. While Shepard is revered in most places, he is known as a figure of great infamy in Batarian space. The third and current human Councillor is Councillor Dominic Osoba.

The Citadel is no longer over Earth, having returned to the Serpent Nebula where it originally drifted. The conduit beam that led up to the Citadel during the Battle of London is still there, beaming up and dissipating in Earth's atmosphere. The site of the beam is sealed off to prevent citizens from having it accidentally launch themselves into space. At the site is the Commander John Shepard memorial; the site is commemorated by a statue of the commander, and a copy of the original Normandy memorial wall that listed the names of all those who died in service to the missions of the Normandy, complete with holo-pictures of them.

The Asari are still reeling from the heavy losses inflicted upon their homeworld of Thessia. The Asari councilor Tevos resigned in 2188, and was replaced by an incredibly surprising candidate; Matriarch Aethyta, a former bartender from the planet Illium. Rumors have it that the Shadow Broker had a hand in her placement in the position, but none can complain with her practical attitude.

The Turians are likewise still recovering from the losses they suffered in defending their homeworld of Palaven. Councilor Sparatus also stepped down as Councilor and was replaced by Councilor Quentius.

The Salarians are under a great amount scrutiny from the other races of the galaxy because of the positive development of the Krogan that defied their predictions of another warlike uprising. Councilor Valern, whom was previously saved by the sacrifice of Captain Kirrahe, died of old age at age 46, and was replaced by Councilor Esheel.

The volus still remain under the Turians as a client race, and their status as such greatly impedes their campaigning to be accepted as a fifth council race.

The elcor continue to be unremarkable in their contributions. Their numbers took a heavy hit in the Reaper attack, and their population is at an all-time low. Some pessimistic elcor have resigned to the fate of their 'dying' people, while others are confident that the elcor will recover.

The hanar recently made a major breakthrough in medical technology that has effectively cured the lethal Kepral's syndrome that afflicted much of their client race, the Drell. The treatment involves implanting a regulator near the lungs of the individual to combat the moisture buildup. Hanar religion is also thriving, as their belief in the 'enkindlers' was confirmed with the revival of Javik, the last prothean, by Commander Shepard.

The vorcha are still considered to be pests and vermin, and are rarely seen outside of the Terminus systems.

The Terminus Systems are apparently even more chaotic than before after the invasion of the Reapers. Aria T'Loak, ruler of Omega and leader of the united Mercenary fleets that participated in the battle against the Reapers, is attempting to expand her power past Omega.

State of Shepard's Crew

The Normandy is still a commissioned Alliance warship, though it has had little time in action since the war ended.

Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams was killed in action on the planet Virmire in 2183. She was posthumously honored with medals from several council races, the first human to receive such honors.

Major Kaidan Alenko, the second human Spectre, was killed in the battle of London in 2186. He reportedly saved hundreds by holding an evacuation route open for civilians with his biotics, and then collapsing it on the Reaper forces to defend the civilians. He was posthumously awarded the Star of Terra.

Liara T'Soni seemingly disappeared after the war. It was assumed that her relationship with Commander Shepard caused her great grief when the hero did not return from the Crucible. She continues to operate as the Shadow Broker at an unknown location, though very few people are privy to her status as such.

Urdnot Wrex is the leader of the newly formed Krogan Meritocracy. He and his mate Urdnot Bakara have a dozen young children, including one Urdnot Mordin and an Urdnot Shepard. With another few hundred years left in him, Wrex intends to lead the Krogan for many years to come.

Garrus Vakarian married Tali'zorah vas Neema, longtime teammate and friend, after the Reaper war. He accepted an appointment as a Spectre, and traverses the galaxy in the name of Galactic peace. He emulates his friend Shepard in his efforts as much as he can.

Tali'zorah vas Neema resigned as a Quarian Admiral accepted a position as the first Quarian Spectre at the same ceremony as her then-fiancee Garrus. This surprised many of her friends, as they had assumed she would want to stay on Rannoch to help rebuild. Truthfully, after roaming the galaxy for so long, she had simply come to feel away from home when she wasn’t away traveling the galaxy. She still gives regular advice and guidance to the current admirals. She returns home often.

Jacob Taylor was killed in action at the Collector base in 2185. As a Cerberus agent he was unfortunately exempt from many honors, but his name remains on the Shepard memorial in London.

Miranda Lawson turned over innumerable Cerberus assets to the Citadel Council once the Illusive Man was out of the picture and the organization eradicated. Instead of putting her on trial for her work with Cerberus, the Council instead enlisted Miranda as the third human Spectre. She keeps her activities relatively quiet, but regularly visits her sister and her family.

Mordin Solus died in the control room of the Shroud while dispersing the Genophage cure. He is listed on the Shepard memorial wall and is held in a position of respect by the Krogan people. Councilor Esheel has attempted to posthumously brand him a traitor, but has gained little ground in doing so.

Urdnot Grunt served as Urdnot Wrex's right-hand man in the early years after the Reaper Wars, but frustrated with Wrex's refusal to return to their race's warlike ways, he leads the traditionalist rebellion and is now the most wanted Krogan in the galaxy. He is known to his people as 'Grunt the Tank-bred', though this moniker is now one of respect and fear rather than one of disdain.

Jack continues her role as a teacher for biotic students at Grissom academy. She is a student favorite at her job, popular for her unorthodox teaching style and her off-kilter attitude. She moonlights as a model, and attempted a career in publishing poetry that ended very soon after it began.

Justicar Samara died within the Collector base. She had achieved peace after Shepard helped her kill her dangerous criminal of a daughter, and went out protecting her fellow squadmates to her last breath. Her name remains on the Shepard memorial wall.

Thane Krios died aboard the Collector base, having found closure with his estranged son Kolyat at long last. Kolyat has become a university professor on the Citadel, teaching anatomy and other related sciences. He was one of the lead researchers aiding the Hanar in finding a cure for Kepral's syndrome.

Zaeed Massani rode with the Terminus fleet during the Battle of London with his trusty rifle Jessie, and was cited as taking enough Reaper creatures to match an entire platoon's kill-count, even after losing most of his left leg below the knee. After the war, he retired, even after being offered to commandeer the fleets of Aria T'Loak in her expansion efforts. He did not accept, and eventually married Dr. Karin Chakwas.

Kasumi Goto is still virtually unknown to the public, as she likes it, and continues to pilfer incredibly rare pieces from museums all over the galaxy. She ha also become one of the Shadow Broker's top agents in her 'spare time'.

The platform known as Legion became the first sentient Geth upon modifying the code of its people, and sacrificed itself so that the sentience to all of his people. He is revered as a messianic figure by the Geth Protectorate, and its name and portrait are found on the Shepard Memorial.

Lieutenant James Vega stayed true to his words with the commander and entered the N7 program, graduating within a few years and receiving a promotion to Major. He continues to serve as a Drill instructor for new Alliance marines.

Javik disappeared after the Reaper invasion. None know where he went, but he left behind his memoirs which became a best-selling hit on the extranet.

Flight Lieutenant Jeff 'Joker' Moreau remains pilot of the Normandy, and is the driving force in getting the former crew of the Normandy to reunite every few years at his Citadel apartment that was passed down to him by Commander Shepard (whom received it from Admiral Anderson). He lives happily with EDI.

EDI still remains on the Normandy. Though she has been ousted as an AI, she is allowed to remain because of her contribution to the war against the Reapers. After a few upgrades she is able to temporarily install herself into her mobile body platform much like a geth, instead of having to broadcast herself from the Normandy.

Dr. Karin Chakwas-Massani finally retired after the war. In 2189 she surprised everyone by marrying late in life to the hardened soldier Zaeed Massani. The two vacation all over the galaxy, with their two dogs and one varren. She insisted on hyphenating.

Specialist Samantha Traynor continues to serve as Comms Officer for the Normandy. She has been offered positions on dreadnoughts and even on Admiral Hackett's ship, but politely refused each time.


Here is the system for the Roleplay. PLEASE read it, as it's essential to your participation!

Every race has their own set of skills and weaknesses, as well as their own sets of stereotypes that other people see in them. Your race will affect your skills and the reactions of others.

Council Races

Human - Humans are the versatile inhabitants of Earth, with the potential to excel in any field they partake in. Gaining vast notoriety in the galaxy for helping to save the Citadel Counil during Saren's assault on the Citadel, and later during the war against the Reapers, the humans have bested the animosity their race had faced and now sees unprecedented acceptance in the galaxy. Humans get +1 in any two CASPIE attributes (Up to a maximum score of 10) of their choice.

Turian - Turians are the steadfast, strict people of the planet Palaven, who make excellent soldiers and officers. They are respected for their public service ethic—it was the turians who first proposed creating Citadel-Security—but are sometimes seen as imperialist or rigid by other races. Turians get +2 in Perception and +1 in Endurance, but a -1 in Agility (to a maximum score of 10 and a minimum of 1). Turians are Dextro-Amino Acid beings, and cannot eat food or use many ingestible products designed for Levo-Amino Acid beings (beings that include everyone but Quarians).

Asari - Asari are often considered the most influential and respected sentient species in the galaxy, and are known for their elegance, diplomacy, and biotic aptitude. A mono-gender race, the asari are distinctly feminine in appearance and possess maternal instincts. Their unique physiology includes the ability to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species to produce Asari offspring. Asari get +2 in charisma and +1 in Endurance, but a -1 in strength.

Salarians - Salarians are known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage. They possess a hyperactive metabolism; they think fast, talk fast, and move fast. To salarians, other species seem sluggish and dull-witted, especially the elcor. Unfortunately, their metabolic speed leaves them with a relatively short lifespan; salarians over the age of 40 are a rarity. Salarians get a +2 in Intelligence and +2 in Agility, but a -1 in Strength and a -1 in Endurance.

Non-Council Races

Krogan - The Krogan are the recovering natives of the planet Tuchanka. Previously afflicted with the Genophage virus for their role in the Krogan rebellions, the krogan were dwindling in the face of minimal fertility rates. After the curing of the genophage, Krogan have returned to high birth rates, and have defied expectations by showing themselves to be a civilized people instead of returning to their militant, barbaric past. Still, they are mistrusted in CItadel space for their past atrocities. Every Krogan gets a +2 in Strength and a +3 in Endurance, but a -2 in Agility and a -2 in Charisma.

Drell - The client race of the Jellyfish-Like Hanar, who all live in climate-controlled domes that simulate the arid environments of their old home planet. Drell are naturally agile and excel as covert operators. Having recently been introduced to a cure for the rampant Drell disease known as Kepral's syndrome, Drell are experiencing a period of newfound hope and confidence in their species' future. Drell get +2 in Agility and +1 in Endurance, but a -2 in Strength and suffer from extremely precise memory relapses, which can be triggered from any number of outside stimulus and results in a Drell muttering a description of the event while it flashes before their eyes.

Quarians - Quarians are a previously nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. They have recently left behind their nomadic nature after reclaiming their homeworld and coming to share it with the Geth. They typically remain outside of Council Space, but still send coming-of-age adults on Pilgrimage to return to their communities with something of use. Quarians get +2 in Intelligence and +1 in Perception, but get a -1 in charisma and -1 in endurance. Quarians live in environmental suits, and when a rupture occurs, a repair must be made using the mechanics skill or damage will continue to occur even with medi-gel being applied and healing being done. Quarians are Dextro-Amino Acid beings, and cannot eat food or use many ingestible products designed for Levo-Amino Acid beings (beings that include everyone but Turians).

Batarians - A disreputable species that chose to isolate itself from the rest of the galaxy. The Terminus Systems are infested with batarian pirate gangs and slaving rings, fueling the stereotype of the batarian thug. It should be noted that these criminals do not represent average citizens, who were previously forbidden to leave batarian space by their ubiquitous and paranoid government before the Reaper war. Many batarian worlds were scorched beyond habitation by the Reapers, thus they are seen on a number of Council-space planets and beyond looking to return to a normal way of life. Batarians get a +2 in strength and a +2 in Perception, but a -2 in Charisma and a -1 in agility.

Vorcha - The vorcha originate from Heshtok, a small, hostile, overcrowded planet which has been largely stripped of natural resources by successive generations of this fast-breeding, savage species. The lack of resources has resulted in a tight-knit, clan-based society in which rival clans wage constant war against one another for control of scarce resources. Even as their population grows, the vorcha constantly fight each other in fierce competition over basic necessities. This incessant warfare has made each generation of vorcha stronger and more aggressive than that which preceded it, but their continual lack of resources has kept vorcha society extremely primitive. Vorcha get a +2 to Endurance and a +2 in strength, but a -3 in Charisma.

Geth - The Geth are a race of networked AI platforms that have recently reached sentience after their newfound peace with their creators, the Quarians. Having been the 'boogeymen' of cautionary tales for over 300 years, coupled with many renegade 'heretic' geth siding with Saren and the Reapers, the Geth are still subject to much distrust and are rarely seen outside of Quarian space. The Geth get a +4 to Intelligence, but a -3 to Charisma.

You can also play as a hanar, elcor, or volus, but be warned; they will be difficult to play, and I warn you to not play one unless you're quite an experienced roleplayer and aren't afraid of dying in combat rather quickly if it comes to such.

Hanar - The hanar are a species resembling Earth's jellyfish and are one of the few non-bipedal Citadel races. Hanar are known for their intense politeness when speaking, and their strong religious beliefs regarding the Protheans, whom they refer to as "the Enkindlers". As a hanar, you will not be able to hold any conventional firearms (without use of biotics), and you will be restricted to the adept, engineer, and sentinel classes. A hanar receives +2 in intelligence and a +2 in charisma, but a -1 in Endurance and a -2 in strength.

Elcor - The elcor are a Citadel species native to the high-gravity world Dekuuna. They are massive creatures, standing on four muscular legs for increased stability. Elcor move slowly, an evolved response to an environment where a fall can be lethal. Their speech is very monotonous and they use adjectives to indicate the tone of their sentences. As an Elcor, you will be restricted to shoulder mounted weapons, and your huge size may cause complications. An elcor gets +3 in strength and +3 in Endurance, but a -4 in agility and a -1 in charisma. Elcor cannot be infiltrators..

Volus - The volus are an associate race on the Citadel with their own embassy, but are also a client race of the turians. They hail from Irune, which possesses a high-pressure greenhouse atmosphere able to support an ammonia-based biochemistry. As a result, the volus must wear pressure suits and breathers when dealing with other species. Because they are not physically adept compared to most species, volus mostly make their influence felt through trade and commerce, and they have a long history on the Citadel. A Volus receives +3 in intelligence but a -1 in strength and a -1 in agility. As a Volus, you will run at a much slower pace than most races due to your stout stature, are your limited arm length restricts you to single handed weapons like pistols and submachine guns. Volus cannot be soldiers.

There are three 'Types' of power that your character can possess; Combat, Biotic, and Tech. Your class will reflect either focus in a single type, or a combination of two. If your character lacks any military proficiency due to their background, then they will be delegated to the Citizen class, but you can rename the Citizen class to reflect your character's occupation; Citizen is simply the default name.

Soldier - Pure Combat, a Soldier specializes in the use of guns and grenades to deal direct damage to enemies. A good Soldier always has enough guns to get the job done, and can utilize powers such as Concussive Shot, Tactical Mine, and Fortification.

Adept - Pure Biotic, an Adept is an expert in taking out enemies without firing a single shot. Using their incredible biotic abilities, an Adept can toss enemies around with Throw, bowl them over with Shockwave, and trap them with a Singularity, among other things.

Engineer - Pure Tech, an Engineer is a master at debilitating enemies and controlling the battlefield with combat drones and other constructs. An engineer can bring up a Combat Drone to distract enemies, burn foes with Incinerate, and destroy shields with Overload. Engineers also often serve as combat medics.

Infiltrator - Combat/Tech, an Infiltrator is a master sniper and operative, able to use a Tactical Cloak to conceal themselves from view and enhance their shot damage. Infiltrators can utilize skills like Sabotage, Incinerate, and Sticky Grenade to get the job done.

Sentinel - Tech/Biotic, a Sentinel is a master of defense who uses a layer of Tech Armor to absorb incoming blows, prolonging their survival. They use powers like Warp, Overload, and Cryo Blast to deal damage to enemies.

Vanguard - Combat/Biotic, a Vanguard is a biotic who specializes in outright offense. Using their unique Biotic Charge power, they can launch themselves at enemies and do massive damage, putting them in range to use their guns up-close. Vanguards use skills like Pull, Nova, and Shockwave to take out groups of enemies.

Citizen - Not all citizens of the galaxy prepare themselves for combat or military action. Instead they live out their lives according to their abilities and desires, and can take advantage of whatever opportunities they can find. Non-militarized characters have less military abilities and typically don't have powers that a militarized character would have, but may have abilities in an area others may not.

CASPIE - Primary Statistics

Primary statistics

Think of CASPIE as SPECIAL without luck.You get 1 point in ever CASPIE and then 35 points to spend in what attributes you want. All stats are capped at 10 or 1. Since the RP does not rely on dice rolls but approximation for combat and other 'skill checks', these scores are more for the approximation of your character's abilities for reference in the RP.

C= Charisma
A= Agilty
S= Strength
P= Perception
I= Intelligence
E= Endurance

CASPIE - Skills

Skills, like CASPIE, will be used as an approximation of your character's abilities in and out of combat since the RP does not rely on dice rolls.

The list of skills are as follows;

Perception -

Pistols - Affects your accuracy and damage with pistols
Sniper Rifles - Affects your accuracy and damage with sniper rifles.
Assault Rifles - Affects your accuracy and damage with assault rifles
Shotguns - Affects your accuracy and damage with assault rifles
SMGs - Affects your accuracy and damage with submachine guns.


Machinery - Affects your skill with repairing and operating machinery
Technology - Affects your skill with hacking, bypassing, and operating various tech.
First Aid - Affects your skill when treating wounds without medi-gel, and affects your medi-gel capacity.


Persuasion - Affects your skill in persuasion and speech, and improves your Paragon/Renegade modifiers.


CQC - Affects your skill in hand-to-hand combat. Includes Omni-blade combat.


Sneak - Affects your sneaking skills.


Biotics - Affects your biotic skills and barriers (Vanguard, Adept, and Sentinel only)

Shields - Affects the strength and quality of your advanced shielding system. (Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer only)

Each skill has a maximum of 15. The following classes get the following bonuses and still apply even if your skill is at 15 (it is possible for an infiltrator to have an 18 in Sniper Rifles, for example);

Soldier - +3 to three weapon skills of your choice, including CQC.
Infiltrator - +3 to Sniper Rifles, +3 to Sneak, +3 to Technology.
Vanguard - +3 to Shotguns, +3 to CQC, +3 to Biotics
Sentinel - +3 To Technology, +3 to First Aid, +3 To Biotics
Engineer - +3 to Machinery, +3 to Technology, +3 to Shields
Adept - +3 to First Aid, +3 to Pistols, +3 to Biotics
'Citizen' - +5 to Persuasion

You have 90 points to distribute to skills, not including class bonuses. Members of the Citizen class get 65 points to distribute.

CASPIE - Powers

I'm going to assume that everyone is going to be rather familiar with the Mass Effect Universe, and I expect that you will all know what kind of powers your characters can have. Use common sense; A soldier, Infiltrator, or Engineer can't use Biotic powers, and an Adept wouldn't use something like Concussive shot.

Your characters can have up to 5 'activated' powers such as warp, overload, concussive shot, or other things. Ammo powers will count as 'activated'. Make sure you look at your class before choosing powers.

CASPIE - Morality System

Depending on your actions in the RP, I will allot Paragon and Renegade points to your character. These will appear in the main post as you earn them. These scores cap at 100, and have little effect on the RP: they are mostly there for fun and to give the RP a Mass Effect feel without forcing you to favor one way or the other.

Paragon points are gained for compassionate and heroic actions, while Renegade points are gained for apathetic and ruthless actions.

CASPIE - Traits
You can choose one, two, or zero traits. The traits listed here are examples; if you'd like to make up one to fit with your character's personality or physiology, go ahead; just remember that traits must include a upside and downside, and must be lore-accurate. If I have a problem with a trait, I will ask you to remove it.

Cyber Implant - You've received a non-biotic implant at some point at your life. This helps with technology, but dampens your biotic capabilities (or your CQC abilities if you are not an Adept, Sentinel, or a Vanguard)

L2 Implant (Human Biotics only) - You are outfitted with the experimental L2 biotic implant. Your biotic abilities spike high, but you suffer from severe headaches regularly, which can affect your aim with guns.

This Is My Boomstick - You trust in your abilities with firearms. You have greater accuracy with guns, but your skills in CQC suffer for it.

Put 'em Up - Even in these spacefaring days, you prefer to do things up close and personal. You are better at CQC, but your firearm skills suffer for it.

Musclehead - Your large stature makes you naturally strong, but your persuasion skills pale in comparison. You are better at physical tasks, but lack in persuasion.

etc, etc, etc

Character Sheet Format

Here is your character sheet. Make sure to check your race modifiers and restrictions, as well as you class modifiers. Make sure you remember that you get 35 CASPIE points (not including the minimum '1' in each letter) and 90 points for skills (A score of '0' means you have absolutely no knowledge of the skill).



Skills -
Assault Rifles:
Sniper Rifles:
First Aid:
Biotics (Adept, Vanguard, Sentinel only):
Shields (Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer only):

(Make sure you add your race modifiers for your CASPIE scores and your Class modifiers for your skills. Remember, CASPIE skills can't ever be higher than 10 or lower than 1. Skills can go up to 15 with your 90 allotable points, but can go up past that when you add class benefits.)

Traits (up to 2):

Weapons (Existing weapons in the Mass Effect universe only, except for Hanar and Elcor):



Armor, Clothing, etc:

Personality (Can Choose not to reveal):

Background (Can Choose not to reveal):

Misc Info:

(Everyone's Paragon/Renegade scores will be kept up-to-date on the first post.)


1 - All UESP forum rules apply.
2 - No god-modding or spamming. Doesn't really need to be said, but it has been said.
3 - I ask that you keep your posts as grammatically correct as possible. Eloquence is not mandated, but don't just submit simple "X did y" posts. Add some detail.
4 - I will try to make combat fair so that you aren't getting destroyed by simple space pirates, but they will still pose a challenge to the group. Your character CAN die and if that happens, I will allow you to make another character. As a general rule, I won't kill characters without good reason.
5 - The DM's word is law.
6 - Have fun and be respectful to others. This is meant to be a fun pastime, so treat it as such!

I look forward to having a good time with you guys.
Last edited by Unionhack on Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:10 am, edited 4 times in total.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:16 am


Drau Broktar - Krogan Adept - Baloth-kul
Paragon - 10
Renegade - 0

Calor - Elcor Soldier - Knight Captain Kerr
Paragon - 3
Renegade - 2

Churkan Hard - Krogan Vanguard - Thelastdovah
Paragon - 0
Renegade - 13

Cehan Haraji - Salarian Engineer - Rook
Paragon - 0
Renegade - 1
Last edited by Unionhack on Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:57 pm, edited 11 times in total.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:13 am

Questions: Which weapons skill would the VI assisted shoulder mounted weapons Elcor use fall under? Or would it just be like a shoulder mounted assault rifle, a shoulder mounted shotgun, etc. Which if any skill would explosives fall under?

I am planning on making an Elcor Soldier, it'll be a bit of a roleplaying challenge though having to express emotion in speech before everything one says. Still, should be fun.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:26 am

Elcor shoulder-mounted weapons are typically pretty heavy armaments because they don't weigh the fellas down as much as it would another race.

So, I guess for reference, something like a shoulder mounted machine gun would fall under assault rifles. A missile launcher would fall under sniper rifles I suppose? It's difficult to translate, I can't believe I didn't consider that.

Explosives depend on the type of grenade. Tech based grenades (Arc, Inferno, Frag) fall under Technology while Biotic grenades (Lift, Cluster) fall under Biotics.

I guess I should add a Heavy Weapons skill, though I don't want them to be readily accessible except in some extraneous circumstances, not like candy. Would that work?

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:38 am

Well I'm only planning on having a shoulder mounted machine gun so Assault Rifles should be fine.

Combining heavy weapons with other skills might be the best thing to do. Continuous lasers under assault rifles and missile launchers/flamethrowers under tech I suppose, seeing as that's where traditional explosives are. Can't think of any other kinds of heavy weapons. Take a character's strength into account when using them as well maybe.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:42 am

Then that'll work. Thanks for that, I hadn't thought of it.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:30 am

Swiggity swoogity, I. AM. KROOOOGAAAN

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:42 am

Baloth is on his phone ATM so he sent me his character sheet to clean up, put into format, and post. Neat!

Name: Drau Broktar
Race: Krogan
Gender: Male
Class: Adept
C: 10 (8)
A: 3 (1)
S: 3
P: 6
I: 8
E: 10

Pistols: 3
Assault Rifles: 6
Shotguns: 18
Machinery: 15
First Aid: 15
Persuasion: 15
CQC: 15
Biotics: 18

Powers: Singularity, Cluster Grenade, Pull, Shockwave, Throw

Weapons: Graal Spike Thrower

Backstory: Chose to withhold

Personality: Chose to withhold

Appearance: 7' 1", black crest with one jagged scar, pale tan skin

Armor: Steel grey Krogan armor
Last edited by Unionhack on Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:15 am

Do I have to be really knowledgeable about the lore to play? I played the hell out of Mass Effect, ditched the series after that due to my issues with Bioware at the time.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:35 am

I could explain most things to you if needed. And having the Wiki on hand helps a lot. I had like 15 Wiki tabs open just typing the OP up.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:40 am

Here we go. Hopefully I haven't screwed anything up. Powers weren't part of the character sheet in the OP so I added that section.
Name: Calor
Race: Elcor
Class: Soldier

C: 5
A: 2
S: 9
P: 6
I: 5
E: 9

Skills -
Assault Rifles: 18
Pistols: 0
Sniper Rifles: 0
Shotguns: 3
SMGs: 0
Machinery: 5
Technology: 15
First Aid: 12
Persuasion: 15
Sneak: 0
CQC: 16
Biotics (Adept, Vanguard, Sentinel only): 0
Shields (Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer only): 15

(Make sure you add your race modifiers for your CASPIE scores and your Class modifiers for your skills. Remember, CASPIE skills can't ever be higher than 10 or lower than 1. Skills can go up to 15 with your 90 allotable points, but can go up past that when you add class benefits.)

Traits (up to 2): None.

Powers: Frag grenade, Adrenaline Rush, Incendiary Ammo , Disruptor Ammo, Concussive Shot.

Weapons (Existing weapons in the Mass Effect universe only, except for Hanar): A modified Turian assault rifle much like the Phaeston except larger. Mounted on his back and outfited with VI assisted targeting systems. Also has numerous fragmentation grenades located on strap across the underside of his torso.

Appearance: To most none Elcor Calor just looks like any other Elcor. Many other races only ever see Elcor loitering about and believe them all to look the same. But there are subtleties to his rugged appearance that only a fellow Elcor would pick up on.

Armor, Clothing, etc: Calor wears blue and brown heavy armour outfitted specifically for Elcor.

Personality: Calor has a softer side but these days he tends to hide it below a gruff, hard and bitter exterior. The Reaper war seriously impacted his personality and outlook on life.

Background (Can Choose not to reveal): During his youth Calor served with distinction in the Elcor military. During the time he spent in the military he developed combat skills and knowledge of explosives. After finishing his service he moved to the Citadel where he became a bouncer at a nightclub. There he met an Asari named Keina Jave who worked as a bartender. They fell in love and in time moved to the Asari homeworld of Thessia. But then everything changed when the Reapers attacked. Like many Elcor Calor lost what remained of his family in the war. He saw Keina be ripped apart by the biotic powers of a Banshee during the fall of Thessia. After leaving the planet he reenlisted in the the Eclor military and partook in the taking back of Earth. The war left Calor as a bitter and disillusioned man. Calor recently finished his tour of service and has returned to the Citadel hoping to find work. He is thinking of enlisting in an independent mercenary outfit

Misc Info: Calor is quite fond of Vids, in particular the Blasto series. He's seen every Blasto vid multiple times.

I wonder what Elcor songs sound like and what an Elcor would sound like at Karaoke.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:19 pm

I always figured that Elcor went more for the stimulation of the other senses in their entertainment. That, or they just don't sing, just do things instrumental.

I'll add him in, and thanks for pointing out the powers bit, I'll add that.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:03 pm

Elcor communication is primarily through scent--pheromones. A lot is lost through communication with other species. "With searing emotion: Thank you, my love."

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:40 pm

What names fall under a krogan? I can't access the wiki due to my damn ISP blocking it for it's age rating and apart from Wrex and Grunt, i don't really have much idea.

Also, are we allowed to have been part of the battle of london?

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:57 pm

Try looking up a generator, TLD.

And yeah, a LOT of people were part of the battle. You weren't with Shepard or anything but yeah, you coulda been there.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:20 pm

If you want to play a Krogan as well, be aware that we're going to be butting heads. Literally. And probably frequently.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:17 pm

@Union, I shall.

@Baloth, Of course. It's not Mass Effect if there are no headbutting involved.

Meet Churkan Hard. He is not your Action Hero. He is not your goddamn Action Hero. HE IS THE [&@%!] ACTION HERO!

I'll be in the corner with the hat of shame.

Name: Churkan Hard
Race: Krogan
Class: He is the Vanguard of your destruction.

C: 1
S: 10

Skills -
Assault Rifles: 18
Sniper Rifles:
First Aid:13
CQC: 18
Biotics (Adept, Vanguard, Sentinel only): 18
Shields (Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer only):

(Make sure you add your race modifiers for your CASPIE scores and your Class modifiers for your skills. Remember, CASPIE skills can't ever be higher than 10 or lower than 1. Skills can go up to 15 with your 90 allotable points, but can go up past that when you add class benefits.)

Traits (up to 2):


As a Krogan, Churkan is able to regenerate and recover from wounds. However, his years of battle and injuries have pushed his body to its limits. When regenerating, his biotics are significantly less powerful, and may fail all together.

Krogan Warrior: As a veteran of many battles and the Reaper Wars, Churkan knows how to handle weaponry. He gains +2 to shotguns and +2 to Assault Rifles, but years of relying on overwhelming offense have made his non-combat skills a little rusty (-2 First Aid, -2 Machinery)

Weapons (Existing weapons in the Mass Effect universe only, except for Hanar and Elcor): Claymore Shotgun and Avenger

Powers: Shockwave, Nova, Biotic Charge, Concussion shot and Pull.

Appearance: Dark skin and possesses a lot of scars all over his face. He is 7'5ft tall.

Armor, Clothing, etc: Krogan Battle armour with a modified C-sec insiginia on the pauldrons and front.

Personality (Can Choose not to reveal):
Churkan Hard, what an ass -A common opinion.
Churkan is not an easy man to like and he does not give a [&@%!] about your opinion. He is aggressive and loves to fight. He uses the most violent option whenever he can just because it means he can engage in a fight. He loves challenging people to drinking contests and has some sense of honour. He hates the Salarians for what they did to his people. He admires the human known as Shepard and is known to go into a rage if the efforts of the allied forces during the Reaper Wars is put down to a single group. Oh and don't [&@%!] him off unless you want an angry Krogan headbutting you. Repeatly.

Background (Can Choose not to reveal):
Churkan Hard, like most Krogans grew up on the Krogan Homeworld of Tuchanka and like many, he left as soon as he could, citing that "The piece of [&@%!] rock is not worth fighting for." as his sole reason. Not because of the low fertility rate of the Krogans. He travelled from planet to planet as a mercenary and slowly made a small name for himself. He took any job that was offered to him. From chasing down people who owed someone a lot of credits to wiping out slavers. He did not give a [&@%!] what the job was as long as he got paid and if it involved fighting. For most of his adult life, it was his way of living untill the Reaper Forces invaded the galaxy, so he returned to his homeworld just for the purpose of fighting a powerful foe and spent a majority of the reaper war defending his planet. He was fortunate enough to witness the Genophage being cured and was given a new reason to fight. Now, he fought for all krogans instead of himself and was among the first to be deployed in London. It was the toughest fight of his life and he was wounded to the point where he had to use his secondary organs but he loved it. He helped to save the lives of many alliance squads just by using pure aggression during the battle by making himself a massive target. It was during what should have been his last stand that Shepard saved the galaxy and was reported to have shouted that "I AM HARD AND THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BATTLE!" whilst finishing off a Banshee with his bare hands.

After the war, he knew C-sec would need more people as a result of the tragic events that occured during the war and applied for a post. To almost everyone's surprise, he was content with what many consider to be a boring job but his tatics often consist of using them most violent approach but sometimes, you just need a Krogan to tear apart the scum and Churkan is that Krogan.

Misc Info: Churkan caused a minor club to be destroyed by throwing himself onto a suspect's car and caused it to veer into the club. Thankfully, it was empty at the time and the only death was the suspect's. His approach to security tends to be very violent but sometimes, violence is the only way to deal with crime.. He is not the one to call on if there is a hostage situation. Well, unless you want a bunch of dead hostages and an angry Krogan slaughtering the criminals.
Last edited by The SheoDovah on Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:26 pm

Put it in hide tags and we're good.

The power you're thinking of is Biotic Charge.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:32 pm

Cool. :)

Will edit parts of my sheet tomorrow. Mainly to clean up the points and sort out an assault weapon if i can find one via google. (doubt it).

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:54 pm

When in doubt just go for an Avenger or a Vindicator, I guess. Or a Mattock. They're Full Auto, Pulse, and Semi-Auto, respectively.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:03 pm

That works. Chances are, Churkan will shoot them again and again and again until they are dead for "resisting arrest." I think any criminal PCs may not like him. God help them if they are Salarian!

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:48 am

I was debating between making a Turian or a Drell, but after I saw TLD's character, I knew I had to be a Salarian The Genophage was the right call.

In the interest of roleplaying, I elected not to use all of the available attribute points, just because being too proficient in so many fields would go against his character.
Name: Cehan Haraji
Race: Salarian
Class: Engineer

C: 6
A: 8
S: 2
P: 7
I: 9
E: 5

Assault Rifles: 0
Pistols: 13
Sniper Rifles: 0
Shotguns: 0
SMGs: 15
Machinery: 13
Technology: 18
First Aid: 14
Persuasion: 9
Sneak: 11
CQC: 0
Shields: 6 (11 when power is redirected)

Modified Omni-Tool: Using Eclipse tech armor as a reference, Cehan can redirect power from his Omni-Tool to supplement his shields (+5), at the cost of a penalty to movement speed and the inability to use other tech powers when the ability is activated.
Cyber Implant: Courtesy of the Eclipse. Cehan has had a cybernetic implant installed which allows him to better interface with technology, though his ability in CQC has been hampered (not that he was ever very proficient to begin with).

Weapons: Cehan carries a fairly uniform pair of weapons: An M-9 Tempest and an M-3 Preadator. He wears a modified Cipher Omni-Tool which is capable of all the basic functions of an Omni-tool and can process tech-powers. Unlike military-grade Omni-Tools, his version is incapable of projecting a blade. However, it can play sweet tunes directly into his helmet (the songs were pirated for some unintelligible Batarian Extranet site, of course).

Powers: Incinerate, Cryo Blast, Attack Combat Drone, Overload, Sabotage

Appearance: At 16 years of age, Cehan looks like any other Salarian. He has smooth, light gray skin and dark purple eyes. Common to his race are his tall height and stick-thin body.

Armor: Cehan wears standard-issue Eclipse armor, though he takes off the helmet whenever possible. A crudely drawn star was scribbled onto the breastplate by his brother the last time they met.

Personality: A basic yet accurate description of Cehan would be "flunkie". Unconfident, meek and somewhat cowardly, he is often a subject of abuse, a role he declines to fight. He's most at home talking about technology, a subject he takes pride in knowing much about, despite his lack of formal training. Morally, he isn't particularly well-suited for the harsh life of an Eclipse Mercenary, but his parents instilled into him a sense of honor, and so he persists to work with the ones who took him in, regardless of his qualms about their work. Due in part to his imprint on his clan's Dalatrass (but mostly because of his parent's teachings), he bears great loyalty towards his people and takes some small pride in being born a Salarian.

Background: Cehan was the spawn of two Salarian Tasks Group operatives (Ostirne and Turixe), born to an egg clutch on Sur'Kesh which produced four children: himself, Perok (his brother), Astow (his second brother), and Jitaan (his only sister). At a young age, his parents deserted the STG after a mission gone wrong, spiriting him and his siblings away to a remote Human colony in the Terminus Systems. His father and mother served as a capable mechanics, and were valued by the colonists despite their reclusive nature. The Salarian children were discouraged from interacting excessively with the humans, but were instructed by their parents in what it meant to be a Salarian and the importance of loyalty to their clan, despite their own desertion. When pirates raided the settlement, Cehan's parents and two of his siblings (Astow and Jitaan) were killed in the attack. Cehan and Perok managed to board a fleeing vessel and were taken to Illium, where they were promptly cast away. Deciding to put their basic second-hand STG training to use, Perok coerced Cehan to join with the local Eclipse mercenaries. However, to gain entry into the gang, they were ordered to commit a murder apiece. The brothers tailed a young asari couple, and when they were isolated, Perok took out his mark with an aim inherited from his father. Cehan hesitated, eventually refusing to do it. In response, Perok seized his hand and helped him pull the trigger. Two shots were fired, and two bodies were found by the police. Cehan and Perok were inducted into the Eclipse, and served together on several missiosn before they were split up: Perok was a capable commando, but Cehan was more suited for smuggling and securing contracts. Cehan was appointed as an assistant to an Eclipse officer and Perok was put in one of the higher-regarded squads. Since Perok's promotion, Cehan has not seen nor heard from him, and fears that he may have perished in the fight against the Reapers, or worse, joined Aria's rising army. Cehan and several other Eclipse mercenaries have been assigned to the Citadel, where they are ordered to scope out contracts.

Misc Info: Nothing to add.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:29 am

I dig him, man! And not going all attributes in is just fine. I'll be adding him now. Traits look good.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:24 am

TheLastDovah is not responsible for any beating up of Salarians or dead Salarians or an angry krogan smashing a salarian into the ground before muttering "Puny Salarian." Yeah, i've been watching too much Hulk stuff of late.

Also, the Salarians will pay for the Genophage and if they happen to be criminal scum, Churkan is more then happy to accidentally blast them out of a window whilst they are on fire.

Re: Mass Effect: Aftermath

Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:38 pm

All well and good, but if you initiate PvP or slaughtering random npcs wholesale, well, don't expect everyone else to sit idly by. Which side they take, well, we'll have to see.
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