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Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter
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Author:  ArPharazon [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

Since early in this play-through (since the first few visits to Windhelm) some of the merchant stalls in the open air market have items that should be hanging from the stall or leaning against the stall or displayed on the tabletop all in mid-air disarray (Niranye's stall in particular). After installing several mods at some point everything went back to normal and I thought SMIM or another mod had fixed things. But here I am with almost 800 hours into the game and mid-air disarray again.

How do I fix this?

Author:  MetaCthulhu [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

Sounds like it's a sibling of this glitch: "Weapons and shields do not clean up from the world properly, and after a time they will begin to float in air near where they were lying."

As far as a fix, have you tried nudging into the items that are floating, see if they drop?

Author:  Tingz0r [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

Okay, 1.
ArPharazon wrote:
But here I am with almost 800 hours into the game and mid-air disarray again.
How the hell do you get 800 hours out of a single save?

MetaCthulhu wrote:
Sounds like it's a sibling of this glitch: "Weapons and shields do not clean up from the world properly, and after a time they will begin to float in air near where they were lying.
This glitch has been present for all 666 hours I've spent playing Skyrim on PC. Don't remember it happening on PS3.

ArPharazon wrote:
How do I fix this?
I don't know.

Author:  ArPharazon [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

MetaCthulhu wrote:
Sounds like it's a sibling of this glitch: "Weapons and shields do not clean up from the world properly, and after a time they will begin to float in air near where they were lying."

As far as a fix, have you tried nudging into the items that are floating, see if they drop?

I can try this but getting them to drop doesn't get them hanging from the stall like they are supposed to. I've both run up and carefully walked up to the stall. Nadda. I've noticed sometimes running up does move an object in other places but doesn't seem to affect this glitch much. Perhaps 'Unrelenting Force'.

Author:  ArPharazon [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

Tingz0r wrote:
Okay, 1.
ArPharazon wrote:
But here I am with almost 800 hours into the game and mid-air disarray again.
How the hell do you get 800 hours out of a single save?

That's 800 hours in one play through, not one save.

Author:  Tingz0r [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Windhelm Merchant Stall midair clutter

That's what I meant. All of my characters eventually become nearly unplayable after a certain point because the game will always start to crash in stupid ways, usually when I move a certain distance away from where I saved.

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