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Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary
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Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

So I've been playing a lot of tabletop games lately and have dice rolls on the brain, so I decided to randomly roll a new Skyrim character for a Third Anniversary playthrough. I randomized basic things, but you can go as in depth as you want, including which factions to join or even things like gear restrictions if you're creative.

I rolled for gender, race, difficulty level and three Main Skills. [I'll only put perk points into Main Skills. I'll obviously sometimes use other ones but never level them up with Perks.]

I ended up with a challenging build indeed. Khajiit Male. Lockpicking, Alteration, Enchant. Master difficulty.

Oh boy. I'm also playing Dead is Dead. I've made it to level 2 and nearly died like four times already, but I'm hanging in there.

Feel free to participate in this Anniversary challenge and share your stories. I'll be doing yet another Challenge next year.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Pilaf The Defiler wrote:
I ended up with a challenging build indeed. Khajiit Male. Lockpicking, Alteration, Enchant. Master difficulty.

That is a challenging build. It could work mind, max Enchanting first and use that to boost everything else up...

Author:  CreeperX [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

I love this idea! Great way to spice up my Dead is Dead characters.
Though I got a bit boring build =P

Dunmer, male
One-handed, Lockpicking, Sneak
Difficulty: Apprentice

I have never, ever put any perks in lockpicking so in that regard it's something new XD. I was also kind of hoping for Legendary difficulty or something just to mess with me. Maybe I should roll a dice about some faction choices or choose his favorite city etc like this as well.

Author:  Chadonraz [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Might try this tomorrow. Maybe I'll even give DiD a try (and get killed by a rat), if I'm feeling adventurous.

Here's my roll:

- female Bosmer (never, ever done this before)
- Master difficulty (it's decided, I will go vanilla... thank the Nine for MO and its profile system)
- Archery, Conjuration, Sneak (this might actually work, even against dragons; vanilla archery and sneak are both way overpowered)

Master difficulty with SkyRe and all my other mods would be insanely hopeless. :mrgreen:
This build reminds me of the random aggressive NPCs named "Wood Elf" (or "Bosmer" in my game) that conjure a wolf/Atronach and shoot arrows at you... :roll:

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Yours is definitely stronger than mine, but he's still kicking. Focusing on Enchant first would indeed be the best option for me IMO. Any limited build with Sneak is automatically stronger than one without IMO. My Khajiit could benefit from stealth, but he's gonna have to rely on his brains and his ability to run away.

Author:  Snail's Pace [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Chadonraz wrote:
Might try this tomorrow. Maybe I'll even give DiD a try (and get killed by a rat), if I'm feeling adventurous.

Here's my roll:

- female Bosmer (never, ever done this before)
- Master difficulty (it's decided, I will go vanilla... thank the Nine for MO and its profile system)
- Archery, Conjuration, Sneak (this might actually work, even against dragons; vanilla archery and sneak are both way overpowered)

Master difficulty with SkyRe and all my other mods would be insanely hopeless. :mrgreen:
This build reminds me of the random aggressive NPCs named "Wood Elf" (or "Bosmer" in my game) that conjure a wolf/Atronach and shoot arrows at you... :roll:

That is an excellent build. Conjuration works really well with Archery and Sneak, and the Bosmer gets bonuses to two of those skills. You should do it.

My spreadsheet dice gave me Redguard male with Alchemy, Block, and Two-handed, Master difficulty. Meh, I'll pass... Already have other characters and not enough time to play as it is.

Cool idea for a challenge, though.

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Someone else had the same idea as me, but made a good chart out of it. This is a good idea, too.

Author:  Dark Heart [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Pilaf The Defiler wrote:
So I've been playing a lot of tabletop games lately and have dice rolls on the brain, so I decided to randomly roll a new Skyrim character for a Third Anniversary playthrough.

That's a great idea. But I've sort of moved on to ES: O, and I've got one Skyrim character already, and... forget it, I'll join in.

So I've played around with random numbers in a spreadsheet, and here's what I've rolled:

  • Breton female
  • Enchanting, Block, Destruction
  • Apprentice difficulty, no Dead is Dead
  • Quests: Main Quest, Thieves Guild, Dawnguard (Dawnguard side)
  • may use mods

And that's Avenie:

The funny thing is that I've decided to let the Alternate Start mod pick a random start for the character, and it was a perfect match - she started as a Dawnguard recruit. The build seems doable, too. Destruction should make for a good ranged combat skill, especially with the Impact perk. And for melee I can always switch to a sword/shield combo if necessary. And with high enchanting weapons can be quite deadly even without any weapon perks.

The only bad thing is that I've got a crossbow, and I can't perk Archery :(

Author:  Mauin [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

I was bored and decided to make my own list. That's what I followed for this character...

I've gone and rolled a Khajiit male cursed with vampirism. The difficulty is only apprentice, so I got lucky there. His three main skills are lockpicking, archery, and sneak. His questlines are the vampire side of Dawnguard, the main quest, and the Bards College.

We'll see how long this one lasts. I haven't really played much Skyrim in ages. I'm a wee bit rusty.

I decided to call him S'Karsa. I'm going to wander until I get to the Dawnguard level, and then I'll do those quests. He most likely won't survive that long; my vampires are modded to do significantly more damage than vanilla. I also have the attacks enabled from level one, so... Well, he has made it to level 4 at least. Most of that was just from sneaking.

Author:  Varyag [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

I tried to roll a character with dice just so see what I got. I had ten-sided and basic six-sided dices. For skills, I rolled one for every group (Stealh, Combat, Magic). Odd for male and even number for female.

What I end up:

Race: Orc (from alphabetically listed list of races)
Gender: female
Skills: Conjuration, One-handed and Light Armour (got very lucky here)
Difficulty: Expert (I've never played above Adept).
Factions: College of winterhold, Imperial Legion, Dawnguard
Standing stone: Shadow

Whether I play with her or not is still open. Might be interesting though.

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

All of your guys' builds are vastly superior to mine, although by staying close to Whiterun and employing hit and run tactics in dungeons and keeping an eye out for outside enemies I've staved off death so far. I'm also strangely relying on cooking more with this character than any before, and am actually using up the potions I find. I'd never played above Adept before this, but the extra challenge makes it interesting.

Author:  moonblossem [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

right i decided to give this a go with a table of my own making this is what i got

Race = Khajit
Gender = Male
Faction = Dark Brotherhood
Weapon style = Dagger, no duel wield
Armour = None
Auxiliary Skill = Pickpocket
Crafting Skill = Alchemy
Difficulty = Master, dead is dead

this will be interesting as i will have to do dark brotherhood contracts without sneaking so i expect to get some high bounties

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Maybe the Alchemy will help with stealth. Effects for invisibility are common enough, and fortify sneak exists, but it'll take some knowhow and there will be an element of danger on this difficulty, especially if you're limited to a dagger. Good luck. My Enchanter is at level 6 now and has some custom gear already, playing on Master, so it's doable but you're gonna run away a lot in combat when you get surrounded.

Author:  Dark Spark [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Why not recreate your very first Skyrim character for the anniversary? At least in physical characteristics. Show that ol' friend what you've done with the place in mods and whatnot.

Author:  Varyag [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

I did give my orc a try. Poor Margat died twice before she even reach Riverwood (first time was inside Helgen). Expert- difficulty is forcing me to actually _think_ during the combat. And so far only conjuration she's done is to make one zombie-wolf. Lucan had no other conjuration spells for sale.

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Dark Spark wrote:
Why not recreate your very first Skyrim character for the anniversary? At least in physical characteristics. Show that ol' friend what you've done with the place in mods and whatnot.

Silly Dark Spark. That's for the Fifth Anniversary, and this is the Third. It's all here in my little black book. Silly Dark Spark.

Author:  Dark Heart [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

Dark Spark wrote:
Why not recreate your very first Skyrim character for the anniversary? At least in physical characteristics. Show that ol' friend what you've done with the place in mods and whatnot.

I sort of did that, actually. There are some minor changes I made when creating Avenie, but there's still some resemblance.
My first character:


Pilaf The Defiler wrote:
Silly Dark Spark. That's for the Fifth Anniversary, and this is the Third. It's all here in my little black book. Silly Dark Spark.

Oh crap. Me and my timing :D

Author:  Dark Spark [ Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Skyrim challenge for Third Anniversary

The third anniversary is leather, so...

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