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Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.
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Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Is there a way of doing it?

I don't mind when it's on Solstheim where he actually has power, but it's very annoying when back in Skyrim...

Author:  Br3admax [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

No, there is no way to stop it. From what I've seen it just happens.

Author:  MathiasFlynnias [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

No way as far as I can tell. The whole point is it is supposed to annoy you. He wants to agitate you.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Well, he's suceeded.

I think I've found the solution - if you have got all the bend will words learnt, with one of them locked, the dragon soul gets absorbed, and miraak doesn't appear.

Just don't unlock the full shout...

Author:  DikaSmausha [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

If you kill a dragon in water, it is impossible for him to appear.

Author:  Duderino Abides [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Umm... complete the main quest?

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

I propose we kill the [&@%!]. I think that would stop it. I bet he drops like ten Dragon souls or something. But he's probably really over powered and cheap. If I had to guess. He's probably the kind of ends boss that heals himself like four times and spams Shouts. Again, just a guess. ;)

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

I've already done the main quest on a different character. This one definitely isn't ready to face him yet is the problem, and she can't get the right thu'um set (amongst other things) to beat him... (she only just gets through Seekers)

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Oh...well, um...you're screwed I guess. He stopped doing that once I broke his hold on the Stones, in my game.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Already done that. She can cope with a single lurker, two or more is difficult.

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

What level is she and what skills does she use?

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

17, destruction, heavy armour, light armour, one handed (yes, I know it's bad form to use both armour skills, but she found an ebony armour main piece at level 12...) For combat, enchanting smithing and alchemy for money, and a bit of sneak from a power level attempt during bleak falls barrow...

Solstheim is leveled a lot harder than Skyrim...

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Damn..that's....that's gonna be tough. I suggest exploiting your alchemy and smithing as much as possible for any tough fights ahead, but that's about the best advice I can give.

So since we're talking about Miraak here

Does anyone know if I can wear his mask long with the Aetherial Crown from Dawnguard, or would it replace it? I know you can wear some circlets with some masks.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Yeah. Normally, at this point I oghma infinium glitch to 81, and then it's a case of for day to day stuff of rocking an fortify destruction/frotify restoration enchanted dress and jewelry, and infinite thunderbolt + incinerate spells at 200 dps, and 500 plus damage swords and dragonscale armour at far in excess of the armour cap for when she needs a bit more.

However, that isn't an option since it means joining Mora. Something I destest immensely due to his treatment of Miraak, the Skaal and the player character. Amongst others reasons. I'm amazed he still helps you when you call him a vile demon at every opportunity...

Whole reason I restarted her...

My hypothesis didn't work.

I'm just going to have to face him...

Ok, if I have the quest At the summit of Apocrypha quest activated, he didn't steal the dragon's soul.

Confirmed on Sahloknir at least, and the random dragon at the lair in northern Solstheim.

Hehe, stupid Miraak, I can beat you now... *molag bol at end of house of house of horrors laugh...*

Dragon 3 I saved first, but first time he took the soul, second time I deactived the quest, and re actived it, and he didn't take the soul.

My theories:

1. It's random probability decided at moment of dragon death. Quest activation isn't important.

2. A script runs whenever you activate the quest to check for whether you have spare souls and a word of Bend will shout left to be unlocked. If so, no soul stealing. If not then he always takes soul.

3. A script runs whenever you activate the quest to check for whether you have spare souls and a word of Bend will shout left to be unlocked. If so, no soul stealing. If not then he might or might not take soul.

4. A script runs whenever you activate the quest to check for whether you have spare souls and a word of Bend will shout left to be unlocked. If so, no soul stealing. If not then he will always leave the soul for you.

Dragon 5 (well, dragon 3 again) would eliminate 4, except it was quite glitched, so...

Dragons 5 and 7 both had kill moves and glitching, and both were absorbed. Only difference was glitching and kill moves. (on wolves)

So 4 is out. And after more testing, it seems whether the quest is active has no relavence to whether the soul is gained.

I'm concluding it's completely random, and the best option is to just save before killing dragon and reloading if he turns up.

Here she goes to face Miraak...

Author:  Niid Onikaan [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Thanks for this post. I'm level 26 and wanted to get a few more shouts under my belt so I went back to Skyrim, was shocked when Miraak turned up and took my souls twice in a row. I think you're right about it being random because he didn't take the third and that wasn't anything special, just a dragon attack outside Riften.

I've already unlocked one word from the Bend Will shout, do you think I should hoard this precious soul for the next word or use it on Dragon Aspect or another shout? I don't want to waste it...

Author:  ZackyZombify [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

There's no wasting dragon souls. I've mastered all shouts and have 80 souls left over. Dragons are annoying. Wish there was a way to end them.

Author:  CBR JGWRR [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Niid Onikaan wrote:
Thanks for this post. I'm level 26 and wanted to get a few more shouts under my belt so I went back to Skyrim, was shocked when Miraak turned up and took my souls twice in a row. I think you're right about it being random because he didn't take the third and that wasn't anything special, just a dragon attack outside Riften.

I've already unlocked one word from the Bend Will shout, do you think I should hoard this precious soul for the next word or use it on Dragon Aspect or another shout? I don't want to waste it...

Dragon aspect isn't all that good in my opinion, I'd use it for Bend Will, as that's actually necessary to complete the DLC, and the faster you complete it the sooner you stop Miraak...

Author:  SuperNull [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

ZackyZombify wrote:
There's no wasting dragon souls. I've mastered all shouts and have 80 souls left over. Dragons are annoying. Wish there was a way to end them.

You can on the PC.
Setting the global variable MQ106TurnOffRandomDragons to 1 probably does the trick.

Author:  ZackyZombify [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Look over there.

<--- Xbox 360 only. I know about the command, I mean like a quest.

Author:  DragonoftheNorth [ Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

He stopped taking mine after I cleansed the All-Maker stones

Author:  Niid Onikaan [ Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping Miraak from stealing the dragon soul.

Thanks folks. I'm in no hurry to beat him, just concerned that I'd never be able to unlock any more shouts until I do.
See, after meeting him and feeling insulted by his assertion that Hrostnar hadn't accomplished anything, he headed back to Skyrim in order to gain power over Miraak, ie; complete the MQ.

CBR JGWRR, I thought Dragon Aspect was awesome, especially now I have two words. I was just clearing Angarvunde and came upon two Deathlords and a couple of Wights. The Ancient Dragonborn saved my toughend hide when I got below 50% health and took on both Deathlords on his own. Plus, that shout makes you glow!

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