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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:20 pm 
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Dark Spark wrote:
You can always fiddle around with the Ghostblade. Getting this requires you to defeat a Necromancer's coven as well, so that could tie into a mage-related roleplay.

Sorry for the late reply. That's a solid alternative as well. I'm still on the fence about it since sword-singing in the present time seems to be so unprecedented that it requires a lot of RP hoop-jumping to justify its rediscovery especially from a character whose magical background is very limited (at least at present).

@DikkeVetteVlinder: Do you have an Elder Stats account? You could make individual profiles for your characters. :)

EDIT: Made additional statements.

You know the world is doomed when its fate is in the hands of a literal milk-drinking farmer and his fellowship of disjointed & kaleidoscopic characters.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:37 pm 
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mondz_tes wrote:

@DikkeVetteVlinder: Do you have an Elder Stats account? You could make individual profiles for your characters. :)

No, I haven't. As a matter of fact, I hadn't even heard of that up until now and have just looked up the site to make an account :') Thanks for the tip! ^_^


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:46 pm 
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Glad I could help. Hopefully we'll see your characters and their progress complete with pictures and journal entries. Good luck and have fun there! :)

You know the world is doomed when its fate is in the hands of a literal milk-drinking farmer and his fellowship of disjointed & kaleidoscopic characters.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:50 pm 
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I'll be sure to post some of that once I can post images here (I have far too many of those) ^_^ and thanks!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:47 pm 
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Pity I can't post a picture. He's such a handsome man :P

Anyway, some general stuff:

Name: Haraldr Tyrsson
Race: Nord
Gender: male
Class: warrior
Level: 47
Member of: Companions, Stormcloaks, Mages guild (yup, just for the good quest it offers, although he's definitely not a mage), Bards college, Dawnguard
Personality: Honorable, but fierce if it gets to a conflict and a fight. Tends to stay on the side of justice, but not on the cost of his own honor. Proud, sometimes egoistic. Despises crime.
Worships: The NINE divines. And can't help but to worship some Daedra as well (sorry, Stendarr) - Sheogorath in particular.
Age: 25
Married: not yet - still not ready to take an arrow in the knee...
Werewolf: used to be
Vampire: no, and refused the title of Vampire Lord
Titles: thane of... everything, apparently; Archmage, Harbinger of the Companions, Stormcloak officer; Dragonborn

Two handed - 100
One handed - 92
Heavy armor - 98
Smithing - 99

But for gods - for me - there is no more feeling. Only knowing.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:46 am 

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Name: Laternos
Race: Bosmer
Style: Stealth archer/ dagger and sword
guilds: theives guild, dark brotherhood, stormcloaks, mages guild for illusion

Story: laternos was a noble from cyrodill. His father is an imperial general and his mother is a bosmer from the aldemeri dominion (spy). When he was visiting his parents one day he found his mother by the window with one of his arrows in her chest, he ran to get help but when he opened the door 6 imperial guards and his father were waiting weapons drawn ready to arrest him (obviously his father found the truth about his mother). he was then taken to prison where he served 5 days before he escaped. he rushed to skyrim. he then met a horse thief who asked for his assistance in stealing a horse. they where about to take it just as the stormcloaks came down the road, the imperials then ambushed them all. the worst part was that his father was with general tullius watching over the ambush, his father recognized him immediately and ordered him and the horse theif to be executed along with the stormcloaks. after the events of "unbond" he immediately traveled to windhelm and joined the stormcloaks so he could take back his life and take back his life (somewhere during the stormcloak quest line he kills his father). after his revenge is complete he continues with his life . . .

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:38 am 
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Cool backstory for Laternos! There are quite a few interesting backstories for characters here... Got to work on my Haraldr's story. I've had some basic outline for it in my mind for quite a while, but nothing exact enough.

But for gods - for me - there is no more feeling. Only knowing.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:05 pm 
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So I made a new character for fooling around when I don't have much time to play and can't be bothered to do anything serious, but naturally I've fallen in love with her (metaphorically speaking) and am probably going to keep her. I've never had a good ole Nord Dovahkiin, and she might just fit the job description.

Name: Magritte (yes, it's a pun on Ygritte from Game of Thrones, and no, ceci n'est pas un peintre surréaliste)
Race: Nord
Year of Birth: 4E 180
Place of Birth: Stonehills, Hjaalmarch, Skyrim
Birthsign / Standing Stone: The Warrior
Class: Warrior
Current level: 4
Dragonborn: A legend dear to every true Nord... er... what was the question again?
Personality: a true daughter of Skyrim - proud, generous, fond of good food and drink, good stories and rough humour, kind to the needy, quick to anger when provoked, brutal and reckless in battle
Likes: a good roast, apples, cheese, mead (Honningbrew if she can afford it, plain Nord mead otherwise); bards; brawling; hunting; working at the forge
Dislikes: Black-Briar mead, Thalmor, bandits, cabbage
Goals in life: To free Skyrim from the tyranny of the Thalmor and their Imperial puppets and make it safe to live in for everybody; not to 'give Skyrim back to the Nords' at the expense of everyone else, but to re-empower her people to live and worship in their own country as they see fit
Special rules: No milk, no magic, no stealth, no looting of burial urns or anything else in Nordic tombs that wasn't clearly placed there later by outsiders.

Fighting style:
open with arrows, then switch to battleaxe
Major skills: Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, Block, Archery, One-Handed
Supporting skills: Speech
Crafting skills: Smithing (because of her backstory, see below: it's natural for a miner's daughter to pick up a few things about working metal, and guards, like any soldiers, must be capable of repairing their own gear at need); basics of Alchemy (learned from Idgrod the Younger and Lami)

Weapons: Springsteel bow (from Immersive Weapons) + steel arrows, steel battleaxe, hunting knife
Apparel/Equipment: Banded iron armour, armoured fur hood, ancient Nord barbarian boots (Immersive Armors), steel gauntlets; miner's clothes for crafting and leisure

Factions: Stormcloaks, maybe Companions; formerly Hjaalmarch Guard
Thaneships: -

Civil War: Stormcloak, obviously

Spouse/Lover/Significant Other: none yet (she grew up hoping she'd marry Sirgar some day and is developing a bit of a crush on Sven, but I don't think it'll last)
Children: none yet (but those hips were made for babies)
Family: Jesper (father), Svanhvir (mother)
Friends: Sirgar, Teeba-Ei, Idgrod the Younger
Other associated NPCs: Sorli the Builder (mentor), Gorm (former mentor)

Religion: a worshipper of the old Nord pantheon - Shor, Kyne, Mara, Stuhn & Tsun, and most notably Ysmir ("Here in Skyrim we call Talos Ysmir!")

Backstory - Long version:
Born and raised in the small mining community of Stonehills, Magritte learned early that folk must stick together and rely on each other to survive and thrive in the fair but stern land of Skyrim. During her childhood and early youth she witnessed two bandit raids which forced women and children to hide in the mine while the men and the jarl's guards dealt with the attackers; the experience of cowering helplessly and scared in the dark made a deep impression on her, and she resolved that when she was grown up she would hide no more but become a guard herself and protect her people.

She started training with a wooden sword but soon realized that she felt more comfortable with two-handed weapons and switched to a wooden battlestaff. The jarl's guards, both amused and touched by her zealous determination to become one of them, took turns training with her and showed her many a trick of the fighting trade. Her parents initially opposed her wish, fearing for her life, but were won over by and by, and her father Jesper bought her her first iron battleaxe.

A week after her sixteenth birthday Magritte went to Morthal, sought audience with Jarl Idgrod and asked to be accepted into her guards. Idgrod must have seen something in the girl, for she assented, and after a year of further training Magritte was sworn in as a guard of Hjaalmarch. She served with distinction and caught the eye of the jarl's housecarl, Gorm, who became her mentor and took it upon himself to supervise her career personally. (Or maybe she caught his eye in a different way and his unwanted attention contributed to her defection, see below.)

Magritte's political views were largely shaped by Sorli the Builder, head of the Stonehills community, who was her teacher and mentor in childhood and early youth and had also supported her wish to join the guards; in other words, she was raised believing that Ulfric Stormcloak was the best thing that had happened to Skyrim since the invention of mead, and she never had any reason to question this belief. At the same time growing up next to the Argonian Teeba-Ei, an esteemed member of the community, had taught her tolerance and respect for all races of Tamriel, as long as they in turn respected the Nord, their beliefs and their way of life.

When the news reached Morthal early in 4E 201 that Ulfric had killed High King Torygg and was rallying forces to make a bid for High Kingship himself Magritte was torn between her duty to her jarl (who was known to lean towards the Empire) and what she felt was her duty as a true daughter of Skyrim (TM); the latter won, and she defected and left Morthal heading for Windhelm in order to join Ulfric's forces. But her course was changed when she spent a night in Dawnstar and overheard Brina Merilis and Horik mentioning an imperial plan to ambush and capture Ulfric at Darkwater Crossing. Immediately she turned south and hurried to either defend her future High King with her life or help him escape. In Whiterun she learned that if Ulfric had been taken he would be brought by way of Helgen or even executed right there, so this was her next destination; but when she reached Helgen she found the town and keep in smoldering ruins. She feared the worst until she talked to Gerdur of Riverwood whose brother Ralof, a Stormcloak soldier, had brought both the good news that Ulfric had escaped and the bad news that Helgen had been burned down by a dragon.-

Backstory - Short version: Skyrim Unbound spawned her in a camp near Helgen wearing a Hjaalmarch guard's cuirass, and everything above was spun from this.

Eine insel mit nur einem berg, doch der ist innen heiß
Und spuckt asche, pest und corprus, wo kein mensch 'ne kur für weiß -
Ja, wie mag die insel heißen, von Vivec bis Dagon Fel?
Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Vvardenfell!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:33 am 
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I'm throwing another Stormcloak onto here.

Name: Narji, known as The Blood-Bringer because of an incident involving bandits outside of Whiterun.
Race: Nord.
Birthday: 15th of First Seed, 4E 182.
Birthplace: Windhelm.
Birthsign: The Lord.
Religion: Nine Divines
Class: Berserker.

Born on the 15th of First Seed in the 182nd year of the 4th Era to a pair of Nord hunters, Narji was being raised as a true Nord. Her parents were devout followers of Talos (and the rest of the Nine Divines as they were citizens of the dwindling Empire) and chose to live in the Talos-worshipping city of Windhelm; it was the only place that welcomed people like them, as Talos worship had been outlawed by the Dominion. Her family believed that to be a shame, but they harbored no ill-will for the Empire.

Of course… Not all their time was spent in Windhelm; Narji’s parents were avid hunters and often went on trips far outside of the city to find good game. The two older Nords would take little Narji with them. It was never an issue for them as Narji was always a well behaved little girl; she stayed with her parents and even assisted them when she could. At six years old, she was given a small bow and taught how to use it. She already knew how to wield a knife –which felt like a sword in her tiny hands- and was eager to learn how to use other weapons. The hunter’s nature was in her blood.

In the spring of the 188th year of the 4th Era, Narji was accompanying her parents on another hunting trip in the volcanic tundra of Eastmarch. It was night when the monster struck. A massive werewolf with golden eyes and the grey-brown fur of a timber wolf attacked their camp. Narji’s parents were slaughtered in front of the little girl. She fled, gut the werewolf spotted her; lifting its bloody muzzle from the steaming flesh of her dead parents, the werewolf blinked once and charged. It roared and raked its dripping claws across the girl’s face. She crashed to the ground. As the werewolf opened its jaws to rip into the girl’s flesh, she thrust her skinning knife up into the roof of the werewolf’s mouth. The blade entered its brain and severed multiple major blood vessels. Choking on its own blood, the werewolf thrashed about until it finally died, half drowned in its own blood.

Little Narji was unknowingly infected with Sanies Lupinus. She stumbled away from the scene of the attack with a hand pressed against the deepest portion of the gashes across her face and wandered, confused, until she was rescued by a hermit that lived in a shack down by the river.

He looked after her for a month… Until Masser and Secunda rose full once more. Narji transformed for the first time. Her werewolf form was nothing more than a pup compared to an adult, but it still held all the cunning and brutal fury of the larger beast; in the uncontrollable –especially for a child of six years- bloodlust of the werewolf, Narji leaped upon her new guardian and ripped his throat out.

When she awoke the next morning and saw the ruin her jaws had made of the man’s throat, she vomited. The memory of the attack on her parents, the memory of the werewolf’s claws digging into her face all came back and she wailed. She was only six years old. How could that have happened? Even at that age she knew that she could not live amongst others; if she did, what happened to the hermit could easily happen once more. The girl took everything she could carry from the hermit’s shack and left. There was nothing more she could do.

Narji wandered for several months until her clothes had rotted away and the winter snows began to fall. She was half starved and didn’t have the strength to make a fire; the girl collapsed, not even caring about her survival. As her body began to shut down, she was plucked out of the snow by a warrior of the Companions. She wrapped Narji in her travel furs and built a fire to warm the girl up. The warrior –a woman named Rael Stormborn- ran a gloved hand across the angry red scars and she knew what had happened; the scent of the werewolf was strong on the girl. It was easy for another werewolf to smell it.

When Narji woke up, Rael explained what she was… What they were. The Companion informed the little girl that she was a member of an order or warriors that could help her. With nowhere else to go, Narji accepted Rael’s offer. They set out together not long after that. When they arrived at Jorrvaskr, Rael brought Narji to the Harbinger –Kodlak Whitemane- and explained what she knew; he looked long and hard at the girl before he too ran a finger along the length of the scars.

Narji didn’t know why, but she found herself telling the older man what had happened to her. He listened quietly while she told him her tale, even held her little hands when she began to cry. Kodlak Whitemane did not hesitate to grant her a place amongst the Companions; Rael agreed and offered to raise the little girl as her own child. From that point onward, she was raised as a Companion. She learned how to use all manner of weapons from the other warriors and, though she favored light armor and heavy two-handed blades, she was quite skilled.

As she grew older, Kodlak and Rael noted that Narji retained several aspects of her werewolf form in her natural morph: she had bright golden eyes (which she wasn’t born with); curiously thick hair all over her body, with the hair on her head –a jet black mohawk- almost resembling a mane; and, despite her relatively narrow frame, a greater height, strength, speed, and stamina than most. Her golden eyes gave her a unique beauty and it amused them when men attempted to flirt with her, only to find that she was attracted only to other women. Their disappointment –and sometimes disgust- was palpable.

A new man joined the Companions when she was 16. He was a Dark Elf named Athis. To his surprise, Narji was the one sent out to test him. It was the idea of Vilkas. Everybody came out to observe as Athis was defeated over and over again by a girl so much younger than himself. He was embarrassed, but after the fight, he approached the Nord with questions; she informed him that she had been training since she was six years old. Not many could beat her. Narji invited him out to deal with a group of bandits near Whiterun. Athis –looking for a chance at redemption- agreed and followed her. He –along with several Whiterun guards- witnessed her slaughter ten bandits on her own, turning the waters of a small pond red with their blood. The red water flowed towards the city and Narji earned the name Blood-Bringer.

Three years later, Narji was mistaken for a Stormcloak soldier while hunting on the borders of Eastmarch and the Rift. A group of Imperial Soldiers had caught her and ordered her execution. She was taken to Helgen along with the others. Unlike them, though, she planned on transforming (she had gained control over her transformations after several months, thanks to the intervention of the Circle) and fighting her way out. If she was going to die, she would not go quietly.

It was soon discovered that Narji was the Last Dragonborn of legend. She was amazed and shocked, but she followed that path as best as she could; after two or three months (with a considerable break to fight in the civil war for the Stormcloaks), she defeated Alduin. That attracted the attention of the cultists of a Dragonborn known as Miraak. Narji did not like it, but she was forced to cooperate with Hermaeus Mora in order to defeat the First Dragonborn.

Her adventures did not end there. When she returned to Skyrim, she joined an organization known as the Dawnguard and helped them end the vampire threat to Skyrim. Then, when she returned to the Companions, she found herself rising through the ranks; after a lengthy war with the Silver hand, she became the next Harbinger after old Kodlak (who had been like a father to her).

And there she remained. Jorrvaskr was where she belonged.


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:13 pm 

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So, I'm back to playing Skyrim after a few months' pause. Got bored with my earlier characters, so started a new one, a sort of bard type.



Gender: Female
Age: 55
Main skills: Speech, Illusion, Archery, Alchemy, Sneak


Born and raised in the Imperial City into a family of entertainers, Eryniel learned early to play the lute and use Illusion for show purposes. Her uncle, however, had chosen the trade of an alchemist, and taught some of his skills to her when he saw she was interested. Her childhood and early youth was happy.

At the age of 20 she went to live on her own and made a living as a travelling singer and illusionist. She was in Leyawiin when the Great War broke out. The Aldmeri forces conquered the city before Eryniel could flee. At first she didn't much mind the occupation, thinking that at least the conquerors were of her own race. The oppression meted out to the members of other races sickened her, however. Then the commander of Dominion forces gave all Altmer and Bosmer of eligible age that lived in the city a stark choice: Either join the Aldmeri army or be executed as a traitor.

Eryniel reluctantly joined and was hastily trained as an auxiliary archer. At first her unit was used solely as a guard force in the environs of Leyawiin. But after some months it was ordered to move to the front to aid the first-line troops in their push against the Imperial City. This was too much for Eryniel; doing guard duty was one thing, but she couldn't stomach going to battle against the Empire. This feeling was only heightened by the atrocities she had witnessed. So she deserted the first chance she got, somewhere in southern West Weald.

After wandering a few days she met a guerrilla group composed of diverse refugees and soldiers stranded behind the lines. They caught and almost killed her, but luckily she could convince them she was not an Aldmeri spy. She was accepted into the group and spent the rest of the war fighting against the Dominion army, and spying for the guerrillas in the guise of a bard. When hearing about the Emperor sieging the Imperial City, the group fought its way to the main army and took part in the final parts of the recapture of the city. There Eryniel to her immense relief learned that her parents and other family members were safe and sound.

After the war was over, Eryniel returned to her former life. Despite her having fought for the Empire she was not eligible for any veteran benefits, firstly because she had briefly served in enemy ranks and secondly, because she had not belonged to the Imperial army proper. This made her somewhat embittered towards the Imperial bureaucracy and army, although it could not wipe away her pride in having gone to battle for her country.

As the years went by, she began to be ill at ease in Cyrodiil. The Thalmor influence in the province was stifling the atmosphere, and rumours began to circulate, saying that the Thalmor were planning to wreak vengeance upon all Altmer that had fought against them during the war, and that all deserters from Dominion army that had managed to stay in Cyrodiil after the war would be rounded up and given over to the Thalmor. Belonging to both of those groups, Eryniel started to worry, especially as she knew how relentless the Thalmor could be if they bore a grudge.

Although her family pointed out that there were nothing to prove the rumours right, Eryniel was adamant: She would leave Cyrodiil, at least for a time. She chose to go to Skyrim, because in the turmoil of the province she could easily vanish if needed, and because the demands of the Thalmor could not be fulfilled that efficiently there anyway. She didn't realize at the time the extent of the Nords' antipathy towards the Elves.

So, she took off and reached Jerall Mountains without a hitch. But as she was crossing the mountains, an angry bear attacked her in her camp one night, maybe angered that the camp was too near its cave. Eryniel's weak Illusion skill could only delay the beast so long that she could run away into the darkness, with only the clothes on her back. A blizzard completed the disaster; she lost her way completely. At dawn she realized there was no point in trying to find her camp; snow had covered all tracks. So, she pressed on to generally northerly direction. The next day she stumbled into the Imperial troop planning to ambush Ulfric. She was actually relieved to be arrested, certain that she would be eventually released unharmed, and in the meanwhile at least be warm and safe.

And that's where the curtain rises for the game intro.

With this character I'll intend to make full use of the become a bard mod, especially the song books as their vocals are mostly for female voice. Playstyle: Sneaky archer/illusionist, alchemy for buffs and poisons, melee only as the last resort.

Last edited by Nord85 on Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:52 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:07 pm
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Status: Playing Skyrim on Legendary w. a dunmer
Other Profiles: GT:xMist3r_Clutchx Steam: Gaddafininja
UESPoints: 0
Name: Jace Kastor
Race: Dark Elf (Vampire Lord)
Birthstone : The Lord
Major Skills: Archery, sneak, destruction, illusion, conjuration, light armor, alchemy
Factions : dark brotherhood, thieves guild, college of winterhold, Imperial army
"Class": arcane assassin
Job/Lifestyle: no job only can be found at night if you can see him before an arrow or paralysis spell hits you, uses invisibility most of the time and during the day spends time sleeping and feeding on aela his wife

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:32 pm 
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^^Eryniel is a woman who has led an interesting life (and a pretty one too). Great bio!

Eine insel mit nur einem berg, doch der ist innen heiß
Und spuckt asche, pest und corprus, wo kein mensch 'ne kur für weiß -
Ja, wie mag die insel heißen, von Vivec bis Dagon Fel?
Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Vvardenfell!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:38 pm 

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Finn Wolfshorn wrote:
^^Eryniel is a woman who has led an interesting life (and a pretty one too). Great bio!

Thanks, Finn! Well, I like to devise a backstory for my characters that explains their specific skill combination, and also why they aren't masters in them already at the start of the game. Playing just makes more sense to me that way. Not to mention I enjoy writing stories and devising plausible scenarios. In this instance a bard and half-amateur illusionist sprang immediately to mind. Also since I, the player, love to hate the Thalmor and hunt their patrols down wherever encountered, the character also had to have a motivation to hate them. Thus, the forced period in Thalmor ranks and fighting against them in the war. I originally got the whole idea for writing detailed backstories after reading other players' bios for their characters.

As for her looks, I aimed at something distinctly elvish, yet not ridiculously gorgeous or, on the other hand, as vulture-like as e.g. Elenwen. I like the result, especially those big, blue eyes. I'd never have guessed how well that eye-colour would fit for an Altmer.

Heh, sometimes I think I enjoy creating characters almost as much if not more than actually playing them.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:17 pm 
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Recently started a new playthrough (my fourth so far), it's my first attempt at a full (squishy) mage build, specialising in conjuration. I've done a spellsword before, but this is the first time I do a dedicated mage, so it's been a real challenge.

Name: Vanille d'Artagnan
Age: 19
Birthplace: Evermore, High Rock
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Mage
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Eggplants

History: Not much is known about her past, even by herself, as she suffers from amnesia and her memory is fractured. She was born with albinism, and her ears bear a distinctly elf-like pointed look (a very rare genetic throwback to the Bretons' elven heritage). Due to her appearance, which seemed strange to the people around her, she was generally treated like an outcast as a child. She had little social interaction, and instead spent time alone immersed in her studies. She was an excellent student, especially in magic. Her parents were very loving, and they did not care how she looked, though they were concerned about her lack of friends. At some point, she set out for Skyrim, and built a small cottage deep in the woods of Falkreath, presumably where she could focus her studies in isolation. Eventually, she would awaken in a cell in an abandoned prison somewhere in Eastmarch Hold, stripped of her possessions and her memory, with no idea how she got there. In time, she recalled her name, but little else. She would escape the prison, and begin her life from scratch, eventually rediscovering her cottage and joining the College of Winterhold. Her memories slowly returned to her in small fragments, but not completely. Soon after beginning her adventures anew, she wandered near Helgen, chasing rumours of an impending execution, and witnessed a huge black dragon flying overhead...

Personality: Neutrality in corporeal form. Owing to her sheltered, outcast upbringing, she never developed socially. The result is a very dull, softspoken girl with little ability for interacting with people. She speaks in a bored monotone, and perpetually carries the same dead-fish look in her eyes. She never smiles or laughs, even when happy (or what passes for happy with her). Vanille is solitary and prefers isolation. She's incredibly smart, and she knows it, which gives her a biting sarcasm at times, and she seems to enjoy belittling her opponents. She spends most of her day practising spells, even while walking to and from places. Vanille's actions are very utilitarian, and while she will generally not do anything outright "evil", she will do whatever she feels will further her studies or help her become a better mage. Because of whatever it was that caused her to lose her memory, she still suffers from memory lapses, and can be very absent-minded, often forgetting what is was she was doing, or finishing entire quests and forgetting who it was that gave them to her. This does not cause her panic, and she usually just shrugs it off and carries on until she remembers. Due to her rare condition, she's been mistaken for many things: a Snow Elf, a ghost, a vampire, a wispmother, etc. Though generally emotionless, this almost universally angers her.

Hobbies: Vanille has few hobbies that are not related to her studies. She spends nearly every waking hour practising spells and incantations. She is also very intrigued by enchanting, and has dedicated a large portion of her time to studying it. Outside of that, Vanille usually doesn't do anything most consider "fun". She does have a natural curiosity, and will often take on odd jobs for people if it seems like it might be interesting. She's also an impressive chef, which may be a leftover from her lost memories as her mother was known for her recipes.

Abilities: She is a talented conjurer, and usually eschews normal weapons for bound ones. As a result she's a respectable swordsman and archer, but prefers to let atronachs and ranged spells do the work for her. She has a good command over destruction spells, but seeks to become better at them.

Affiliations: Not many, given her isolated nature. She's managed to become Thane of Whiterun, and has taken on Lydia as a companion, which is notable for someone as antisocial as Vanille. She's a member of the College of Winterhold, and has become one of Tolfdir's favourite students.

Religion: Vanille is not very religious, seeing Aedra and Daedra in a very utilitarian way and instead of praying she interacts with them as though they were simply very powerful people.

Last edited by Gengar on Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:22 am 
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^Interesting character with a very cool name!

Eine insel mit nur einem berg, doch der ist innen heiß
Und spuckt asche, pest und corprus, wo kein mensch 'ne kur für weiß -
Ja, wie mag die insel heißen, von Vivec bis Dagon Fel?
Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Vvardenfell!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:44 am 
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Finn Wolfshorn wrote:
^Interesting character with a very cool name!

Thanks! :)

Here's a picture of her, for anyone curious (click to enlarge it):


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:00 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:43 pm
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ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
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Status: bemused
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Name: Edwina Elbert
Race: Breton, of course
Age: she'll never tell! "Younger than Baladas, obvs."
Favorite skills: two-handed, restoration, destruction, alchemy, light armor
Class: officially still a mage, but has discovered that she really likes whacking things.
Her People: The Companions, the College of Winterhold, the Bards College
Her Passion: why, exploring Dwemer ruins... what else would it be?
How did she manage to live so long? "I know a guy who knows a guy."
Her dream: Return to Vvardenfell one day.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:12 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:07 pm
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ES Games: oblivion,morrowind, skyrim,
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Status: Playing Skyrim on Legendary w. a dunmer
Other Profiles: GT:xMist3r_Clutchx Steam: Gaddafininja
UESPoints: 0
Name: Drinks-Warm-Blood
Race: Argonian Vampire Lord
Birthsign: The Lord
Age: 562 (19 before vampirism)
Birthplace: Riften, Skyrim

Alignment: pure evil, will kill if looked at the wrong way
Motivation (s): Being the most powerful argonian vampire in recorded history, fighting for his homeland as a storm cloak.

Story: was born in skyrim and his family was always a part of the ebonheart pact, at a young age his parents were murdered by High elf assassins as part of the aldmeri dominion. He grew up among the ranks of the dark brotherhood as a shadowscale, then at the age of 19 was given a chance to join the ranks of the undead by one of his fellow brothers in the guild. He kept it a secret for as long as possible. Always considered family to the nords of skyrim due to his past with ebonheart pact. Despite the hatred that the races had for eachother. He then stayed extremely powerful and became a creature of the night and is virtually indestructable
Major Skills : One-handed, sneak, light armor, illusion, alteration, archery
Minor skills : Restoration, enchanting, smithing

Dragonborn: Yes
Guilds: Dark brotherhood, thieves guild, college of winter hold, storm cloaks
Civil War: storm cloaks
Religion: devoted to the daedric lords, specifically namira

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:06 pm 

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Making a more refined rogue than my current one.

Name: Ingvar the Wolf
Race/gender: Nord Male
Major perked skills: Archery, one handed, sneak, alchemy, block, blacksmith.
Minor unperked skills: Lockpick, pickpocket, speechcraft.

Backstory: Ingvar is a laborer with a passion for hunting. He works in villages and farms, mining, smithing, farming, and hunting. He was ambushed by imperials while making routine deliveries just outside the border.

His combat experience is strictly tracking and hunting, but sneaky knife kills and poison brewing will quickly become part of his arsenal. Hand to hand combat is a last resort. He travels light and does not use armor, instead, relying on stealth and natural healing poultices.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:27 pm 

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ES Games: Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
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I decided to give Eryniel some rest and to start the new build I had been planning for some variety. I used Live Another Life this time, which is why this character's adventure doesn't start from the cart. So, here he is:

Name: Rufus Martialis
Age: 28
Race: Imperial
Favoured Skills: Two-Handed, Heavy Armour, Archery, Smithing


Rufus was born during the Great War in the Dominion-occupied territory of Cyrodiil. His mother Paulina died of puerperal fever a few days after his birth. His father Lucius never even saw him because he perished in the war, having been conscripted just days before the Dominion forces occupied their home village. Rufus' parents were poor tenant farmers.

A neighbour, Galla Caelia, who had given birth some weeks before, took Rufus in and nursed him alongside her own son. But as her own husband was also killed in the war, she couldn't support two children indefinitely even though she had become very attached to Rufus. So a year after the war she regretfully had to take Rufus to an orphanage in the nearby Chorrol. She visited him regularly accompanied by her son Titus, however, and after remarrying and that way getting a bit more affluent again sent him books and small gifts. Her new husband, however, would not consent Rufus moving with them to be ”another mouth to feed” as he put it. He didn't prevent Galla's keeping touch with Rufus, however, since he was not completely heartless, but only didn't want to take responsibility for a boy that was a total stranger to him.

Life in the orphanage wasn't too bad for Rufus, but was sometimes very boring. The books Galla sent him were therefore very welcome and kindled a love for reading in him, especially history and old legends. He never got any formal education of the academic sort, however. Instead, he was apprenticed at the age of twelve to a blacksmith, Galla paying half of the tuition fee and her husband, whom she had with some difficulty persuaded, provided the other half.

At the age of seventeen, Rufus had enough of the apprenticeship, since his master was a harsh-mannered tyrant. Although grateful to Galla for her support, he asked her consent to quit. She reluctantly consented, but only on the condition that Rufus acquires some other honest trade. He thought about it and joined the Fighters' Guild as he was strong and hardy even at that age. During his training he quickly acquired a liking to using a waraxe and shield, and learned some archery too.

He spent in the guild the next eleven years, but was ultimately disillusioned. Contracts didn't pay as much as he would have liked, and he hadn't distinguished himself in any notable way, if on the other hand never dishounoured himself either. Also, he was restless and desired something more adventurous than the humdrum troll-slaying gigs. So he decided to become a freelance mercenary. Having heard the news about the turmoil Skyrim was in, he decided to head there. He sent a letter to Galla informing her of this, to which she replied inviting him to visit her.

He did as she bade, and went to see her. She was tearful to see her foster-son of sorts to go, but gave some pieces of jewelry to him to sell as a final gift. Rufus thanked her for all the kindnesses she had shown him and bade farewell to her and Titus, who had always been friendly to him. Even Galla's new husband deigned to appear to bid Rufus a cordial farewell, even though they had only met a few times before.

So, that being settled Rufus headed north and eventually reached Falkreath. There he spent the first night in the inn, then bought some armor and set off in the direction of Helgen. When he arrived there, however, the place was a smoking ruin and a great black dragon was just flying away. Rufus searched for survivors in the rubble, but only found a dead adventurer's journal. Guided by it he found a nearby cave where an injured Legionnaire named Hadvar had taken refuge. Rufus gave Hadvar a healing potion and the men set off for Riverwood to warn the village.


Rufus is headstrong and stubborn and rarely backs out from a challenge. He's an aggressive fighter that favours attack tactics. At times he is short-tempered, but if treated civilly is amiable enough. His reading of old books has convinced him that there must be some truth to Talos' divinity, even though he's not completely sure about that. What he is sure about, however, is that he hates the Thalmor, as he blames them for killing his father and for his mother's death. That is the reason that discourages him from joining the Imperial Legion even though he doesn't support the Stormcloaks. Namely, he wants no part in enforcing the dicates of the White-Gold Concordat.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:03 pm 

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ES Games: Elder Scrolls Anthology
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Name: Rift.
Species: Wood Elf.
Age: 53 (Young for a Bosmer)
Play Style: Stealthy Archer.
Backstory: Rift was born in Cyrodil in the city of Anvil. The son of the captain of the guard, his father trained him in all of the traditional Bosmer fighting styles. But there was one thing holding him back: Rift was aggressive, and would often get too angry at his friends. After the great war broke out, both of his parents were killed. He journeyed Tamriel in grief, living off of the land and visiting all of the imperial provinces, including the home of his people, Valenwood. Upon nearing the border of Skyrim, he was met with a Stormcloak patrol. They ridiculed him, and suspected him of being a Thalmor spy. Rift lashed out, knocking out several soldiers and breaking Ulfric's nose. Before the stormcloaks had a chance to fight back, they were ambushed by imperials. And so begins our story...

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:20 pm 

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Falanu Romalen


Race: Dunmer
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Main skills: Archery, One-handed, Alchemy, Alteration, Smithing


Falanu was born in Cheydinhal into a Dunmer family established there generations ago (in fact, Newland Lodge's former owner Dervera Romalen was her grandfather's cousin). His father Adaves owned a modestly succesful jewellery shop and her mother Alfe was a housewife. Even at an early age Falanu was interested in rocks and metals and decided to study to become a mine prospector, which her parents allowed. Her other hobbies included music. She also liked helping her father to repair jewelry and to watch the local blacksmith working, from which pastimes she learned a thing or two about smithing.

At the age of 17 she obtained through her father's connections an apprentice post in a small mining company named Dragontail Minerals, then operating in High Rock. The Great War broke out only a few days after her arrival in the company's main office. The war meant a great boost for the company's fortunes, since vast amounts of iron and steel were needed to manufacture equipment for the Legions and the Imperial government placed orders to any and all firms that could supply it.

Therefore Falanu was immediately placed in a prospecting team setting out to find new sources of iron ore. The mission was a success, as a very abundant mine was found in a relatively convenient location. Falanu learned a lot during this trip, and honed her skills during many subsequent ones. By the end of the war, she had mastered the art of sniffing ore veins out so well that she was regularly employed as a solo prospector.

After the war Falanu continued to work for Dragontail Minerals, which had swollen to a very respectable-sized corporation. She still worked mostly solo, but sometimes also as the head of small prospecting teams of three to four members. During her career she also took time to learn some alchemy and alteration to help her during trips to inhospitable regions. Having Oakflesh active, for instance, could be a life-saver in case a rock would fall on top of her from an unstable cave roof. She also learned to use weapons, for hunting purposes and because there sometimes were scuffles with bandits.

In 201 Falanu was at an unfruitful work trip in the Wrothgarian Mountains, when she was delivered a letter from company headquarters. It curtly informed her that she was fired because her last two expeditions had been failures. That actually was due to the fact that most suitable sites in the province had already been found and taken into use. But that didn't bother the new management of Dragontail Minerals, who wanted to make a few examples to raise the performance of the remaining prospectors. Falanu was an unfortunate victim of this decision.

As enraged by this ungratefulness as she was, Falanu could do nothing about it. She headed to Jehanna and spent a few days there to think about her future. Then it dawned to her: She would go to Skyrim and found her own mine. Because of the war there, land might be had for cheap prizes, but only if the owner didn't know he was sitting on top of valuable ore. So Falanu decided to pose as an immigrant interested in acquiring some farmland. She would scout for a suitable site, having gold or maybe even ebony deposits. Then she would buy the land, start digging and become filthy rich. Oh yes, she thought with sullen satisfaction, she would show that rotten company and everyone else. She would be nobody's hireling anymore.

Accordingly, she sent a letter to Dragontail Minerals demanding all the backpay due to her. After receiving it, she hurried to the nearest port town and bought a ticket aboard a ship headed to Solitude.

Personality and religion:

Falanu is stubborn and prone to bearing grudges, but loyal to those who befriend her. She likes to grab a septim whenever she can and by whatever means short of actual crime. During her work years she learned to love the beauty of the wilderness and the solitude of long expeditions in the middle of nowhere. That, however, doesn't stop her being a bit of a cynic when it comes to people.

Coming from an ”Imperialized” family, Falanu worships the Imperial pantheon, albeit rather lukewarmly. As a result of her upbringing she is quite ill-informed about the Dunmeri traditional practices, but that suits her just fine. She remembers the stories her grandmother told her about the Tribunal Temple's oppressiveness, and so is quite happy to live by the more relaxed Imperial mores.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:13 am 

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Name: Bjorn the Blue
Race/Gender: Nord Male
Major perked skills: Alteration, Blacksmith, Block, Destruction, One handed, Restoration
Minor unperked skills: Sneak, Speechcraft

Backstory: Bjorn is a spellcaster who learned about magic growing up in the Imperial City. After the Mages Guild dissolved, it became much more difficult to openly practice magic and locate others who were skilled in the schools. Bjorn traveled north to Skyrim to join the College of Winterhold. Upon crossing the border, Bjorn was captured in an Imperial raid and stripped of his belongings. Though nothing of monetary value was taken, personal momentos and important research was confiscated and discarded once captured, leaving Bjorn entirely free of possessions. Armed with very basic knowledge of swordplay and Destruction magic, Bjorn will have his hands full escaping Imperial abduction.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:05 am 

Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 6:32 am
Posts: 19
ES Games: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Redguard, Battlespire, ESO
Platform: PC
Status: Visiting Black Marsh
Other Profiles: Steam: angryargonian
UESPoints: 0
Name: Cantamu
Race: Redguard
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Play-style: Aggressive Warrior
Main Skills: Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Enchanting, and Archery

Cantamu, the Redguard who was once the most notorious bounty hunter of the 4th era, was the son of the King and Queen of Daggerfall. He was entitled to many comforts as a child, and was being raised as a diplomat. However, that all changed when his father went of a hunting trip in the Alik’r Desert. Foolishly, the King entered into the wastes without his escort, and a terrible sandstorm hit their camp. Lost and confused, the child Cantamu wandered the desert, half-dead. He fell unconscious, but was saved by the Alik’r Caravans.

They considered him a son, and raised him in their ways. A decade later, at age nineteen, he departed the caravan, and returned to his home in Daggerfall, only to find that his father thought him dead. He was accused of being an imposter, and was exiled once more to the great desert.

Thus, he became a bounty hunter, called by some the best in all of Tamriel. Many years later, he received a job by an unknown employee, who wanted him to join a group of horse thieves and gain evidence to convict them. However, all did not go to plan, as they were accidently captured by a group of Imperials who were trying to capture Ulfric Stormcloak.

As they all captured, Cantamu tried to convince the Imperials of his true nature, but to no avail. Strangely enough, these horse thieves also included the Dragonborn, who had joined them earlier. After the awakening of Alduin, the two became close friends, and while the Dragonborn continued to find his destiny, Cantamu decided to join the Companions, where he eventually became their current Harbinger. He later found the Dragonborn once again, and they are still friends to this very day.

"Another day, another septim."

Last edited by AngryArgonian on Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:47 am 
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I am disappointed that your chatacter is indeed not an Angry Argonian.



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