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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:12 am 

Joined: Tue May 27, 2014 4:18 am
Posts: 3
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox, Xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
I've got two, maybe three that I'm working on or would like to work on

Name: I'shiátt
Race: Khajiit, male
Current level: 10 right now I think, but he gets remade every so often since he's so fun to play through the game with.
Main areas of skill focus: Alchemy first and foremost (potions/poisons for almost any occasion!). Otherwise fairly sneaky/stealthy, with a healthy dose of dual wielding sword/dagger, archery (which is mainly a poison delivery system in his mind), and heavily augmented with Illusion magic. At later levels, the magicka he's accumulated to help his Illusion skill, along with the benefits of his potions, should allow him to dabble quite successfully in destruction magic.

I'shiátt is a long-standing traditional character of mine. He's basically my result of creating a character who ascribes to the tenants and concepts described in the Ahjirr Traajijazeri: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ahzirr_Traajijazeri. That is, I'shiátt is an opportunistic, hedonistic, deceptive, resourceful, frightfully clever scumbag who does everything in his power to cause utter mayhem for his enemies, and with the least amount of direct effort that he can get away with.

Name: Falcoran
Race: Breton, male
Current level: 45/46 at the moment I believe.
Main areas of skill focus: A kind of Battlemage of sorts. Falcoran attempts to make the absolute strongest defenses he can for himself. As a Breton, he already has natural magic resistance, which Falcoran boosts further with the magic resistance perks of the Alteration tree. With his penchant for heavy armor, sturdy shields, ward spells, mage armor spells and, on the off-chance he somehow gets hurt by something, healing spells, Falcoran can endure even the fiercest assaults against him, magical or physical.

I wanted to try and make the most ridiculous stone-wall defensive character I could, and see how it worked. Falcoran has been a really interesting gameplay experience so far, with a completely different combat doctrine than good old I'shiátt above.

Name: Wanders Far
Race: Argonian, male
Current level: 1. I need to get this guy out and about, seriously.
Main areas of skill focus: I made him a long long time ago, and I totally forgot about him. Wanders Far is going to be a dedicated mage character, not just a dabbler like I'shiátt or Falcoran. More will be discovered about him as his character unfurls throughout the game.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:43 pm 

Joined: Thu May 29, 2014 1:32 am
Posts: 6
ES Games: ESO, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, Arena, Redguard,
Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, XBOX
UESPoints: 0
Race: Nord
Weapon:Daedric Sword (Legendary) (Fiery Soul Trap)
Armour:Daedric full suit
Factions: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Stormcloak
Name: Avaki Numibus

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:16 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:36 am
Posts: 321
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360, PS3
UESPoints: 0
Yep, yet another character made:

Name: Deera
Race: khajit
Class/job: "merchant", probably ending up as magic wielding thief if there's a name for such class
current level: 1, straigh out of Helgen
Age: you figure it out, they all look ageless
Birthplace: Elsweyr
Currently wears and wields: Stormcloak cuirass with fur boots, imperial sword + flame-spell on left hand, bow

She's kind of reddish tan with black and white markings and resembles a lynx (it's mostly because of the large, pointy ears with black tuft on top). She's more reddish though and she has light blue eyes.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:35 am 
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Varyag wrote:
Class/job: "merchant", probably ending up as magic wielding thief if there's a name for such class


He's been around on the WYDIST thread for a while, time to introduce him officially:

Names: Trips-Over-Tail (given name); Hist-Tongue (chosen name reflecting his spiritual mission)
Race: Argonian
Year of Birth: 4E 164
Place of Birth: northern Blackmarsh / southern Morrowind
Birthsign / Standing Stone: tbd (probably the Mage or one of its charges, but could go Serpent as well)
Class: Druid
Current level: 6
Dragonborn: nnnggmmmaybe eventually (mainly because it would add a nice semantic spin to his nom de guerre)
Personality: a good-natured fellow at heart, his kindness and readiness to help others is at times obscured by racial prejudice and religious fanaticism, but on most occasions he'll readily revise his opinion and give everybody their fair due after getting better acquainted; a tireless worker at any self-chosen task, otherwise lazy and given to daydreaming; not very charismatic in everyday life (he's more the kind of guy who's likely to embarrass himself at parties), but when feeling inspired he will speak with a sense of authority that can be strangely disarming
Goals in life: to help the trees of Skyrim achieve sentience and communion with the Hist; to befriend their spriggan guardians and help them defend the trees against all enemies (lumberjacks and sawmill-owners will become targets of assassination)
Special rules: must never chop wood for money (if he needs to use wood for crafting, he asks the dead tree's permission to use its body for a greater good); may only kill animals in self-defense; must follow any fox he meets as far as he can

Fighting style: cast mage armor, summon, finish whatever his summons have left alive with his battlestaff; will shift towards relying more on magic once he learns more spells, but he'll always keep the staff to fall back on when forced to melee
Major skills: Alteration, Conjuration (familiars and other ghostly animals, possibly atronachs as elemental spirits, no necromancy!), Evasion, Two-Handed (battlestaff), Sneak
Supporting skills: Illusion, Restoration
Crafting: initially focusing on Alchemy, branching out into Enchanting later; Smithing only for staves and utilities

Weapons: two-handed Iron Battlestaff (to be enchanted eventually)
Apparel/Equipment: Fur armor, Gloves of the Pugilist, Leather boots and one of those greyish-green cowls for the road, farm clothes and barkeep shoes for leisure time; vial holder belt, bags and pouches from the Bandolier mod; camping gear, potions and other utilities.

Factions: probably College of Winterhold at some time, but I don't see him becoming Arch-Mage
Thaneships: -

Civil War: no friend of the Empire, he sympathizes with the Stormcloaks' fight for independence as well as their resentment of elves in general and Dunmer in particular, but not to the point of taking up arms in what he feels is ultimately a conflict between men and mer that doesn't concern the Argonians and the Hist (as for the question of Talos, pfft! what are the gods of men to him?); having lived in Riften, he sees the degree of integration his people enjoy under Jarl Laila's rule as proof that Argonians can thrive in a Stormcloak-aligned society and will therefore do his best to improve the situation of his compatriots in the Stormcloak capital of Windhelm.

Friends: Wujeeta (ex-lover), Madesi, Brand-Shei (whom he regards as a scale- and tailless Argonian), Keerava, Talen-Jei
Other significant NPCs: (time will tell)

Religion: a typical representative of his race in religious matters, he worships neither Aedra nor Daedra; his primary allegiance is to the Hist, but he also ackowledges Sithis as the driving force of creation; while that doesn't make him a Shadowscale, he does regard assassination as a viable and legitimate means of achieving a goal.

born in a small village not far from the city of Tear in what was once southern Morrowind and is now northern Blackmarsh, the youngest of seven children. His mother, a capable scout and warrior, and his father, an alchemist descended from a long line of tribal healers and shamans, first met and fell in love during the ill-fated Argonian expedition to Solstheim when Dad, serving as a field medic, tended Mom's wounds. Both parents counting among their ancestors liberated slaves and Twin Lamps activists as well as fighters lost in the Argonian counter-invasion of the Deadlands during the Oblivion Crisis, young Trips-Over-Tail inherited both a deep-rooted grudge against Dunmer and a profound mistrust of anything Daedric (culminating in a fierce hatred of Mehrunes Dagon and anything to do with him).

When the time approached for Trips to learn a trade his parents were a bit at a loss what to do with him. Both had tried to interest him in their respective professions, but he had shown little aptitude for the use of weapons, preferring to defend himself with this fists if he had to, and although his father's attempts to teach him alchemy had seemed promising at first it turned out that Trips was more interested in the hallucinogenic properties of herbs and mushrooms than their other uses. He was fascinated by magic but had no patience for the scholastic study needed to master it. In the end his parents apprenticed him to the local carpenter because he seemed to enjoy crafting things with his hands, but while Trips didn't lack the manual dexterity required his master complained that he had no discipline at all, drifting off into daydreams at work all the time; a few times he had even been caught fondling and talking to the pieces of wood he was supposed to work on! After a few months both master and apprentice agreed that it was no use trying to continue his training.

Trips and his parents had a serious talk then, and when asked what he intended to do with his life his answer was rather vague: „I don't know... get around a bit, I suppose, see the world. It's all going to work out somehow.“ When his father, alarmed by his son's lack of purpose, sought counsel with the Hist, the trees (who had been brought as saplings from inner Blackmarsh after the region was conquered) just said: „Let him go.“ And so in the spring of 4E 182 Trips-Over-Tail left his family and the village of his childhood and youth, never to return there.

During the next eighteen years he travelled through northern Blackmarsh, south-western Morrowind and eastern Cyrodiil earning his living as an unskilled labourer, sometimes reduced to begging and sleeping rough, but mostly making enough septims to afford a meal a day and the cheapest lodgings available. All the time he felt a strange compulsion drawing him further and further northwards until in the summer of 4E 200 he crossed the border into Skyrim. In the city of Riften he found both a small but thriving Argonian community (including, strangely enough, a Dunmer who was Argonian in anything but scales) that welcomed him with open arms and employment at the Riften Fishery.

He also found the love of female fellow-worker Wujeeta who first introduced him to skooma, having been addicted herself for quite a while. Having long been wont to drown any dissatisfaction with his situation in alcohol, he was easy prey to the drug which temporarily increased his physical capacities while slowly eroding both his mental and physical health. Within a year he had become so dependent on the drug that he spent most of his meagre earnings on it; unable to afford his former lodgings in Haelga's Bunkhouse any longer, he was forced to move to Beggar's Row, feed mostly on fish caught at work and bolster his income by doing small jobs for Riften's Thieves Guild.
Several attempts at getting clean were unsuccessful until in the fall of 4E 201, during a particularly violent period of withdrawal, his whole life was changed.

Whether he really had a vision sent by the Hist, as he believes, or his eroded sanity snapped at last is everybody's guess; it is, however, an undeniable fact that he overcame any need for skooma from one day to the next, and at the same time magical abilities awoke in him which he knew nothing of before.

His first actions after his spiritual transformation were helping his beloved Wujeeta to overcome her own addiction by means of a healing potion and putting an end to skooma trading in Riften for good by killing Sarthis Idren and his suppliers with the jarl's approval. That done, he now feels free to explore Skyrim at large, his newly-awakened powers and the path the Hist have set him on; who knows where it will take him?

Eine insel mit nur einem berg, doch der ist innen heiß
Und spuckt asche, pest und corprus, wo kein mensch 'ne kur für weiß -
Ja, wie mag die insel heißen, von Vivec bis Dagon Fel?
Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Vvardenfell!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:44 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:36 am
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ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
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I can't help myself... This is for PS3

Name: Crixius
Race: imperial
Job: gladiator (former Arena Fighter)
Age: arond 30 tiesh
Birthplace: Imperial City
Current level: 6 or 7
Wields: anything (axe of Whiterun which is two handed battleaxe, orcish sword, whiterun guard shield, imperial bow, steel dagger)
Wears: I aim for gladiator style, so: hide armour, steel shin boots, nordic steel bracers or hide bracers and steel helmet
Personality: guick tempered, passionate and violent warrior, he's the kind who keeps hacking already dead body.

Crixius is versatile fighter who can use multiple styles and weapons: two handed, one handed + shield, dual wielding and archery. He also mixes heavy and light armour. He's a son of a tavern worker and his father may be breton...his mother isn't 100 % sure who the father is... He was the champion of the Yellow team and the stongest bet for next Grand Champion when he commited a crime that forced him to escape Cyrodiil. (violent temper+lady+ False accusation = 3 dead bodies...one of them was high ranking officer of Imperial army). A border patrol identified him when he was crossing border to Skyrim. There was too many of them, Crixius was overpowered, stripped, tied and tossed to same cart with some Stormcloak-rebels and a horse thief.

Special rules: no perks until skill is at least at 25, trying to keep onehanded and two handed about same level (archery is trailing bit behind).

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:27 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:18 pm
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ES Games: Oblivion Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Other Profiles: Xbox UnReaL Colder
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Name: Ericus Stonearm
Race: Nord
Born in: 4E 170, Imperial City, Cyrodil
Age: Around 30
Wears: Thieves Guild Master Armor
Wields: Dragonbone Sword he made himself
Current Level: 41
Top Skills: One-Handed, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Smithing, Speech, Archery, Alchemy
Septims: 200 000 +

Born of the union between Girkmar Stonearm and Sarilla of Skingrad, Ericus was born in Cyrodiil during the fourth era, in 4E 170. He had a nord father and an imperial mother, he inherited the physical attributes of his father, but becomes very eloquent thanks to his mother. She also educated its Stendarr worship, god of justice and tolerance, which led him to join the Dawnguard few years later. He was in the imperial city when it was taken by the Thalmor and his father was killed by one of them defending the city. It feeds from a boundless hatred for the Thalmor, hoping to one day destroy them. He will always be grateful to Titus Mede II for driving the Thalmor out of the imperial city. In his early twenties, he trained hard to become a blacksmith as his late father and his mother showed him how effective potions, she was an apothecary. After the death of his mother in 4E 197, Ericus learned that his great-grandfather (Blasius of Skingrad, the hero of Kvatch) was the Gray Fox and followed in his footsteps as a thief. In 4E 201, he finally decides to go back where he came from and pass the border into Skyrim. He is arrested by the Imperial Army and almost decapitated. He fled with the rebels on the spur of the moment, but his heart remains to Cyrodiil and decides to join the empire and eradicate the rebellion and be able to pass Aldmeri Dominion. During his adventures, he will return the Thieves Guild of Skyrim to its former glory and discover it is none other than the Dragonborn, the legendary hero with the power to kill the dragons for good. He can also brag about having 200,000 septims in his pocket, making him one of the richest people of all Skyrim. A little later, he discovered that the Thalmor have inflitated College of Winterhold, so he enters to investigate.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:44 am 

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I plan to play her as dead-is-dead character:

Name: Walara
Race: breton
class: Mage's apprentice ;)
current level: 2
Age: young
Wears: currently just novice hood, rough spun tunic (self-enchanted) and fur boots.
Wields: only things resembling weapon in her inventory are woodchopping axe and steel dagger.
Skills (planned mostly): conjuration, alchemy, speech, destruction, alteration, illusion, sneak.

Walara is ordinary breton girl who wants to be a mage. She was actually apprenticed to a local Wizard who turned out to be total -donkey-hole. The wizard had a fatal "accident" of magical nature and she fled to Skyrim. Just to get arrested by imperial ambush.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:07 pm 
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ES Games: skyrim
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Status: Married
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Name: Gilda Nightstalker
Race: Nord
class: Spell Sword
current level: 33
Age: young
Wears: currently; Imperial light armor, leather bracers and boots, Forsworn headress, Jewelry to enhance magic protection and archery.
Wields: Conjurerd Weapons, Staff of the Storm Atranoch, Dagger for back up
Skills, in this order: Conjuration, Archery, Light Armor , Alteration, Sneak, One handed, Speech, Illusion

She lives at Lake View Manor with Lydia as her steward and Rayya as housecarl. Vigilance the dog and Feandal as her travel partners.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:28 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:00 pm
Posts: 15
ES Games: oblivion
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Name : Kitter-cat
Race : khajit
Class : Assassin
Archery 100, sneak 100, enchanting 100, smiting 100, one handed 51,
Likes to crawl in dungeons, grotto's , sneak upon anyone, causing mayhem with potions, stand back and watch the chaos.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:49 pm 
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UESPoints: 1
Name: Heart-Of-The-Marsh
Nicknames: Marsh, Marsh-Heart, Strong-Arm, and Undead's Bane.
Race: Argonian
Class: Paladin
Main Skills: Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Restoration, Archery, Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing
Birth Date: 12th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 178
Age: 23
Birth Place: Chorrol, Cyrodiil
Current Residence: Whiterun, Skyrim
Gear of choice: full suit of Ebony armor, enchanted ebony mace, Dwemer crossbow.
Personality: Vengeful, cruel to undead and other abominations, helpful with mortals, reserved, lacks humor, and can be rather grumpy.

Born on the 12th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 178, in the Imperial City of Chorrol, Heart-Of-The-Marsh was greatly influenced by the deity Stendarr throughout his childhood. Despite being Argonian, his family worshiped the Nine Divines with the Imperials that also lived in the town.

When he was around 16 years old, he awoke one morning to find both of his parents dead; the two bloody punctures in each of their necks spoke of a vampire attack. His head spinning, Heart-Of-The-Marsh felt the side of his neck and felt the same wounds... Still bleeding. He dashed out of their house and to the Chapel of Stendarr, crying out for the guards along the way.

The Argonian boy sought healing at the Chapel while he explained to the guards that he had woke up to his parents dead of an apparent vampire attack. They had seen the punctures in his neck and believed his story; a boy who had always been good wouldn't murder his parents and make it look like a vampire attack. He just wasn't the type to do that.

Heart-Of-The-Marsh was sent to live with family friends, but he didn't remain with them for long. The incident at his house had ignited a hatred of the undead in his heart. He vowed that he would take up arms against the abominations in order to protect the weak and vulnerable from their threat.

Without informing his guardians of his plans, Heart-Of-The-Marsh took his inheritance and bought himself a set of armor and a mace. He learned restoration spells that would help him combat the undead. Once he had everything that he would need, Heart-Of-The-Marsh left Chorrol and began wandering Cyrodiil.

After several years, he began hearing rumors of increasing vampire activity in Skyrim. The young Argonian foolishly crossed the border through the mountains; as if to spite his actions, he was robbed by a group of bandits and left to stagger... Directly into an Imperial patrol. He was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head and tossed into the prisoner cart.

Heart-Of-The-Marsh awoke to the sight of a Stormcloak soldier staring at him. The man introduced himself as Ralof, but, with a snort, Heart-Of-The-Marsh chose to ignore him; his head still hurt terribly from the blow and he was most displeased at being robbed by bandits and captured by an Imperial patrol. They took Heart-Of-The-Marsh, the Stormcloaks, and a random thief to Helgen to be executed.

The temptation to flee was nearly overwhelming as he stepped off the cart, but Heart-Of-The-Marsh knew that it was futile. Unlike the thief, Lokir. He tried to run as soon as he could, but he was soon shot down by the Imperial archers. The Argonian almost admired their efficiency. Almost.

One Stormcloack was soon executed. Despite his claims of innocence, Heart-Of-The-Marsh was next. He was only saved when a dragon -something he didn't believe existed- attacked the town. The sight was quite impressive; up until that moment, the only dragon he had seen was the statue of the Avatar of Akatosh -formerly Martin Septim- in the Imperial City.

Still dazed and confused from the blow to his head, Heart-Of-The-Marsh had no choice but to escape the ruins of Helgen with the Imperial Soldier that had called him to his execution: a man named Hadvar. The human man believed that the Argonian was innocent, but Heart-Of-The-Marsh did not trust him. He was, however, glad to have any sort of assistance. Hadvar's uncle -a much nicer man- was able to provide that. In exchange for some help.

The residents of Riverwood feared a dragon attack. Heart-Of-The-Marsh was tasked with informing the Jarl of Whiterun of the danger the town was in. He did so and, not long after, discovered that he was Dragonborn.

Heart-Of-The-Marsh chose to spend the rest of his time in Skyrim; after all, the vampire threat was far stronger there than it ever was in Cyrodiil. During his time in Skyrim, he saved Tamriel from Alduin, joined the Companions (only to leave as soon as he discovered the true nature of the Circle), joined the College of Winterhold (for access to a better variety of restoration spells), destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, and joined the Dawnguard.

He remained in Skyrim until an attempt on his life was made by cultists from Solstheim. The young Argonian disappeared after that and nobody knew what happened. Some said that the assassination attempt was successful while others said that Heart-Of-The-Marsh had only gone into hiding. Others still believed that he had been kidnapped. They only knew that he was never heard from again.


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:27 pm 
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ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO
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Status: Returning from a long Journey.
Other Profiles: PSN: Wraith115
UESPoints: 0
Name: Niccolo
Race: Imperial
Class: Thief
Wields: Steel Dagger, Longbow
Wears: Thieves Guld Armor
Personality: Cunning, Pragmatic, Prefers stealth to straight up fighting.
Main Skills: Archery, One Handed, Light Armor, Sneak, Speech, Security, Pickpocket


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:08 pm 
The New Number Two
The New Number Two
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Juv the Insect-Eater
Orc, old, blue looking
As self sufficient as possible, will only generally use items he has made or improved after being found/stolen.

Hunter (poacher) by trade, was arrested when Thalmor took the Elk he had been stalking along the Morrowind/Nord border. Ancestors were in the Imperial Legion and his family have lost touch with Skyrim Orcs.
Since he's stranded in Skyrim with what he considers a terrible Geas upon his head, he seeks the advice of all who will give it, including those Daedric Princes which meddle in the fates of mortals.
More at home in the Grey Quarter than a Mead hall or Orc Stronghold, Windhelm is his first home. He doesnt consider any faction a particular enemy since all are woven into his fate and are as powerless as he.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:17 pm 
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Edvin the orc is my newest character; he's a thief/mage combo. he despises orc society and believes it to be evil, due to the fact that it revolves around the killing of family. he escaped the stronghold when his father died and he was to fight his brother, and has since wandered the land in search of power to "liberate" other orcs.

Am I the only one, in the only world?

My mods:

Destroy the Thieves Guild!
Un-Unobtainable Clothes
Familiar Friends
Destruction Weapons

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:19 am 
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Never put Arcturus from the TES RP thread in here and while I'm feeling creatively deprived, I think it's time to do so.

Names: Arcturus Ember-Heart
Race: Nord
Year of Birth: 4E 178
Place of Birth: Kynesgrove, Skyrim
Birthsign: The Ritual
Class: Warrior
Titles: "Investigator", Kingslayer, Thane of Hjaalmarch/Eastmarch/Whiterun, Legate
Current level: 26
Dragonborn: No
Personality: His former blind bravery that was born out of his initial has given way to a near-paranoia sense of caution. He is fiercely and brutally tactical in combat, and when in a leadership position, he enforces his orders with gritted teeth and a threatening disposition. He does this not out of spite, but out of worry, for he has seen many a friend cut down under his command. He rarely ever takes prisoners, and when he does, he keeps them at sword point.
Outside of combat, Arcturus is gruff to those he is not familiar with, and warm and gentle with those he is close to and with children. He places the safety of children above many priorities and will often abandon the main cause of a battle if it means escorting children to safety.
Arcturus suffers from occasional war flashbacks. He regularly takes time to take up his sword and shield to practice his form and clear his mind. He makes no secrets about being a fighting man, and only feels truly at peace (oddly) with a blade in hand.
Goals in life: To see the Empire to rise up against the Thalmor and once again become the mighty state it formerly was, to protect his family and friends from any threats that may be posed to them, to stop the vampire menace from blotting out the sun, to become the best warrior he can be, to see the innocent protected
Special rules: Never drinks before battle. Accepts surrenders but never does so with a sword in sheathe. Never allows a comrade to stray from the group without his say-so. Only uses his Ritual power when absolutely necessary.

Fighting style: Fights exclusively with a sword and shield. Will use his war cry when in trouble, and if all options are exhausted, will use his Ritual power as a last resort to turn the tide of battle. Fiercely protective and prefers to take the brunt of enemy force.
Major skills: One handed, heavy armor, smithing, block
Supporting skills: Speechcraft, the occasional alchemy
Crafting: Was a former apprentice smith and usually does so for money since his current armor and weapons are far superior to anything he can craft on his own. Alchemy is exclusively for potions.

Weapons: One-handed Vicious Sword (mod) of apparent dwemer make by the name of Kingslayer (named for being the weapon to kill Ulfric Stormcloak), and an antique orcish shield.
Apparel/Equipment: A full suit of antique Orcish armor that resembles a heavier set of Blades armor with apparent orcish influence. When off-duty, wears a green worker's shirt and pants with black boots. Doesn't wear a helmet; wears an enchanted golden circlet with rubies embedded in it.

Factions: Imperial Legion
Thaneships: Hjaalmarch, Whiterun, Eastmarch

Civil War: Being the child of an imperial and a nord, had a difficult time choosing a side due to his upbringing not emphasizing either independence from the Empire or dependence on them. Ended up choosing the Imperial side, thinking that it was the better choice for Skyrim and the Empire's ability to stand against the Thalmor

Friends: Benor, Anekke Crag-Jumper, Vashkei the Argonian, Ra'zhar and Ra'ziir the Khajiit brothers, Stenvar, Marcurio, Kjeld the Younger
Other significant NPCs: Anekke's daughter Sylgja (his wife), Kjeld the Elder, Legate Rikke and General Tullius

Religion: Is largely careless in the matter, mentioning the divines only in relief or when swearing. Occasionally makes reference to Nord folk-mythology, but it is unknown if he puts stock in it or not

Born to a Nord mother and Imperial father in the village of Kynesgrove, Arcturus has lived his entire life in Skyrim, having visited the Imperial city only once as a young child. Was apprenticed to his smith mother at a young age and was quite the hunter as well. His parents fell victim to disease when he was 20 years of age and he went to work at the local inn to support himself until he could afford to strike out as an adventurer.

The rest can be seen in the TES Roleplayer's thread, which I will link to later. Probably.



 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:31 pm 

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ES Games: Arena, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
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Other Profiles: Steam: Eisotopius, ESO: @FPEiso
UESPoints: 0
-Oskvinden gro-Khazgur
-An Orc born and raised in the Orcish stronghold of Mor Khazgur, he and his brother left for Cyrodiil in 4E189. They lived in the Imperial City for years, though never joined the Legion and instead lived off of goods stolen from various shops around the city. They did this for six years, and then left for Bruma when their fence mysteriously died. There, they continued to live mostly off of stolen goods, but also obtained jobs with local blacksmiths, where they used their natural skill to assist local warriors and mercenaries. They remained here until 4E201, when their crime sprees were discovered by guards. They attempted to run north to Skyrim to escape the Imperial guards. Only Oskvinden made it into Skyrim. His brother was taken to prison in the Imperial City and was executed. Oskvinden was himself captured by Legionnaires for attempting to cross illegally into Skyrim, and was taken to Helgen to be executed. He escaped, and now wanders Skyrim as a sellsword, lending his prowess in large weapons to anyone with enough gold. He refuses to return to Mor Khazgur and face his family with the fact that his brother was slain in Cyrodiil.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:57 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:10 pm
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ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
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Currently on character number 5. He is a reclusive lvl 70 Dunmer wizard (inspired by Master Neloth) who lives at Highpoint Tower Northeast of Raven Rock. Skilled in Archery and One-hand, but otherwise magic-oriented. He is more-or-less a good man, but is also a bit of a mad scientist not necessarily concerned with ethics. Sided with the Legion in the Civil War not because of a love for the Empire, but because Ulfric was a bigoted racist and not the hero of Skyrim he claimed to be. Him being a Dark Elf made the choice of allegiance even easier. Wears all custom enchanted gear, makes extensive use of Staves, currently has only Jenassa and Galmar Stone-Fist (thrall) as followers, and is soon to be cured of lycanthropy. Favorite shouts are Cyclone, Become Ethereal, Marked for Death, Slow Time, and Storm Call.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:47 pm 

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Kids made me to create a new character. Daughter choosed race, gender and outlook an son googled a class for her. They are also saying what quests to do.

Name: Firyal Swiftblade
Race: redguard
Gender: female
Age: around 30 - 40
Has a warpaint and scar in her face.
Class: desert ranger
Skills: one- handed, block, restoration, alteration (flesh spells), archery
Wears and wields currently: imperial sword, iron shield, novice hood and novice robes, boots.

Limitations: doesn't use armor, only clothes or robes (redguard outfit as soon as she can get them)
Playing a warrior type who doesn't wear armour is novel to me.

Name: Runa Ravnen (= raven if you don't know any swedish)
Race: nord
Standing stone: mage
Age: around thirties
Class/build: witch
Skills: destruction, pickpocket, alteration, illusion, alchemy, sneak and light armour.
Current level: 5
Wears: armour of old gods (the whole set) and necklace of minor magic.
Wields: magic mostly, has a shiv and steel dagger as backup.

Born in Ivarsted ( for Roleplay purpose, the innkeeper Wilhelm is her relative), she's been wandering around, learning witchcraft. She was arrested by imperials for practising dark magic and tossed to same cart with some captured stormcloaks and Jarl Ulfric.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:27 pm 

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Location: Finland
ES Games: Skyrim and a teeny weeny bit of Oblivion
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Evelyn Draeve is a Breton Nightblade and her major skills are: conjuration, sneak illusion.
her minor skills are: alteration, light armor, restoration, one handed

Her age is around mid20s. She has short darkbrown hair and a blue warpaint on the left side of her face and on the right side she has a scar.
She also is a cannibalist and swears loyalty to Namira.

Evelyn Draeve comes from a poor family in High Rock. she was slashed in the right side of his face with a dagger by a bandit in the forest and her right eye was blinded when she was gathering ingredients in the forest. She became a thief at early age and she has always had to take care of her sick father because she is the only child and her mother died in chilbirth.
She was about to steal a jewel from a nobleman in Jehanna and got caught in the process! she already had a history of crimes, so she was sent across Skyrim to Helgen for execution...

(Dont judge this is my first story for a character :D )

Hello :)

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:45 am 
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Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:49 am
Posts: 11
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skryim
Platform: PC
Status: On the edge
Other Profiles: Steam: beefbaby1_100
UESPoints: 0
Name: Brynjar the Mountain
Race: Nord
Year of Birth: 4E 167
Place of Birth: Dawnstar
Residence: Whiterun (Breezehome)
Standing Stone: The Lord
Class: Barbarian
Current level: 62
Dragonborn: Yes
Alignment: Neutral Good
Spouse: Zora Fair-Child (from a mod)
Physical Description: A giant of a Nord. Nearly 7-feet tall.

Personality: Jovial, hearty, with a lot of the usual Nordic braggadocio mixed in. Underneath this veneer though, he's a calm, calculating, shrewd and observant man. A bear with the eyes of an eagle some would say. Unlike most Nords, he believes that there are other means to victory besides battle and wouldn't say no to using underhanded means to achieve it (he is an admirer of the battlemage, Zurin Arctus by the way hence his stance in warfare). He also isn't apprehensive of the arcane arts. Rather, he respects and admires it and its practitioners. He is also very diplomatic and a surprisingly good talker and would be willing to talk things out (only if he feels this course would achieve the most benefits however) "Aye, winnin' wit' yer heart an' mind is well an' all but the better warrior wins hearts an' minds".. Like most Nords though, he subscribes to the ideals of honor and bravery. He's very sensitive to injustice (the incident at Markarth coloring his view of Ulfric) and would not hesitate to stand-up and protect the innocent. His sense of righteousness though always come into conflict with his stance in warfare (victory through any means necessary) and would forever be his greatest source of inner turmoil.

Motivation: Keeping the Companions and his family safe for the most part. While he represses it, he longs to do battle against the Thalmor (long story short, the [&@%!] killed his father).

Fighting style: Unarmed, sword and shield, screaming the Oblivion out of his enemies
Major skills: Blocking, one-handed, light armor, speech, the Thu'um. He's also very formidable in hand-to-hand combat.
Supporting skills: Restoration, Sneak, Archery
Crafting skills: Alchemy, Smithing

Weapons: His prized sword Balmung (Gungnir from the Jaysus Swords mod) and the Shield of Ysgramor. He'd mostly use his fists though if he feels his opponent isn't much of a threat. He used to carry an enchanted bow but, now, he uses the Thu'um for long range combat instead. He doesn't like carrying too much gear.
Apparel/Equipment: Stuff from mods. A light barbarian armor mixed with stuff from the Aesir Armor mod. I'll post in a screenshot when I get the time.

Factions: Harbinger of the Companions, member of the Dawnguard, Legate of the Imperial Legion, and (to his amusement), Archmage of the College of Winterhold. He has passed-on this title to Tolfdir though; becoming the shortest reigning Archmage in the College's history (30 minutes approximately).
Thaneships: Falkreath, Morthal, Whiterun, Dawnstar

Civil War: Joined the Legion not out of love of the Empire but out of necessity. I RP'd that both sides would not agree to a truce forcing Brynjar to make a choice. He chose the Empire mainly because he doesn't trust Ulfric. For Brynjar, Ulfric's just another tyrant using misguided ideals to further his own agendas; the incident at Markarth further cementing this belief. "Besides, Empire or not, the Thalmor's keen for another war. I'd rather be with tried an' tested steel than the gleamin' newly-forged blades of them Stormcloaks."

Friends: The whole of the Companions. Most of the residents of Whiterun, including the Jarl and his court. Urag, Tolfdir, Mirabelle, Mjoll, Erik, Serana, Ri'saad, Talsgar the Wanderer, a couple of folks from mods (namely, Interesting NPCs).

Religion: Not really a devotee but he respects the power of the Aedra and the Daedra. His experience in Sovngarde have made him a believer of Shor however.

I'll probably write a more detailed background later once I get my thoughts together. Long story short, the guy grew-up in the company of mercenaries (his pops being the captain). His mercenary-family got slaughtered by the Thalmor while on a mission in Valenwood while he was 16. He somehow managed to escape to Elsweyr where he spent 4 years as a servant in the Temple of Two-Moons Dance after one of its masters took pity on him. Wanderlust eventually got to him and he spent 14 years roaming Tamriel as a mercenary before eventually deciding to settle in his birthplace- Skyrim.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:14 pm
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ES Games: Skyrim and a teeny weeny bit of Oblivion
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Baldr gro-Burok
Gender: Male
Class: Shaman
major skills: 1H (dw war-axes), destruction (flames and shock), restoration
minor skills: conjuration, light armor, smithing & enchanting
level: 9 at the moment and hes my Mq guy :)

Baldr is the shaman of a little tribe in Orsinium the son of Burok gro-Kharak (aka the previous shaman), who now lies dead because of the Imperials. Baldr decides to go after the Imperials and manages to find an Imperial camp in Wayrest and goes berserker on them. One of them managed to slip away in the bloodshed and report this to General Tullius, who then plans an ambush on Bladr and they manage to catch and take him to be executed in Helgen. When an dragon interrupts the execution right as the axe rises and is ready to cut the orc's head. He then escapes Helgen with Ralof. Baldr swears to kill each and every one of the Imperials to avenge his father...

He is one of the fiercest Stormcloaks you'll ever meet and if he sees an Imperial soldier outside of town (where he wont get in trouble) He will kill him/her without a second thought.
He is also a very strong werewolf.

Hello :)

Last edited by Proxy the Great on Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:22 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:36 am
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ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
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Name: Drofn gra-Wrothgar,
Gender: female
Race: orc
Class/build: shaman ( someone stole my idea, I created an orc shaman first!)
Age: 26
Birthblace: Wrothgar mountains, Daggerfall.
Major skills: one handed, light armour, destruction, restoration
Minor skills: conjuration. Alchemy, alteration, illusion, archery, smithing and enchanting.
Wears and wields: fur armour, hide bracers, light imperial boots and novice hood. Uses iron mace of Sparks and spell in left hand. Blessed hunting bow for taking them out from distance.

Backgroud: her father was orc smith and mother his forgewife, they were small clan, living near a breton village, up on the mountains. Drofn's father was recruited to the Imperial Legion and he was killed in Great War. Drofn was only five or six years old. She took interest in magic watching the Breton village's mage. She learned about shamanism from wandering peddler. After she reached adulthood, she set out to wander Tamriel and looking for other shamans to teach her. She took temporary job as trader caravan's guard. When they crossed border to Skyrim, she was arrested and accused of smuggling skooma. She wasn't the one smuggling...but someone had slipped the bottles to her bag. Over-zealous Imperial Captain was about to execute her without a trial when Alduin happened.

Battle strategy: "if magic fails or runs out, bash their brains out" in other words, she uses magic first and her mace if they get too close.

Other: I try to avoid fast travelling. She doesn't attack first, unless facing obviously evil creatures like draugr or hagravens. She had no qualms taking them out without warning. She leaves animals alone unless they attack her. Now that she has calm-spell, she'll try that first on attacking beasts.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:48 am 

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ES Games: Skyrim and a teeny weeny bit of Oblivion
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Name: Dar'jee



-Light armor

Dar'jee comes from th orphanage in Riften. His name: Dar'jee was given to him because he had always been clever and silent as a shadow.
He was happy when he got out of the orphanage. He didnt have to deal with Grelod the kind. He decide to join the traveling khajiit caravan. But they were accused skooma smuggling at the border and everyone else escaped but Dar'jee wasnt able to, so he was sent to be executed in Helgen. but fortunately a dragon attacked Helgen and Dar'jee was able to escape from the chaos. He went to Riften and was offered a job from Brynjolf and Dar'jee happily accepted it because he was poor at the moment. He succeeded and was recruited to the Thieves Quild. He got a job from Mercer, telling him to go to a house in Windhelm and wipe it clean.
When Dar'jee arrived in the house there was child chanting and doing a ritual. He noticed Dar'jee and promised to reward Dar'jee if he killed Grelod the Kind. Dar'jee was happy to get to kill Grelod and punish her for all the things she has done.Once Grelod lied dead a woman kidnapped her and accused Dar'jee for stealing their contract and asked the khajiit kill someone to pay his debt for the Dark Brotherhood. Once Dar'jee was finished, the mysterious woman intoduced herself as Astrid and asked Dar'jee to join the assassins. He accepted because extra money wouldnt hurt anyone...

Hello :)

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:49 pm 
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ES Games: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
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Status: Sugar-addled
Other Profiles: JumboWheat01 (XBL/Steam/PSN/ESO)
UESPoints: 3
It's been a long time since I played Skyrim, so I decided to start fresh. I actually spent a long time planning out this character, who was greatly influenced by the fact that I've been playing Neverwinter Nights 2 a lot.

Name: Desyn Adalaphus
Race/Gender: Male Imperial
"Class": Bard

  • "Major" Skills: One-Handed, Illusion, Speech
  • "Minor" Skills: Light Armor, Restoration
  • "Crafting" Skill: Alchemy
  • Loyalty: Imperials

It really took me far too long to come up with this character. I've been playing and enjoying D&D 3.5 Bards in Neverwinter Nights 2, and really wanted to bring it over to another game. Well, WoW doesn't allow for that kind of thing, so it was Skyrim. While not the most offensive character, he has a surprising about of speed and defensive capabilities, with Restoration handling things like health recovery for both himself and allies, and illusion being a powerful defensive tool. Putting points into one-handed gave me some much-needed offensive muscle, and focusing on swords and Light Armor keeps me nice and fast. Alchemy is just there to provide greater effects. And what good would a bard be without good speech skills?

And the whole aspects of Shouts, where one's voice is literally a weapon, may actually make me accept this character as a Dragonborn. Most of my other characters I just "ignored" that little aspect of the game.

A young Imperial from the capitol city. He always had a love of music and magic, and tried to find ways of combining the two. One day, he heard of the Bard's College up in Solitude and decided to pay a visit. His horrible sense of direction, however, got him lost on the way and he ended up stumbling into an Imperial ambush on the Stormcloaks. Luck, and fate, took it from there.

Oh for the love of little green tomatoes...

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:24 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:26 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Inside the red tower
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC
Status: Trolling giants
UESPoints: 0
Name : Roman Vulcanus
Level : 38
Race : Imperial, male
Place of Birth : Cyrodill
Class : Archer/Assassin
Major Skills : Archery, Sneak, Speech, Light Armor, One Handed (for when things go awry)
Wields : Ebony Bow, Blade of Woe, Ebony Sword
Wears : Ancient Shrouded Armor (full set)
Allied Groups : Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Imperial Legion

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:58 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:14 pm
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ES Games: Skyrim and a teeny weeny bit of Oblivion
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Name: Endris Taren
Class:Ashlander (basically pyromaniac+ ash magic+L. armor)
Gender: Male

Major skills: Destruction, conjuration, alteration

Minor:Light armor, restoration, (smithing until elven )
Wear: chitin light armor set

Endris is a former Ashkhan of an Ashlander tribe. One day he was challenged by another tribe member and unfortunately was defeated. He was so ashamed he left the tribe and sailed to Skyrim to start a new life and hone his skills. When Endris was just outside of Windhelm he bumped into an Imperial camp. Unfortunately at the same time as some Stormcloaks. He was then sent to the block because the Imperials thought he was also a Stormcloak. He managed to escape when the dragon attacked Helgen. He also found that he has powers only possessed by the Dragonborns.

Hello :)

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