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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:51 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:44 am
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Platform: PS3
Status: Taking a arrow to the knee
UESPoints: 0
Name: Darvan the Protector
Race: Nord
Style: Heavy Armor wearer, Combat with a Shield and One-Handed Weaponry is unmatched.
Other Skills: Smithing, Alchemy, Sneak (with the right perks), Pickpocketing, and LockPicking.

His Story: When he was mere child the age of 8 his family was very caring and loving to him, Darvan was even helpful to his family chopping wood, hunting rabbits, pheasants, and even catching salmon barehanded. At age of 12 a regular fine day when his father named Gard asked Darvan if he wants to hunt a Grizzly Bear with him, Darvan was excited. They grabbed their hunting gear and sent out to the wilderness.
It's been 7 hours (Midnight) and sign of a Grizzly near anywhere so they decided to head home Gard stay to pick up the camping while Darvan just heads home when he sees a best cub that came out of a cave, Darvan was excited to kill his first bear, and so he ready up his bow very swiftly, until suddenly a shout of pain was heard and realized that it was his father. He ran as fast as he can to reach to his father, he could see his father lying on the ground with a arrow stuck to his shoulder, but stop because he could also see Imperial scouts laughing at him, treating him like a animal that is being hunted. The scout got him up and went inside a thick forest to be taken to Solitude, thrown in jail and wait to be executed. Darvan full of rage went after the scouts but stop when he know that he is no match to them, and so decided to do nothing. Heading back home emotions of remorse and guilt got to him he also thought that father is very disappointed for not standing up for him and saving him, back home with his mum not saying one word, lie down to bed to do nothing....
Ten years passed since the incident Darvan had become more stronger and joined the Stormcloaks and killed any Imperial soldiers when he sees them.His mum died by disease of Atraxia 2 years ago, with the house to himself now he just alone.
A battle was going on at a Fort, Stormcloaks against Imperials and The Imperialz are winning with thier perfect planning and tactics they crushiling defeat the Stormcloaks many of them dead and few as prisoners one of them is Darvan. The prisoners were taken to Helgen. To be executed for thier war-crimes, Darvan decided to change his look so when he gets executed they never know who he was and change his name as well (he was pretty much losing it) when something drastically happen and his destiny was finally revealed...

May I Die With A Sword In My Hands

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:49 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:13 am
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ES Games: Skyrim
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Name: Elani
Gender: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Level: 20
The other stuff: Heavy armour, two handed weaponry. Awesome lockpicking skills, high speechcraft now with the added bonus of Clavicus Vile's masque, archery and magically ability in training and levelling up at a steady pace, slightly obsessed with enchanting armour and artifacts.

Mainly concentrating on the Misc. quests while I get my head around using magic to better effect.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:42 am 
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ES Games: Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Arena
Platform: Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Status: Making magic happen with the Creation Kit.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Thorek Stormcaller
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Character Type: Warrior/Spellsword/Archer...he's good at a lot.
Style: Any armor type, sword or axe, bow, and fire destruction magic.
Skills: Archery, One-Handed, Destruction, Smithing, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, and Sneak.
Background: Thorek was born in Winterhold on the 19th of Frost Fall, to his mother Jenori Stormcaller and Holdrien Stormcaller, a hunting family. His mother died during birth, so his family only consisted of him and his father. At an early age, he displayed an incredible understanding of the art of destruction magic. By the age of 7, he was able to properly wield a blade and shoot a bow with precision. At the age of 11, Thorek and his father had gone on a hunting trip to get some horker meat and tusks. Upon arrival, they were ambushed by Ice Wolves, and Holdrien was killed. After fighting off the last of the wolves, Thorek traveled back to Winterhold. Realizing that he now has no one to provide for him, he packed up his things and headed to Cyrodiil to live with his uncle in Bruma. His uncle told him stories about his father and his grandfather. About how they were secretly apart of the mercenary group known as the Black-Blades. This sparked a flare in him that upon his return, he was going to become one of them. At the age of 44, he decided to try and travel back to Skyrim, and take up residence in his old home in Winterhold. When he got to the border, imperial soldiers detained him and accused him of being a stormcloak spy, and sentenced to be executed. Upon his arrival to Helgen...well you know the rest.

Zu'u vaat Sili wah fin ahmik se faal Ved Tuzze.

My Mods for Skyrim PC:
More Bandit Camps Mod
Better Dwemer Exteriors Mod

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:20 pm 
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just recently made a khajiit named lore. Illusion, Resotration, Ice Destruction, and Stealth.

Good and Evil do not exist.



Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:25 am 
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ES Games: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
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Status: Sugar-addled
Other Profiles: JumboWheat01 (XBL/Steam/PSN/ESO)
UESPoints: 3
My latest character that I've actually been playing for quite some time now, but never got around to posting him here.

Name: Fuindir
Race: Bosmer
Perk Focus: Click Here (love that site)
Loyalty: Empire (for a change)
Guild Focus: Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood
Other Info: Werewolf (for those "oh, crap" situations when I'm forced to fight "fair" for an extended time.)

History: Born and raised in southern Cyrodiil, his family fled their home in Valenwood during the Thalmor coup. He was still brought up like any Bosmer would in their native land, though because of Imperial influence in the area, it wasn't as strictly traditional as it could have been. When he became an adult, he decided to leave his comfortable home, and instead travel through the lands, hunting game for a living. His (at the time,) poor sense of direction, however, caused him to cross over the northern border into Skyrim, right into an Imperial ambush for Ulfric Stormcloak. Though sent to the block with the Stormcloaks, he later escaped with the help of Hadvar, an Imperial officer.

Other Notes: I separate "game play" from "story" a lot on this character. For instance, despite my build including two points in Smithing (for the ability to improved enchanted gear,) it's not actually my character that does the smithing, but rather the local smith, who I "hired" for the job. Same goes for enchanting (though I don't have any points in that.) It's merely the local Mage enchanting my gear for me. He'll also participate in all guild stories, for "game play" reasons (like needing to go through the Companions quests to become a werewolf,) despite his guild affiliation being focus on only two (who are bloody similar enough.)

Picture to come soon! (I hope...)

Oh for the love of little green tomatoes...

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:56 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:06 am
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ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
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Status: Studying for exams
UESPoints: 0
There are four characters I particularly like right now and will hopefully stick with without making too many more. :c I love making new characters. Then I realize I'm not going to get anywhere if I keep giving up on them and making new ones. xD

Name: Ska'Dar
Level: 15
Race: Khajiit werewolf
Gender: Male
Guilds: Companions, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild
Specialties: Archery, Sneak, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, One-handed
Weapons: Nightingale Blade/Nightingale Bow/Blade of Woe/Iron Sword of Frost/Iron Sword of Flame
Armor: Nightingale Armor/Shrouded Armor/Savior's Hide

Made Ska'Dar because my brother suggested I try out different ways to customize a Khajiit because they looked so cool; of course, I ended up with Ska'Dar after a few naming incidents. Ended up as what was really my main character as I abandoned every other character I'd made up to that point...lol.


Name: Octavius
Level: 14
Race: Altmer
Gender: Male
Guilds: College of Winterhold
Specialties: Alchemy, Destruction, One-handed, Conjuration, Restoration
Weapons: Forsworn Sword/Fire & Frost & Lightning/Dragonsbane/Staff of Magnus
Armor: Arch-Mage's Robes

Made Octavius because I wanted to try out the spells in Skyrim, because they looked far superior to the ones in Oblivion. They were. He ended up as my first character to get past the quest Diplomatic Immunity and is now sitting at the quest The World-Eater's Eyrie, waiting for me to return to him, since I finished the College of Winterhold stuff.


Name: Skarfr
Level: 13
Race: Nord werewolf
Gender: Male
Guilds: Companions, Stormcloaks
Specialties: Two-handed, Heavy Armor, Smithing, One-handed, Restoration
Weapons: Wuuthrad/Skyforge Steel Greatsword/Volendrung
Armor: Savior's Hide/Dwarven Armor/Iron Armor

Made Skarfr because I wanted to use the two-handed skill, since I'd never used it before, but watching my brother decapitate people on his character filled me with a certain level of 'hey I want to do that, but no way in heck I'm getting that perk with any character I have'. Thus Skarfr was born. And is epic.


Name: Walks-With-Shadows
Level: 7
Race: Argonian vampire
Gender: Male
Guilds: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Imperials
Specialties: Sneak, Lockpicking, Speech, One-handed, Conjuration
Weapons: Blade of Woe/Nightingale Blade/Mehrunes' Razor (later on ;3)
Armor: Nightingale Armor/Shrouded Robes/Shrouded Armor

Made Walks-With-Shadows (hearby referred to as Walker) because I liked Argonians as a race and wanted to make one that actually had an Argonian name. Plus my favorite character from Oblivion was an Argonian vampire named Artery who ended up doing every questline on his own, including the Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:40 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:14 pm
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ES Games: Oblivion,Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Mattius Lex
Guilds:Companians,Imperial Legion.
Specialties:One-handed,Heavy Armor, Speech,Restoration,Smithing.
Weapons:Skyforge steel sword(fine)
Armor:Steel Armor, Nordic boots, Imperial Gauntlets(to show that i am a Legate).
Other info: Werewolf, Worshipper of Hircine.

War. War never changes.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:39 pm 
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Updated character list, with a bit of a backstory for each . . . I don't know how much I like my third character right now. He's a Nord, two-handed Warrior, but I'm thinking of making either an Elven spellsword or an Elven priest/ess. I mean, I already have a human, beast . . now I need an elf.

Character 1 - Breton Witch (lvl 27 currently)

Name :: Fianna Woodcroft, The Dragon Witch
Race :: Breton
Class :: Witch
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral evil
Faction :: Archmage of the College of Winterhold by day, creature of the daedra by night
The Dark Brotherhood has enlisted her services, but she left after . . . well, she honestly is repulsed by them
Stone :: Mage
Occupation :: Witch
Specialties :: Destruction (almost expert!), Conjuration (expert), Restoration (adept), Alchemy (adept), One-handed (Apprentice)
Armor ::
1. Necromancer Robes or Hooded Black Mage Robes, "Gloves of Anise" (self-enchanted), witch boots, Savos Aren's Amulet (main)
2. CoW: Adept Robes of Destruction, college boots, Amulet of Julianos, Adept Hood
3. Witch's Garb (enchanted Mourner's Clothes), Witch's Cowl (Enchanted cowl), Gloves of Anise, generic enchanted boots
4. DB: Shrouded Hood, Shrouded Hand Wraps, Black Mage Robes or Shrouded Robes, Shrouded Shoes
God or Daedra worshipped :: Witch follower of Hircine and other Daedra
Weapons :: The Nettlebane, Staff of Hag's Wrath, Eye of Melka
Allegiance :: The Imperials, for game purposes only. She would have sided with the Forsworn if we had the option. As my 'main' character, I felt the need to complete this, and the Stormcloaks despise witches, whereas the Empire sort of left them alone.
Current Home :: Vlindrel Hall, but looking into Honeyside, but Proudspire Manor is interesting as well. Honeyside just feels more witchy, perhaps?
Favored Spells :: Fireball, Close Wounds, Ice Spike, Ice Spear, Greater Ward, Lightning Bolt, Conjure Frost Atronach

Character 2 - Khajiit Thief (level 18 currently)

Name :: Zaka'Dar
Race :: Khajiit
Class :: Thief
Gender :: Male
Alignment :: Neutral
Faction ::
The Thieves Guild
Stone :: Thief
Occupation :: Thief
Specialties :: Sneak, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Speech, One handed
Armor ::
1. Thieves Guild Leader Armor
2. Nightingale Armor
3. Linwe's Armor (main)
God or Daedra worshipped :: Nocturnal
Weapons :: Nightingale Bow, a variety of arrows (standard is Steel), Nightingale Blade
Allegiance :: The Stormcloaks, only because I wanted a 'different' playthrough. Ulfric paid him a hefty sum to enlist his particular talents.
Current Home :: None yet, hopefully Proudspire Manor or Honeyside, depending on my choices with Fianna. I may just keep her in Vlindrel Hall.


Character 3 - Bosmer Ranger (level 6 currently)

Name :: Nilawen
Race :: Wood Elf
Class :: Ranger
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral good
Faction ::
Companions, part time
Stone :: None yet
Occupation :: Ranger, Huntress, etc.
Specialties :: Sneak, Archery, Speech, Alchemy, Restoration (dabbling for right now)
Armor ::
1. Mostly furs for right now
God or Daedra worshipped :: Too soon to tell, the Divines
Weapons :: Hunter's Bow and Steel arrows
Allegiance :: Neither
Current Home :: None yet
Favorite Spells :: Healing


Last edited by Witchery on Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:51 pm 
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Witchery wrote:
Updated character list, with a bit of a backstory for each . . . I don't know how much I like my third character right now. He's a Nord, two-handed Warrior, but I'm thinking of making either an Elven spellsword or an Elven priest/ess. I mean, I already have a human, beast . . now I need an elf.

Character 1 - Breton Witch (lvl 26 currently)

Name :: Fianna Woodcroft, The Dragon Witch
Race :: Breton
Class :: Witch
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral evil
Faction :: Archmage of the College of Winterhold by day, creature of the daedra by night
The Dark Brotherhood has enlisted her services, but she left after . . . Astrid and her couldn't see eye to eye
Stone :: Mage
Occupation :: Witch
Specialties :: Destruction (almost expert!), Conjuration (expert), Restoration (adept), Alchemy (adept), One-handed (Apprentice)
Armor ::
1. Necromancer Robes or Hooded Black Mage Robes, "Gloves of Anise" (self-enchanted), witch boots, Savos Aren's Amulet
2. CoW: Adept Robes of Destruction, college boots, Amulet of Julianos, Adept Hood
3. Witch's Garb (enchanted Mourner's Clothes), Witch's Cowl (Enchanted cowl), Gloves of Anise, generic enchanted boots
4. DB: Shrouded Hood, Shrouded Hand Wraps, Black Mage Robes or Shrouded Robes, Shrouded Shoes
God or Daedra worshipped :: Witch follower of Hircine and other Daedra
Weapons :: The Nettlebane, Staff of Hag's Wrath, Eye of Melka
Allegiance :: The Imperials, for game purposes only. She would have sided with the Forsworn if we had the option. As my 'main' character, I felt the need to complete this, and the Stormcloaks despise witches, whereas the Empire sort of left them alone.
Current Home :: Vlindrel Hall, but looking into Honeyside, but Proudspire Manor is interesting as well. Honeyside just feels more witchy, perhaps?
Favored Spells :: Fireball, Close Wounds, Ice Spike, Ice Spear, Greater Ward, Lightning Bolt, Conjure Frost Atronach

Character 2 - Khajiit Thief (level 16 currently)

Name :: Zaka'Dar
Race :: Khajiit
Class :: Thief
Gender :: Male
Alignment :: Neutral
Faction ::
The Thieves Guild
Stone :: Thief
Occupation :: Thief
Specialties :: Sneak (adept), Archery (adept), Lockpicking (apprentice), Pickpocketing (adept), Speech (apprentice)
Armor ::
1. Thieves Guild Armor
2. Nightingale Armor
God or Daedra worshipped :: Nocturnal
Weapons :: Nightingale Bow, a variety of arrows (standard is Steel), Nightingale Blade
Allegiance :: The Stormcloaks, only because I wanted a 'different' playthrough. Ulfric paid him a hefty sum to enlist his particular talents.
Current Home :: None yet, hopefully Proudspire Manor or Honeyside, depending on my choices with Fianna. I may just keep her in Vlindrel Hall.


Character 3 - Dunmer Spellsword (level 2 currently)

Name :: Dralora (can't recall her surname right now xD)
Race :: Dark Elf
Class :: Spellsword
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral good
Faction ::
None yet
Stone :: Warrior
Occupation :: >_> She does what she will for right now.
Specialties :: One handed, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Speech, Smithing
Armor ::
1. Haven't really decided xD
God or Daedra worshipped :: Too soon to tell, the Divines
Weapons :: ........Steel sword and Flames
Allegiance :: Neither
Current Home :: None yet
Favorite Spells :: Flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . lol.

If you're looking into a nice 'Witchy' house, the Alchemist's Cottage in the western Rift is a good place. In the woods, has an alchemy lab... Plus, it's right beside Orphan Rock!

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:00 pm 
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Eltee wrote:

If you're looking into a nice 'Witchy' house, the Alchemist's Cottage in the western Rift is a good place. In the woods, has an alchemy lab... Plus, it's right beside Orphan Rock!

Witchy, witchlike, they're all fine made up words, are they not? :P
Thanks! I'll check it out.


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:05 pm 
Modern Major General
Modern Major General
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Other Profiles: Steam: The_Nanza
UESPoints: 8
Name: Knows-Many-Tales
Race: Argonian
Style: Dual swords, light armor, Restoration
Gear of choice: Scaled armor, Skyforge steel swords
Stone: The Warrior
Factions: Companions, The Empire

I made a fakémon name generator because I was bored

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:09 pm 
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:38 pm
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ES Games: Oblivion GOTY, skyrim
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UESPoints: 0
Name: Atticus
Race: Imperial
Style: melee, one handed
Allegiance: Imperial Legion

"I'm clever as a hedgehog."

Hotel room by yourself men's underpants Las Vegas.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:54 am 
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Status: 911 what's your emergency??? DO YOU NEED CPR???
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Race: Khajiit
Style: melee, two handed, restoration and smithing
Allegiance: Theives Guild, Companions


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:34 pm 

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My main is all things that would've gone well with the empire, but he couldn't get over the whole lopping off his head thing. Hence I played him through the war for the Stormcloaks. He supports them despite his detesting, for many reasons, Ulfric.

Breton LVL 46 M Fell into Oblivion mode in how I played him. So he's a generalist, with a slight bend towards the crafting skills, and conjuration. I do not recommend generalist for Skyrim. Excepting two-handed, and heavy armor and crafting his skills are all around fifty. Crafting is high while two-handed and heavy armor haven't moved except by skill books.

My assassin thinks that theft is "wrong", and will have no quarter with the thieves guild.

LVL 28 Dunmer F Heavy into sneak and illusion.

Discovered through play that my heavy duty tough as nails fighter, hates taking orders. So joining the empire is out. He didn't take the execution orders badly, but he won't be bossed around. So if he's not taking orders from the LEGITIMATE, in his opinion, government he's certainly not taking them from a two-bit, puffed up, little lordling, like Ulfric. Serious chip on his shoulders. Thinks that everyone needs to remember who the dragonborn is and that its not them.

LVL 15 Redguard M Prominent skills one-handed and block. I've really been working his block skill. Want that elemental protection perk. Favors the mace.

Not playing now but have plans because I think they'd be interesting to role play - A straight up Nord fighter. Which way is right for him in the war? (Rhetorical: It'll come to me as I'm playing.) Then the interesting one - A Thalmor spy. He's deep undercover for the dominion. A chance to be really, really bad.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:27 pm 
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Cuteye (who's real name he chooses not to use anymore) is a wealthy mage from Cyrodiil. Or at least he was...
His wealth and dependence on the many magical artifacts he possessed made his lazy and weak. On his journey to Skyrim he was betrayed by his hired guards and robbed of all his possessions. Luckily the bandits let him live but while helplessly wandering the roads searching for food, Cuteye was captured by the Imperial Legion for reasons unknown to him at the time.
After escaping Helen alive, Cuteye swore to himself to become disciplined and self-reliant. His former easy life now seemed shallow and meaningless to him. Now Cuteye goes to great lengths to train skills that allow him to face any challenge with the minimum of resources. He has learned to use his physical weakness to his advantage. His light weight allows his to be an excellent sneak. Cuteye's new-found appreciation of life's hardships changed his character dramatically. His greed and arrogance made way for ruthlessness and pragmatism.

Cuteye now grows a beard and hides his elf ears behind long hair or a hood to blend in as much as possible. He has no problem getting along with any of Skyrim's fractions, but he does not seek any position of leadership in them. Rising to the top would only awaken his old lazy habits. He hasn't discovered he is a dragon-born yet and decided it's best to not get involved in the civil war.

Last edited by SuperNull on Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:16 am 
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Platform: PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360.
Status: Loving her. Loving myself. So I guess loving life.
UESPoints: 0
New Character I made a week ago.

Name :: Ralen Indoril
Race :: Dunmer
Age :: 217 (3E 417)
Level :: 34
Magicka :: 220
Health :: 200
Stamina :: 220
Class :: Spellsword
Gender :: Male
Alignment :: Neutral good
Faction :: Imperial Legion, The Companions, and the College of Winterhold
The Dark Brotherhood tried to enlist Ralen but he refused. The Thieves Guild especially tried to enlist Ralen for his superb sneak and lockpicking skills but Ralen honorably refused as well.....he respects Nocturnal and the guild but refused to protect the Black-Briar family...he has a complicated relationship with the Black-Briar family.
Stone :: Steed
Occupation :: Many
Specialties :: Lockpicking (85), Sneak (91), One Hand (70), Destruction (69), Smithing (100), and Restoration (55)
Armor :: Glass Armor
God or Daedra worshipped :: Worshiper of Azura, Mephala, Boethiah, and Meridia but also has great respect for the Divines.
Weapons :: Glass War Axes (Both enchanted, one Fire damage the other Storm damage)
Allegiance :: The Imperials, although The Empire is full of wrong there is good. Ralen was also helped by a Legion veteran in the aftermath of the Red Year. His family also is connected to House Indoril before and after it fell....he was never raised by his Indoril family though they died when he was young and he was raised by his uncle, a House Hlaalu noble. Ralen keeps his last name as a respect for his family, ancestors, and house but never did share House Indoril's views. His Legion friend was called back to service and stationed in Skyrim when Ralen found out during a Stormcloak attack he was killed. He also sympathized with the Forsworn although he knew this could possibly put him in danger.
Current Home :: Vlindrel Hall and Breezehome
Favored Spells :: Firebolt and Ice Spike

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:20 am 
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UESPoints: 0
See avatar pic for appearance. <--Wont exactly work... :P (Spoiler tag used to keep post short.)
Name: Brevas
Race: Dunmer/Dark Elf
Level: 53
SNEAK: .............Lvl 100 (Maxed out perks minus assassins blade. Don't see the point)
SMITHING..........Lvl 100 (going the way of heavy armor)
ARCHERY: .........Lvl 98 (preffered method of killing, it and sneak go hand in hand)
TWO HANDED: ....Lvl 91 (Mainly by use of big f'ing hammer)
HEAVY ARMOR: ...Lvl 89

I am a simple person, generally good natured and normally will do the right thing. My name is chosen from a list of Dunmer names used in previous games, and based on the first three letters of my real name which is Brett. When entering dungeons, I typically sneak around using my bow... um, now crossbow... to take out opponents before they see me. If seen I generally take out a warhammer bludgeoning them to their deaths. To pass time I like to go and hunt, picking up hides and Alchemy ingredients along the way. I worked my smithing up using the hides, and now am able to make and improve better heavy armor. Smithing is at 100 currently! I also make lots of potions and poisons taking up a bit of inventory space. My alchemy is at 66, but should certainly grow given the amount of potions/poisons I use! But I use many health potions, and poisons I use only if I must.

My armor currently includes All Dragon Plate armor with then exception of Hevnoraak. All of my armor items listed have been improved to EXQUISITE status - aka, higher armor rating. Going against rule of thumb (light armor for sneaks) I use heavy armor mainly for its high rating and looks as well.

My preferred weapon as an archer is an Ebony bow, and literally any arrows I can pick up off of enemies. It is only secondary to using a crossbow.
My preferred melee weapon is Volendrung, a warhammer. It looks and works great/effectively.

Spells are used on occasion, but mainly for Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, and ... MAYHEM. Spells may be used in battle, but I like to use weapons and alchemy more.

Guard mean next to nothing to me, unless they compliment me. But I get [&@%!] when a guard uses the sarcastic remark "Let me guess, someone stole your sweetrole?". In which case I may attempt to kill that guard if I can get away with it.

(EDIT 1: Update of Stats. | EDIT 2: Update of Stats. | EDIT 3: Update of Stats.

If you friend me on XBOX message me here so I know who you are.
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Last edited by OBLIVOWIND on Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:11 am 
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Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:17 am
Posts: 18
Location: United Kingdom
ES Games: Oblivion GOTY, Skyrim
Platform: PS3
Status: Waiting for patch 1.4
UESPoints: 0
Name: Sigimund
Race: Nord
Level: 55
Smithing: 100
Sneak: 100
One Handed: 100
Heavy Armour: 98
IN GENERAL: Drinking Mead (sent for execution in Helgen for drunken depravity), Killing Imperials and generally anything with a pulse (however, not compulsory)
FAMOUS FOR: Being the saviour of all mankind, apart from murdering the odd annoying NPC (latest being Nazeem for always saying I never get to the cloud district) having a damn good beard and being the only attractive bloke in Falkreath.

When bethesda grace us with dlc and smaller saves (PS3) I will most likely make another Nord but with sideburns rather than a beard.

I used to be an Archaeologist ... then I took a trowel to the knee
My Oblivion character:

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:08 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:20 pm
Posts: 17
UESPoints: 0

Khajiit, Level something in the late 20s / early 30s.
Thieves guild, dark brotherhood, nightingale.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:37 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:36 am
Posts: 16
Location: At the World's End.
Platform: XBOX 360, xbox
Status: 911 what's your emergency??? DO YOU NEED CPR???
UESPoints: 0
Khajiit, Level something in the late 20s / early 30s.
Thieves guild, dark brotherhood, nightingale.

hey now thats good...that is kind of what I am trying to do -I love Kittys!!


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:24 pm 
Grand Master
Grand Master
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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:51 pm
Posts: 2086
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox, 360
Status: I have a pulse; it's a good day.
UESPoints: 0
Khajiit, Level something in the late 20s / early 30s.
Thieves guild, dark brotherhood, nightingale.

hey now thats good...that is kind of what I am trying to do -I love Kittys!!

Kitties shed. Has anyone seen the commercial for the Shticky?

"Keep your arrows in their archer" *quiver*

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:46 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:35 am
Posts: 5
ES Games: Oblivion
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Planned Character

Name: Doznt Nosssit
Race: Argonian
Standing Stone: The Lord
Major Used Skills: Heavy Armor, One- handed dual, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, Alteration, Archery

Heavy Armor for close encounters. I prefer one-handed and I don't block. Smithing and Enchanting to make armor and weapons. Alchemy for potions. Alteration for increased magic resistance. Archery for ranged attacks.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:27 pm
Posts: 10
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
First post.... Hi all !!

1st Char:
Name: Balindorn
Race: Nord (male)
Level:33 (ish)
Main Skills: Smithing, Heavy Armour, Two Handed, Enchanting.
Lesser Skills: Block, Speechcraft, Restoration, Sneak, Archery.

This is the first guy I made upon purchasing the game. I joined the companions straight away, and the imperial legion. I was hoping to keep the guy "good", and abstain from stealing, murder etc. That plan kinda went down the chute when i found an unusual stone on a dais near a dragon wall, this led me to vex in the thieves guild, so now i think of Balindorn as an undercover Legionaire sent to get close to the underworld. I plan on destroying the Dark Brotherhood with this guy and generally running around being a hero to everyone i can be.

2nd Char:
Name: Sh'Kar Sh'Shim
Race: Khajiit (male)
Level: 19
Main Skills: Sneak, Light Armour, Archery, Smithing.
Lesser Skills: Alchemy, Bock, One Handed, Illusion.

Yup, i went obvious on this one.... the opposite of Balindorn - Stormcloaks, Thieves, Dark Brotherhood etc. I am enjoying the challenge of sneaking round staying out of dodge and taking things down with my bow.

I am planning on making a mage char too, will put that up if it is successful.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:21 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:44 am
Posts: 3
ES Games: Skyrim, Oblivion
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: J'Akirr
Race: Khajiit
Sex: Male

Class: Assassin-Thief
Main skills: Sneak, Archery, One handed
Lesser skills: Light armor, smithing

Weapons: Blade of woe(right) and Mehrunes' Dagger(left), Daedric bow
Armor: Nightingale hood, Dragonscale armor, Shrouded gloves, Shrouded boots
Factions: Thieves guild, Empire, Killed the dark brotherhood

This class is just an over all sneak character. Although it is more of an assassin type char, I did kill the DB because I felt they were more evil than I like. My char isnt outright good, but he isn't and evil bad guy who kills everyone on sight. As for the armor, I decided that I only really need the gloves and the boots of the shrouded set. I didn't really like the body piece of the armor, so I switched it with the dragonscale armor. I kept the nightingale cowl cuz it looks BAD ASS. I got all my shrouded armor from killing astrid in the beginning

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:57 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:35 pm
Posts: 9
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Status: Starting a Skyrim character,(again).
UESPoints: 0
Character name: Ciene
Race: Breton
Gender: Female
Archtype: Mage
Skills; Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, and Alchemy.

Ciene was born 4th era, 184 in the Imperial city. She grew up under the influence of the current archmage, (a family friend), Ardarume. Ardarume taught Ciene the fine points of Magick early in life and noticed Ciene's flair for Magick. Ciene seemed to be able to control all matters of spells, and had a massive amount of Magicka. At the age of 16, Ciene joined the Arcane University by testing well above others in her flair for Magick. however shortly after se joined the Arcane University, things would happen to change her course.
The High Elf agency, The Thalmor, passed a new decree, stating that the Arcane University only be eligible for High Elves and other mers. Many mages all across Tamriel were furiated at this latest decree, but it passed with no opposition. However hidden by the night, Ardarume continued to hide and train Ciene in the Arcane University. This could not last and it did not. On the day of her 17th birthday, Thalmor agents barged their way into the Arcane University, removing Ardarume from her Archmage status. They also took Ciene from her room in the University and put her into a jail cell. She was released early due to her parent's influence in politics, and that her parents had promised the Thalmor that Ciene would not practice magic anymore.
Needless to say, Ciene did not take this news well. Magicka and it's studies were her life. Needless to say that did not stop her from using Magick. During the nights, entering Ardarume dwellings, practicing. However once again the Thalmor were on her case. They bust in during one of Cienes's training sessions, during which she had just used one of the most difficult spells ever created, The Thalmor agents grew uneasy. They attacked lunging for Ciene. Before Ciene could react, a hot surge of orange energy passed by her ear and hit the Thalmor agent. The rest of the Thalmor, angry that one of their kind was dead, and that another had killed him, entered the battle. "Run Ciene, run!" yelled Ardarume. But Ciene could not, she would not let the Thalmor kill her only friend, and mentor. Before she new what she was doing, she felt a warmth run throughout her veins and a light erupted from her hands. She felt herself throwing her arms in the direction of the Thalmor, feeling the energy flow out of her hands and then abruptly stop. There was an explosion, followed by cries of agony. The Thalmor were dead. Not sure of what to do next she turned to Ardarume, who was lying on the ground holding something dark against her chest. "NO!" Ardarume was dead, her only mentor, dead. She did what she had to, she fled. She hired a horse, turned the horse north, and headed towards Skyrim. Why Skyrim? Skyrim remained one of the few places where the Thalmor influence was minimal, and although the Nords disliked Magick, they were not violent towards those who use Magick. She would head to the College of Winterhold. She traveled through the night, and camped during the day. Within a few days she was at the border of Skyrim. Although what she saw heading towards the border was not what she had hoped for. There was a big group of Thalmor soldiers, waiting for her. She knew she had one chance, while they didn't see her. She took off on the horse, straight towards the Thalmor. Halfway there the Thalmor retaliated launching volleys of spells at her. Ducking, she managed to pass them and get into Skyrim. Right as she reached the lands of Skyrim, she felt her horse shudder, and she was launched towards the ground. Besides the feeling of flying towards the ground, the last thing she saw was a group of Nords in fur armor with blue covers charging the Thalmor. She heard one last word, "Stormcloaks!" before she blacked out. She woke up on a carriage, headed towards execution....

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