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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:00 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:49 pm
Posts: 8
Location: Nebraska
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC, Xbox360
UESPoints: 0
Name: Lucius Alectum
Race: Altmer
Playstyle: Originally a combination of Illusion, Sneak, Conjuration (of one-handers), Alteration and One-handed to make a crazy spell based thief, now he can do everything.
Story: Married a cutie named Janessa, because there was only one eligible Altmer bachlorette in all of Skyrim and she was not very nice.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:58 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:31 am
Posts: 2
ES Games: Daggerfall (only a little), Morrowind (same), Oblivion (only made it halfway), Skyrim, already 100 hours into it!
Platform: PC PC PC MY G!!!! :D
UESPoints: 0
Octavio Stane

Dark Elf

"Spellsword," With a mastery in two-handed weapons, an adept-level proficiency in one-handed fighting, a slightly above average ability in destruction, and a common level of ability in restoration. In emergencies he will use certain Illusion, Alteration, and even conjuration spells, he has been trained to do whatever it takes to survive. He is currently trying to master the art of stealth in heavy plate, and attempting to create a specialized style of two-weapon backstab-styled combat. He wields a Skyforge Steel Claymore and a very special Daedric mace he got in an abandoned house in Markarth, not truly abandoned, for it housed the spirit of a Daedric Demi-God. After being posessed to murder a priest, albeit an evil one, he was rewarded with the weapon, and decided to use it for good. Still, it disturbs those around him and he only uses it in emergencies.

I like the idea of being a complete weapons master, it may be a waste of points for some (which is why I love having the console command, I worked out a way to turn back the level clock and set my stats back without removing perks so I can experience trying new things, while still being challenged.)

His current sign is the Warrior

He has a genius-level intellect, far beyond that of most men, and even most high elves, whether this is due to his ultimate heritage (dragon born) or his mixed blood, or because he spent his first 25 years in bed reading, it is unclear. I compare him to Batman in physicality and intelligence, with the same tactical brilliance, or Frank Castle, with his militaristic approach to complete destruction of the enemy. With hints of Malcolm Reynolds, Angel (Whedonverse), and Buffy, especially Buffy Summers and Bruce Wayne's compassion, at the same time he has a darkness in him that he fights that makes him want to kill, giving him a duality that makes him erratic. He experiments with all sorts of potions and drugs. Of course I don't completely take cues from their personalities but just imagine a gruffer sounding Sherlock Holmes (the Robert Downey Jr version) with a hint of schizophrenia and moderate to severe aspergers (which is what I have, the aspergers, not the schizophrenia :P). The Punisher is my favorite character so I try to "put a little Frank Castle in him"
but what I end up getting is more of a Dexter Meets Batman Meets Sherlock Holmes type of thing :P. Which is just fine with me

So physically he is a brawler, like Frank Castle, after he met Faenriel he developed more technique and became more of a Batman-Sherlock-styled fighter. Eventually he became a master of the claymore and two handed weapons, which in most cliched fantasies are the guys who are bad and get wasted by the dual-wielding guy or the guy with the sword and shield.

He is slightly taller than your average dunmer, very muscular but not so much that it slows him down, as of right now he suffers from mental trauma from being severely tortured and suffering at the hands of Thalmari experiments. He also sacrificed all of his friends, remaining family, his men, and lost a major battle all in the name of defeating them before his capture. Afterwards he served as a Thalmari assassin until his mento Faenriel captured him and-even though he hated doing it to his dear friend-he "Re-wired" Octavio and sent him back in. Where he went on a suicide mission. Faenriel, as well as one other general who later died, are the only ones who knew he was alive or went on a mission to kill the Thalmari Grand Arch-Bishop and Steward to the Thalmari Empire. One last-ditch effort to stop the White-Gold Concordant, he would've died in the process, and been named a lone-wolf, a terrorist. But it never happened. His nemesis, the man who killed his mother (thus taking her crown bestowed upon her by her people as well as the people of Cyrodil and even some of those in Skyrim as the "Greatest swordsman in history"), a very high-ranking Thalmari official (with no real apparent name, he was known as "Lor" to Octavio) with centuries of dark, evil, ultra-secret history stopped him, again. Despite the the war having been over for slightly beyond a decade. The timeline between Lor turning him into a weapon against the Empire, to the Faenriel's pulling an "Obi Wan" on him and trying to get him back, only to nearly kill him and then send him on a suicide mission is approximately 8 years. After Octavio's capture at the battle of High Castle Thylmitiri (formerly Saretoga)

So it was that he was sent on a suicide mission against these men, likely to never return. Faenriel said goodbye to his friend, and quit, moving to Riverwood, to live out the rest of his days, which, unfortunately for him (he thought at the time) was several centuries away still, in spite of him being the old man of their elite unit, and now the only survivor minus Cosnarch, who as of late had become a drunk. Even though when he was drunk he was still able to take on a dozen men with no weapons or armor, he didn't follow orders and his demons had destroyed him. Faenriel dropped him off in Markarth after Cosnarch nearly got him killed in their travels into Skyrim (he couldn't seem to stop attacking the new Thalmari inquisition patrols)...

As for Octavio
The battle he fought was epic, with your usual action-packed fair, and tons of collateral damage. Octavio, who had thrice-met Lor and thrice-been defeated, was about to face death once more, as Lor's shot out an ice-spike that splintered inside Octavio's side he came in hard with his double-length Akaviri dagger. Octavio shouted-what he thought- to be "NO" (it might have been "RO!"), born of pure rage, and honest fear of dying. Above he heard a strange shout, or perhaps an echo of his. His voice defied everything he knew, magic, the elements, and it launched Lor over a cliff. No, Lor didn't die, and no, he didn't somehow mysteriously survive, he caught himself using his honed reflexes, even managing to taunt Octavio from below.

That's when Octavio started succumbing to his wounds and made for the border of Skyrim. Meanwhile, he couldn't help but feel as if he was being given chase to something above. Whatever it was instilled enough fear to keep him going. He had enough skill in alchemy to staunch the bleeding using mountain flowers and herbs. He pondered letting himself die, however. Lor always beats him, and now he is heading back home, a disgrace, the great failure of the great wa-

That's when Ulfric Stormcloak slammed into him and a spear whizzed past his head.

He is very heroic but has an complex history, which I won't bore you all with too much. I know some of my lore is off here and I'm changing the bios of a few Skyrim characters but it's just for my own personal story. He had seen the executioner's block twice before this last time and each time he had fought his way out of it, once killing over 25 men and taking 2 arrows in the chest, climbing a mountain with the arrows in his chest, with one shoe, and traveling over 30 miles half-naked to base, bleeding and nearly dead. This time though, he wondered if he should die. Not that he thought the thing following him would allow that. No, it wanted him for itself.

Personal notes:

He was born in Morrowind but was raised in the Grey Quarter. His main body of work and training was with his mother, who was a legendary warrior and sell-sword and taught him how to mix fire, steel, axe, mace, the pen, and the art of speech into a deadly combative force. After his mother died in a fierce battle with a mysterious Thalmari assassin, he joined an elite squad of Imperial Soldiers. Where he had further training from a Bosmer named Faenriel, who also had suffered some losses of his own. The squad never became legendary, like the blades, but it wreaked even more havoc in the war. Eventually the Blades discovered the existence of this group-of which only General Tulius, the King, the leader of the blades (Sworn to secrecy), and 3 other high-ranking officals, two of which were other generals. With the blessing of the secret committee the blades joined forces, Faenriel and Octavio would lead dozens of battles and nearly turn the tide of the war.
In a botched move that involved Octavio going against the direct orders of the young Tulius and his mentor, Faenriel, he led a large force of over 300 blades, 450 of his own men, and 2,000 shock troops into the great Thalamri stronghold that was the center of all their war efforts in Cyrodil, Skyrim, Elsywer, and even Morrowind, whatever parts either empire wanted.
Octavio and his men are as confident and battle-hardened as a group ever was, minus a few greenhorns. No worries though, they are winning their first battle, then the next, and the next. Finally they came upon the stronghold and a siege is to begin. For days it rages, those days turn to weeks and Octavio becomes desperate. He has suffered a few defeats, but never a crushing one. As of right now it could go either way, and he only likes to fight battles he knows he can win. He had an ace up his sleeve and decided to use it. Giants, giants that are his friends. In history we've seen this before, albeit rarely. Giants are fairly intelligent but they lack ambition, though they are very long lived they never build cities or have more than one or two offspring in their life. Yet these giants were slightly different, lively, and enjoyed the company of Octavio's original band of adventurer friends. Now an army.
Octavio may sound like an overeager fool at this point, too confident in his giant friends, and his army. His continued failure to sack the fortress is really a testament to how dangerous the Thalmor really are more than Octavio's want to be a general. While his 450 men considered him one, it wasn't until he displayed his diplomatic abilities with the giants, his combative abilities time and again in battle, and his ability to go out with a squad of men and come back with every single one of them, alive. All of that bought him enough loyalty that these men followed him into the heart of enemy territory to take on a hold where-even if they got in-they would be outnumbered 2-to-1. But if they won, they all knew the war would turn the empire's way and the Thalmar would be forced to retreat. No White-Gold Concordant. No human genocides. On a personal level, his mother's spirit oculd finally rest.

Alas we all know what happened in the war. Hindsight is a daedric-dog, isn't it?

Octavio's personal account:

This took place 6 years before the end of the Great War.

The Siege began in the dead of night. 25 giants started the bombardment. Octavio had plans of his own, one of his closest friends, a half-giant named Ysger Thunder-Fist (I never bothered to ask how, or why, his father wed and bedded a giant, he was supposedly a giant-for a human-anyway, I digress), who stood only 13 feet as to the average 20 the full-grown giants had, but being no less weaker- hurled me over the castle wall and into the highest point of the command tower. I was covered in a ball of hay, supported by sacks and rope and a bit of protective shielding magic to cushion. Around me the sounds of battle were erupting in the street below. The forge near the tower exploded and I was nearly rocked off my feet again. As I caught myself I felt a mace crash into the back of my helmet. Funny, I have taken on a dozen men by myself, I have the reflexes, yet I didn't see that coming, not even close.
I rolled with the hit to minimize damage, as my attacker-cloaked in black and wearing what seems to be ebony armor-reversed his grip and brought the mace back I dip under it, then going from a crouch I launch myself up into it. No worries, my sword is still sheathed over my back and I use both to deflect the attack, forcing my opponent's arms wide. From my belt I produce a dagger and in a swift "X" motion I slash across his chest, I know it wouldn't harm him, just distract him as I ready my Claymore.
As I do he conjures a Daedric greatsword of his own, not just any one though. Normally when you are creating one or pulling one from the realm of Oblivion, only for it to go back, you never-or rarely-get the same one back. This one is very unique though, very recognizable. I saw it my first time when it was splitting my mother into two.
In my lifetime, to date, I had mastered 1,420 different forms and stances to prepare me for this moment. Each time I faced this man I survived. As far as I know I am the only one to have done that. Which leads me to believe he is toying with me. I could tell this time he wasn't, for he has never used this weapon on me. I mastered a special move just for this.
As he came in at me I leveled my sword with my chest, the claymore consists of a catch-guard, mine was extra big with a deep grove one end. At the last moment I caught his blade and brought both of ours together, forcing him near me. His hands turned to fire, so I turned mine to ice. His magic would outlast mine, I knew that. But I had a few tricks up my sleeve. He was taller, and for a High Elf he looked like a damn barbarian, I'd never seen a high elf so big and strong. But he has weakness, I'm no slouch myself. As we continued our battle I saw the front gates to the fortress collapse and 3 giants marched through. I grinned and for the first time, I saw Lor's eyes widen. "Enjoy the view Lor? Say hello to my friends."
"Oh I'm not surprised by them, I just didn't think you'd be so pathetic as to play your hand so early." With that I looked down and saw a part of a wall on the south end of the castle, furthest from the tower and the battle, open up and dozens of frost trolls marched forth, with over 200 orcs and bosmeri soldiers overseeing them. "We've bred them, cut into their heads and made it so they would only listen to us. They were our first experiments, now we've moved onto Orcs. Far more intelligent, there were even a few that are as smart as the Bosmer, which is hard for me to say, by Oblivion I'd put orcs above the humans you fight so hard to protect!" He launched a flurry of attacks at me. I watched my giant-friends fight valiently, killing many of the trolls-thralls and smashing on through. For a moment it looked as if-in spite of the new odds-we'd still win. In fact, we are winning. Then I saw the north wall open seamlessly and another entire squad of those things tore into my men. I had one last trick up my sleave though...

He was now wielding both his wicked sword and that mace. I came at him again, he deflected my attack. I used the high-eagle offensive 6-point strike, I doubled-down on my attacks, pressed, pressed and countered everything he threw at me. For every hit, however, that I gained, he would tear me down one more peg. "Octavio!" I heard a scream from outside, and for the quickest moments of a split second I turned and saw four trolls tearing my half-giant friend down, then I saw a High elven mage launch them all ablaze. Ysger hurled the trolls off, in defiance he launched himself at the mage who set him on fire, and four of his companions, shrugging off arrows, lightning bolts, and spikes of ice, even an entire fireball. He picked them up, still afire, and launched himself over the wall, far, far, below into the ice-covered sea below. Even a full-sized giant who hadn't been in battle for weeks would likely die from that fall, let alone the fire and the lightning, the arrows...
I thought all of this, I looked for only a short time but then, that's all it takes. Here I am, a great warrior, trying to end a great war. And in this moment I'm living in my emotions. I pay for it to, as the mace and sword come down on me, the mace taking out my knee, the sword coming in and slicing open my armpit, an inch to the right and it'd have killed me. Instead it put me in agony untold. As his sword came down on me again I could tell he was playing, little nicks, or beating it against my armor to bruise me. Finally I grabbed it with my bare hands, losing a pinky in the process. I yanked it from his grasp and started beating his head against the stone. We struggled for a few minutes, he shattered my jaw, broke my ribs, my nose. I then bit his nose and stuck my thumb in his eye, as I did he light up, pulsing with electrical energy, frying my armor and turning it into an oven. I struggled to get out of it, nearly passing out. He hit me againt with another lightning bolt. He picked up my sword, and I used my knife. We fought again for nearly the entire duration of the battle. As the sound of retreat echoed up to us I turn and saw in horror as yet another group came up from the rear and flanked them. I later found out that three of my most trusted leutenents had given false information to us and had helped set up the entire ambush.
I launched an attack born of pure rage at the man who killed my mother, who had outsmarted me, beaten me physically, and crushed my army. Yet in the end both of us knew this was my fault. "Are you upset because you got your men killed in your personal vendetta gainst me? Did Faenriel even know I was here? I don't think so" he threw an uppercut that I barely bobbed under, I was bleeding, badly, and my strength wasn't leaving me as quickly as he liked. I was just biding my time. Waiting for my far older opponent to wear down. He wasn't abliging either. As our blades worked furiously against the other I realized that no matter what I was going to die today. The battle was lost, I maybe even cost the Empire the war. I needed to kill this man, and get downstairs and finish my job, kill the Arch-Bishop, kill Lor the secret General, and burn this place to the ground, then I can die, then I Can rest.
My jaw was practically hanging off as he backhanded me then hit me with the hilt of my own sword. Finally he ran me all the way through with it, again. "Here's your sword. Now, you're going to die, but not yet, not after I have some fun. You're going to be our first elven candidate for something very special. That is, if you don't bleed to death before we get you to the lab."
At the time my spine had nearly been severed, I couldn't walk, I was dying. Somehow I managed to stand, as he came towards me I launched one final, meek, attack at him, but I had a gift, a knife, and it reached him this time. "Close...Octavio, but no heart"
"You moving like that must've been hell for you though eh?" He kicked me and I nearly fell out the window, into the battlefield. I felt the sword in my chest pop out of me, I saw blood spurting everywhere. "Mother..."

"No I am NOT your mother, it's me, your friend Lor!"

I awoke, semi-patched up, on a rack, with my hair shaved off and tubes inside my skull and all over my body.

That's when the real fun began.

I never even got close to the Arch-Bishop. As the battle neared it's end I heard my commander sound the retreat. Nearly all the giants were dead, two fleeing ones were getting pelted with arrows as they ran. With tower soldiers mocking them as they shot them full of holes. Prisoners were not taken, for the most part. Five giants were captures, 15 were killed, 1 died fleeing. The rest survived, all 9 of them. All but 125 of my men were killed, half of those were captured. The captured Imperials were publically executed, and over 1500 of my shocktroopers were killed, only some 150 made it out with the held of my men, about 2/3 of the blades made it, although some were captured. Faenriel was severely wounded and only eluded capture by hiding among the dead and then having to share a shallow grave with them until he could dig his way out. I later found out that that Ysger survived, although he has been in hiding since the war ended. Lor has a bounty on his and Faenril's head.

I spent the next 2 years being tortured, having implants put in me, including one by my spine, weird technology, some dwemer, some Daedric, some...entirely new. All mixed with arcane magic. Eventually I "escaped" only to be sent after my own people. From survivors of my own unit, to generals, to General Tulius and the Emporer themselves. That's when Faenril stopped me and they sent me back after Lors, where I failed again, but discovered how different I had truly become. I was a great soldier before, but after all of this, I became a living weapon. Complete disconnected from everyone else. Not that it was all losses, they cut into my brain, they altered parts of me, messing with some of my memory, and even stranger, they made me stronger, faster, more efficient. I was already a child-prodigy when it came to my intellect, but they enhanced it. For every bit of compassion stolen from me they added more

So, that is a part of my long, bloated, history. Lor's still out there manipulating me. But I am going to get him, and I will defeat him. For now, a greater threat looms on the horizon. One that, unfortunately for Tamriel, I am the only one qualified to stop.

With enemies on every side, old friends are a rarity, with dragons looming in the sky I must keep wary. I return home, avoid the axe, with no clear path before me, and the past catching up to me, with rebellion on the wind, and old wounds re-opened, as I set to re-discover myself and undo what has been done to me. With no clear path ahead, except a note from Faenriel, with a long lost will from my mother showing where her secret fortune is, I am beginning to formulate a plan to set the future straight. So I head into the land of

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:14 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:16 pm
Posts: 40
Location: Oklahoma/Arkansas
ES Games: morrowind, morrowind goty, oblivion, oblivion goty, skrim
Platform: xbox, xbox 360, ps3
Status: keeping fur clean and making gold in skrim
UESPoints: 0
NAME: Calico
RACE: Khajiit
COMBAT: Bow and Arrows only, no magic other than Night eye power and dragon shouts. No follower in combat.
Wife: Ysolda
Housecarl: Lydia; Protecting Khajiits gold and property, keeping Ysolda company.
Back Story: Orphaned at a very young age and lived in poverty on the streets and in the wild, arrested for selling moon sugar and skooma as well as petty theft. Now I spend my time as a freelance treasure hunter and adventurer. If the gold is right, I will do your quest. I give gold freely to the beggars on the street knowing how though it can be, but for those who try to take what is mine you will find an arrow in more than your knee!

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:20 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:47 am
Posts: 321
ES Games: III, IV, V
Platform: Xbox
UESPoints: 0
Name: Optimus Prime
Race: Male Nord (I was taking too long to decide and just went with it. Now I figured out I want to be a Khajiit!)
Skills: One handed, Light Armor, Sneak, Lockpicking, Destruction ,Restoration, Smithing
Favorite Shouts: Fus Ro Dah!, Whirlwind Sprint, Storm Call
Factions: Dark Brotherhood, College of Winterhold, Stormcloaks (stop the Man from oppressing us!)

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:46 am 
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Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:53 am
Posts: 48
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Valdis the Rose

Race: Nord (Werewolf)

Dagger (single)

Main Skills:

Though a Nord by blood, Valdis was raised in Cyrodil by an adoptive Imperial father. From an early age she showed great skill with a bow, as well as an affinity for plants and animals. Despite her instruction in the formal etiquette of imperial nobles, she preferred the blood sport of the hunt to thoughts of marriage and politics, and secretly began to worship Hircine.

Once she ran out of animals to hunt and kill, she began to hunger for more challenging prey. Daedroths and spriggans, frost atronochs and trolls, all fell to her arrows and yet still she was unsatisfied. With Hircine’s guidance, she headed north to the ancestral land of her people. It was there that she received the dark blessing of lycanthropy, and there that she found the Dark Brotherhood, who offered her the chance to hunt the most cunning prey of all.

A well-spoken young beauty by day, an unholy predator by night, she continues the search for an ever rarer and more dangerous quarry.

The Companions- Joins under the guise of honor when in reality all she wanted was the blessing of Hircine. Once she has it, she turns her back on them.
The Dark Brotherhood- She initially joins simply for blood sport, but ends up finding that the Night Mother fills the space in her heart where her own mother's love never was. She becomes fiercely protective of her new Family and dedicates her life to restoring it to its former glory, though her role as Listener drains her and she longs for Hircine's Hunting Grounds.
Stormcloaks- Finding Ulfric charismatic she at first believed in his cause, but became disillusioned after witnessing his true character. Her Cyrodilic upbringing makes her sympathetic to the Imperials, so many of whom died by her arrows. Now she regrets her part in the war and has vowed never again to play at politics.

Be polite.
Be professional.
But have a plan to KILL everyone you meet.

~Personal credo

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:51 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:33 pm
Posts: 1
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC, Xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
Race: Dunmer
Name: Darelos [Hlaalu]
Play style: Swords, Bows Destruction Magic 8)
Stone: Lord

Pre-Skyrim: Member of House Hlaalu, Explorer
Skyrim: Spending a lot of time wandering the back country, seeking out word wall, dragons, dungeons and adventure. Taken a liking to destruction magic. Member of the College of Winterhold, Companions, and a bard. Married to Brelyna Maryon (House Telvanni). Defeated the dark brotherhood for the greater Glory of the Morag Tong. Joined with the Empire because of Hlaalu ties and seeing the "Grey Quarter" that Stormcloak made. Hope to take over Windhelm and rename it "New Balmora"

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:50 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:39 am
Posts: 1081
ES Games: IV: GOTY, V: DG, HF, DB
Platform: PC (IV, V) & PS3 (V)
UESPoints: 0
Just a quick sum! No appearances, histories, etc. for right now xD

Character 1 - Breton Witch

Name :: Fianna Woodcroft
Race :: Breton
Class :: Mage, sorceress, witch
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral, dark
Faction ::
[in game] The College of Winterhold
Fianna, as my character, aligns herself with the Covens of Glenmoril and the hagravens, witches, and hags in general. She is soft for the Forsworn as well.
Stone :: Mage
Occupation :: Witch, training to become a hagraven

Character 2 - Khajiit Thief

Name :: Zaka'Dar
Race :: Khajiit
Class :: Thief
Gender :: Male
Alignment :: Neutral, good
Faction ::
The Thieves Guild
Stone :: Thief
Occupation :: Thief

Character 3 - Altmer Sorceress

Name :: Nerussa
Race :: Altmer
Class :: Mage, sorceress
Gender :: Female
Alignment :: Neutral, good
Faction ::
The College of Winterhold
Thalmor Supporter
Stone :: Mage
Occupation :: Archmage of Winterhold


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:50 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:58 am
Posts: 17
Location: Alaska
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PS3 (Skyrim), PC (Oblivion)
UESPoints: 0
Name: Steel-Fist
Race: Khajiit
Specialty: Heavy Armor, Archery, and Unarmed (Not really a skill anymore, but I'm going unarmed and using the Fists of Steel Perk
Gender: Male

This is my 3rd character. I didn't like my first, the second one had the MQ break on them, and this one I like the best so far.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:05 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:07 pm
Posts: 2
Location: Fighting Snow Bears in Finland
ES Games: Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
This is my second Skyrim character. I didn't want to make a human before, thinking they would look much worse than beast races. I gave it a try anyway and was pretty pleased with the character customization outcome!

Name: Eyjabria
Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Main skills: Two-handed
Secondary skills: Smithing, Archery, Armors
Style: Beating things into bloody pulps, chopping off heads and severing limbs. Occasionally shooting some arrows into knees and then finishing the opponents off with a battle axe.
Guilds: Currently only Companions
Appearance: Prepare for image spam below!






Edited to add a watermarks to images due to them being used without permission at http://nocenslupus.wordpress.com/2012/0 ... deo-games/. Dear blog owner, please use your own screenshots and bandwidth.

Skyrim characters:
Female Khajiit assassin Tikwu
Female Nord limbsplitter (part-time supermodel) Eyjabria
Female Khajiit novice Pörröli

Last edited by Kinky Kitten on Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:03 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:38 pm
Posts: 3
Location: Midlands U.S.A>
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion
Platform: PS3, PC
Status: Helping the Imperials
UESPoints: 0
Name: Robert MacQuellan (Macq nickname)
Race: Breton
Skills: Heavy Armor, One Handed, Blacksmithy, Speech, Destruction
Factions: Imperials, Companions, CoW (College of Winterhold)
Brief Background: After a traumatic incident with magic when he was a child, Bob decided to forego the use of magic and instead focus on his fighting strengths, after training in melee combat he has worked his way around northern Tamriel looking for work when he was approached by a Stormcloak emissary, which was when he got caught and the story begins...


 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:19 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:48 am
Posts: 32
ES Games: Skyrim
Platform: PC
UESPoints: 0
I keep changing my mind. I can't stick with something. My current character is a female orc. Using two handed weapons, heavy armor, conjuration and restoration. I used to play Everquest a lot so I can only describe it as kind of a mix between a Shadow Knight and Paladin.

The perks I'm planning to get:
Novice > Apprentice > Adept > Expert > Master
Necromancy > Dark Souls > Twin Souls


Heavy Armor:

Two Handed:
Everything except Skullcrusher and Limbsplitter.

Pick Pocket:
Light Fingers (1) > Night Thief > Extra Pockets [I just want to carry more weight]

Shield Wall > Quick Reflexes [You can block with a two handed weapon. I just put 2 points in here for Quick Reflexes.]

I know people think dual casting for Restoration isn't worth it because casting a spell with 2 hands makes it 2.2x better for 2.8x more magicka so it's less efficient healing, but I'm all up in the mix in melee range and stuff so there are times when I just need to heal up as fast as possible and when that happens spending the extra magicka is worth it.

Another one I've been thinking about trying, I refer to it as the self sufficient bad ass.

Master of all 3 tradeskills, but not all perks are necessary. I find Smithing not very useful without enchanting, and if I'm going to have smithing and enchanting I might as well make some good Fortify Smithing and Fortify Enchanting potions. Since I'm dual weilding strong crafted enchanted weapons why not coat them with a strong concentrated poison too? Using alchemy for healing potions too because there is no restoration in this build.

Alchemist (5) > Physician > Benefactor > Poisoner > Concentrated Poison

Everything except Soul Squeezer and Soul Siphon

Everything from Steel to Daedric. No light armors, no Arcane Smithing, no Dragon Armor (Dragon isn't as good as Daedric and Dragon bones and scales are harder to get than Daedra Hearts and Ebony Ingots). I'll make my armor and improve it before enchanting it so I wont need to improve enchanted armor.

Heavy Armor:

Everything except Hack and Slash, Bone Breaker, and Paralyzing Strike. I won't use Axes or Maces and if I want to paralyze I'll use a paralyze poison.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:38 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:43 am
Posts: 15
ES Games: Morrowind
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Name: Tregs
Race: Nord
Skills: two-handed, one-handed, heavy armor and sneak
Factions: Companions, TG, DB
Jailed for torture and murder
Joined the Stormcloaks because he desires Nordic tradition over global government. His few pleasures include murder (especially elves, Bretons and wizards) and serving daedra, because he abides by a metaphysical good and evil.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:12 pm 
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ES Games: ESO, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, Arena
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Other Profiles: Grimnir OneEye (Xbox)
UESPoints: 0

Name: Kurtaagh
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Level: 107 (used a mod to unlock level caps)
Standing Stone: The Warrior (haven't changed it once)
Specialties: Two Handed (Warhammers), Heavy Armor, Smithing, Restoration, Enchanting, Speech
Favorites: Daedric Warhammer with Fire and Soul Trap enchants (named The Banhammer), Daedric Armor with Fortify Health, Firtify Restoration, and Fortify Magicka Regeneration enchants, Gold and Sapphire Ring with Fortify Health and Magicka Regeneration, the Wabbajack, Sanguine Rose
Resides: Breezehome in Whiterun, Hjerim in Windhelm, and Proudspire Manor in Solitude.
Spouse: Ria (divorced), Aela (divorced), Ysolda
Factions: Companions (Harbinger), Blades (on the outs because he refuses to murder Paarthurnax), Thieves Guild (though only peripherally -- hasn't been back since he joined), College of Winterhold (Archmage)
Honors: Thane of all nine Holds of Skyrim, Stormblade of the Stormcloaks, slayer of the Dark Brotherhood, and a pretty decent cook
Favorite Color: The blood of his enemies on the snow
Favorite Music:The tears of their women (and The Dragonborn Comes by Malukah)
Favorite Place to Adventure: Labyrinthian, The Reach

Previously know as Voraxith (and Grimnir OneEye on the wiki).

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:59 am 
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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:41 am
Posts: 99
Location: Elsewhere
ES Games: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC, PS3
Status: Wondering where the heck I left Dawnbreaker.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Abski Ozevbek (Don't ask me how I came up with that name. I think it was because I wanted a Russian-esque character, and instead of going with something obvious, like Ivan, or Nikolai, I pulled something out of my pockets and came up with Abski. Thank god I didn't go with Vodka Drunkenski.)
Race: Breton
Skills (Probably not really that good of an idea to go with this skill set using this race, but I digress.): One Handed, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, and Smithing.
Weapon of Choice: Ol' Skullcracker (Elven Mace with a frost enchantment)
Armor of Choice: Anti Broken Bottle Shield (Steel Plate Helmet), Abski's Abs of Steel (Steel Plate Armor. Don't ask about the name. Please.), Fists of Steel (Steel Plate Gauntlets... Pretty obvious...), and as soon as I can find a pair of Steel Plate Boots, The Last Thing That Will Go Through Your Mind (The name is a reference to a one-liner I once heard. Not sure if it was from Duke Nukem or Evil Dead.)
Personality: A cheerful, drunk, and barely comprehendable man. He's prone to making cheap one-liners, bad jokes, and pain inducing puns. Despite his cheerful outer appearance, inside lies a dormant maniac, waiting to annihilate anything that keeps him from his favorite things in life... Women, mead, and screaming at dragons.

"Your *** is grass, and I've got the weedwhacker." - Random One-Liner

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:12 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:06 pm
Posts: 27
ES Games: Oblivion,Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Hunts-In-Shadow
Race: Argonian.
Weapons: Bow and 2 daggers for up close.
Guilds: Thieves guild, Dark brotherhood and Companions guild.

Personality: A friendly argonian despite him being an assasin. He came to Skyrim to hunt and he makes money that way.
When he crossed the border an imperial ambush caught him with some stormcloaks.
He learned his archery skills from his father who is missing and he never knew his mother.

Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time

Click on my eggs.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:33 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:43 pm
Posts: 2
ES Games: Skyrim,Oblivion,Morrowind
Platform: PC/Xbox 360
Status: Skooma Dealer, wan´t to buy some moonsugar
UESPoints: 0
Race: Imperial.

Sex: Female.

Name: Xenaliana.

Level: 10

Weapons: Bow, for close combat dual daggers.

Style: Stealthy. become one, with the shadows.

Guilds: The Darkbrotherhood and Thieves Guild.

Personality: She had a succesfull Skooma imperium, but then got busted for a large shipment of skooma comin in from Elsweyr on the border off Skyrim/Cyrodiil. Possible being set up by M'aiq the Liar, since he was the contact (don´t let us find you, we know). Now doin jobs for The darkbrotherhood and Thieves guild to get by makin connections, and starting al over again :) .

Worship: Lord Sheogorath (WHY SO SERIOUS) XD

I got the finest moonsugar, wan´t to buy some Skooma hmmm ???

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:00 am 
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lvl 44 male dark elf

weapons: ebony sword or a fire enchanted ebony dagger
armor: scaled armor and a glass shield all enchanted
magic: uses lots of destruction, conjuration, and restoration
factions: companions and college of winterhold

A very powerfull fighter and mostly a good guy just don't try and [&@%!] him off. Never try and rob him or extort money off him.

I really need to start a new character. I think I'm going to do a female breton dark mage thief/assassin that is mentally unstable.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:30 am 
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Name: Roskk
Race: Dunmer
Skills: Destruction, Enchanting, Restoration, Speech
Weapons: Fire and Lightning

Evil. Will kill any human or non-Dunmer elf or animal he can get away with just to have fun watching them burn. Respects the Nine, Azura, and even human or elven heroes such as Tiber Septim. Doesn't feel like he should mess with life after death, even though he causes much death, so detests necromancy and soul capturing, especially Dunmer necros. Before he learned of the end of the world, he was just fighting dragons in hopes of being Emperor.

What's the tax for?
For the privilege of entering the city-

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:53 pm 
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Like I said in the "Why do the Vampires suck?" or something thread...

I "imported" my main character from Oblivion.

Name: Luccian LaCroix.
Gender: Male.
Race: Breton.
Most Used Skills: Sneak and Conjuration right now (Necromancy).
Weapons: A Steel Mace...

After being banished from Cyrodill, Luccian found a way to Skyrim.
After leaving Helgen with Ralof he began to explore the land. In one of his "adventures" he found some Vigilants of Stendarr who posed a threat. While visiting Whiterun his thirst made some victims. 3 guards.

While trying to hide, Luccian found a random cave called Broken Fang. Inside he killed the Master Vampire and made the cave his own house (temporary). Now he spends most of his time switching between an army of undead and feeding. But because of the crimes that he committed, Luccian is now in jail...

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:35 am 

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Ahh I kind of want to make a playthrough where I'm a vampire, that'd be kind of interesting :P
My current character started as a berserker, and kind of is a berserker, but also specializes in the assassination side of things with archery and sneak (since a pure barbarian build takes you to like, what, level 35 or something?).

Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Skills: 2-handed, heavy armor, archery, sneak, little bit of block (I do block in combat, but it seems to level super slow when you don't use shields)
Weapons: Random 2 handed swords I like, I have a daedric greatsword for when I really get screwed, daedric bow named Karliah for assassinations, blade of woe for assassinating stuff in combination with either a paralyzing daedric dagger or Mehrune's razor.
Houses: Breezehome, Proudspire manor, and Molag's nice lil' place in Markath.
Allegiance: Stormcloak, he's a nord and all that. Plus I went imperial on my other characters :P
Guilds: Basically all of them, meh. I was considering not doing the College at all, but I wanted Morokei.

I have oblivion walker on this guy, so I'm obviously not a very "good" person. I use the ebony mail almost 24/7, I sometimes even kill random people who talk smack to me (alchemy + invisibility potion + 85 or so sneak = kill anyone and get away with it). I can sneak with heavy armor because I use the ebony mail, and have the conditioning perk.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:58 am 
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[quote="Argonia"]Name: Hunts-In-Shadow
Race: Argonian.
Weapons: Bow and 2 daggers for up close.
Guilds: Thieves guild, Dark brotherhood and Companions guild.

Woah that's odd. I have a character with all those same stats, except a Bosmer. And he came to Skyrim because he wants to be a great thief like the Champion of Cyrodil, and he was getting too famous down south.

What's the tax for?
For the privilege of entering the city-

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:02 am 
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Dunmer999 wrote:
Argonia wrote:
Name: Hunts-In-Shadow
Race: Argonian.
Weapons: Bow and 2 daggers for up close.
Guilds: Thieves guild, Dark brotherhood and Companions guild.

Woah that's odd. I have a character with all those same stats, except a Bosmer. And he came to Skyrim because he wants to be a great thief like the Champion of Cyrodil, and he was getting too famous down south.

Well, but that account's save data got corrupted...
So my argonian hunter is no more.

Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time

Click on my eggs.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:20 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:38 am
Posts: 11
Name: Bilbo Baggins

Race: Wood Elf (err ... hobbit)

Class: Legendary Dragon Slayer of Smaug.

Weapons: Steel and Elven Daggers.

Armor: Fine Clothes.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:59 am 
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nice Bilbo idea. sounds hard. you should learn the Invisibility spell for him. and he uses a bow once. i don't remember, maybe elven.

What's the tax for?
For the privilege of entering the city-

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:02 am 
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This is the 2nd character I started

name: Ralli Vul

race: breton

class: stealthy assassin/thief

combat: favors piercing hearts with a bow but also will smash skulls in with a mace when going toe to toe. Also enjoys bending her oponents minds with illusion magic and burning them alive with destruction

guilds: dark brotherhood and thiefs guild

She kills and steals with little to no remorse. While she does enjoy making good coin she does it more to feed her addiction to the pain and death of others. She has a deep respect and obsession for Sithis, Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon, Hermaeus Mora, among other daedric lords.

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