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 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:31 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:09 pm
Posts: 1
ES Games: Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
Character Name: Inge of the Skaal
Race: Nord

As the imperials began reinstating their presence on Solstheim, increasingly venturing boldly out of their small foothold of Fort Frostmoth, chieftain of the Skaal tribe realised that the patriotic Nords of the Island cannot hope to hold out against the Empire should a proper offensive be launched, with this in mind and news of the Civil War in Skyrim reaching his Greathall he ordered a bold move, the like of which has never been even been considered on Solstheim. He sent a brave young warrior, Inge (typically Nordic in stature, strength and mentality but who has a keen eye for politics) to Windhelm to convene with Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, that an agreement between the Nords could be reached, Skaal support during the war and loyalty when the Empire is cast out of SKyrim, with the Stormcloaks offering aid and protection to the vulnerable Nordic tribes of Solstheim. On his way to Windhelm however Inge was caught in an ambush and to his surprise ended up in a cart next to the very man he'd been sent to see.......

Type: No magic....just strength, sharp pieces of metal and the occasional use of quick wittedness. Therefore Perks include, Heavy armor (however not very deep), Two_handed (primary), One handed, Block, Smithing, Sneak and maybe a few into Speech and Lockpicking.

Guilds: Companions, Storm-Cloaks.....

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:40 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:54 am
Posts: 192
Location: Bay Area
ES Games: Oblivion...Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Status: Rolling a Skyrim alt!
UESPoints: 0
Name: Major Kusanagi (my first alt!)
Race: Imperial

-Ex Imperial Army Officer who commanded the Special Scout Garrison
-Hated the Thalmor and the White-Gold Concordant (She knew they could win as long as Hammerfell and Skyrim remaind intact)
-Dark Brotherhood and College of Winterhold (Primary was Thieves guild and Companions)
-Banned from Cyrodiil for stabbing her General duraing a heated debate. The General backed the White_Gold for business reasons.
-Grew up with/near Emporer's family. Close ties let her escape Cyrodiil with her life.
-Big, rich family. She misses them but, Father disowned her for attack on General (HIS business partner) She misses family but, is angry.
-Wants to help re-unify Skyrim. Restore her offical name/rank.
-Doesn't care for the Skyrim rebellion at all. Nor god worship.
-Rose in Imperial Army ranks due to complex Mage/Warrior/Thief skills.

Light armor, thief, one-handed. Mage skills but few perks.

"Bloodiest beef in the Reach!"

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:05 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:42 am
Posts: 432
Location: Oulu, Finland
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
Yesterday I started with a new (second) character. This time the concentration is on magic. I thought that I could try some other race this time, but no, in the end I ended up again to a Breton. My hatred for enemy spellcasters is far to deep and strong that I could resist the magic resistance.

The idea of this character is to try out different flavors of magic, combined with stealth. I try to avoid all sorts of sharp and not-so-sharp objects, from fork to warhammer, as well as wearable metal in all forms and weights, excluding jewelry. At the same time, I try another approach to the game itself. This time the character is a character without history - that means that I am not going to store remembrance, instead I have thought to sell everything that I don't need. But I have to admit that there are some items that you just can not sell, and to store them, I have been thinking between a few choices: marry someone owning a house and store them there, or use one of the free safe containers available.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:29 pm
Posts: 2
ES Games: Oblivion
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name - Traven
Race - Breton
Class - Battlemage I guess, not actually sure what I am. Maybe someone could enlighten me?

As mains I use:
Alteration for Armour protection and wards when fighting mages
Restoration for the obvious reason
Conjuration for raising the dead when im in trouble
Block with a shield for combat
One handed Maces for combat (though i have recently taken a shine to the fast swing of a sword)

I wear what looks cool to me. Usually a mix of heavy and light. Eg: Steel short sleeve top, leather gloves, thalmor boots, hood or mask.

Minors (very occasionally):
Archery for ranged attacks when I need to drop a dragon or tactical stuff
Illusion for stealth
Alchemy for poisons

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:24 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:05 am
Posts: 370
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC
UESPoints: 0
Name: Guaramil
Race: Breton
Class: Mage

A genius apprentice of the college of winterhold, who has by far surpassed all his colleagues. Although he does not master any high level spell for any of the schools of magic, he is already an adept in all of them. Some of the most feared beasts, creatures and humans from Skyrim have already seen his power, and most have not survived to talk about it. He is researching with Toldfir the possible uses and the power of the so called Eye of Magnus.
He wears adept robes with adept hood, boots, enchanted ring and a fortify magicka necklace.

He has friends in very high places, such as Falk from the Blue Palace, any of the college's mages, and some of the court mages from the 9 holds.

His heart his good, but some fear that his power eventually drives him mad and he turns to darker magic

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:52 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:36 pm
Posts: 2
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
Name: Linda
Race: Nord
Stone: The Steed
Jobs: Windhelm Guard ( i stole the stuff ) / Stormcloak soldier.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:46 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 08, 2011 8:33 pm
Posts: 57
Location: Hailin' from the Slums of Shaolin.
ES Games: Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY, Skyrim.
Platform: Xbox360
Status: Haunting the halls of someplace in Windhelm...?
UESPoints: 0
Name: Savlen Maros
Race: Dunmer
Stone: The Shadow
Profession: Assassin
Major Skills: Sneak, Marksman, Lockpicking, One-Handed, Destruction, Conjuration.
Perferred Armor: Ebony with Thevies Guild Boots and Hood (Or Krosis); Or Fortify Health enchanted Fine Clothes with Thevies Guild Boots and Hood.
Perferred Weapons: Firiniel's End, Blade of Woe, Ebony Sword (Fine), Wabbajack, Sanguine's Rose.
Spells: Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Spike, Summon Spectral Assassin, Summon Flame Antronach, Soul Trap.

I really don't feel like writing an entire Bio out lol.

-Former House Brother of House Hlaalu

-:Kinsman of the Great House Hlaalu:-
"But you know the old saying: When life gives you lemons...go murder a clown." ~ Festus Krex
Aspiring apparition.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:25 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:53 pm
Posts: 5
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Calla Nightshade
Race: Female Nord
Guilds: The Companions, College of Winterhold, The Dark Brotherhood, and the Thieves Guild.
Age: 26 (Approx.)
Place of Birth: Unknown.

Story: Calla never knew when she was born. She was left on a doorstep of a Wood Elf and Nord couple in Cyrodill, who took her in. When she was 3, Calla and her family moved to the Summerset Isle for a chance to experience a new culture. Calla grew up with her parents teaching her how to fight with anything, her Bosmer mother teaching her Archery and how to sneak and survive in the shadows. And her Nord father teaching her how to use swords, maces, axes, and anything she could come accross. After the Thalmor took over and killed her parents just to prove a point while Calla, who was now 14, watched from a rooftop; she vowed she would take down the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion however she could. Over the years she killed anyone who supported the Empire or Dominion. From the shadows keeping to her Mothers teaching. Eventually she made her way to Cyrodill, only to get caught killing a Legate travelling to Anvil from the Imperial City. As she was in jail in the Imperial City, she found a crumbling wall,
The same secret exit the Hero of Kvatch had used accompanied by the Emporer and a unit of Blades had used almost 200 years earlier,
When she escaped, she knew she had to flee the country, so she fled to one of the only places in Tamriel she hasn't been, Skyrim. Only to get caught by an ambush of Imperial Soldiers on the border.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:05 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:25 pm
Posts: 98
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: XBox 360
UESPoints: 0
Of the four characters I've created, I'm having the most fun with this one at the time:

Name: Gary Anderband
Race: Breton
Level: 27
Magicka: 320
Health: 220
Stamina: 100(have respite perk)

Favorite Weapon: Bound Swords
Wears: Steel Plate armor(+15 heavy armor skill), steel plate boots, orcish gauntlets, adept hood, necklace of health(+30), Ring of minor welding(+%15 one handed), spellbreaker(sometimes)

Main skills: Conjuration 100
Restoration: 54
Heavy Armor: 69
One handed: 69
Destruction: 34

Spent my perks on Conjuration, (no necromancy ones) restoration and one handed, with a few in heavy armor and destruction. Plan on doing some enchanting eventually. Started out with the mage stone, just switched to warrior after I got restoration to 50 and conjuration to 100.

Playing as a dual handed warrior for the most part, switching to close wounds healing spell when health and stamina get low. Use minions every now and then, and some destruction for occasional ranged attacks, mostly dragons.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:42 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:39 pm
Posts: 131
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim
Platform: Xbox
UESPoints: 0
Name - Lymond
Race - Breton
Class - Mutt
Main Skills - archery, sneak and to lesser extent one hand blade
Style - Adventurer. Usually in fur armor and gauntlets with dragon scale helm and boots..enchanted predominantly for sneak, bow and stamina. Usually with two bows, a sword and dagger.
Affiliations - Mage college, dark brotherhood, thieves guild and imperial army...with very loose affiliations to each.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:34 am 
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Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:12 pm
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Created another character...

Name: Morgiah Hlaalu. :P
Race: Dark Elf.

Only working with the stealth skills. She's a thief/assassin.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:27 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:10 pm
Posts: 39
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC
UESPoints: 0
Name: Vladimir
Race: Khajiit

Arrested in Skyrim for possession of large amounts of moon sugar and alcoholic beverages. "A smuggler? This one? Oh no no no, impossible! This one simply loves to cook! Really!"
This one likes magic, axes and Elsweyr Foundue, which means that Vladimir also likes cheese. Friends with lord Sheogorath.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:10 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:53 pm
Posts: 31
ES Games: Oblivion
Platform: Xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
I have three characters!!

My main is level 34, a pure-warrior nord who looks a bit too much like Brock lesnar

Second is level 23, a pure-mage high elf who enjoys sunsets, walking on the beach, and blowing up goats with dual cast fireball

And my newest char is level 4, a dark elf thief. I wanted to see what it would be like if i NEVER saved before pickpocketing or stealing, so if I got caught I'd actually go to jail or pay the fine. Goal on this character is to get mad rich :)

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:02 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:05 pm
Posts: 34
ES Games: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Macbook with OSX Lion and Windows 7
Status: Playing an Argonian Swordsman and Smith
UESPoints: 0
I currently have two characters:

Elton of Daggerfall (plain Elton in the Game)

Race: Breton
Stone: Mage
Aspirations: Working for Winterhold College, Scholarship
Owns: Breezehome
Quirks: Currently in a Homosexual marriage.

Story: Elton of Daggerfall has many misadventures. He fled Daggerfall for some unknown reason. Actually, the king was idiot enough to give his brother an undeserved title in the Knights of the Dragon. His brother wormed his way into the title and Elton "escaped" in protest. He made his way to Skyrim until he was ambushed along with Ulfric, Lokir, and Rogvir for just being there. Elton cursed his luck as the Imperials tied him up with vines.

He escaped, was revealed to be a Dovahkiin, helped out Scouts-Many-Marshes and made the mistake of wearing an Amulet of Mara and getting a nascent proposal from Scouts a month later. The two were wed to Elton's embarrassment (whom he cursed himself with bad luck!). The honeymoon was, to say the least, a further embarassment. Elton, to his shame, found out that Scouts was the eager one. To prove his luck wasn't bad, he hired Uthgerd the Unbroken but his "wife" dotes on him and he constantly worries on how his mother and father is going to understand. Elton wonders if he has to call himself 'Elton the Unlucky.'


Race: Argonian
Stone: Warrior
Aspirations: to be a very good Blacksmith. Wants to kill all the Thalmor in Skyrim.
Quirks: Hates the Thalmor and recently freed a Thalmor captive.

Skink in Tree's Shade is related to the famous spellcaster of Morrowind fame. Skink grew up under the Thalmor, whom his Grandmother equated to House Telvanni in Morrowind. Skink hated the Thalmor, and decided to do something against them. So when he came of second age, he packed his bags and hiked to Skyrim. Along the way, he learned that the Thalmor can't be all bad as he saved the life of a Thalmor official once. The official provided him with a certificate of immunity, but that wasn't taken seriously when he was captured. He was thought to be a Whitecloak Sympathizer by the Thalmors there and he was summarily bound.

The rest as they say, is history. Although, he is yet to see Arneigir. Skink, however, follows the legacy of another Skink who adventured in Cyrodill during the Oblivion Incident. Some say that one was connected to the Pirates of Dunbarrow Cove and managed to romance his way into the bedroom of the Count of Anvil during that time. That one came home to Black Marsh as both a hero and a scalliwag.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:55 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:42 am
Posts: 1
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Status: W/ Shadowmere killing all of the Dragons!
UESPoints: 0
Woohoo first post on this Forum! Alright!

Race: Nord (Original right?)
Name: Akadi
Class: Warrior
Likes: Traveling and Hunting Dragons with Shadowmere, Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, Visiting the Throat of the World to talk to my dragon pal, and Fus-Ro-Dah.
Dis-likes: Dragon tails, Giant's clubs, The Empire.
Greatest Adventure: While riding Shadowmere from Solitude to Whiterun back to my house, I ran into a pack of very angry dragons. Yes I said a pack. It was a very fun and frightful experience for me, but Shadowmere loved it! He single-hoovedly (haha) killed half of the dragons!

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:50 am 
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:38 pm
Posts: 339
ES Games: Oblivion GOTY, skyrim
Platform: PS3
Status: Cricket.
UESPoints: 0
Name: James
Race: Redguard
Main skills: One-handed (sword and shield or sword and spell), smithing and restoration
Style: Adventurer. I don't fast travel or use that horse and cart to take me anywhere because I like exploring on horse back. I use a silver sword that I got from a silver hand in Dustman's Cairnand iron armour
Level: 8

"I'm clever as a hedgehog."

Hotel room by yourself men's underpants Las Vegas.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:00 am 

Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:16 am
Posts: 11
ES Games: Begining of Morrowind, Oblivion (KoTN & SI), Skyrim
Platform: PC (Oblivion) Xbox360 (Skyrim)
Status: Blowing up the undead with my shiny sword
UESPoints: 0
Name: Samuel Beroux
Race: Breton
Class: Palidin
Birthsign(stone): The Lover
Main Skills: One Handed, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Enchanting

Goals in life: To help as many people as possible on his adventures, and to rid the world(or at least skyrim) of undead creatures.

Likes: Colleting fine wines, drinking such fine wines with his trusty pal Lydia, playing with Dawnbreaker, collecting books, chillin' readng at home in Hjrem, watching aroura lights dance across the sky, practicing restoraton magic & a good bar brawl.

Dislikes: Undead things/Necromancy (Meridia came to him in a dream in his childhood showing him horrors of the undead, and from that day forward he swore to uphold Meridia's philosophy), the Thalmor, wearing helmets, dragons that are not Paarthuax or Ohvadiig, Daedric Princes(Other than Meridia), and mammoth cheese.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:00 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:37 pm
Posts: 13
Location: NY
ES Games: Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind
Platform: Xbox360, Wii
UESPoints: 0
Current, favored character:
Female dunmer Denali Dren, a blacksmith/legionnaire and enthusiast of dwemer artifacts. She was born in Morrowind, one of the descendants of a Cyrodiilic Nord woman and Modryn Oreyn. Forever longing for the affection of Hadvar. Started as an apprentice of the blacksmith in Solitude, helping with his high demand of armor for the Legion. After a month-long mining excursion to Blackreach, she's now living a peaceful life helping Avrusa Selothi tend her nirnroot farm.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:12 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:48 pm
Posts: 281
Location: Hjerim
ES Games: Arena (Limited) Morrowind(Limited), Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360/PC
UESPoints: 0
Name: Gratache
Race: Nord
Skills: One Handed (Dual Weild Spec), Heavy Armour, Smithing.
Perks: http://uk.ign.com/builds/the-elder-scro ... 0001100001

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:11 pm
Posts: 7
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: xbox 360
UESPoints: 0
This seems like a good place for a first post.

Name: Elijah
Race: Nord
Stone: The Steed
Skills/Main perk trees:
-One Hand, preferably sword
-Heavy Armor

Extra Skills once I complete my main perk trees:
-Speech (Merchant side)
-Sneak (Assassin side)

Moral Intent
-A famed and celebrated hero who has a secret affiliation with the dark brotherhood.

Taking Sides

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:47 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:17 pm
Posts: 30
Status: Stormcloaks are the good guys!
UESPoints: 0
My character is a vampire Argonian girl named Slaughterfish, trained like the nightblade profession from earlier TES games. She's married to Brelyna of House Telvanni, whom she met while studying at uni. We're gonna sign up together with the Stormcloaks and fight for justice. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:24 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:42 pm
Posts: 152
ES Games: Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PS3
UESPoints: 0
Name: Malacath
Race: Orsimer
Occupation: Daedric God
Main Skills: Two handed, Heavy armor, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy
Armor: Daedric
Weapon: Daedric Warhammer
Follower: Lydia in full daedric armor

I have a lot more but dont feel like posting them

you can just call me "Drog Dovah Kriid". Message me if you know what this means.

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:03 pm 
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:38 pm
Posts: 339
ES Games: Oblivion GOTY, skyrim
Platform: PS3
Status: Cricket.
UESPoints: 0
My Lydia died in the Battle of Fort Greenwall. :(

"I'm clever as a hedgehog."

Hotel room by yourself men's underpants Las Vegas.

 Post subject: My 3 Toons
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:09 am 
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Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:12 pm
Posts: 4
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: xbox & PS3
UESPoints: 0
At the risk of calling down the thunder, I am using WoWspeak tongue-in-cheek. (I was briefly addicted but thankfully saw the light.)

My "Main Toon" *chuckle!* is a Bosmer named Zacharia Hood (for personal reasons). He is a stealthy archer comfortable in light armour, favouring shield & one-handed melee or dual-wielding for quick kills. He is a keen alchemist with some skill in smithing & enchanting. He takes no sides when it comes to war but favours good over bad. Despite his perfectly honed stealth skills he seeks not a life with thieves nor murderers. Instead he helps where he can and prospects for his own gain. That said, he is fond of cooking, playing music with friends & hopes to be officially schooled in magic due to his blatant lack of experience in that field.

My first "Alt" *chortle* is an Orsimer named Ber-Kalak Greygreen (inspired by the Green or Grey, depending on who you listen to, Knight of Arthurian lore referred to as Berkalak or Bredbeddle.) He is a huge, heavily armoured, dual-mace-wielding brute who fights for the freedom of the northern land he calls home. He also works closely with his companions for those who seek their help. When not out roaming Skyrim for treasures he enjoys splitting neer-do-well skulls. He is not a bad soul and will help for a fee, but can only take being told he smells like wet dog so many times. Beware his temper.

My second "Alt" *yawn* is an Argonian named Annunaki Nibiru (inspired by Anunnaki - a race of lizard wampyres living on planet X aka Nibiru who, according to a mad goalkeeper, are secretly running things here on Earth...gufaaw!). He is a trecherous Mage who loves nothing better than to sneak into your house, steal your stuff & kill you. He does it for the money, the infamy and the joy of it. He sides himself with the cosmopolitan Central Power which he deems the more powerful of the two warring factions. If foes makes it past his destructive dual-casting, Annunaki resorts to smashing in heads with a warhammer. Due to a problem with photosensitivity he tends to take care of business at night. Also, no one seems to like him much when he's hungry.

If that guy tells me one more time that he works for Belathor I'm going to cut his throat while he sleeps...

 Post subject: Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:50 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:07 pm
Posts: 321
Location: The island North of Tamriel - Usgupysty
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Platform: PC
Status: Grand Poobah of Small Miscellaneous Objects
UESPoints: 0
The Sexy Stableman wrote:
Name: Vladimir
Race: Khajiit

Arrested in Skyrim for possession of large amounts of moon sugar and alcoholic beverages. "A smuggler? This one? Oh no no no, impossible! This one simply loves to cook! Really!"
This one likes magic, axes and Elsweyr Foundue, which means that Vladimir also likes cheese. Friends with lord Sheogorath.

That's my name IRL, and I do like cheese. :mrgreen:

Erm, my character:

Name: Indhelm
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Standing Stone: The Thief (currently)

Cheese is green on Tuesday!

Winner of the Molag Bal Games: XI, XIII, XV.

I used to take arrows in the knee, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

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