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Roleplaying in Skyrim

Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:41 am

What are some of the little things you do when you play Skyrim? Mainly from an RP standpoint.

I like to make sure my family is protected. So, I make sure what ever house I have them living in, the housecarl is at home to guard them. I know this makes no difference from a game play standpoint. And it certainly doesn't stop those ninja kidnapper vampires from turning my wife into Princess Peach. But from an in universe perspective, I like to know that they're protected. If I ever want to give the housecarl of my family house some field time, I move the family to another house which is guarded. Also, if I do take Mjoll out for some adventuring as a couple, I like to make sure the kids are at Lakeview Manor, where Annekke Grag-Jumper is my Steward. She already has a grown daughter, so I trust her as experienced to mind the kids.

I tend to view Dragon gear as exclusive to the Dragonborn. I have enough Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales to outfit every follower I would ever use. But somehow, it cheapens Dragon weapons and armor to me if everyone is using them. So typically, I'll give my heavy armor followers some Ebony armor, Light Armor followers get Glass, and everyone gets a Daedric weapon. The exception to this rule is my wife.

So, anyone else have little things they want to share?

Re: The Little Things

Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:24 am

My main character is obsessed with Dwemer dishes. Every plate, cup, pan, bowl, fork and knife comes home with him and into the cupboard. Even if it means I have to drop the much more useful and valuable Dwarven weapons and armor. I mean, who doesn't want to cut a steak with a thousand year old knife from a dead civilization? That's just class. And nothing but nothing makes the finest Black-Briar mead taste better than a Dwemer Cup. I also give my kids Dwemer Gyros to play with. (bronze-age steampunk is fun).

When playing as a member of the Thieves Guild, I do my best to try and run interference for the generic thieves running around Riften without actually harming the guards/citizens. I also refuse to do any of Delvin or Vex's quests if they take place in Riften. Stealing from the very city that is willing to put up with you isn't a very smart idea, (hence the needing to run interference).

As a member of the Dark Brotherhood, I take the human flesh and human heart as "payment up front" for a contract. I see it as metaphor for "You have paid your pound of flesh, but know that we have your heart (soul) as well. Do not cross us." One character would leave a single nightshade on the victim, and would always take a trophy of some sort to display in her house, (even if it was just the unique item given as payment, such as the Aretino Family Heirloom).

I like to use my shout when meeting back up with the Jarl of Whiterun after killing the dragon at the Western Watchtower. His steward says something along the lines of "Nord nonsense" and "how do we know that this person is a Dragonborn". Fus "That's how". He's lucky I aim up to avoid hurting him.

I keep a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid on my nightstand

And, since I mainly play Khajiit or Argonians, I've had many a character that's walked right around the counter and stood in Belethor's face. "You'd even buy my what now?".

Re: The Little Things

Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:59 am

Whenever I passed through High Hrothgar during the main quest, I'd make sure to find all four Greybeards, and just say hello. I also do that with the Blades, and a couple other groups. It just seems polite.

I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:48 am

I roleplay all of my characters, so it's become my routine to eat, sleep, and make all the decisions my characters would make, sometimes even down to their movement speed. :shock: I feel like it adds so much to the game. So I was wondering, if you do roleplay, why? And if you don't, why don't you?

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:10 am

To a certain extent. Sleeping isn't something I do terribly often. I do eat and use the oven in LakeviewManor to cook sometimes. Though at the same time I might go weeks without food or sleep. With my vampire character, I bite necks quite often.I do like to take missions from the Companions or the Dawnguard or the Jarls. Even though the rewards are crap, it makes me feel like I have a job.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:41 pm

Not only do I sleep and eat, each of my characters has their own dietary preferences: my spiritual Bosmer is a strict carnivore, my Argonian likes sea food, poultry and veggies, while my Bosmer vampire subsists mostly on blood, only occasionally complementing it with raw meat and red wine; my Dunmer is the least choosy, he'll eat almost anything (although he prefers Mjoll's home-cooked meals by far). I try to sleep at least a few hours every night (even when I'm a werewolf and it doesn't do anything for me) and have breakfast and supper; I skip lunch on most days, but often have a little snack and a nap after a particularly exhausting fight.

I also pick the quests I do (and, if possible, the way I do them) according to the character I'm playing: my Dunmer, who is an honourable guy, told Jarl Siddgeir to stick that bottle of Black-Briar Mead where the sun don't shine, while the Argonian and the vampire (both in the Thieves Guild) have excellent business relations with him. Both the Dunmer and the Argonian avoided framing Brand-Shei (and the Argonian slipped that ring back into Madesi's strongbox at the first opportunity). Both Bosmer (one a vampire, the other a werewolf and worshipper of Hircine) attack Vigilants of Stendarr on sight, the others don't. Etc. etc.

Why go to all that trouble? Because it all makes the game much more immersive and thus, to me, more fun; and it also makes every playthrough feel different and unique (and thus, again, more fun).
Last edited by Finn Wolfshorn on Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:42 pm

I'm the same, I can't NOT roleplay. I eat at certain times, mainly something I cook and Surilie Wine. I make sure I'm at the pub at night to sleep or my house (Unless I actually can never make it). I never fast travel (carriage is acceptable). Hell, I even have an entire 'family' set up, with my brethren in Cyrodiil and High Rock etc. I could even name every descendant up to the Champion of Cyrodiil, as that it where my lineage descends from in game.

I don't know really, but it's become a routine, like you. I just do it and it's not a burden to carry out anymore. I find it adds a lot more to the game rather than just doing every quest 'because it's there'. I'd pick and choose quests based on what my character is actually like: a Thalmor hating, Imperial Soldier, ex-captain of the Guard in Chorrol. Mathias Flynnias IV of Colovia. Lord of Battlehorn Castle. :D

Meh, it's fun.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:35 pm

I do to an extent; I get a character in mind and try to keep to their ethos, but I don't usually take it much further than that. For some reason roleplay is always most important when starting out a new character. I dress them in ordinary clothes when not out adventuring, chop wood for my room and board, that sort of thing. Maybe it's most important when I still need to cook food for survival and make every septim count! I try to build up my character's armour and weapon stash as they level up, so lower level chars get iron and hide rather than steel, even if I can forge it myself. It gets to be like a personal reward.

I did once have a character who I intended to be a "real guy" rather than an adventurer type; he wanderered around Skyrim working as a miner, then trained as a smith, got married and joined the Legion. Apart from hunting he didn't kill unless attacked first. I didn't really touch the main quest so Dragonborn never came into it. It was interesting but a bit more involved than I usually bother to take characters. Most of my characters don't get married and I don't roleplay a home life for them (assuming I can be bothered to buy a house at all!). To me there's not a lot of point in roleplaying a husband and kids when I've got them already--it ceases to be escapism then! :wink:

I do keep thinking of roleplaying a strict hunter type though, someone who basically lives in the wilderness and hardly ever sees a city. I had a Dunmer who I imagined to be a refugee Ashlander who'd be perfect for that!

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:47 pm

Never have and probably never will. Not my thing.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:34 pm

I once heard a distinction I really liked: "Micro" roleplaying versus "Macro" roleplaying. Micro is paying attention to food and sleep and little details like that. Macro refers to overall character, which quests you take and which people you kill and so on. Big decisions.

I tend towards macro roleplaying, so my Altmer won't do anything she considers 'wrong', except when her curiosity gets the better of her, and my sneaky thief currently refuses to do anything for anyone except the Thieves' Guild.

I do a bit of micro roleplaying, but not so much. I totally ignore food, just seems like too much of a hassle. Sleep I do, except with my werewolf, who doesn't need it. Unfortunately, since she's the character I use most often, I end up going without sleep on everybody else, too, out of sheer habit. I don't fast travel, not ever.

Overall, yeah, I think it would get a bit boring if I didn't roleplay at all. It's the best part of the game, really. In my opinion.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:59 pm

It is the best part of the game, I love roleplay. Both of my characters have their own quirks, it gives them personality. They eat and sleep even when traveling. They are on a schedule when home which includes taking care of the kids...and they are usually home for a week in game time before they are off adventuring again. They also are not gone longer than 2-3 days if they can help it, family responsibilities and all. I've even gone so far as changing the kids's outfits and giving them food in the mornings and evenings. Its bizarre, but it adds in something different. I could go on...but I'll spare you all. ;)

Without roleplay, I would have abandoned Skyrim long ago. It would be so boring without it to me. Also, I agree with a comment above that roleplay adds in replay value. And a game like this is meant to be replayed.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:30 pm

My Dunmer Spellsword loves Cheese, Fruit, and getting drunk on Matze.
My Breton loves Cheese, Pork/Boar, and Wine.
My Altmer loves Wine, Fruit, Veggies, and some Beef every so often.

Altmer sticks to Horker loaf for the road though and some fruit. Wine is a given for those cold nights.
Dunmer always carries some Matze on him and a Eidar Cheese wedge for the road.
Breton is a socialite so he always gets his meat, cheese, and wine.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:31 pm

If there was a hardcore mode...

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:44 pm

DikaSmausha wrote:If there was a hardcore mode...

Then you really couldn't roleplay. Hardcore just makes the game so that you NEED to play it like any other game.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:48 pm

Hardcore mode in RPG terms means it forces you to eat and sleep like a normal person.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:53 pm

What he said.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:02 pm

I RP, but it kills my characters. I RP as a certain type of person under certain circumstances that has certain parameters. I walk, I eat, I sleep rather than wait, and I join guilds suiting to my character. But, while fun, once I have my parameter filled at level 30-49 I delete them. They are then pointless.

My oldest (as in I use the name in Morrowind) character is Nevar Odai I use this character to do everything, go everywhere, but do it walking speed. This character reflects my choices, not my RP. The only exception is guilds. He joins all guilds but approaches each mission with a certain attitude, or cause. I JUST made this character. Currently level 7 and wandering Dawnstar's wilds. Chances are, when I beat the game with this character, I wont pick up Skyrim until the next DLC...or even the next game. That is the main reason why I save some achievements for late game.

As for HC mode. I think they didnt add it because it would eliminate a lot of playstyles. if you ever got hit by a power attack, you would die. Fighting any centurion would kill you. Dragons... well they would actually be a challenge. Things that swarm you would be severely problematic. Crippling would be added, which adds to RP and HC players, but takes from the common players. Diseases should kill you. So fighting a bear and getting bone-break fever would kill you... cripple you so you cant make it to a city in time to cure and heal yourself. Followers would drop like flies. Shouts would be immensely powerful (and they are already which is why I avoid using them) both for and against you... You will die from fireballs and other AOE effects. Kaarstag would be impossible :D

Re: The Little Things

Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:18 pm

Airos wrote:My main character is obsessed with Dwemer dishes. Every plate, cup, pan, bowl, fork and knife comes home with him and into the cupboard. Even if it means I have to drop the much more useful and valuable Dwarven weapons and armor. I mean, who doesn't want to cut a steak with a thousand year old knife from a dead civilization? That's just class. And nothing but nothing makes the finest Black-Briar mead taste better than a Dwemer Cup. I also give my kids Dwemer Gyros to play with. (bronze-age steampunk is fun).

I have to agree, there's just something about Dwemer wreckage that makes it hard to leave behind. But bronze-age? The vibe I get from their stuff is more like pre-electric industrial revolution era, about 1880s, with details that hearken back to the 1920s and 1930s. Honestly, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find a beautiful streamlined steam locomotive sitting in some Dwemer ruin.

Re: Roleplaying in Skyrim

Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:39 pm

You drink that Black-Briar swill? Yuck.

It's all about Honningbrew Mead don't you know?

Re: The Little Things

Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:52 pm

Evil-i wrote:
Airos wrote:My main character is obsessed with Dwemer dishes. Every plate, cup, pan, bowl, fork and knife comes home with him and into the cupboard. Even if it means I have to drop the much more useful and valuable Dwarven weapons and armor. I mean, who doesn't want to cut a steak with a thousand year old knife from a dead civilization? That's just class. And nothing but nothing makes the finest Black-Briar mead taste better than a Dwemer Cup. I also give my kids Dwemer Gyros to play with. (bronze-age steampunk is fun).

I have to agree, there's just something about Dwemer wreckage that makes it hard to leave behind. But bronze-age? The vibe I get from their stuff is more like pre-electric industrial revolution era, about 1880s, with details that hearken back to the 1920s and 1930s. Honestly, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find a beautiful streamlined steam locomotive sitting in some Dwemer ruin.

Somewhat off topic, so spoilered.
I was drunk at the time? Image

Honestly, history is one of my weakest subjects, and given that it's really difficult to compare Earth's ages to Nirn's ages, I kinda guessed based on Dwarven metal looking like bronze. I'm not sure if it's established in the lore, but it seems to me that the Dwemer were using metal when humans were still in the "stone age", so bronze age seemed like the next step up from that.

Ysmir wrote:You drink that Black-Briar swill? Yuck.

It's all about Honningbrew Mead don't you know?

You mean the stuff that almost poisoned Commander Caius, leading to the brewery being shut down and sold to Maven Black-Briar? 8)

Re: Roleplaying in Skyrim

Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:41 pm

That was sabotage sir. :-P Everyone knows Black-Briar mead tastes like Riekling pee pee.

I was drunk at the time. Pink Floyd teehee.

Re: I can't not roleplay

Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:44 pm

Alnevar Odai wrote:As for HC mode. I think they didnt add it because it would eliminate a lot of playstyles. if you ever got hit by a power attack, you would die. Fighting any centurion would kill you. Dragons... well they would actually be a challenge. Things that swarm you would be severely problematic. Crippling would be added, which adds to RP and HC players, but takes from the common players. Diseases should kill you. So fighting a bear and getting bone-break fever would kill you... cripple you so you cant make it to a city in time to cure and heal yourself. Followers would drop like flies. Shouts would be immensely powerful (and they are already which is why I avoid using them) both for and against you... You will die from fireballs and other AOE effects. Kaarstag would be impossible :D

If they made a hardcore mode I think it would be more penalties for not sleeping, eating and drinking. Getting frostbite and wearing proper clothes. Lower weight limit and higher weights for armour. Maybe having to rest to regenerate health. Stuff like that. Master dificulty is already there for the damage compnents, so it would just be things like this.

But to me, a HC mode would sort of kill roleplaying. Being forced to do it would make it tedious at best, and downright maddening at worst. While I don't fully roleplay, I do try to give my characters sleep, occasionaly some food, only making decisions they would make stuff like. I'm mostly a macro roleplayer. But every character I make has some roleplaying elements, always a reason for them being in SKyrim, and only joing guilds and doing quests that make sense. No deadric quests for my priestess of Mara, refusing the Thane quests on my Argonian necromancer, stuff like that.

Re: Roleplaying in Skyrim

Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:34 pm

When I play my main, one of the things I make sure to do is play his worship of Talos. When coming across a shrine in his travels, he will stop and pray for an hour or more. Whenever in Whiterun, he will listen to the sermons of Heimskr, sometimes all day. Before a battle he'll spend the night before, praying, in the Temple of Talos in Windhelm.

Re: Roleplaying in Skyrim

Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:44 am

I envy you people for having the patience to do this. I've tried so many times to roleplay this game but it's too hard for me to do, because after a while I just want to finish the quests and I end up rushing through dungeons, don't sleep, eat and the whole roleplay thing is gone. So for you roleplay experts, this is what I'm planning for my new character. I'm on PC so I'm gonna use these mods: RaceMenu, Frostfall, Immersive armors and weapons, Cloaks of Skyrim, Norther ranger campingkit and some bugfix and graphic mods.

My character will be a Mage, not sure about the race but not a Nord, feeling lonely in a land that does not like her and does not understand magic. She will be staying out of the cities mostly camping in the wilds and setting traps to catch her own food (yay for the norther ranger mod). She will wander Skyrim asking people about magic, ending up Winterhold to join the mages guild. Because people shun upon magic she might turn out to be pretty evil, maybe joining the DB after the mages guild. I like the idea of collecting Dwemer objects so I'm definitely saving Dwemer stuff that I find. But I still need a convenient safe storage place near Winterhold to save my precious items.

Any expert tips on making this more interesting?

Re: Roleplaying in Skyrim

Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:29 pm

Roleplaying? Pffftttttttt! Where?
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