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Your Skyrim Character(s)

Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:14 pm

Instead of filling up the board with individual threads for each character, post your planned and/or current characters here!

Remember to include class ... oh wait no. Tagged attributes ... oh wait no. Birthsign ... oh wait no. :roll:

Since character builds are radically different from Oblivion and Morrowind, instead include all that you plan to do. Skills, style, name, race, perks, all that good stuff. And remember, while it might be difficult to actually include spoilers, please don't. That means please don't post what quests you're planning to attempt, or the fate of your character in the game. Also, please remember to put any perks you wish to take in spoiler tags, as some of these reveal information about skills. But backstories and so on are all good. Have fun!

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:46 am

First off, there are birthsigns, theyre just changable and not chosen in a menu :P

Race: Nord
Weapons: Dual wield axes
Name: Dovakhiin
Story: Been in prison for 30 years due to genocide. Mentally unstable, tries to be a good guy but is evil at times.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:56 am

Name: Louis Marchand

Race: Breton

Style: Pure Mage, focus on Destruction and Conjuration

I'll be joining the College of Winterhold, and supporting the Stormcloaks against the crumbling behemoth that is the Empire.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:59 am

Name: Cyril Fortescue
Race: Breton
Standing stones sign: Atronach
Style: Battlemage

No, that's not reindeer meat...

Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:05 am

The Tom wrote:...Since character builds are radically different from Oblivion and Morrowind, instead include all that you plan to do...

<--- See this?

Imagine a background with pine trees and snow.
Last edited by Dark Spark on Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:05 am

Name: Unknown.


Focus: Bow and Arrow

Standing Stone: The Thief and The Tower

After being caught smuggling Akivri artifacts into Skyrim I must find an income and hopefully a fence, or a warm fire, winter never leaves the land of the Nords.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:56 am

Name: Eheieh
Race: Altmer
Guiding Stars: The Mage
1-5. Enchanter- Ranks 1-5
6. Fire Enchanter (if req. for Extra Effect)
7. Frost Enchanter (if req. for Extra Effect)
8. Storm Enchanter (if req. for Extra Effect)
9. Insightful Enchanter
10. Corpus Enchanter
11. Extra Effect
Skipped: If I can, Fire, Frost, and Storm Enchanting. Also, Soul Squeezer and Soul Syphon.

1. Novice Illusion
2. Illusion Dual-Casting
3. Animage
4. Hypnotic Gaze
5. Kindred Mage
6. Quiet Casting
7. Aspect of Terror
8. Rage
9. Master of the Mind
Skipped: Apprentice-Master Illusion.

1. Novice Conjuration
2. Conjuration Dual-Casting
3. Mystic Binding
4. Apprentice Conjuration
5 & 6. Summoner- Ranks 1,2
7. Atromancy
8. Necromancy
9. Adept Conjuration
10. Dark Souls
11. Expert Conjuration
12. Elemental Potency
13. Twin Souls
14. Master Conjuration
Skipped: Soul Stealer, Oblivion Binding

1. Novice Destruction
2. Destruction Dual-Casting
3. Apprentice Destruction
4 & 5. Augmented Flames- Ranks 1,2
6 & 7. Augmented Frost- Ranks 1,2
8 & 9. Augmented Shock- Ranks 1,2
10. Impact
11. Rune Master
12. Adept Destruction
13. Intense Flames
14. Deep Freeze
15. Disintegrate
16. Expert Destruction
17. Master Destruction
Skipped: None

1. Novice Restoration
2. Restoration Dual-Casting
3. Regeneration
4. Apprentice Restoration
5 & 6. Recovery- Ranks 1,2
7. Adept Restoration
8. Expert Restoration
9. Avoid Death
10. Master Restoration
Skipped: Respite, Necromage, Ward Absorb

1. Novice Alteration
2. Alteration Dual-Casting
3. Apprentice Alteration
4-6. Mage Armor- Ranks 1-3
7-9. Magic Resistance- Ranks 1-3
Skipped: Adept-Master Alteration, Stability, Atronach

Plan: The College of Winterhold is my first order of business, and to be honest, is more important than the main quest line to me. haha

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:02 am

I still can't decide between Dunmer and Breton.

Probably will be a spur of the moment decision, but I'm definitely going with light armor and a mace.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:08 am

Name: Strobacaxi
Race: Breton
Age: 234
Specialization: Magic, more especifically necromancy

A long time ago, during the Oblivion crisis, he killed Ocato, and all the counts and countesses, and the mages guild. He proclamed himself emperor, and was the emperor for years, but as he got older, his need to survived continued... As he tried to become a lich, he failed, and lost all of his power but he became imortal. He ran to some cave, and was now found out by the guards.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:04 am

Name: Skaoi Hel
Race/sex: Nord Female
Spec: dual-wielding damage dealer

For guilds, I will go for Companions Guild.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:23 am

Name: Spartacus
Race: Breton
Spec: Pure magic, no weapons. (This is Spartacus' ancestor 8) )

I will make it a point not to use weapons nor wear armor. I will wear enchanted robes and try to master as many of the magic tree perks as possible. I wanted to change from the regular hack and slash to a more tactical way of fighting. Instead of swinging a sword or axe, I will use more crowd control spells, combine the spells in each hand, revive the dead to help me fight, summon atronachs, etc.
I will also read all the books I find (actually read them) which will be enriching my character with knowlege thus allowing him to become more proficient in magic and learn new spells. I think it provides for a little more immersion.
I will take my time exploring and talking to every single NPC. I will try to walk everywhere instead of riding a horse and do my best to never fast travel. I will pick every flower, make powerful potions, buy multiple houses, rule Skyrim!!!

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:37 am

Name: andor Einar the Bias
Race: Nord
Specialization: tho-handed sword and some other random stuff.
Guilds: Companions, college of winterhold, darkbrotherhood, thievesguild, bardguilld(if possible).

I like an overall character for my fist playthrough, so that i can see every thing of the game at first hand.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:11 pm

Name: Frolics-In-Meadow.
Race: Argonian.
Spec: Light armor, spell in one hand, and a very sharp sword in the other.
Guilds: College of Winterhold, Stormcloaks, Dark Brotherhood.

Light Armor
1-5: Agile Defender (rank 5)
6: Custom Fit
7: Unhindered
8: Wind Walker

9: Novice Restoration
10-11: Recovery (rank 2)

12-16: Armsman (rank 5)
17-19: Bladesman

20: Stealth (rank 1)
21: Backstab

22: Novice Alteration
23-25: Magic Resistance (rank 3)

26: Novice Destruction
27-28: Augmented Flames (rank 2)
29-30: Augmented Frost (rank 2)
31-32: Augmented Shock (rank 2)

These are the ones I'll focus on first. The rest will probably be used for some perks in Illusion and other things.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:34 pm

Name: Tomas DuClare
Race: Breton
'Class': Spellsword, primarily frost + shock with daggers.
Guilds: College of Winterhold, Imperial Legion
Perks: Just gonna take these as they come

Story: A fierce Imperial loyalist due to his Cyrodiilic father raising him alone after his Breton mother died in childbirth, Tomas always wished to join the ranks of the legion. After being laughed away by his local recruiter for failing the physical tests, Tomas turned to the legion's espionage branch and seeing his magickal potential for stealth enhancement, he began a career as an Imperial spy. His first assignment was in the province to the North, investigating some low-level rebels.

When he wakes up, he's among the mountains of Skyrim, heading to his execution at the hands of the Imperial Legion...

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:56 pm

Name: Per
Race: Nord
Playstyle: Warrior, waraxe in one hand, whatever fits in the other hand.
Story/Guilds: I'll find out as I go. When I play a game for the first time, I always make the decisions I would make real life, so we'll see how it goes.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:11 pm

Race: Khajiit
Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Daggers
Name: Ri'aiq-Dar
Story: Been a cult/thief leader in the homeland of Elsweyr, where he was reigning terror all over the land with his crew. The guild / clan was a band of outlaws, upholding their civil and legal roles at day, and in the night, they would reveal themselves as true terrors upon the world - as deadly as the Dark Brotherhood - with their own laws.
He was set up on a mission in northern Cyrodiil, where he was stripped of all his legendary gear, his armor, identification and drugged to the point, where he forgot his true shot archery, his lethal daggers and now must start from scratch, in the land of Skyrim. His memory was wiped with some illusion or conjuration spell by the Empire, who set him up (yet he does not know this, so he hasn't chosen sides yet).
Guilds: Joined the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Has no interest in magic or direct combat. Prefers to be silent, cat-like, and prowl on his prey with deadly, lethal blows.
Moral: Kill or be killed - only the strong ones will survive.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:20 pm

Name: Tiberius Petra
Race: Imperial
Origin: Imperial City, Cyrodiil.
Faction: Imperial Army
"Class": Warrior
Job/Lifestyle: Soldier/Mercenary
Story: Coming from an average, middles-class, patriotic family based in the Imperial City, Tiberius was a legionary soldier faithful to the Imperial cause back when he was fulfilling his duties in Cyrodiil. When he was sent on campaign to Skyrim however, things changed due to his exposure to difficult living conditions and the hostility of many citizens of Skyrim to the Empire. He started drinking quite heavily, and he became increasingly unruly, until one day he was arrested for insubordination. [Leading to the quest "Unbound."]

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:36 pm

Name: Filbol Dankins

Race: Khajiit

Focus: Bow, Dagger, Alchemy and steath categories

Captured while trying to enter skyrim with a large supply of skooma and sentenced to death. Once he gets away he will focus on making lots of money via alchemy and sneak thievery.

He's not necessary a bad guy, but his connection with the drug trade will cause the residents of skyrim to dislike him, eventually leading him into organized crime, and perhaps even murder
Last edited by soda popinski on Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:20 pm

Style:short-sword and magic

An ill-natured High Elf, born to simple parents in the town of Bravil. He was always very stolid, but not haughty, for he didn't feel himself superior than any beggar in town. His father was a simple merchant and wanted his son to accomplish something great in life, so he sent him to study magic in the capital.
Many years later her mother died due to a disease, so he returned home, but his father vanished, without a single trace.
The local criminal factions always welcomed spellcasters, so he sold his father's shop and bought a set of leather armor with an enchanted sword and began his career as an outlaw.
Over time he became a resourceful smuggler and powerful mercenary, and his tasks became more and more risky.
His latest job was escorting a weapon shipment to Windhelm (some rebellious organization ordered the arms), but the imperial legion arrested him at the Skyrim border and sentenced him to death and ...well, you know about the rest...

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:32 pm

I've been planning this character since March. Here it goes~

Name: Cidweth

Race: Bosmer

Birthsign: I don't think there are any. But I dunno.

Duel wield, snipe, duel wield, snipe. Alchemy. That sort of thing.

And if I decide I don't want that character tomorrow for some idiotic reason (like my ears are too short):

Name: Glenice Lemaitre

Race: Breton

Duel wielding swashbuckler with magic. Versatile and sexy. C:

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:50 pm

Name: Brannarch
Race: Redguard
Style: Hunter - stealthy to begin with, capable of finishing enemies off at close quarters. Aside from racial bonus skills, sneak and alchemy will probably be used.

Story: Brannarch was born in Sentinel, third son of a shopkeeper father and weaponsmith mother. His childhood was spent outdoors, frequently traveling across Hammerfell but always returning to Sentinel. Popular with the other sons of Sentinel's merchant class for his access to his mother's cache of weapons, which he used to 'borrow' in order to go hunting and stage mock fights with his friends, he developed into a dedicated student of the hunting arts with a reputation for bravado. As a young man, he earned a reputation as a skilled guide for travel across Hammerfell's desert terrain, frequently escorting noble visitors on journeys around the province. His skills made him invaluable on arduous desert crossings, where the ability to locate and track the very limited supply of water and game could provide much needed sustenance. It was, however, his bravery which gave him prominence - while escorting one noble family, he killed not one but three lions, to the immense relief and excitement of the party. In fact, this event brought him more work from various wealthy individuals who fancied themselves as brave lion-hunters but who, in reality, wanted Brannarch to do all of the actual hunting whilst they returned home with various exotic pelts and other trophies, including weapons that Brannarch had learned to manufacture at his mother's side. This life gave Brannarch the chance to indulge his bravery and his skills with the blade and bow, and gave him both money and status as a daring adventurer.

However, Hammerfell is not especially known for its wildlife, and the challenge quickly faded. In search of greater game - and greater pay - Brannarch traveled across the empire, offering his services as a huntsman to nobles in search of excitement or just in need of someone to deal with particularly dangerous animals. Brannarch developed a network of clients, "blood brothers" as they called themselves, after their habit of smearing themselves with the blood of the kill - more often than not, Brannarch's kill. He developed a mild disdain for these dilettante nobles, but their pay and resources funded Brannarch's thrill-seeking lifestyle in lavish fashion. It was his clients who took him to Skyrim - a group of minor nobles close to the Imperial court developed, over perhaps too many bottles of Cyrodillic brandy, a plan to go to Skyrim and claim the biggest kill of all - a mammoth. And if a giant were to get in the way, why, they'd happily mount the giant's head on their wall too! Unable to resist a challenge, Brannarch led the three men and a small retinue of servants into Skyrim, ignoring the warnings of bandits and of the Stormcloak rebellion.

It was to prove a dangerous misadventure. After several near encounters with bandits, the group managed to locate a mammoth herd and their giant herdsmen, but separating a mammoth from the herd proved impossible. A week of tracking led into another, and Brannarch began to wonder if easier prey might not be a wiser choice. But, fuelled by brandy and bravado, his clients refused to countenance giving up. They hatched a plan to kill a mammoth at night, noting that the mammoths had a tendency to wander off while the giants slept, and the cover of darkness provided an element of surprise.

The raid was a disaster. They successfully speared a mammoth, but this was by no means enough to kill the beast. The first of the noble trio was unceremoniously trampled to death before he could escape. In the grip of an adrenaline rush, Brannarch was able to spear the mammoth twice, finally bringing the creature down. But by this time, the group's problems had multiplied - a giant bore down on them, suitably enraged by the attack on his herd. Brannarch ran for his life, but his companions seemed transfixed, unable to flee out of sheer terror. The giant swept one man into the air with a swing of his club, while the other cowered nearby. Brannarch's only hope of saving the man was to distract the giant, which he achieved by firing two well-aimed arrows at the giant's chest. The first glanced off, but the second struck home and diverted the giant's attention long enough for the last remaining nobleman to flee. Brannarch hid until the giant eventually gave up the search for his attacker, but it was a full two days before he was able to escape the area completely without being noticed. On returning to the nearest town, where the noblemen's retinue of servants were stationed, taking up an entire tavern to themselves, Brannarch was reunited with his erstwhile companion. Unfortunately, this man - who had only been saved by Brannarch's risking the giant's wrath himself - had chosen to blame him for the entire calamity, claiming that it was his deficiency as a huntsman that had led to the death of his two comrades. Furthermore, he had contacted the local legion commander and, by impressing upon the man his close connection to the imperial court, not to mention his considerable wealth, had persuaded him that Brannarch was responsible for the death of two imperial noblemen, on the spurious grounds that he had led the party into a trap. Eager to believe the Imperial nobleman over the Redguard, the legion commander had Brannarch arrested and sent for execution. And this, of course, is where our story really begins...

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:36 am

Name: Sten
Race: Nord (male)
Playstyle: Tank Knight (Sword+sheild/healing or buff spell)
Story: Dunno yet!

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:19 am

Race: TBD, probably Breton or Redguard.
Focus: Crafting (Enchanting, Smithing, Alchemy), Heavy Armor, One-Handed Sword + Shield, Stealth Archery
Perks (at level ~50):
Enchanting: 6 perks. I pretty much like to experiment enchanting, and aim to twin effect:
- Enchanter 1, 2, 3
- Insightful & Corpus Enchanter -> Extra Effect

Smithing: 5 perks. I try to get along with Ebony grade equipments at level 50, daedric may come later.
- Steel, Dwarven, Orcish -> Ebony
- Arcane Blacksmith

Alchemy: 10 perks. I would like to experiment this, so I need (1) all four effects, (2) good potions, (3) possibly poisons for arrows
- Alchemist 1, 2, 3
- Physician -> Poisoner, Concentrated Poison
- Benefactor -> Experimenter 1, 2, 3

Heavy Armor: 6 perks. I trust heavy armor in my first game. I would aim to weightless armor as soon as practically possible.
- Juggernaut 1, 2, 3
- Fists of Steel, Cushioned -> Conditioning

One-Handed: 5 perks. I trust on swords. One-handed sounds versatile way to play, as you can combine it with spell, shield, staff or dual wield.
- Armsman 1, 2, 3
- Bladesman 1, 2

Block: 7 perks. In Oblivion, I always block incoming arrows and spells, even thought it has no effect - but in Skyrim it can have! Thus, I choose Deflect Arrows and Elemental Protection to make blocking more intuitive to me. Bashing is added to make shield more offensive and thus give more options for fights.
- Shield Wall 1, 2, 3
- Deflect Arrows, Elemental Protection
- Power Bash, Deadly Bash

Archery: 3 perks. I try to use stealth + arrow to take down low-health enemies from shadows, before starting close combat.
- Overdraw 1, 2, 3

Sneak: 6 perks. I need "Muffled Movement", as my character wears armor.
- Stealth 1, 2, 3
- Muffled Movement
- Backstab -> Deadly Aim

Perks in total: 48

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:12 am

So many Mary-Sues, it's scary.

Like any sensible human would do, I'm going to make an insanely black Redguard with a mowhawk, call him Mr. T, and then [&@%!] up some dragons whilist staying away from mountains. He shall be my test character.

After that, a red-haired Nord with a beard named Chuck Norris will be formed, and I will use him throughout the game, and whatever expansion packs and DLC ensue.

And then me and my friends will make a zillion other worthless accounts for Wood Elves and Dark Elves and other [&@%!] races.

Re: Your Skyrim Character(s)

Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:43 am

The_Noob wrote:After that, a red-haired Nord with a beard named Chuck Norris will be formed...

Wait, the character's name will be Chuck Norris, or just his beard? :wink:
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