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Daedric Sword Letter Opener?
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Author:  dtmwerks [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Daedric Sword Letter Opener?

I had no idea these existed. I'm not finding any information online. Did they come with collector's edition of skyrim or were they sold seperately. Are they sold out now?

Author:  Aarah [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daedric Sword Letter Opener?

You can get one here:



I've also seen them on forbiddenplanet.com but I'm not sure whether they only ship to the UK on there.

Author:  Imbalance [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daedric Sword Letter Opener?

I loved how in Morrowind, the designs were based on Kit Rae's designs for the Hibben line:

http://www.kitrae.net/fantasy/other_kni ... #GilHibben

Author:  Alarra [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daedric Sword Letter Opener?

They were originally on the Bethesda official store, actually, fairly recently. Seems like they sold out pretty fast; I've been keeping a frequent eye on it lately since they've been adding a lot. They had like two collector's versions of the letter opener and a normal one (normal is just plain metal, collector's edition has a darker handle like in the game, and the limited version has the darker handle and red markings like in the game) but it seems like they're all sold out - in fact I just went and checked the Bethesda store again, after viewing it about two days ago, and it's not even on there anymore.

Aarah's links look good though - especially the second one; it has the two collector's editions.

EDIT: Aaaand in one day the "limited" version of the sword, with the red on it, is gone. I should've preordered it yesterday! Well, at least I got to preorder the second limited one with just the darker part on it.

EDIT2: Forbiddenplanet, which Aarah mentioned, does indeed ship to the US, and they have the limited version in-stock still (and for cheaper than the price listed, actually - it comes out to around $22.50 USD). Not sure on the shipping yet, though; for outside the UK they handle it on a case-by-case basis; you have to make the order and they'll send you an email with the quote asking to confirm or cancel. So we'll see. It might be worth paying whatever that is for something I *know* is in stock and not have to wait for fall to get the one I preordered from BigBadToyStore.

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