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Are the Gods real?
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Author:  Matchew [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Are the Gods real?

I know the Daedra are real and that certain Aedra are as well, but are there actually Gods in the real sense? Or rather, are the attributes attributed to the different Gods true? What is the objective metaphysical order of the world?

Author:  Witchery [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

You know the Aedra and Daedra are real in TES lore, but you ask if the gods are real . . . ? I think you answered your own question. :P

And from what we know, the attributes given to the various gods really are accurate to what that gods represents and encompasses. (Especially the Daedra.)

Author:  Musicman247 [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

There's an interesting thread in the Lore subforum that deals with the existence of Aedra and Daedra: To Kill A God

Author:  The SheoDovah [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

The Aedra are real but are undead beings that have limited amount of power left due to their sacrifice. And they dislike intervening unless they really have to. Such as Dagon trying to invade Nirn and them coming up with a plan to defeat him etc..

As for the Daedra, they are real, alive, dangerous, mad,sick,evil,good,love messing with mortals etc.. There are many gods in TES lore but most have either fled to Aetherius due to Lorkhan tricking the Aedra into creating Mundus. Tsun is a god and we meet him in Skyrim. Talos became a god but is not considered an Aedra so the Nine were known as the Eight and One for a whilst before the Imperials called them the Nine Divines.

@Musicbaby That thread has been inactive for 2 months, would be okay for us to bring it back to life or would we end up with a sword through our heads?

Author:  Br3admax [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

The necropost time is three months. Also the Aedra are not undead. Just dead dead.

Also Musicbaby is just Musicman.(Don't know if you already knew but I like to keep others informed)

Author:  Witchery [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Br3admax wrote:
The necropost time is three months. Also the Aedra are not undead. Just dead dead.

Also Musicbaby is just Musicman.(Don't know if you already knew but I like to keep others informed)

I know what you mean by this, I think, but the way you word it is kind of misleading. The essence of the Aedra exists within their respective sphere, which is why it is possible for the Aedra to form avatars of themselves and influence events or bless mortals. Or am I wrong? They exist but not in the way the Daedra do.

Author:  Br3admax [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

I mean they are dead. The still have influence, but they are still dead, not undead. Undead implies that they are in between life and death. But they are just dead.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

To put it in other terms, they are dead but not in terms that we can understand. They still hold some power and to some extent exist within mundas, but they still remain dead. The deadra though are very much alive, and their nature grants them power to change what has always been. I do however think that one said individual kinda contradicts himself alot in terms of deadra/aedra >_> yes I'm looking at you Malacath, and please put down the really big hammer before you hurt someone>_<

Author:  swordsister [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

The gods are as real as the planets in the sky. No matter if dead on not.
The deadra are also as real as the black matter surrounding the plane(t)s and stuff. No matter if alive or not.

Author:  Musicman247 [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Space isn't black matter, though. It's...space. Empty.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

I wasn't thinking of the void or space in general when I looked at it, rather the shadows created via the planets and the moons, the gaps between us and them. Outside of that can be considered the true void of space, where distance stars rest but is forever beyond even them. Its more or less how you look at things, just as philosophy does>_< but that's just a form of how you interpret info. To me, I prefer to stick to the lore in regards of celestial beings, no point over thinking about fictional planets rather than who they represent

Author:  swordsister [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Musicman247 wrote:
Space isn't black matter, though. It's...space. Empty.

Not quite so in TES standarts, as far as i know.

Mundus and all the other plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion( or it's representation of space fabric whatever it is) and the Magnus is the sun linking to Aetherius.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

swordsister wrote:
Musicman247 wrote:
Space isn't black matter, though. It's...space. Empty.

Not quite so in TES standarts, as far as i know.

Mundus and all the other plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion( or it's representation of space fabric whatever it is) and the Magnus is the sun linking to Aetherius.

But there still exists the void, which is beyond Oblivion and Aetherius. In the most part, the void is empty, in similarity to our own deep space. It more or less represents the infinite unknown. You can always think of a bubble with fluids that in the most part wont mix.

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Akatosh at the end of TES IV seemed pretty physically real to me.

Author:  Br3admax [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

BetaB17 wrote:
swordsister wrote:
Musicman247 wrote:
Space isn't black matter, though. It's...space. Empty.

Not quite so in TES standarts, as far as i know.

Mundus and all the other plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion( or it's representation of space fabric whatever it is) and the Magnus is the sun linking to Aetherius.

But there still exists the void, which is beyond Oblivion and Aetherius. In the most part, the void is empty, in similarity to our own deep space. It more or less represents the infinite unknown. You can always think of a bubble with fluids that in the most part wont mix.

You guys are thinking too concrete. Oblivion isn't like outer space. The Daedra are planets themselves too, by the way.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

^I already know they are planets, well in their own way. I think when he was referring to the deadra, he may of ment oblivion.. well at least I was..
Ik some fanmade art that portrays much of this very accurately, alas I am too green around the ears to know how to post pics normally :(

Author:  all_freed [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Is it possible for anyone/thing to destroy a Daedric Prince by obliterating their planet? also can the planets move and crash into each other?

Author:  BetaB17 [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Gods real?

Don't think of planets on the literal terms, seeing as they represent the majority of their body. In other words, their plane of oblivion. True Deadra cannot die by normal means, being consumed, drained, or cast off into the void on the other hand remain.. But this favors the idea of aspects, dimensions, and divine nature. I am however curious now :wink:
In the more literal form, what would happen if different worlds collided. I'm guessing the bigger ones can just "eat" the smaller ones.. Num Num Num

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