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 Post subject: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:04 am 

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Don't know if this has been asked but I was curious if they made over morrowind (graphics, combat, voice acting) first how awesome would that be but if u would pay full price for itas if its a new game?

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:33 pm 
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Really, this can be done with free, amazing mods for Morrowind. So if you have a PC to run it (which I am sure most people who have a computer do), then that would work. But I probably would buy it again. As long as they didn't take out anything.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:42 pm 
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I'd rather not see that personally. For me, Morrowind's textual dialogue and harsher gameplay is what makes the game funner.


 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:36 am 
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Without adding voice overs... and routines. Simply adding the combat/stealth of newer games and physics. Definitely! though I doubt my computer could run it.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:57 pm 
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This has indeed been discussed here several times (skim back a few pages in the Morrowind subforum), but each time the majority seems to say no. I also agree with Dika: you can recreate Morrowind for free with fabulous mods.

You guys have to understand that, even though to many of you youngsters Morrowind looks like an old and outdated game, it's amazing. Heck, I still have a ton of fun now as I go through playing Daggerfall. The charm isn't in the graphics or lack of "modern" game mechanics, it's in the story it tells as well.

Although I must say, I would definitely redesign combat and make it so you are a heck of a lot faster at the beginning. Seriously. Nothing is worse than being slower than a mudcrab stuck in a pit of quicksand.


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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:37 pm 
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Avron the S'wit wrote:
This has indeed been discussed here several times (skim back a few pages in the Morrowind subforum), but each time the majority seems to say no. I also agree with Dika: you can recreate Morrowind for free with fabulous mods.

Though don't you need to be careful about doing that? I was under the impression that much of the Morroblivion stuff got shut down forbeing able to effectively recreate most of the game into a newer format and threaten sales of other Morrowind related stuff.

I know I couldn't find the mods again on a site I trusted when I was looking a month or so back.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:40 pm 
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Morroblivion is a problem because of copyright issues: it has the potential to hurt sales on Morrowind (as a stand alone game) by recreating it on the Oblivion engine. Naturally it was shut down.

When I refer to mods, I mean mods that upgrade things for the Morrowind game, such as graphics, NPCs, extra dialogue, etc. There are numerous ones that do so. I know the Morrowind Graphics Overhaul makes the game look amazing, and mods like the Less Generic NPC Project offer new and unique dialogue without ruining the natural feel of the game. There are also little details such as mods that add NPCs with some animations around the world, those that give NPCs schedules, those that offer a writable and customizable quest journal, and so on, to make it feel more "modern." Sometimes I'm actually amazed with the quality of these mods, as someone who played vanilla Morrowind. It also stands to offer a unique and fresh feeling of gameplay for those of us who are very familiar with it already.

It can be overwhelming and difficult sometimes to find and upload them, but it is well worth it!


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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:43 am 
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Avron the S'wit wrote:
This has indeed been discussed here several times (skim back a few pages in the Morrowind subforum), but each time the majority seems to say no.

I'm not sure I quite agree with that: based on this poll for starters. May be worth having a read through it darthlotzie. What with the extremely recent announcement of a redone HD Age of Empires II, one can still always dream of a done-up Morrowind some time in the future, although it seems doubtful it will ever be done by Bethesda.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:21 pm 

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I might be a bit odd here but I download the graphics update and played for a while and it didn’t feel right to me so I went back to vanilla. I think the old school graphics actually add to the game then again maybe I’m just getting old.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:06 pm 
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I like the graphics mods a lot. Some of them look better than Vanilla Skyrim.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:33 am 
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The combat is the only thing that is frustrating in Morrowind for me, the story, the npc's, the creatures, curses, I miss all that soooooooo much... Morrowind is probably the single best tru rpg I ever played... The combat makes it extremely difficult... If we had oblivions combat with morrowinds details and interactions and story, wow....

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:08 am 

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I'd rather not see a remake of Morrowind. If they're going to spend the time to make a game, make one with a new setting, new lore, a new adventure. Though it would be cool to see an updated Morrowind (I mean, it's great and all, but you have to admit it has some serious flaws), but I'm content with the Morrowind Graphics and Sound overhaul right now.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:35 pm 
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I think the problem with wanting them to remake Morrowind is why not remake Arena or Daggerfall or Redguard - and so on and so forth - when you can just put money into new games? Sure, they released AoE:II HD, but it's just HD. We didn't love AoE because the graphics were awesome: we loved it because it was a great game with an addictive but simple goal, and we played it for hours. The same way I love Morrowind for the story, not the graphics.

KiwiMorrowinder wrote:
I might be a bit odd here but I download the graphics update and played for a while and it didn’t feel right to me so I went back to vanilla. I think the old school graphics actually add to the game then again maybe I’m just getting old.

No, I agree. I like some minor details like textures, but adding those silly character skins where everyone looks like a flawless beauty queen just drives me so insane that I always end up reverting them back to vanilla - and playing much happier. :D


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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:32 am 
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And if we start doing a remake for one incredible game, why don't we remake every other incredible game out there? That would never end. I think remakes are good only if the original idea was good, but the execution was very poor. Which is obviously not the case of Morrowind.

Also, I guess that coming out from playing Skyrim or Oblivion Morrowind can be quite inaccessible and different (there's also a lot of changes from Oblivion to Skyrim), but don't forget it's a different game and should be treated as such. As much as you want it to be sort of an expansion of Skyrim, it is not. Like it was said, they'd (and I'd certainly) rather see a new game from the ground up than do the same thing with Morrowind some of its mechanics fit with those of Skyrim. And just the amount of dialogue in Morrowind, forget about voice acting. And forget about NPC schedules too, there's just too many out there in a small region! And that's if you want to be a bit conservative as most people see video game remakes. Otherwise you'd make a completely different game. Same thing with changing the gameplay mechanics. If you make the combat as in Oblivion or Skyrim, the skill system becomes completely unadapted, because it was designed specifically for this combat system.

So yeah, I guess there's mods to do this sort of thing, but I just suggest you play the game as it is. Unless you have that much free time and you got enough of Oblivion and Skyrim to not want to wait for another TES game. But you'll get used to it if you understand the system properly and are consistent with your character. For the rest you'll need a bit of adaption, but you'll discover a quite different take on the TES games, one that I personally prefer as a certain number of people. As for the graphics, sure there are mod if you really can't stand these. Personally I think they aged pretty well and would rather keep them like that. Because I find they are true to the original art design, changing textures and the likes are likely to change something which is quite a fundamental part of a game to me (the art design, that is).


 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:21 am 

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Avron the S'wit wrote:
Morroblivion is a problem because of copyright issues: it has the potential to hurt sales on Morrowind (as a stand alone game) by recreating it on the Oblivion engine. Naturally it was shut down.

It was shut down, huh? Methinks someone should do a little reasearch. The original Morrowind + Tribunal and Bloodmoon is a requirement to use Morroblivion, together with Oblivion + Shivering Isles - so if anything it is boosting sales of _all_ these products.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:38 pm 
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The reason that site exists is because it was shut down at one point.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:49 am 
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1. Morroblivion no longer has any legal issues.

2. A strong argument in favour of a remake is one that Bethesda is well aware of. The technology at the time they created Morrowind was not advanced enough for them to turn their vision of the game into a reality. That's also part of the reason they set it in Morrowind and not Summerset, as well as the reason it doesn't include the mainland, or dynamic blight.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:17 pm 
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AngryNord wrote:
Avron the S'wit wrote:
Morroblivion is a problem because of copyright issues: it has the potential to hurt sales on Morrowind (as a stand alone game) by recreating it on the Oblivion engine. Naturally it was shut down.

It was shut down, huh? Methinks someone should do a little reasearch. The original Morrowind + Tribunal and Bloodmoon is a requirement to use Morroblivion, together with Oblivion + Shivering Isles - so if anything it is boosting sales of _all_ these products.

Thanks for pointing that out. I was actually discussing this on G+ some weeks ago and looked into it and saw what the issue was about (which I believe was taking "assets from one game and putting it in another," if I remember correctly). Interesting to learn how it works! The conversation sprung up due to Skywind so it was interesting to see how that went.

If anything, I suppose it comes down to preference. As an older gamer, I'm fine with older graphics. Even just playing Daggerfall now in 2013 is enjoyable, since it sort of reminds me of games I played waaaay back in the day. As much as it'd be interesting to see Morrowind redesigned, I still enjoy the original and can find a mod to change the game any which way I see fit, so I personally am satisfied. :mrgreen:


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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:02 am 
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OblivionDuruza wrote:
1. Morroblivion no longer has any legal issues.

2. A strong argument in favour of a remake is one that Bethesda is well aware of. The technology at the time they created Morrowind was not advanced enough for them to turn their vision of the game into a reality. That's also part of the reason they set it in Morrowind and not Summerset, as well as the reason it doesn't include the mainland, or dynamic blight.

what what what? esplain MOAR because that soounds like something I'd like to see more often in a game today.

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:28 pm 
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OblivionDuruza wrote:
The technology at the time they created Morrowind was not advanced enough for them to turn their vision of the game into a reality. That's also part of the reason they set it in Morrowind and not Summerset, as well as the reason it doesn't include the mainland, or dynamic blight.

I'm not sure we can advance this. The exclusion of the mainland would hardly be a consequence of limited technology, that's just memory and dev time there. There's this big project where people are making the whole Mainland with Morrowind, but I don't think they have even finished, it's a gigantic project. Unlike Daggerfall which was mostly randomly generated areas, it was not the case with Morrowind. I just think they tried to do something too ambitious, beyond their capabilities. It still took a huge development time in order to make Morrowind, more than any other TES game as far as I know. And they still haven't made a game with a world as big as they wanted with Morrowind. Well, seems like they'll get an even bigger world with the MMO, but that's another ball game entirely with an entirely different engine optimized for MMOs. (with less good graphics and less impressive animations).

There's also a question of the type of engine they had, and that can be a pretty limiting factor. Some game released in a particular year can have a huge number of enemies and big areas, while others can't deal with that. It depends mostly on what you want to do with your game and what kind of engine you need for this. Sure technology can help, but usually, as technology gets better we use better graphics and often the very same limitations arise. Sure we can do a lot more fancy stuff, but better technology doesn't mean we can or can't make dynamic blight, at least I don't believe so. Probably something too ambitious again, particularly considering they were a much smaller studio back then than now. And just look at the Halo games. We had 12 years of Halo games, and mostly all that changed are the graphics and some impressive battles with very good AI here and there (like the Scarab battles in Halo 3). But otherwise pretty much nothing changed, the games are all made the very same way. Hell I think Reach felt more technologically limited than Halo 3 and the others before. Bungie promised us much much bigger scale battles, which we didn't get. They also tried for 10 years to have naval battles, but they never could do it. But what all their games have in common? The same engine.


 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:41 am 
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I think the short answer is yes, better tech allows greater degree of complexity or more numerous things. Now a giant world crammed into one open cell there keeps track of every crate, barrel, basket, <random NPC>, triggered event, etc.... I think might have been too much for the average system you'd find in 2002.

I wonder at what point did Tamriel Rebuilt start actively modding in stuff on the large scale. '04, '05?

 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:57 am 
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Morrowind could keep track of every crate, barrel and basket at least. I think it's safe to say that what technology really helps besides graphics, is multitasking.


 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:12 pm 
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Yaije wrote:
what what what? esplain MOAR because that soounds like something I'd like to see more often in a game today.

Bethesda originally planned for the Blight to spread, either dynamically or tied to the main quest progression of the PC. This would see several Redoran settlements on the Island of Vvardenfell destroyed, and the mainland threatened (continue below)

Stendarr wrote:
I'm not sure we can advance this. The exclusion of the mainland would hardly be a consequence of limited technology, that's just memory and dev time there.

However, because Bethesda could not see this vision realised, it appears they decided that there was no need for the entire province, as Vvardenfell would not be ravaged by dynamic blight. Thus, Vvardenfell changed from a predominately Redoran settled region, to what we see today, with Stoneforest becoming Balmora, and Sadrith Forest becoming Sadrith Mora, and Hlaalu and Telvanni respectively, iirc.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:27 pm 
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Re-release by porting the game to current gen consoles? Maybe spruce up the visuals a little bit? So like the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition? Sure, I already own it so wouldn't buy it but I'm some people would. I have a few HD re-releases on my PS3 of games I didn't get around to playing on PS2.

Remake? Seems like a pointless waste to me. You don't go and make a full remake of black and white films just because they are in black and white and we have HD and CGI now so nobody could be expected to watch a black and white film with traditional special effects. Oh wait, they do that.

Sure remakes can be good but I don't see the need to remake a 10 year old game. The game is fine, just re-release it. It will cost you far less money to release Morrowind as a download game on PSN or XBOX Live than to remake it for the purpose of selling it to those same people.

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 Post subject: Re: Morrowind 2.0?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:16 pm 
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OblivionDuruza wrote:
Stendarr wrote:
I'm not sure we can advance this. The exclusion of the mainland would hardly be a consequence of limited technology, that's just memory and dev time there.

However, because Bethesda could not see this vision realised, it appears they decided that there was no need for the entire province, as Vvardenfell would not be ravaged by dynamic blight. Thus, Vvardenfell changed from a predominately Redoran settled region, to what we see today, with Stoneforest becoming Balmora, and Sadrith Forest becoming Sadrith Mora, and Hlaalu and Telvanni respectively, iirc. [/color]

The need to have the entire province was solely based on their ability of doing the dynamic blight? I'd be quite surprised by that. Oblivion and Skyrim had the entire provinces and didn't have anything ''special'' to ''warrant'' that. Part of the fun of the ES games is to play in an entire province, I'd be surprised it was anything else than them simply not being able to carry this.


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