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Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?
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Author:  Travalanche [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Disclaimer: this is about graphics not gameplay lol.

It had way more diverse locations than Skyrim, yeah it's probably due to it's central location but I just miss something... the color GREEN, Oblivion was the first game I had ever played in my entire life that literally blew my mind graphically. I don't remember Morrowind's graphics grabbing my attention on day 1 quite like Oblivion did, In fact I actually preferred Daggerfall's graphics to Morrowind (call me weird lol) and not for the occasional pixelated nudity I swear.

Skyrim is just Snow, snow, tundra,snow,fall forest,tundra,snowy swamp, snow, fall forest, snow, tundra, tundra, pine forest, so on....

I know that Skyrim is supposed to be that way but I still can't help but miss all the unique towns in Oblivion, I miss the old oak of Chorrol and how the game itself looked like a fully 3d Daggerfall although much smaller in scale and depth.

Does anybody else feel the same? I mean Skyrim is much better than Cyrodiil in almost every aspect besides it's varied scenery and slightly reduced bestiary.

Author:  DikaSmausha [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Cyrodiil had a Medditerrean feel to it.

Author:  Anonymous98223 [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

I don't. I miss the scenery form Morrowind. Oblivion's a little too stereotypical for me.

Author:  Hissien [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

I miss the region just south of the great forest where gottlesfont priory is. I literally spent hours running around in the area.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Indeed, i also miss Beautiful Cyrodiil :cry:

i remember a single moment when i was wandering around the Jerall Mountains , and looking for the shrine of hermaeus mora ... it was sunset .. and it was so pretty :cry:

I am definetly replaying Oblivion :wink:

Author:  Believe [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

philfredobob wrote:
i remember a single moment when i was wandering around the Jerall Mountains , and looking for the shrine of hermaeus mora ... it was sunset .. and it was so pretty :cry:

Oh sweet irony. I found this to be amazingly hilarious.

"I'm sick of Skyrims boring scenery... I remember this one awesome moment in the snowy mountains of Oblivion..."

Not poking fun at you dude, I just found that really really funny.

Author:  Avron the S'wit [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Mountains are always pretty. I remember Red Mountain...in the blight...trying to find the beautiful city of Ald'ruhn. (And cliff racers. So. Many. Cliff racers.)

I've said it before on the forums so I won't repeat myself completely, but I think that each game's scenery actually did a great job of capturing the people of the province, and I agree: Cyrodiil was downright beautiful and bright in its own unique way. I'm pretty sure at least a hundred of my game hours, if not more, are just me strolling around on horseback or camping at the edge of a lake. It was a really diverse and beautiful place (and the soundtrack did a fabulous job of capturing it, if you ask me, which only added to the experience). A lot of the games I could have a character who leisurely strolled through the province, which is important since I don't fast travel, and in each one I think, "Wow, this game is awesome." But there was something special about Oblivion.

Dang. Now I'm going to go boot that up again.

Author:  Br3admax [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Believe wrote:
philfredobob wrote:
i remember a single moment when i was wandering around the Jerall Mountains , and looking for the shrine of hermaeus mora ... it was sunset .. and it was so pretty :cry:

Oh sweet irony. I found this to be amazingly hilarious.

"I'm sick of Skyrims boring scenery... I remember this one awesome moment in the snowy mountains of Oblivion..."

Not poking fun at you dude, I just found that really really funny.

That same mountain range is in Skyrim.

Author:  Hissien [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

....And looks nothing like it did, id say it looks way better but that is just me.

Author:  DikaSmausha [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Believe wrote:
philfredobob wrote:
i remember a single moment when i was wandering around the Jerall Mountains , and looking for the shrine of hermaeus mora ... it was sunset .. and it was so pretty :cry:

Oh sweet irony. I found this to be amazingly hilarious.

"I'm sick of Skyrims boring scenery... I remember this one awesome moment in the snowy mountains of Oblivion..."

Not poking fun at you dude, I just found that really really funny.

Yeah, I don't understand that.

Author:  Rook [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

DikaSmausha wrote:
Believe wrote:
philfredobob wrote:
i remember a single moment when i was wandering around the Jerall Mountains , and looking for the shrine of hermaeus mora ... it was sunset .. and it was so pretty :cry:

Oh sweet irony. I found this to be amazingly hilarious.

"I'm sick of Skyrims boring scenery... I remember this one awesome moment in the snowy mountains of Oblivion..."

Not poking fun at you dude, I just found that really really funny.

Yeah, I don't understand that.

I think he's implying that Skyrim has a lot of, equally snowy, mountains.

Author:  DikaSmausha [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

No I mean how phil is talking about that.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

DikaSmausha wrote:
No I mean how phil is talking about that.

I was wandering through the jerall mountains , i looked down upon Cyrodiil at sunset , and got a very wondeful view of the province :P

and the Jerall mountains were better in a Oblivion in my opinion :P

and Oblivions music made exploring so satisfying ...

oh how i miss Auriels Ascension .... :cry: i really need to listen to that again .

Author:  Br3admax [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Everything was better in Oblivion for you, it's your Morrowind, and Morrowind is your Arena. And to be real, do I like, the province with all the terrains in Tamriel, or do I like, the province with snow, flat land with mountains surrounding them, and rude people. A really tough question.

Author:  Silent Door Opener [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

I actually prefer Skyrim's scenery compared to Cyrodill's. Maybe cause a lot of the scenery is similar to here, and it kind of draws me into the game world better.

Though if you lived in a Mediterranean/temperate setting you would like Cyrodiil more? I don't know.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Br3admax wrote:
Everything was better in Oblivion for you, it's your Morrowind, and Morrowind is your Arena. And to be real, do I like, the province with all the terrains in Tamriel, or do I like, the province with snow, flat land with mountains surrounding them, and rude people. A really tough question.

I like Arena ? :?
i like all TES games except Morrowind :P

but not everything in Oblivion was better :P
for example : I absolutley hate that most of the dungeons are copy pasted all over the map, and exploring them gets boring sometimes

I love Oblivion , it is one of my favourite games, but im not afraid to say it had Flaws :P

also , question, which province is the one with flat land surrounded by mountains with rude people ? is that skyrim ? cause skyrim has mountains in the middle too :P

Author:  Br3admax [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

No I meant areas of flat land surrounded by mountains that take days to go around, everywhere, Whiterun is even on a mountain.

Author:  House of the Wolf [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

In Oblivion, the Empire was relatively strong and vibrant, therefore so were the hues and textures. They changed greatly around the Gates, into an alarming and dooming red/maroon. In Skyrim, the Empire's outlook is bleak and dreary, therefore so are the hues and textures. Even the most vibrant area in the province, the Rift, has that feel to it.

Personally, I like each for their own purposes. I have a strong nostalgia for Oblivion, and I remember traveling to the borders quite a bit and wondering what was going on beyond them (just for fun).

Author:  Br3admax [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Skyrim has always been dull, it's like the Northern part of Canada, everything is not about the Empire and the Stormcloaks. If everything was a political statement, I wouldn't be able to ignore it all the time.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Br3admax wrote:
Skyrim has always been dull, it's like the Northern part of Canada, everything is not about the Empire and the Stormcloaks. If everything was a political statement, I wouldn't be able to ignore it all the time.

Yeah , Skyrim was a bit boring i think ... too political for me :P hehe

@House of da wolf : who didnt wander to the borders and wish to cross them ? :wink:

''you always want what you cant have'' :(

Author:  House of the Wolf [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Wasn't talking about politics, but that's okay.

In any case, the mood of Oblivion was more hopeful, and therefore the atmosphere is much brighter.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

yeah i liked Oblivions atmosphere

plus i really like Cyrodiil ... so i always felt i needed to ... ''protect'' it :P

Author:  House of the Wolf [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

I wasn't a fan of Cyrodiil in the southeastern portions of the province. Colovia and the Golden Coast were my favorite regions, by far.

Author:  POMC S117 [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

I prefer Skyrim over Cyrodiil. To me, it's much, much more beautiful. The ruggedness, how varied it is.

Author:  philfredobob [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anybody else miss the Scenery of Oblivion?

Skyrim was a very ... how to put it ... ''meh'' kind of province .. just ''there''
it was ok, but i didnt feel very attached to it

but Cyrodiil on the other hand ... :shock:

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