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Psijics or Greybeards
Psijics 90%  90%  [ 28 ]
Greybeards 10%  10%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 31
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 Post subject: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:20 pm 

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I'm pretty sure this belongs in lore, though I could be wrong. And I don't know if anyone has asked this. But after playing Skyrim for a while, I started to wonder. Which of the two groups is the more powerful? The Greybeards have mastery of the Thu'um, and we've seen its powers at work. Just whispering Dovahkiin, the three under Arngeir make the entire Throat of the World shake. And they're weaker than Arngeir. Not to mention they have the all-powerful dragon Paarthurnax on their side. But they only have four monks, as far as we know.

The Psijic order on the under hand is relatively mysterious. We know they have some temporal power, as shown by their ability to stop time and teleport not only themselves but the eye of magnus as well. And, though we only say a few, we can assume that they have many more within their group than the Greybeards, as implied by Quaranir when he spoke of the dissent his actions would cause.

So, I go to google. I thought to myself, surely there are others who have wondered which of the two groups is the more powerful. They're both in Skyrim, the latest installment. Both display incredible powers. And, from what I've seen, both fill players with a feeling "Oh my god, they're f***ing awesome." But, there was nothing. No one posted anything on a battle between the two groups. So, I thought that I would ask the question, and what better place to do that than here.

So now I formally ask. Which do you think would win in a battle? The Psijic Order? Or the Greybeards?

Last edited by Rattley on Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:24 pm 
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The dialogue around the quest to get Dragonrend suggests to me that the dragonborns powers end up being on par or even supersede the powers of the Greybeards.
Although the Greybeards can shout more often (you can test this by attacking one), the dragonborn learns at least one shout the Greybeards don't know.
On the other hand, if the Psijics would use their known powers as a weapon, I'm sure no one will stand a chance.

It seems to me that the idea behind the Psijics is a group that is so powerful that they have the luxury of not needing to harm anyone to get what they want.

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:01 pm 
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The most accomplished magic users in existence against a reclusive and combat ignorant group of effete, fatalistic old men.

It's no contest.

Look at Dervenin in SI. Look at him in Skyrim. Say no to drugs.

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:12 pm 
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Umm, yeah, didn't the Psijic make an entire island disappear? I think it's safe to say that they would win over a bunch of men who can shout fire.

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 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:30 pm 
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This should be in TES General... But the Psijics would win.

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 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:47 pm 
Imperial Legate
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No contest. Psijics.

Of course, they'd have no legitimate reason or desire to attack the Greybeards.

Monsters are bred in labyrinths, labyrinths are bred from walls. There is a reason the Giants choose to remain nomadic rather than follow their shield kin the Nords in building permanent settlements. The Tower is the beginning of all walls.

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:07 pm 
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The Graybeards are peaceful, so would not iniciate any hostilities.

Do not know much about the Psijics, but I do not think they would attack unprovoked.

Number wise, 4 Graybeards against how many Psijic Monks?

- Do not forget who the Leader of the Graybeards is... and if he was attacked, would he not call on his bothers and sisters for assistance?
- Would not the Dovakin also be considered one of the Graybeards?
- I am sure if they called, he would come to thier Aid?

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:22 pm 
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Argonanza wrote:
Umm, yeah, didn't the Psijic make an entire island disappear? I think it's safe to say that they would win over a bunch of men who can shout fire.

They're even believed to have sunk an entire fleet of Maormer ships through the manipulation of weather...I wonder if Storm call could do that...

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:07 am 
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I'm gonna have to say Psijics. If they Developed Mysticism and made an entire island sink, they could probably beat the greybeards. I'm not sure about the earlier greybeards though....

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:33 pm 
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The Greybeards could easily win, but since they're such pacifists they lack the combat experience to take on the Psijics, although that being said, how much combat experience do they have. Also, you guys are over-playing magic, most shouts is easily twice as strong/useful than any spell.

You also neglect how the Akaviri destroyed the entirety of Uriel V's fleet using a mass 'storm-call' shout by several thu'um users.

Last edited by Scozzar on Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
While this is a necropost, I'll allow it seeing it's a good post.

 Post subject: Re: Psijics vs Greybeards
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:35 am 
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Couldnt they just Ice form them and kill them there?

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