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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:29 pm 
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True, but that wasn't 1 on 1. Though it does imply that Jyggalag would win any 1 on 1 fight.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:41 pm 
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Hircine Vs Dagon in a physical fight, well I'm not sure. Dagon is strong but Hircine's spear can hurt deadra. Still it isn't like they can die.

Really Daedra probably get along with each other more than they fight each other. When they do disagree they do it ways other than just fighting each other in physical combat. Most probably end up moving past their disagreements or finding others way to compete with each other. Azura and Sheograth had a friendly competition going on in Azura's Quest in Morrowind. And they are known to socialise with each other, they have parties and the like.

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:06 pm 
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Hissien wrote:
Apparently they do have cause to fight, it is why they cursed jyggalag with madness. He became too powerful and was a threat.

Yeah, they cursed him so he wouldn't overpower them. They never actually fought. I don't think they are "fighters," per se.


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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:48 am 

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Avron the S'wit wrote:
Hissien wrote:
Apparently they do have cause to fight, it is why they cursed jyggalag with madness. He became too powerful and was a threat.

Yeah, they cursed him so he wouldn't overpower them. They never actually fought. I don't think they are "fighters," per se.

Yeah, I think they aren't fighters because they may be unable to enter each others realms. For example, Hircine can't just walk into Mehrunes Dagons realm of Oblivion. Even if they could, they wouldn't die, would they?
*SPOILER* Like wwhen jyggylag was "killed" by the hero of kvatch, he didn't really die, did he? *END SPOILER*
Them hitting each other if probably just a nuisance to one another.

"Just remember," laughed the Emperor. "You Akaviri have a lot of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it's all over for you."

Last edited by Avron the S'wit on Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:49 am 
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Isn't there something within "16 Accords of Madness" that mentions Sheogorath defeating Hircine?

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:08 am 
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Why do you guys think planets can fight each other? It's sort of like asking who would win in a match of Earth versus Venus. *cough* Earth *cough*

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:19 am 

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Br3admax wrote:
Why do you guys think planets can fight each other? It's sort of like asking who would win in a match of Earth versus Venus. *cough* Earth *cough*

I don't recall mentioning planets.

"Just remember," laughed the Emperor. "You Akaviri have a lot of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it's all over for you."

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:23 am 
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I don't know why people do not know this. All of the "gods" in the ES universe are simply just plane[t]s floating in Oblivion. Daedric Princes are their realms.

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:44 am 

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Br3admax wrote:
I don't know why people do not know this. All of the "gods" in the ES universe are simply just plane[t]s floating in Oblivion. Daedric Princes are their realms.

How do they talk to you, then? If they are just planets, that is. If planets can talk, why can't you talk to Nirn?

"Just remember," laughed the Emperor. "You Akaviri have a lot of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it's all over for you."

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:45 am 
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This thread is already right on the edge. Keep it on topic please.

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:28 am 
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Br3admax wrote:
Why do you guys think planets can fight each other? It's sort of like asking who would win in a match of Earth versus Venus. *cough* Earth *cough*

Calling them "just planets" is a gross oversimplification. They are concepts. Sentient entities of change.

The Aedra are "planets", but not in the way we know planets. Their gods "planets" are spherical because of the mortal mind attempting to comprehend infinity. Like Lorkhan's decaying corpse that is the moons. Was Lorkhan actually just a ball in space? No.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:14 am 
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Hissien has already lain the rest of you low.

One Prince versus another Prince is a close-run thing. It took fifteen versus one in order to subdue the one. And that was a tenuous curse at worst— a champion of the curse, not the victim, was all that was needed to negate the others' victory.

If you think about it, the Champion of the Shivering Isles may have very easily mastered the demands of the fifteen before taking on the role of the sixteenth though their communal tribute as the fifteentn into one.

By this grace, taking on the powers of the sixteenth Prince meant that the former ruler retook his role. But now as the Seventeenth.

Bottom line: 1 vs 1 is freaking game between heavyweights. Little more than an amusement. You'll need a battle to posit some illusion of change.

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:26 am 
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i think Daedra Princes dont usually fight in melee for just this reason, they both know their own abilities in combat

from what we've seen in-game and in in-game books, they seem to prefer playing around with the followers of their opponents. or challenging other Daedra Princes to intellectual Challenges

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:42 pm 
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Even though the Greymarch was essentially Jyggalag vs Himself, I still think its probably the best example of what would happen if two Princes went toe to toe, with added shades if how the Oblivion gates affected Tamriel, or how the Fringe appeared after the Greymarch began. For example, let's imagine Sheogorath vs Mehrunes Dagon, just to pick two Princes we're most familiar with.

Keep in mind, Princes are their realms (including any non-mortal denizens of their realms) - that's why Dagon is still kicking around even after being toasted by Akatosh at the end of TES4. You can destroy the avatar of a prince, and while that's probably no fun at all for the prince, it isn't the end of the game for them. They just reform a new one from the substance of their realm.

The battle would most likely begin with each prince opening portals in the others realm, trying to infect the defending prince with the sphere of the attacker. Sheogorath would be trying to turn the deadlands into the Isles, and Dagon would be doing the opposite.

Just as importantly, each would be trying to infect the subordinates of the other. This would have two effects, it would directly alter the balance of forces, AND would serve as a poison pill, which I'll discuss after the next bit.

Direct combat between the Avatars would probably be fairly constant, as any other being trying to stand up to a Daedric avatar is generally described as a grease stain. Each time an avatar was slain, the prince would reform it from the substance of its realm, which is where the poison pill comes in: the main goal is to infect the others realm with your sphere, so as when they reform an avatar, it includes part of your sphere, making them more like you than like them and weakening them.

The end would come fairly rapidly once one side became so infected by the other that it would basically become the other and be absorbed.

It's okay to disagree with me, you're entitled to your opinion. No matter how wrong you are.

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:27 pm 
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They are not on even grounds in a fight based on the jyggalad fight we could beat him therefore we were not mortal which means he passed the tidal to you before the fight meaning he permantly became jyggalad meaning you became a daedric prince meaning they are not balanced.

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:29 pm 
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You fought an avatar of Jyggalag, not Jyggalag himself. I guess it kinda works like that.



 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:34 pm 
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GodsBePraised wrote:
Br3admax wrote:
Why do you guys think planets can fight each other? It's sort of like asking who would win in a match of Earth versus Venus. *cough* Earth *cough*

Calling them "just planets" is a gross oversimplification. They are concepts. Sentient entities of change.

The Aedra are "planets", but not in the way we know planets. Their gods "planets" are spherical because of the mortal mind attempting to comprehend infinity. Like Lorkhan's decaying corpse that is the moons. Was Lorkhan actually just a ball in space? No.

I would love to see the source for this. Besides I said plane[t]s. I actually have source for that. Not just my assumptions. Not saying you are making it up, but you have to back up what you say.

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:22 pm 
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The Princes do try to kill one another on occasion. I am reminded of a certain quest in Morrowind where you have to do something for Molag Bal. When you complete his quest and he gives you your reward, he mentions having to take it from Varemina's cold dead hands.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:52 am 
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In theory, the stronger prince would win but all that the princes can do to each other is kick them back to their own realm and the princes prefer using their followers to harrass the other prince. The princes rarely fight amongst themselves as they either know that it's pointless to fight an everlasting battle or just don't want to and use mortals instead. According to Sheo, they do get together and have parties(which i would imagine are held by Saguine), making bets etc.. There has only ever been one incident where the princes attacked another prince and that was Jygglag who became the thing he depised. And that was mostly due to fear and jealously. The princes are at their most powerful when they are in their own realm so trying to get the other prince to come into your realm would be a very hard task to pull off. But i wouldn't be surprised if they do invade each other's realms with their armies every now and then just to annoy each other. Or out of boredom. Or doing it because they got drunk etc..

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:10 am 
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Derp53 wrote:
actually, Daedric lords are fairly balanced when compared. Even Nocturnal has a similar amount of power to say..... Mehrunes Dagon

Some are definitely stated to be weaker or stronger.

Malacath and Peryite are said to be among the weakest of them. Jygallag was so powerful all the other Princes had to team up on him to transform him into Sheogorath. Speaking of Sheogorath, he usually prefers trickery to defeat the other Princes.

They actually fight all the time, so to speak. They constantly challenge one another. It's not always personal combat. Sometimes they bet one another they can get a particular mortal's soul, or that their mortal champion is better than the other's. It's rare they actually engage one another in physical combat. It's not the sphere of most of them although they can make do.

More often it's friendly sport, like the Princes all going for a hunt in Hircine's realm. He usually has the advantage but the others are given a fair chance. Based on notes from Battlespire, this is a pretty big event and Lord Dagon usually attends.

Monsters are bred in labyrinths, labyrinths are bred from walls. There is a reason the Giants choose to remain nomadic rather than follow their shield kin the Nords in building permanent settlements. The Tower is the beginning of all walls.

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:37 am 
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philfredobob wrote:
i think Daedra Princes dont usually fight in melee for just this reason, they both know their own abilities in combat

from what we've seen in-game and in in-game books, they seem to prefer playing around with the followers of their opponents. or challenging other Daedra Princes to intellectual Challenges

Yeah, like this challenge.

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 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:36 pm 

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Let me answer the OP. I recently read in the book "Aedra and Daedra", and I quote, "The protean daedra, for whom the rules do not apply, can only be banished." so theres what would happen, the loser would be banished back to his our her realm. I think a good example of this would be when the avatar of akatosh destroyed the avatar of mehrunes dagon, even though akatosh is an aedra.

"Just remember," laughed the Emperor. "You Akaviri have a lot of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it's all over for you."

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:39 pm 
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ZeRoc wrote:

Sheogorath got Hircene good then...

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:49 am 
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Br3admax wrote:
GodsBePraised wrote:
Br3admax wrote:
Why do you guys think planets can fight each other? It's sort of like asking who would win in a match of Earth versus Venus. *cough* Earth *cough*

Calling them "just planets" is a gross oversimplification. They are concepts. Sentient entities of change.

The Aedra are "planets", but not in the way we know planets. Their gods "planets" are spherical because of the mortal mind attempting to comprehend infinity. Like Lorkhan's decaying corpse that is the moons. Was Lorkhan actually just a ball in space? No.

I would love to see the source for this. Besides I said plane[t]s. I actually have source for that. Not just my assumptions. Not saying you are making it up, but you have to back up what you say.

http://www.imperial-library.info/conten ... ns-planets

 Post subject: Re: what would happen if two daedric princes fought 1 vs. 1?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:25 am 
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As others have pointed out the Daedric princes don't fight "the old fashioned way" or the same way mortals fight (obviously).A "conflict" between princes is usually settled through a duel of sorts in which the "champions"/followers fight for their Lords.The Daedric princes themselves can't fight eachother directly because they are planets and they can't intrude on another prince's Realm because the princes ARE the realms..

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