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 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:52 pm 
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Yeah your right, but before we go there, notice that all of that is past events, while this is future events. Except that what if thread. We use TESGeneral for other things that franchise talk, now. Sort of like Skyrim general.

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:35 pm 
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Despite everything discussed here about the next great war, there's only one thing I worry about is that of what Ondolemar said during the diplomatic immunity quest is that "There is peace now, and that peace will continue for as long as it suits our needs. But make no mistake, this is not a peace forged out of necessity between rival nations of equal strength." "It is more like the calm between storms. And the next storm, I think, will be far deadlier than the last." With that in mind I worry about the future of the empire.

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 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:50 pm 

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Falcon158 wrote:
Despite everything discussed here about the next great war, there's only one thing I worry about is that of what Ondolemar said during the diplomatic immunity quest is that "There is peace now, and that peace will continue for as long as it suits our needs. But make no mistake, this is not a peace forged out of necessity between rival nations of equal strength." "It is more like the calm between storms. And the next storm, I think, will be far deadlier than the last." With that in mind I worry about the future of the empire.

Similarly, Igmund fears the Empire can't stand up to the Thalmor.

This is why I support the Stormcloaks. The Empire is dying, and skyrim at the very least will offer some resistance.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:01 pm 
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It's the Stormcloaks who are helping the Thalmor to win - every soldier who dies on both sides is one less human the Thalmor has to kill.

The Rebellion is the most completely wrong thing that Ulfric could have done. He doesn't realise that otherwise he'd stop the war, unlike Galmar he isn't that stupid...

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:26 pm 

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CBR JGWRR wrote:
It's the Stormcloaks who are helping the Thalmor to win - every soldier who dies on both sides is one less human the Thalmor has to kill.

The Rebellion is the most completely wrong thing that Ulfric could have done. He doesn't realise that otherwise he'd stop the war, unlike Galmar he isn't that stupid...

Dude, the Imperials are helping the Thalmor win. Look at the situation the Empire has found itself in. its on the verge of collapse.

The Thalmor seem to just be pushing the Empire right to that point where it can do nothing except become a puppet of the Dominion, or to completely destroy it, bringing Skyrim and High Rock with it. That is why Skyrim must declare independence, so it can get out of the collapsing empire, and prepare itself to take on the Dominion.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:30 pm 
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Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:
CBR JGWRR wrote:
It's the Stormcloaks who are helping the Thalmor to win - every soldier who dies on both sides is one less human the Thalmor has to kill.

The Rebellion is the most completely wrong thing that Ulfric could have done. He doesn't realise that otherwise he'd stop the war, unlike Galmar he isn't that stupid...

Dude, the Imperials are helping the Thalmor win. Look at the situation the Empire has found itself in. its on the verge of collapse.

The Thalmor seem to just be pushing the Empire right to that point where it can do nothing except become a puppet of the Dominion, or to completely destroy it, bringing Skyrim and High Rock with it. That is why Skyrim must declare independence, so it can get out of the collapsing empire, and prepare itself to take on the Dominion.

Whether Skyrim gains independance, or not, the damage has been done and it, with 80% certainty, will be fatal.

Skyrim cannot beat the Dominion alone, especially not in it's current state. The Empire, or an entity like it if it does collapse, is needed because divided the human races will fall, and if united, they can win. The next great war won't be a scrap for bits of Hammerfell or Cyrodiil - it will be a fight to prevent the annihilation of humanity, and then the non altmeri races further into the future.

What needs to happen is a re-union of the 4 human races, getting the remaining dragon's on side, getting the Dunmer back up and running, and if possible, getting the argonians, bosmer and khajiit to join them as well.

What will actually happen is none of the above, and the Thalmor win...

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:39 pm 
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Guys, guys, we all know both sides are completely stupid. Let's not pick favorites when it is so obvious.

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:16 am 

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CBR JGWRR wrote:
Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:
CBR JGWRR wrote:
It's the Stormcloaks who are helping the Thalmor to win - every soldier who dies on both sides is one less human the Thalmor has to kill.

The Rebellion is the most completely wrong thing that Ulfric could have done. He doesn't realise that otherwise he'd stop the war, unlike Galmar he isn't that stupid...

Dude, the Imperials are helping the Thalmor win. Look at the situation the Empire has found itself in. its on the verge of collapse.

The Thalmor seem to just be pushing the Empire right to that point where it can do nothing except become a puppet of the Dominion, or to completely destroy it, bringing Skyrim and High Rock with it. That is why Skyrim must declare independence, so it can get out of the collapsing empire, and prepare itself to take on the Dominion.

Whether Skyrim gains independance, or not, the damage has been done and it, with 80% certainty, will be fatal.

Skyrim cannot beat the Dominion alone, especially not in it's current state. The Empire, or an entity like it if it does collapse, is needed because divided the human races will fall, and if united, they can win. The next great war won't be a scrap for bits of Hammerfell or Cyrodiil - it will be a fight to prevent the annihilation of humanity, and then the non altmeri races further into the future.

What needs to happen is a re-union of the 4 human races, getting the remaining dragon's on side, getting the Dunmer back up and running, and if possible, getting the argonians, bosmer and khajiit to join them as well.

What will actually happen is none of the above, and the Thalmor win...

Exactly my arguement. Best to create such an entity before the collapse of the Empire decimates half of tamriel (or worse, the Empire bends knee to the Dominion, leaving virtually no resistance to the Dominion).

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:02 pm 
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The Empire has already collasped as far as it can do, Skyrim excepted. The only reason the Civil War continues is because the Empire refuses to pull any soldiers from the border with the Dominion, and Tullius is forced into making do with what he has got.

A far better strategy is not tearing the whole structure down, but to rebuild and stregthen the existing structure - there isn't enough time to try to establish a new thing out of the old, since as soon as the Thalmor believe starting the next war is to their benefit they will. At the moment they are quite content to just allow the Stormcloak Rebellion to remain a stalemate, since that position is the best position for them.

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:11 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Once word gets out about the dominion's true goals, they would have a mass rebellion to deal with. If the Princes get involved and i suspect they would, they could wreak havoc inside Alinor, mentally and physically due to the princes loving to mess with the mortals or getting involved with them. I can see Sheogorath driving their generals insane whilst Vaemina causes everyone to have waking nightmares. Malacath demanding his orcs to turn on the dominion and so forth.

The Empire is more or less finished. The dominion destroyed it when they forced them to sign the WGC. They managed to get Hammerfell to turn it's back on it and Skyrim's civil war is using up resources that the Empire can't afford to use. Combine that with the dragons and the legion won't be in the best shape when the Thalmor decides to attack.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:03 pm 

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Thelastdovah wrote:
Once word gets out about the dominion's true goals, they would have a mass rebellion to deal with. If the Princes get involved and i suspect they would, they could wreak havoc inside Alinor, mentally and physically due to the princes loving to mess with the mortals or getting involved with them. I can see Sheogorath driving their generals insane whilst Vaemina causes everyone to have waking nightmares. Malacath demanding his orcs to turn on the dominion and so forth.

This is just BS. Sheogorath would laugh at all the chaos the mankind is making and won't come to help them. Vaerimina would be most satisfied with the nightmares of man for the dominion. Malacath is only playing with his orcs, wich half of them think he isn't even a daedric prince, but the god Malauch, and they think that only those other orcs are worshipping a daedric prince named Malacath. Etc...

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:16 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Ilaro wrote:
Thelastdovah wrote:
Once word gets out about the dominion's true goals, they would have a mass rebellion to deal with. If the Princes get involved and i suspect they would, they could wreak havoc inside Alinor, mentally and physically due to the princes loving to mess with the mortals or getting involved with them. I can see Sheogorath driving their generals insane whilst Vaemina causes everyone to have waking nightmares. Malacath demanding his orcs to turn on the dominion and so forth.

This is just BS. Sheogorath would laugh at all the chaos the mankind is making and won't come to help them. Vaerimina would be most satisfied with the nightmares of man for the dominion. Malacath is only playing with his orcs, wich half of them think he isn't even a daedric prince, but the god Malauch, and they think that only those other orcs are worshipping a daedric prince named Malacath. Etc...

Oh thanks for that wonderful remark about my post.:roll: You could have just respectfully disagreed instead of saying my post was bullsh*t. The Prince rely on Mundus for the souls of mortals and they would view the Thalmor as a threat if they discovered that they planned to take their source of mortals away from them. The Nine will definitly get involved via their usual method of sending a champion to save Mundus or Nirn again. When the next war happens, Tameriel won't come out unscathed and may even make the one in Hammerfell look like a fight with a mudcrab and the redguards can only live in half of Hammerfell due to the south being uninhabitable.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:30 pm 
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Also modern orcs worship Malacath again, Mauloch was an invented aedra to make Malacath a bit more acceptable to the rest of the Daggerfall covenant for the Alliance wars, TES:O...

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:27 pm 

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CBR JGWRR wrote:
Also modern orcs worship Malacath again, Mauloch was an invented aedra to make Malacath a bit more acceptable to the rest of the Daggerfall covenant for the Alliance wars, TES:O...

Is it? I always thought that every race sees Malacath and Malauch the same and as Daedric prince. While the orcs think there is a distinction between the Daedric Malacath and the not-Daedra Malauch. But I could be wrong...

Malauch is definitly not invented for or by TES:O, cause he existed already in Morrowind:

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:53 pm 
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Ilaro wrote:
CBR JGWRR wrote:
Also modern orcs worship Malacath again, Mauloch was an invented aedra to make Malacath a bit more acceptable to the rest of the Daggerfall covenant for the Alliance wars, TES:O...

Is it? I always thought that every race sees Malacath and Malauch the same and as Daedric prince. While the orcs think there is a distinction between the Daedric Malacath and the not-Daedra Malauch. But I could be wrong...

Malauch is definitly not invented for or by TES:O, cause he existed already in Morrowind:

There isn't a conflict here, what I meant was invented to justify to the rest of the Covenant, not for TES:O specifically. From the inworld perspective, not from the game perspective, but I admit that is a possible interpretation of how the orginial statement could be read, since I mention it for TES:O, but that wasn't the intention. Krosis.

It's a case of he is a daedra, but let's pretend he isn't and hope we don't get caught out... But, obviously, they do.

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:12 pm 
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I think that if Ulfric is High King and because of Titus Mede II death at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood, there could be a chance for the two sides to work together and take the fight to the Thalmor. That being said, this would only work if someone who sympathized with the Stormcloak cause took the throne or and emperor who hated the thalmor just as much as the Stormcloaks did took the throne. Only then would they stand a chance of winning a "next" Great War.


 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:23 pm 

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bepeasej22 wrote:
I think that if Ulfric is High King and because of Titus Mede II death at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood, there could be a chance for the two sides to work together and take the fight to the Thalmor. That being said, this would only work if someone who sympathized with the Stormcloak cause took the throne or and emperor who hated the thalmor just as much as the Stormcloaks did took the throne. Only then would they stand a chance of winning a "next" Great War.

It might work......if Ulfric wasn't a Thalmor agent, set loose in Skyrim to weaken one of the Empire's most useful provinces.

Really, the Empires best chance at defeating the Dominion would be to rekindle relations with the Redguards of Hammerfell, get rid of the Stormcloaks and find a way of rebuilding the Numidium (the Dwemer golem that Tiber Septim used to defeat the first Dominion).

Of course though, I hope none of that happens, being a Dominion supporter myself. The elves are given such bad rep in the Elder Scrolls series......the snow elves are made out to be bad guys when the Nords are the ones who brought untold destruction to Tamriel...

 Post subject: Re: The next Great War
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:45 pm 
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Auri-El wrote:
It might work......if Ulfric wasn't a Thalmor agent, set loose in Skyrim to weaken one of the Empire's most useful provinces.

This bit is just wrong... Ulfric is not a Thalmor agent. He is viewed by them as a dormant asset, and if he realised that he would stop the fighting instantly. He isn't stupid. Misguided yes, but not stupid.

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