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 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:12 pm 
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I would love to see this thread bountiful with stories. But I will no longer be contributing. I'll still read and post comments, but I've lost mojo for fan fiction. I rather focus on my own writing projects. So no more stories from Dohva. My time in this thread has come to an end. :(


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:15 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I hope you'll find it again one day and hopefully, you have just gotten burned out by the amount of stuff you've written thus just need to take a break. I'll miss reading your stuff and i hope you'll continue to enjoy my stuff. Do wish more people would write stories or post pictures as it just leaves me as teh most active person. :(

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:20 pm 
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I wish more people posted as well. In due time. :)

No, its not that I need a break, its that I don't want to write fan fiction anymore. I'm over it. I've always written my own stuff so I am returning full time to that. Writing stories is a serious thing for me and the fan fiction takes away from that.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:34 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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:( I'll miss your stories and hope that you will return to fanfiction one day.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:49 pm 
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I never will, Dovah. I rather people pay to read my hard work. ;)


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:53 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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:(.I'll miss reading your fanfiction and hope that you'll change your mind at some point regarding fan fiction.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:22 am 
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Gotta respect her choice, TLD.

Sad to see you go, Dohv. Hope you do well with your future writings.



 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:28 am 
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Yeah, we will miss you. Cant fault the logic though.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:12 pm 
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Thanks for understanding. :) I'll probably post pictures and updates of what my characters are up to every now and then. Funny, so Felina and Serana have adopted a new friend, Ilia. They're an interesting trio of discarded children. The only one in the group that probably had a decent upbringing is Sceolang the Husky, haha.

Its rather awkward for an assassin to be traveling with two women who killed/are about to kill a parent.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:19 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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If you read my stories, could you please leave a comment about it? Even if it's just saying that it's excellent or grade A 100% dragon [&@%!]. As i would like to know if people read my stuff other then Dohva and Hrolf.(who sadly quit due to personal reasons). Will miss reading your stuff, Dohva. But we've talked via PM and there is not much i can say. Oh and tell Felina to stop killing half of Skyrim. :p

Will work on a story tonight as i pretty much wrote it at the charity shop today in my head.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:48 pm 

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Today I've created my newest character to Role-Play with. I'm a beginner, so the only mods that I use except SkyUI and the Unofficial Patches are ''See you sleep'' and ''Live another Life''.
I have created a backstory for him, and I'd like to post it here. Oh, and there can be some English mistakes and things like that. I'm kinda young and not a native English speaker.


Arranor is a Wood Elf, son of Virindias and Tarrava, two hunters from Valenwood who got in love with each other. At the age of twelve, he lost both his parents. They were travelling to a different place in a forest in Valenwood. While they were walking, suddenly an arrow hit the back of Virindias, Arranor's father. Tarrava shocked, but didn't have the time to turn and look who hit her husband. An arrow was shot at her heart, and she fell on the ground. Dead. Virindias tried to get up, but another arrow was shot at his back and he also fell dead on the ground.
Arranor didn't have the time to cry or look for the murderers. The only thing that he can do was running, and that was what he did. He was too fast for the murderes to catch.
Later he began to live on his own. Setting up an encampment in the woods, and hunting to get food.
At a certain night, Arranor lay down on his bedroll in his tent and fell asleep. Later that night, there came a dark person in a black cloack, with red eyes and teeth full of red blood, who walked to Arranor and put his teeth in the poor Bosmer's neck. It was a vampire. Who just made Arranor a vampire.

It took a long time before Arranor realized he was a vampire. He gained red eyes, and a hunger to people's blood. Arranor couldn't do anything about it, and tried to just hunt further. But his hunger to blood became stronger, and from that point he walked to a city, because in the woods he could never find a single person.
At a certain moment he entered the city of Greenheart. He waited until midnight, and then he searched for a victim. Quickly he found one, a young girl sleeping outside on a bedroll. She looked gorgeous to Arranor. He had to bite her. So he did. He put his teeth in the little girl's neck, and he fell the sweet taste of blood on his tongue. From that moment, he felt himself fantastic, that no-one could stop him.
But the life of a vampire isn't only happines. Quickly the townsfolk of Greenheart found the Bosmer hunter a bit strange. He was never found sleeping at night, and hardly working at day.
Suddenly, a clever mage in Greenheart saw that there was something wrong with Arranor. He saw that he had little red eyes, and his teeth were also a bit sharp. He told this to the guards of Greenheart, who chased Arranor at night to kill him or put him in jail. But Arranor was too fast. He ran to the coast, far away from Greenheart. There he hided himself on a ship, not paying and not knowing where it would go. He only hided himself, the captain didn't know he was on it.
It took a really long time for the ship to arrive, and Arranor had to steal food to stay alive.
After a long time Arranor felt cold, and recognized the environment of where he was. He saw fjords and mountains next to him, and at a later moment, he saw a big city rising up.
The ship stopped there, and Arranor escaped. He saw that he was in Skyrim, but he didn't know where in that province. At least he was far away from Greenheart, he thought.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:05 am 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Welcome to the thread, Dragonhunter! We usually put stories or picture into spoiler tags. It's just to make it easier to navigate through the thread and helps those who's net are a bit meh. Most of use write fanfiction about our characters in here but it doesn't have to be stories. Can just be pictures. Songs or anything. Even discussing it. Hope you'll like what you see and read many of our stories and write some. :)

I'll work on a story tomorrow guys, lost track of time tonight. :-/

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:43 am 
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dragonhunter - probably a bit late now, but if you want him to start as a vampire then put player.addspell b8780 into the console, then wait 3 days, then wait until just before sunset/sunrise whichever is closer, (7pm/5am) then allow time to progress and the character will change.

Saves trying to find a vampire den then catching the disease.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:47 am 

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CBR JGWRR wrote:
dragonhunter - probably a bit late now, but if you want him to start as a vampire then put player.addspell b8780 into the console, then wait 3 days, then wait until just before sunset/sunrise whichever is closer, (7pm/5am) then allow time to progress and the character will change.

Saves trying to find a vampire den then catching the disease.

Thank you for that, I already thought if there was a console command to make your character automatically a vampire. Seemingly there is one.

Oh and it wasn't late. I stopped playing when I arrived with a ship in Windhelm. (Live another Life)

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:59 am 
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Not quite automatically doing it, but it is close enough.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:58 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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This is just a filler story to progress the plot. The next story is the end of the story arc and i think you will all enjoy it. Please let me know what you think of my stories if you've read them by leaving a comment in here as i would like to see who reads my [&@%!]stories.

Criminal Dragon
"Aejiri, why are you being arrested?" Quintus asked his soon to be wife. Aejiri could tell he was very worried and knew that he would not approve of why she was arrested.

"It's a joke!" She nervously lied to her lover. "I was si...si... blast, what's that word? Silly? No,, it's.." She said before pausing. "Do shut you." She ordered herself. "She was [&@%!] near the water and assaulted a guard." The guard informed the average sized imperial. "No!" He gasped in horror at his soon to be wife's behaviour. "Why?" He asked her.

"Because... I... ooh, look at these." Aejiri told Quintus as she pointed to her chest. Her white tunic getting soaked had a rather embarrassing side effect to it but in her high state, she hoped she could use her assets to get out of revealing the truth.

"Aejiri, are you high?" Quintus asked Aejiri.

"High on you!" She said to her partner before clutching her stomach and left a dirty present on the ground.

"That's disgusting!" The guard remarked and beckoned another guard over. "Take her to the dungoen and be careful." He ordered his fellow guard. The guard nodded and grabbed her by the wrist. "I'm innocent!" Aejiri protested and tried to punch the guard.

The guard paid no attention to the weak punch given to him by the high nord woman. "Dragonborn or not, you will serve the time." He told her as he dragged her towards the dungeons. "Over my body!" She retorted and used the voice to escape his grip.

She failed to notice that they were at the top of the stairs at teh time and smashed straight into a wooden structure that held the archway up. She fell onto her back and clutched her head. "Ow!" She uttered before passing out.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:09 pm 
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Ah, the marvelous life of a skooma addict. I know it all too well. :) Quintus better prepare himself for some serious headaches.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:16 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Yep. She has a few bottles of the stuff every month in secret. Usually near a lake and ensure that she has a spare pair of clothes in case she ends up in the water without taking her clothes off. Last time she did it was a month before her birthday and accidentally ended up a dwemer ruin wearing nothing but her undergarments. And with Wabberjack. But i suspect she is nothing compared to Felina and her habit. Going to be very fun with writing the next story and see what i can come up with.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:40 pm 
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Yeah...Felina has been murdering the skooma dealers who won't give her drugs for free. She's not doing so good right now. :/


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:17 pm 
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Well I'm joining up! At the moment the only RP character I have(that works) is Ranno, so i'll have another piece on him soon

*Insert witty signature here*

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:44 pm 
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I know I said I would finish that last story about Vulom, but... Things just kept interfering. By now, it's been too long and I really don't feel like working on it anymore. I think it's time for Vulom and my other mains to go into a sort of temporary retirement until I get some fresh ideas for them. However long that might take I don't know.

However, I have started a new character for a new project. I felt I just needed to do something different than my usual. This is it.
Wild-Like-The-Sea, an Argonian Dragonborn from Black Marsh. I created her yesterday when I returned to Elderstats.
Anyway, I'm planning on writing a series of journals for her adventures in Skyrim. I'll be sharing those here. I've got her background and the first journal entry written. I doubt these will be very long, but it's something to get me writing again.

Born in 4E 181 to a pair of traveling Argonian merchants, Wild-Like-The-Sea grew up as a nomad. She wandered the lands with her parents and learned all the skills she needed to survive from them; they taught her most of what she knew. The rest of her knowledge was gathered through her experiences in the wilderness and cities of Tamriel.

It was quite clear to her parents that she did not wish to follow in their footsteps forever. There would come a time when Wild-Like-The-Sea packed her belongings and left to pursue her own destiny - whatever that might be. That day came on her 19th birthday.

Upon giving her final farewells to her parents (it was unlikely she would ever see them again), Wild-Like-The-Sea set off on her first adventure. Her travels took her through Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Morrowind, High Rock, and -perhaps the most important of all- Skyrim.

The young Argonian had spent the year tramping across Tamriel. Most of what she did was just insignificant mercenary work. Things didn't really change for her until she arrived in Skyrim; that change did not promise to be a good one. Not at first, anyway.

Wild-Like-The-Sea was assaulted by a group of bandits as she strode into Skyrim. Ordinarily she could have fought them off, but this time she was greatly outnumbered: ten heavily armed bandits and one Argonian mercenary. They disarmed her and robbed her of all her belongings, leaving her with nothing but the underwear she had on underneath her armor. The Argonian was left to stumble, shivering and nearly defenseless, down the path.

Her misfortune did not end there. By mistake, Wild-Like-The-Sea stumbled upon a group of Imperial Soldiers escorting carts of Stormcloak prisoners. They spotted her in the middle of the road and captured her, believing her to be a criminal. She was unceremoniously stuffed into a cart with the Jarl of Windhelm himself and taken with the prisoners.

They were taken to the town of Helgen for execution. Wild-Like-The-Sea felt nothing but shame as she was forced down onto the chopping block; she had let herself down, and in doing so, brought misery to her parents. She was quite startled when a Dragon flew down from above and started attacking the town.

The Dragon's attack gave her a second chance at life; it was an opportunity to rebuild what she had. Wild-Like-The-Sea fled Helgen with a soldier named Hadvar and, from there, eventually came to realize that she was the Dragonborn of legend. An Argonian... As an ancient Nord hero. An unusual circumstance if there ever was one.

She also became Harbinger of the Companions, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, a Legate in the Imperial Legion, a member of the Dawnguard, and more.

The First Day:
17th of Last Seed, 4E 201:

Today is the day I thought it was all going to end...

I was attacked and mobbed by a group of bandits not long after I arrived in Skyrim. They took everything I had -even my clothes- and left me with nothing but my underwear. No gold. No food. No water. I had nothing to my name.

There really wasn't anything I could do. I had almost no chance of getting new apparel, no food to fend off the hunger, no water to quench my thirst... My chance of dying from exposure was greater than somebody coming along to help me. I did the only thing I could do: I continued down the road in search of shelter.

Little did I know that a group of Imperial Soldiers was transporting two carts of Stormcloak prisoners up this very road. They encountered me, stumbling along the cold earth, shivering in the icy wind... Instead of offering to help me, they attacked me. I was knocked unconscious, dressed in rags, bound, and tossed into the cart containing Ulfric Stormcloak and two other men.

When I awoke, the Stormcloak sitting across from me started talking. I didn't really pay much attention to him and, instead, I focused on the scenery. We were descending out of the mountains and heading towards a small town. Helgen. The mere presence of Ulfric Stormcloak was enough for me to deduce the Imperials were taking us for execution.

I had no choice but to follow along. I felt absolutely horrible; my mind kept dwelling upon my failure to defeat the bandits and how that brought shame to my family. My death was to have no honor. The others would die for their cause, but I had no reason to stand amongst them. I was no Stormcloak. I was no criminal. I should not have been there.

One Stormcloak was executed, defiant until his last moment. We all heard several thundering roars echo over the mountains, but General Tullius urged the executioner forward. I was called to the block. My heart was pounding furiously as I walked forwards; my limbs did not shake, but I held my head down in shame. This was not the death I deserved.

Just as the executioner lifted his axe, a gargantuan black Dragon burst from the clouds and landed upon the tower in front of us, the impact of his landing knocking the executioner to the ground. I could only stare in awe and shock as the Dragon rested his eyes upon me. For a moment, I felt as though I knew him and he knew me. A vague sort of kinship that you might feel towards extremely distant cousins.

He -this Dragon- used some sort of attack that sent me flying and killed the executioner. I was stunned for several seconds, and in that time, massive balls of rocks and fire rained from the sky. I was urged onto my feet by the Stormcloak from the cart and, together, we ran for the tower.

I made my way through the burning town and the underground fort with one of the Imperial Soldiers. His name is Hadvar. Anyway, we escaped the ruins together and went to Riverwood. Hadvar had an uncle who lived there, working as the town blacksmith. The two of us met him at his house.

After a brief explanation of the events of Helgen, Hadvar's uncle Alvor offered me some supplies and requested I do a favor for him: Riverwood was in danger -an unprotected town wouldn't last against a Dragon attack- and needed the Jarl's help. I needed to go to Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun and ask that he send some guards to help defend Riverwood.

I agreed to do that. But first, I need to rest. The day has been a long and tiring one. After going through Helgen, I need to regain my strength.

Her progress can be followed here as well:

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:26 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I won't be posting any more of my stories in here. Whilst I do write these for fun, i would have liked to hear if people enjoyed them or not. But i've reached the point where it's just not worth me posting in here. I take a lot of care to read everyone's stories and always try to. I've requested for people to leave comments as a courtesy, so I know that my stories are entertaining, but unfortunately this hasn't been the case.And it seems my requests have gone unheard. This thread is here for all of us to share roleplay stories and ideas about our TES characters as a community. I mean no offence by this and would have liked to see more people taking part. With Dohva quitting Fanfiction for personal reasons and Hrolf quitting the forums, it;s just me and I will be posting my stories in the ARTS section for those of you who wish to continue reading them.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:21 pm 
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Thelastdovah wrote:
I won't be posting any more of my stories in here. Whilst I do write these for fun, i would have liked to hear if people enjoyed them or not. But i've reached the point where it's just not worth me posting in here. I take a lot of care to read everyone's stories and always try to. I've requested for people to leave comments as a courtesy, so I know that my stories are entertaining, but unfortunately this hasn't been the case.And it seems my requests have gone unheard. This thread is here for all of us to share roleplay stories and ideas about our TES characters as a community. I mean no offence by this and would have liked to see more people taking part. With Dohva quitting Fanfiction for personal reasons and Hrolf quitting the forums, it;s just me and I will be posting my stories in the ARTS section for those of you who wish to continue reading them.

Dovah, I love reading everyone's stories here; sometimes I'm too busy to leave a comment or even read them all sometimes, but that doesn't mean they're not appreciated. Also, the stories should be for your enjoyment as much as (or more than) others, so you shouldn't feel bad about anything.

I would love to be a more active part here, like I used to be (even then I was on-and-off), but recently I've been too busy to even play Skyrim -- which is the whole point of all this to me, to add a little something extra to characters I've been playing. To me, roleplaying in the game comes before writing about them. (as fun as it is)

The purpose of this thread is to share things about your roleplaying exploits, or just about the characters you've been playing (like the stories). If you feel like your fanfiction doesn't belong here, that's alright, though it certainly is easier to keep track of and read consistently whenever it is here. :) Your choice, though.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:25 pm 
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What Dovah is saying is that the thread hasn't felt like a community effort in recent times. No one is obligated to leave comments, but only two of us were doing so at a time and that's why he's decided to place his stories elsewhere. Many users visit this thread and don't stay, that's fine. But it is a courtesy to others to at least let them know if their stories are appreciated. What's the point of sharing if there is no one else to share with? I have felt the same way as Dovah. Leaving these roleplay adventures for others to talk about isn't happening. It is his choice, with no offense to anyone, but its nice when others stay and participate otherwise this thread dies. Just saying.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:39 pm 
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Dohva. wrote:
What Dovah is saying is that the thread hasn't felt like a community effort in recent times. No one is obligated to leave comments, but only two of us were doing so at a time and that's why he's decided to place his stories elsewhere. Many users visit this thread and don't stay, that's fine. But it is a courtesy to others to at least let them know if their stories are appreciated. What's the point of sharing if there is no one else to share with? I have felt the same way as Dovah. Leaving these roleplay adventures for others to talk about isn't happening. It is his choice, with no offense to anyone, but its nice when others stay and participate otherwise this thread dies. Just saying.

I understand. I just don't see the practicality in starting another thread for it.

It would be nice if the thread was as active and supportive as it once was, and perhaps it will be again, but sometimes it is understandably hard -- being low on muse or simply being busy can make it difficult to read and comment on others stories as well. I'll be sure to make comments as much as I can, though, even if it is just a simple "I really liked that!" :)


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