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 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:51 pm 
Grand Master
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I look forward to reading your stories again, Witchery. I've really missed them. And you. Funny, I was just thinking of you yesterday and then you showed up like a little Christmas gift! I'll return to writing fan fiction stories after the New Year. <3


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:12 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Welcome back Witchery! I look forward to see stories from you again. I think I have one or two stories that i've not read. And shall read them either today or tomorrow. I may try to get a story out later this week.

But i'm taking a break from Skyrim and Aejiri. But i may start an oblivion one. It's an Argonian assassain that goes by the name of Hunter. Not really sure at the moment.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:03 pm 

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Sad to see Hrolf go, but glad Witchery is back.

Took a little break over Christmas, should have a story up by the end of the week.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:26 pm 
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One I've been wondering on for a while. Ulfric and Jennifere's end. For now at least, I am thinking of doing their reunion...

All Good Things...

4E 251, 20th of Sun's Dusk.

An elderly man rests on a bed, struggling for breath, gazing towards the young elven maiden who stood beside him, pain written upon their brows. A priest of Arkay in brown robes enters the room, beckoning the woman aside. She looks to him, her green eyes lost in sadness, with only the merest glimmer of hope left.

"Is this..."

The priest finishes her sentence. "The end? Most likely Jennifere. If I am honest, I don't think he will survive the night."

Her head drops. "Is there nothing that can be done?"

"We have done all we can. His fate is in the hands of the gods now."

A tear falls from her eye. "What can I say to him..."

"I don't know, but he beckons you." Jennifere turns, to see her husband wave weakly. She rushes back.

"What does the priest think?"

"I'm scared to answer my love. It isn't meant to end this way..." She bursts into tears.

"Be strong Jenn. I am old now, we knew today was coming."

"That doesn't mean it hurts any less."

Ulfric tries to distract her from the pain in her heart. "Look at you, you are still as young and beautiful as you were when we married."

"Ulfric, this isn't the time..."

"Humour me this last once. For all we know, I may never get another time with you."

A smile briefly crosses her face. "You aren't well enough my love. And besides, I'll join you in Sovngarde eventually. You will be fit and strong again, just like in our younger years..."

"And how many centuries is that away."

She kisses him. "Several at least."

"Exactly my point."

"I might pass on earlier. Skyrim is a cold and harsh land..."

"But not cold and harsh enough to conquer you."

"A fair answer. I wish we could stay with each other forever."

A servant rushes in. "My lord and lady, your son has returned."

Ulfric's voice rose. "Aeuthred? Why? He made it very clear he wouldn't come back. Bring him in. Now."

Ulfric attempts to sit upright, and just about manages as their son enters the room. Jennifere is first to speak, her hand resting upon the hilt of her blade.

"You have some nerve."

"I was hoping you would have forgiven me by now."

"My husband, your father, lies dying. I care far more about him than I do about you right now. Explain yourself."

"He is still alive though?"

"Why do you care. It wasn't that long ago you tried to have us both killed."

"Jennifere, calm down. Let the boy explain himself. Why are you back?"

"Because I heard you were dying."

"Oh, so when you try to cause his death it's alright, yet when it isn't you, you come running back?"

"People change mother. What I did was wrong, and I'm sorry. I had to come back, to say goodbye."

"You aren't welcome here Aeuthred. Leave."

"Stay son. Your mother doesn't mean it."

"Oh, I mean..."

"Jenn, be quiet. We spent two decades trying for this child, will you really abandon those times as hopeless and a waste just because of harmless past grievances?"

Jennifere scowls, but says nothing.

"Mother, I'm sorry."

"Fine. You may stay, but I am not happy with it. knowing what I know now, I wish I could have told my younger self not to bother with trying for a child."

"Jenn, don't say that."

"It is true. We tried so hard to bring you up right, and then you throw all our efforts away, siding with the Dominion. I wish you had never been born, you've ruined my last night with Ulfric with your false apologies. I'm leaving, I can't stand you being here."

"Jenn, don't leave. Please, for my sake, accept our son's return. He just wants us to be a family again."

"I... I don't..."

Aeuthred held out his hand. "Mother?"

She cries. "I'm sorry son." They embrace, as Ulfric breathes his last, satisfied that the people he most cared about would be alright after all...

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:53 am 
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Even though I don't have a story yet, I figured a picture of my character, Salene, is better than nothing for the time being. Right?


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:46 pm 

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Catching up on stories I missed, lol

Dohva: Good story, I like how they went from lovey-dovey newlyweds to Onmund's rage at Marcurio and Felicia's sudden shift to her true, cold self. Good description and imagery, very vivid in my mind. Your writing is gritty at times, and I like it.

Khali: First story you posted - you have the makings of a good story, I liked the first paragraph, it captured Windhelm very well. It's nice to see the Dragonborn from someone else's POV. Couple of things: a paragraph or two you had multiple people talking, you should make a new one when a different person speaks. Also the paragraphs are a bit long, could try breaking them up to make it flow easier for the reader. Second story - I'm liking the life you brought to Lydia, and your references to other well-known characters. Also liked your twist on the cliché regarding Farkas ('not the sharpest quill on the desk')

CBR JGRR - Bittersweet story, very much a script to read, but it flows nicely and with enough details to show what's happening. I like it.

Archer - Very cool picture! As has been mentioned, this thread isn't just for stories - posting your characters are good too!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:24 pm 
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SM-Dreamer wrote:
Catching up on stories I missed, lol

Dohva: Good story, I like how they went from lovey-dovey newlyweds to Onmund's rage at Marcurio and Felicia's sudden shift to her true, cold self. Good description and imagery, very vivid in my mind. Your writing is gritty at times, and I like it.

Khali: First story you posted - you have the makings of a good story, I liked the first paragraph, it captured Windhelm very well. It's nice to see the Dragonborn from someone else's POV. Couple of things: a paragraph or two you had multiple people talking, you should make a new one when a different person speaks. Also the paragraphs are a bit long, could try breaking them up to make it flow easier for the reader. Second story - I'm liking the life you brought to Lydia, and your references to other well-known characters. Also liked your twist on the cliché regarding Farkas ('not the sharpest quill on the desk')

CBR JGRR - Bittersweet story, very much a script to read, but it flows nicely and with enough details to show what's happening. I like it.

Archer - Very cool picture! As has been mentioned, this thread isn't just for stories - posting your characters are good too!

Thanks for the feedback. Every thing you pointed out was something I was wondering about. Keep it coming, your not going to hurt my feelings one way or the other.

Archer - I like the screen shot. Can we get one in day time to get a better look at Selene? Also, what armor is she wearing?

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:14 am 
Grand Master
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One of these I reckon: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10386/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21469/?

SM-Dreamer wrote:
CBR JGRR - Bittersweet story, very much a script to read, but it flows nicely and with enough details to show what's happening. I like it.

I was trying to add detail, but I got side-tracked... I have to get this story right.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:13 pm 
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SM Dreamer, thank you so much for the comments! I'm glad you noticed the coldness is really who she is. Btw, its Felina, not Felicia. ;)

Khali, I liked your story a lot and I agree that Lydia actually has a personality now. I like the trio action going on there. The only thing is that the blocks of dialogue with description is hard to read. Just a suggestion but dialogue is better off on its own for the most part, or involved in a sentence or two. I kept having to re-read the same paragraph which made it a bit tedious. Otherwise, I liked it.

Ok, so I have just a shorty today, a bit of a rushed one but it shows where things are going.
A flea ridden bed at the Bee n’ Barb still fared more comfortable than the worn bedroll Felina shared with her new husband. And while she lay next to him inside their hide tent with a kink in her neck, she regretted having let Marcurio’s stupidity prevent their overnight stay in a real bed.

Curse him to the Void. Again and again. He nearly ruined everything with his ridiculous jealousy.

“Darling, I have something for you.” Onmund said softly, distracting her from wicked thoughts.

“What is it?” She said and turned over on her side to face him. “A sparkling jeweled necklace?”

He chuckled, mischief flickering in his dark blue eyes. “No, you greedy little troll. I have something even better. Close your eyes.”

Felina bit down on her lip excitedly and covered her eyes with her hands. “Ready, my love. I’m overdue for a lovely piece of jewelry, as a girl should always show off a new one every few months.”

She felt him shift the bedroll aside and heard him rummage through their sacks. Thrilled at receiving something new, she didn’t try to retrain herself and kicked her legs under the bedroll.

“Hurry, Onmund! What is it?”

“Hush.” He said. “Stand up so you can try it on.”

“Oh, but how am I supposed to stand up with my eyes closed?”

“Don’t be silly, of course its possible. Now, no peeking.”

Felina squirmed her way to a stand. The last time she received something new was back in Bruma when Giovanni had bought her a pair of boots, which the guards at Helgen had taken away from her. Oh...but was it proper to think of him now that she was a married woman? She didn’t miss him anymore so--

“Open your eyes.” He said.

She could hear the smile in his voice. “Is it a new ring?”

“No, love. You just got a new ring yesterday.”

With an eager breath, she opened her eyes to the smoothest looking set of fur armor she’d ever seen. Jaw dropped and lips quivering, she reached out and stroked the course, dark brown hairs on the arms. Brushed to perfection with refined horker oil, no doubt, which left a gloss on her fingertips. She sniffed in the musky animal scent and smiled.

“Its mostly bear fur.” Onmund said with pride. “Some tundra fox. But I crafted it myself. Your other piece is too tattered for protection.”

Felina beamed and jumped on her toes. “Let me try it!”

He held up her hair while she got into it. The fur’s softness kissed her exposed skin. And although the piece weighed a bit heavier than her old one, it snugged her curvy body. She ran her hands against the fur and bit down on the inside of her cheek.

“Thank you.” She said and looked up at him. “Its so nice. I can’t believe you made this with your own hands.”

“You’re welcome, my love.” He said, a wide smiled revealing his large teeth. “My Pa taught me how to craft fur armor when I was a boy. I suppose its not a bad skill to have, even for a mage.”

She grinned. “However did you keep this a secret from me all this time?”

He kissed her on the forehead. “When you slept, which is all the time during the day.”

She threw her arms around him and hugged him hard, staggering him backwards. They tumbled down on the bedroll in a frenzy of giggles and kisses. He pinned her down and stared at her from above.

“Felina, we’ll be on our way to Bleak Falls Barrow tomorrow before sunrise.” He said in a suddenly serious tone.

The smile faded from her face. “Bleak Falls...”

He pulled her up to a seat. “You’ve been talking about that place for ages now. I figured we could give it a go, which is why I crafted you that armor. I read up on the barrow’s history back at the college. We’ll definitely find some draugr in there, maybe even some bandits.”

Felina licked her lips in anticipation. All this time, she’d been wanting to explore the barrow with stupid Marcurio. But he’d stolen her map and refused to give it back. Under his current condition, she doubted he’d be able to find any treasure without surrendering his life.

Poisonous thoughts slithered in her mind. She’d be rich now. And with those riches, she’d send Marcurio a courier informing him of her success. Damn him to Oblivion. And his sister, too!

“We’ll spend today preparing.” Onmund continued. “We’ll need rations, which means we’ll have to hunt today. Are you ready for that?”

“Yes!” She blurted out and pinched his cheek. “There’s got to be loads of riches in that barrow. Think of all the sweetrolls we can buy!”


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:47 am 

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Khali: I put more in yours because you were asking in chat :P The biggest thing I notice, and I know I do it too, is being so excited when you finish writing that you wanna post it right away. Try rereading it out loud to make sure it sounds the way you wanted (I can't tell you how many errors I find doing that for myself) because you typed faster than you were thinking :P

CBR JGRR: You had enough detail that it flowed well, and its ok getting side-tracked. Just remember to have fun :P

Dohva: You're welcome, and I like seeing the coldness. And sonofa... I was typing too fast (I need to take my own advice!) and was in a hurry, so I' sorry for typing the wrong name :oops:

Here's my tale:
Mill didn’t have much of a lock. Bashed it open with a rock, took a moment once inside to enjoy the fire.

Some food I could carry, a knapsack. An axe, clothes that wouldn’t fit. A dagger. Took what I needed, left before the miller caught me.

Off into the woods, collected firewood on my way. Didn’t have a destination – those’re for people who know where they’re goin’ – just wanted someplace I could sleep. Crossed the road; up into the hills.

Rain decided t’ come down then, pouring sheets. Soaked my hair, my clothes.

Least I’m clean now.

Light up ahead. Careful, but I’m willing t’ deal with people if it means getting warm and dry.

Wiping water from my eyes, not sure I’m seeing right. Tent, campfire, bedroll.

Pack of wolves.

They ain’t attacked me yet, but they’re warning me off. Fistful of ‘em, maybe couple fingers too.

Surprised they’re round the fire, but mayb’ they’re cold too.

I let the fishermer go, can’t risk lettin’ this site go, too.

Drew the axe and dagger, stalk towards ‘em. They charge. Swing the axe out to catch the one trying to circle round, dagger in the teeth of the front charger. Rip it out, terrible howl, its muzzle a bloody mess. Other one goes down.

Whip round to swing behind, moving, always moving. Catch another, roll away from one, stab it in the belly when it leaps. Drag the knife with it as it goes down. Half a handful left. First charges, slam the axe to its skull, risk my hand to grab the seconds snout, pull, pull, dagger slicing, red spray.

Last one, and the axe is stuck fast. Circle, he’s smarter, wary of me.

But I know wolves.

Fake dart left, I know to keep still, eyes on him. Dart right, snapping teeth, slashing knife, red on brown fur.

It pulls away, an eye gone, ripped to the muzzle. Growl becomes a whimper, and it flees.

Thanks. I didn’t want to kill it, too.

Tired now fight’s over, so tired. Bleeding, I can feel the cuts now. Yank out the axe. Drag the bodies to the camp, can’t find some. Collapse in front of the fire, no time to wonder whose it was.

Maybe the wolves killed that person for the site. Like I’d killed for it.

Maybe someone’d kill me for it, too.

I laugh. Bad idea, ribs sore again.

Scoop some cold, bitter water into my mouth, spit out red-tinged. Crawl into the leather tent; peel off the soaking remains of my clothes. Wishing I’d taken one of the dresses. Crawl shivering into the bedroll.

Sleep. Too deep for dreaming, and I’m thankful.

Dreaming hurts too much.

Wake, head’s pounding, fire’s gone out. Rain stopped. Small favors. Clothes still damp, don’t need ‘em much though. Still tired, but I know a spell. One she taught me.

It gets the fire going again. Lay the clothes out better, sit an’ eat an apple, some fish. Can get a better look around. Ridge up behind, way up to a meadow. Trees, pond in front of me. Last owner left a couple of books.

Put ‘em in the sack, might be worth something.

Pull out the knife, get to work cutting the pelts off the wolves. Few enough for me to make a count. Four.

Tired when I’m done, can barely keep my eyes open. Hot, sweaty, like I been running. Sit in the tent, stuff some bread into my mouth, stare into the fire like it means something. Licking tongues, orange, red, gold.

Shake myself, musta dozed off. Pelts still drying, pull the rags on and take the axe, go off to get some more wood.

Return shaking, like I’m gonna collapse. Sweat-soaked. Toss the logs onto the fire, keep it going. Crawl into the bedroll, huddle into it.

Sleep, toss, and turn. Too restless for much dreams, just flashes of fire and dark and death, burning and screams and flight. Wake to mid night, burning hot. I’m sick, and that makes me scared, a tight knot in my stomach. I can deal with all the rest of it, but not bein’ sick.

Pull muself together, stuff the pelts into the sack. Tent’d take too long to pack, and I’m feeling dizzy, world spinning around me, stars and moons circling. Need to find people. The mill? Which way…?

Stumble up into the meadow, think there’s a light further up the mountains. Trees, rocks keeping me upright though they’re scraping and bruising me too. Can’t see straight. Is it somethin’ I ate? The water? My wounds?

Fire’s rising, hotter.

I can make it out now. A shack, barely held together. Shatter. Scramble, fall, pull myself up again.

Tanning rack, table with butchered beasts, fire, scent of roasting meat.

Fall again, knees jolting on the rocky ground. Hide-clad Redguard in the doorway. Please don’t kill me…

Tumble the rest of the way, face in the rocks and dirt. Footsteps. Darkness. Fire.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:35 pm 
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The Redguard walked slowly, stopping briefly to observe the lake from the bridge. There was Geirmund’s hall, a dark place; rumour had it that it was a prison for an ancient Nordic terror. He’d seen worse. He looked back at the little hamlet of Ivarstead, sad to be leaving; he would miss teaching Arkay’s mysterious ways to the tavern patrons, and trying to fish in Lake Geir. He may even miss his night time outings to the barrow, in search of the ghost that had attacked him on his first visit, two months ago. He continued to walk, at a leisurely pace, he was in no hurry to be anywhere, he may not reach Riften today but he could find a spot to camp, and he had plenty of food for a decent meal.

As he walked, a man stepped out of the brush in front of him, in a full suit of iron armour, with a fearsome looking axe in his hand, a shield in the other. He growled. Another man, and a woman stepped out of the trees behind him, armed with similar weapons. “We’re here to teach you a lesson” snarled the first man. The Redguard drew his sword and raised his shield, deflecting the savage blow delivered by the man in front, barely. He smashed his shield forward and drove the man back, turning just in time to deliver a powerful strike onto the shield of the woman. He dodged left avoiding his third assailant’s attack, who charged past him. His adrenaline kicked in, and he suddenly had the strength to block attacks, strike hard and run out of the way of his enemies’ charges. He was battered and bloody after a few minutes, however. He was not a fighter, and his enemies were savage and tough.

So he fled, running through the trees and leaping over a rock, landing hard and falling. By the time he rose and ran again, the thugs were hot on his heels. He wasn’t running aimlessly, though. He ran into a clearing near a small cave, and out of the blackness heaved a great sow .He didn’t stop running, but leapt up above the cave and onto the rocks. I The thugs reached the clearing, and seeing their prey, and what was between them, tried to turn tail and live another day. But the sow was faster, and chased them down, dispatching the first one quickly, raking her claws across his armour, tearing it and mutilating his flesh beneath. The other two turned and tried to fight; the sow stood on her hind legs and slashed at the man. The Redguard couldn’t bear to look from his sanctuary, he turned away and there was a scream, followed by an animalistic choking sound. When the Redguard looked again, the woman was limping towards him, her axe bloody, a deep wound on her side. She coughed and vomited blood. The sow was dead. The Redguard dropped from the rocks and faced her. She collapsed. He recited the proper rituals, and ended her suffering with a single thrust.

Searching their bodies, he found their money, and on the woman, a note. It read:

Here is the agreed upon amount. I trust you to faithfully carry out my request to teach a lesson to the thief Ranno. You need not kill him, but I have no qualms about it if you deem it necessary.

Wilhelm of Ivarstead , keeper of the Vilmyr Inn

That was his name on the paper, Ranno. These thugs weren’t bandits, they were after him! On the orders of Wilhem! The Innkeeper! Accusing him of theft, he must have noticed the coins that Ranno had taken, but only so he could get by, his lessons on Arkay were not free! This had to end either way, and he would end it before it got worse.

Ranno strode into the Vilmyr Inn, having walked back along the road where he had been attacked. He walked up to the counter, battered and bloody. Wilhelm gasped with shock, surely this man was dead! Ranno slapped the contact upon the counter and looked Wilhelm in the eye. Then he lashed out with all his strength, smashing his fist into Wilhelm’s nose, staggering him and sending his flying away from the counter. Ranno jumped over the bar and continued hitting the elderly man, who was bleeding everywhere. Ranno relented for a moment, and prepared to curse, when Wilhelm pulled a dagger and thrust at the Redguard’s throat. He slapped it aside and hit the man with all he had, smashing Wilhelm to the ground. The patrons stood, shocked. Ranno suddenly felt a pain in his back, fell forward and cried. He placed his hand over the pain. It came away bloody, but the knife hadn’t gone through his armour, a little leather piece.

He turned and looked, it was the lute player, Lynly. He advanced on her, angry, but he felt a something cold against the back of his neck. He turned to find a guard, blade drawn. “You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?” asked the guard
“Look at this” he showed the contract to the guard “He tried to have me killed!”
“Mister Wilhelm here is a respected member of the community, and this here note also accuses you of theft, how about we allow the folk in Riften decide, no? A patrol will be here soon, and you’ll go with them. In the meantime, come with me”. Ranno reluctantly complied, he wasn’t going for a trial, he was under arrest.

Introducing Ranno, a Redguard worshipper of Arkay, who has a few problems with money and people. I may put up a few more of his tales, this was one of his more violent moments, he doesn't fight much, because he's Dead is Dead, a full roleplay and playing on expert. Stay tuned I guess?

*Insert witty signature here*

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:02 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Excellent stories guys and i am looking forward to seeing more from you! :mrgreen:

CBR, I liked how Ulfric and Jennifere's son finally returned just to be at his father's beside.

Archer, that's an excellent picture and is Selene wearing jeans? Just curious.

Dohva, Onmund is a very caring person and i liked how he decided to make her go to Bleak Falls Barrow.

Khali, I love the first person style you have chosen and look forward to more stories.

Emzi, That was an excellent story and i liked how you described the battle.

I know i said i wouldn't write any more tales due to me working on a RP but i've not been working on it so here is the return of Aejiri.

A Dragon's Surprise

Aejiri had just recently retired from the role of the Archmage of the College of Winterhold.

She felt she wasn't good enough and had worked with Tolfdir to select a new one.

She had spent the past few months exploring ruins, selling goods. Both goods that she had crafted herself and purchase crafting materials. And killing the odd hostile dragon. It had been 4 months since Alduin had fallen to her. 3 months since Miraak was prevented from returing. She had adopted Luica of Whiterun, Alesan of Dawnstar and Sofie of Windhelm.

She also possessed a house in every city and had achieved something almost unheard of.

Thanedom of every hold.

Aejiri woke up and saw the smiling faces of her adopted children. "Happy birthday!" They said in unison and hugged their adoptive mother. "Thank you children." She said as she gave them a kiss on the forehead. In a motherly manner.

"Let's make you breakfast." She told the children. "We've taken care of it." Alesan told the dragon born. Well, the merchant turned dragonborn turned archmage turned merchant and traveller and mother. Oh and if one were to brag about it, Thane of Skyrim. More or less.

"Did you now?" Aejiri said in a curious manner whilst lucia and Sofie went to retrieve the breakfast from the table downstairs. They returned with 4 bowls of mudcrab soup. "Thank you, Alesan." Aejiri said as she accepted her breakfast.

Alesan used to cook for the miners of Dawnstar.

"Mum, i made this for you." Sofie told her mother and presented Aejiri a circlet made out of flowers. "It's beautiful!" Aejiri told her in a loving tone and put it on her head. "I didn't get you anything." Lucia mumbled and looked at the ground.

"Lucia, it doesn't matter. Just knowing that you are all happy and safe is the perfect gift for me." Aejiri told her daughter.

After breakfast, Aejiri and her family spent the entire morning together.

Lydia had taken a week off. She had informed the Jarl that she had a personal matter to attend to and Balgruuf, being the fair Jarl that he is, allowed her to take leave.

"Then I tickled all of the children!" Aejiri said and began to tickle the children. Meeko was lying on the floor and observing the goings on.

He was fairly young and got a lot of excerise. And the children always played with him.

Someone knocked at the door. "Just a second!" Aejiri said as she stopped tickling Lucia. She walked towards the door but Alesan and Sofie had beaten to her and opened it. "Afternoon Quintus and Lydia." They said together in unison.

"Quinnie!" Aejiri exclaimed in surprise and hugged him. "Happy birthday my love." He said to her as he hugged the woman back. He entered the house and got down on one knee. Aejiri wondered what he was doing and discovered the answer in the next few minutes.

"Aejiri, you're a lovely woman. Every day I wake up, I always think of you. You're caring, brave and always do what is right. Aejiri, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He asked her as he got out an amulet of Mara. Aejiri fainted.

A few hours later, she woke up and saw her beloved Quintus at her side. "Yes." She replied to the imperial.

He was wearing a very fine outfit.

"Are you okay?" He asked her and didn't realise that she had just accepted his preposal. "Of course I am. You just took me by surprise and the answer's yes." She told him. Quintus hugged her and said "Thank you Jir."

Jir was a nickname he had came up with.

"So this is why you had to leave." Aejiri said to Lydia a few minutes later. "Nope. I had other things to attend to. But he wanted to be escorted to here, so i did." the nord informed her Thane. "Balgruuf is holding a feast in your honour." She informed Aejiri.

An hour later, Aejiri, Quintus and Lydia in Dragonsreach. Her children were at her side and everyone was in their finest clothes.

The feast was large and consisted of every food imaginable.

Aejiri was presented with many gifts from the people of Skyrim. From necklaces to books.

"Maven apologises for being unable to give you this in person." Lydia said as she put a crate full of BlackBriar wine.

"More like doesn't care and trying to bribe me." Aejiri muttered under her breath. "It's wonderful!" She told Lydia.

After more feasting, the companions entered the keep and formed a line. Eorlund Graymane walked towards her and presented her with a fine sword.

"Happy birthday dragonborn. This sword is made from the finest steel and crafted in the Skyforge. The gems are imported from Cyrodiil and it was an honour crafting it for you." He told her. Aejiri accepted the sword and got up.

"Everyone, I am honoured by this feast and your gifts. I... I don't know what to say. But I would like to make an annoucement." Aejiri told everyone.

They were all focusing on her due to her being the guest of honour.

"Me and Quintus are engaged!" She informed the people and was met with thunderous applause.

Everyone started to return home around 1 in the morning. Quintus and Aejiri retired to Breezehome and had entered the bedroom. They were both drunk.

"Aejiri i love!" Quintus said to his dragonborn lover in a drunk tone. "I does too. She told him as she leant forward and kiss him. She felt his hands wrapping around her sides and said "lets give you a gift." in a drunk tone and the pair shared a very late night of passion.

They both woke up with hangovers from Oblivion. Almost all of Whiterun had hangovers.

It is the land of the nords after all. The champions of meaddrinking.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:24 pm 
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Thanks everyone. Yeah, it was actually this mod.

Here's another one of her in the day time, though its a previous incarnation and I'm not really sure if the quality is all that better.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:29 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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It fits TES. Archer. It was a bit hard to see the trousers due to it being night and i just mistook them as jeans. Although it seems to make a female dovahkiin's buttocks seem very noticable nd very nice.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:17 pm 
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That fight was difficult, on expert difficulty, nothing but a steel sword and leather armour. I felt great when I lead them to a bear. I did the same with some thalmor and a spriggan

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 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:24 pm 
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GRR I had a whole thing typed up and hit some key and it all disappeared! Ah, over again. :(

Thelastdovah wrote:
It is the land of the nords after all. The champions of meaddrinking.[/hide]

I found this hilarious. That was a really cute story! I enjoyed seeing a mature side of Aejiri as a mother and how she got engaged to Quintus. It will be interesting to see how she balances being a wife, mother, and Dovahkiin. Plus her skooma habit. I also liked how she didn't take on the role of Archmage. It shows some thinking into her personality and what she can handle as an individual, nice roleplay.

Emzi: Welcome to the thread! What was your Redguard's name? I liked the action in your story and you kept me focused on it and never let go. Its so unfair he got arrested at the end! But I suppose that's what happens when you go after the dirty ones with name and money. ;)

SM Dreamer: I like your writing. It has potential. The only reason why I'm saying this is because I know you can handle it and want to advance in your writing: the present tense isn't working for me. The structure of your story is well done and I know you're just playing around with present tense (which is good so you can feel out what works for you as a writer). But too many things are being thrown at me and I don't have time to digest the story. I can't get a view of the exterior world or her connection to it. I'm barely able to understand what she's thinking, the pace is too fast in that tense. However, the part I liked best was that of her fighting the wolves. It was nice to see her relieved that the one ran off. And also I could see her struggles to stay alive. I just want to know what she's thinking. I want to see and FEEL her connection to the world around her...and the people around her. Your stories have a chance of being potent and that's why I'm giving you these suggestions, not criticism. :)


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:29 pm 
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Ranno is his name, he's a cleric of Arkay. Eventually he's going to join the dawnguard, and become the apprentice of Florentius. He always wears an amulet of arkay and has a dagger, since the priestess in Riften says all priest have one, with a turn undead enchantment.

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 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:58 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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I knew you'll like it, Dohva. She gave it up as she simply did not want to run the COW. And felt she didn't deserve the role. Quintus has yet to find out about her skooma habit. Even her children haven't found her supply of skooma and i think he would not approve when he finds out. Lydia spent the entire week getting the gifts from the jarls and Aejiri's friends. Was originally going to have the pair start touching each other near the pool near dragonsreach's stairs and fall into the water due to how drunk they were. But they deserved to get home without any incidents. And nords are nords. ;)

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:02 pm 
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I'm considering starting a thread in the Arts section where people can have their work critiqued. I'm posting about this here to let those of you know who want participate. There would be rules, of course. And we csn use this thread for fun.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:39 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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The Hangover

Aejiri woke up to her Imperial lover. She rested her head on his chest and unlike some women, she cared very little for the fact that he wasn't a mighty warrior. "Morning." She said to Quintus. "Morning Aejiri." Quintus replied. "Not so loud." Aejiri groaned to the fair skinned imperial. "urgh." Quintus groaned in reply.

He wasn't offended. It was just that to both of them, everything sounded like a dragon's roar. Up close. And louder then Dagon throwing a hissy fit.

Why did I do this? Aejiri thought to herself as she continued to rest her head on Quintus's chest. "Can we rest all day?" She whispered to him and gazed into his blue eyes. Quintus nodded and wrapped his arm around her bare shoulders.

I am so lucky to have him. Talos save me, I need to [&@%!]. Aejiri thought to herself and hated her body. "Could you carry me to the bucket?" She quietly asked him. "No." He replied as he rubbed his forehead. "But I can bring it closer to you if you want." He whispered back. "No need. I'll use the bed instead." She replied.

"But it's right over there." Quintus said as he pointed to a small wooden bucket. "Nah, the straw needs chucking away today so i may as well do it here." She told him as she drew circles into his chest with her finger.

"I'll go make us some breakfast." Quintus told her as he gently stroked her right cheek. "You look even more beautiful in the morning." He complimented her and gave her a kiss on the lips. I am so lucky to have him. Right time to tend to my needs.

Quintus got up and brushed stray pieces of straw from his body before putting on his fine brown trousers. "Do you have any eggs?" He asked her as he let out a yawn. "I think I do. But would you mind checking on the children?" She inquired as she pulled the soft cow hide over her womanly features. Why am I doing this? He's seen me naked before. And i don't care what the others think, he is very handsome. She thought to herself as she watched her soon to be husband leave the room before tending to the morning bussiness.

An hour later, she came down stairs wearing just her green tunic and saw that Quintus dishing up breakfast.

From sliced bread with honey spread ontop of them to eggs with herbs in. The meal looked very appealing and her beloved daughters. And son. Were sitting at the dining table.

The table was at the back of the room and was made out wood. Aejiri had painted it blue a few weeks ago and often had a flower in a silver vase adjorning it.

"Morning mum." the children said to their adoptive mother. "Morning." She replied as she sat down and rested her head on the table. "If I ever get that drunk again, feed me to a dragon." She uttered to herself.

"Eggs my dear?" Quintus offered her. "Yes but please whisper." She told the entire room before realising that Quintus's hangover had disappear. "Where's your hangover?" She inquired as she accepted the plate of eggs with toasted bread and a dash of sliced toasted apple. "Used a potion to deal with it. But i'm afraid, Jir." He said as he put put down a plate full of bacon in the middle of the table.

"It was my last one." He informed her as he sat down. "Enjoy!" he told the children and petted Meeko.

After the delicious breakfast, Aejiri sat down in front of the fire pit in the fine wooden chair with a pelt of a bear on it. She got out a random book and started reading it. A few minutes later, a knock occured on the door. Followed by another one.

"Great, just great. Just what I need. Of course, this what happens when we drink. Oh shut up." She told herself as she got up and went to open it.

A young Bosmer dressed in a white tunic and green shorts was waiting outside the door. "Package for you." He said as he handed her a small package and departed without saying a word to her. She retreated to the chair.

"I'm just taking the children out on a walk. Want to come?" Quintus asked her as he walked down the stairs.

He was now wearing his fine white shirt and fine black boots.

"No thanks. I'll just rest and take it easy for the rest of the day. But could you replace the straw in my bed?" She asked her lover. "Already done it." He informed he whilst travelling towards her location. I could get used to this She mused to herself. "Mara truely has smiled on me." She said and kissed the imperial on the cheek. "Have fun!" She told the children and Quintus.

After they left, she unwrapped the package and discovered it was a small silver ring with a diamond in it. And a note from the Jarl of Riften. Maven Blackbriar

"To Aejiri, I am sorry for being unable to present to you my gift in person. Running the hold requires me to be here. I forgot to give this to your housecarl. Yeah right, more like she cared less about it and just wants to soften me up." Aejiri said as she read the note aloud. "Hope you had a good birthday and when time permits, prehaps we could meet to discuss the possibility of you working for me. Does she think I'm an idiot? I'll work for her and she'll give me 1% instead of %10. Shame she has no Dark Brotherhood to send after me." She said aloud before giggling at her own joke for a few seconds before getting up to use the nearest bucket.

Hope you all enjoy it.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:47 am 
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That was cute! Except for the fact Aejiri was real sick. :( I like the relationship between her and Quintus, its very sweet. Its different seeing her as a family woman, I like it.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:29 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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She wasn't sick, Dohva. Just suffered from a major hangover. She consumed a lot of mead the night before and she's a lightwieght thus having one from hell. But i'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:30 pm 
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By sick I meant hangover. :) But the story before this one was of her birthday party, so the sequel makes sense.


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:55 pm 
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The Afternoon.
Aejiri stared at the ring that had been given to her by Jarl Maven BlackBriar. "She has to do better then this if she expects me to fall to her bribes. Well, if i was the type to accept it. I know, hon but at least we can sell it. Sell it? Oblivion no. I have another use for it and sums up what i think of her as well. Good. wait, you're not going to do what I think you're going to do? [&@%!] on in? Yes. That's just petty and disgusting. Oh shut up." The black haired nord told herself as she stared at the silver ring.

Half an hour later, after much internal debate with what to do with the ring, she chucked it into the fire pit and spat on it. "It's people like her that makes me sick." She uttered in disgust. "If you want to try and make a deal, do so. Don't try to bribe me or threaten me or pretend to like me." She remarked as she went to fetch a goblet of water. But decided to try something to try and deal with the hangover.

"Quintus, you're a good man but i don't know if i can tell you about this. Besides, it's harmless apart from when we end up in the water in the northern parts of skyrim. Oh and wake up to dead sabers. True. But they could return at any moment. I know and we can think about it whilst taking a [&@%!]. Gods, why does he love me? I mean, I must seem like a crazy person." Aejiri said to herself. "But sod it, it's been months since i've had it and i want it. Okay but don't be surprised if they catch you. They won." She reassured herself.

She moved a small wooden crate from under the stairs and dumped it next to the table. She got onto all fours and removed a floorboard to recieve one of her skooma bottles. She recovered the hiding spot with the crate and smiled as she stared at this.

"Don't pretend to be a fish. Or anything that lives in water." She ordered herself as she uncorked it and down the sweet contents in one gulp. She felt very active and felt like she could run the entire length of Tamriel.

"Skooma, have i've miss thou." She told the bottle as she jogged up and down the room. "Not enough room." She said and left Breezehome.

She ran around Whiterun and jumped from buildings. She skipped through gardens and must have seemed very odd to the people of Whiterun.

"Isn't that the dragonborn?" A guard asked his fellow co-worker. "No. As she doesn't do that. Must be her twin." The co-worker replied. "Probably. Say, isn't it your wife's birthday today?" The guard asked the co-worker. "No, it's... oh [&@%!]! it is!"

Aejiri spent hours running around whiterun before evening feeling a bit tired. She stopped at the top of the stairs that lead to Dragonsreach and stared into the fairly deep pool of water that tended to the thirst of the citizens. "Go on, Jump. You've do...da...di? What's th-that word? Er... well, i know what i means." She spoke to herself and dove straight into the pool.

She felt the cool waters embracing her entire body and her tunic. She allowed herself to float on her back and said "So beautiful. I may just re..." She said before feeling a sharp pain in her stomach. "Get out!" She told herself as she swam towards the steps of the pool and tripped up them.

She let out a small groan of pain as she bashed her chin on the hard concrete steps and crawled out of it. "Not...doing er... what?" She asked herself before remembering why she was getting out of it. She clutched her stomach as she sat down to let her body do what it needed to do.

"That... ew!" She remarked afterwards as she got up. "My tunic! My beautiful tunic!" She exclaimed after noticing the stained hem on it. "You have broken the laws of Whiterun. Pay the fine or spend a night in the dungeon." A guard told her. "And clean yourself up." He added as he tried to avoid getting near the foul smelling nord. "I'm a... a... er.... FUS!" Aejiri told the guard and attempted to use the Thu'um to get of the situation. But in her high state, she would be lucky to knock over a skeever. Let alone a guard. "You're under arrest in the name of the Jarl for assault and defecating near our only source of water." He told the high nord.

"No!" Aejiri exclaimed and backed away from the guard. "I'm the born!" She told him. "I don't care. Come peacefully. Or I will use force." the guard warned her. "Aejiri?" A familiar voice asked in a shocked tone. "N-no!" She uttered in a terrorfied tone and knew that Quintus had just seen her assault a guard. She knew she would have to tell him the truth but would spend a night or two in the dungeons of Dragonsreach.

For Skooma even brings down the strongests of the dragons.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:07 pm 
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I decided to add Arathir to the thread for updates whenever I feel like it, though it won't be in the same vein as Arcturus with screenshots and all (well... maybe a few). Just regular in character journal updates.

So, brace for rusty writing skills.

The Journal of Arathir, Minstrel
Entry 1: Introduction

I find myself wondering why I let J'zargo talk me into committing to writing a journal. I imagine there's money to be had selling the Dragonborn's memoirs, especially if you were his right hand man. But I know he'll never let me hear the end of it if I refuse, so I'll go ahead and begin with writing about all of us; 'us' being myself and my companions who are the reason I'm still alive to write this damnable thing.

If there's one thing I can brag about, it's that the story of my life definitely isn't boring. To begin, I was the middle child of a wealthy Daggerfall noble. As a typical Breton noble my father was snobbish, uptight, and much too concerned for social status for his own good. Naturally, though my siblings flourished under his relative lack of attention, I merely took my lessons in reading and writing and music, and as soon as I was able to carry a tune on a lute, I began stealing away to dockside taverns to hear the tales of pirates and adventurers, who had become my idols through the books that I had read.

As fate would have it, my father would eventually discover my traipsing about with the 'commoners' and gave me a warning. Naturally I disregarded the warning and continued my outings over the years until my father had finally had enough and completely disowned me. This was of little consequence once I became part of a crew on a pirate vessel, and several years and a good amount of illicit activities later, I was a well known pirate lord in the waters of Daggerfall. One ambush, betrayal and burning ship later and I was out of a job. With my entire livelihood ruined, I decided to head to Skyrim to escape my pursuers and perhaps begin again. Once there I was captured at the border and sent to Helgen. The rest, well, I'm sure you know from the tales.

J'zargo is, without a doubt, my closest friend. I would have never thought that the young khajiit I had saved from bandits would become one of the most powerful mages on the face of Tamriel, let alone slayer of dozens of dragons and other creatures. Were it not for the exclusivity of the Dragonborn powers, I daresay J'zargo could handle this entire quest on his own. Ever bright, ever cunning and ever witty, J'zargo has served well as a companion and is irreplaceable as a friend. If I have my way, the bards will sing tales of him as well.

Erik 'the Slayer' of Rorikstead is another long time companion, who has been with me nearly as long as J'zargo. Formerly a farmer from Rorikstead, Erik turned mercenary after I convinced his father to let him follow his dreams (I sympathized for the boy, what can I say?), and since then he has been an unmovable shield that has turned aside many arrows and blades meant for myself and the others. He is a fearsome warrior in his own right, and I know now to never doubt the potential of an untrained man ever again. He has earned his self-given title.

Of course, No'nara would have my head if I were to not mention her. No'nara is an Ohmes Khajiit, a thief who found herself in Riften after some high adventure. She was quick to lend her blades and skills as a rogue to my cause when asked, and since then she has become an irreplaceable part of my life; she is my wife, after all. I have made winks at many a lass in my time, but none come close to the charm and grace of No'nara that captivates me so. Not to mention she can gut a troll with two daggers in the blink of an eye.

Of my two 'war buddies', as they're known, Ralof was the first. He was the one to help me escape from sure death at Helgen, and then was at my side during many battles as I assisted the Stormcloaks in pushing out the Empire. After Solitude was taken, Ralof returned to Riverwood, his home, where I met him again. He offered his blade in my service and I was glad to have him along; a soldier should see more than just the horror of war, I feel. Though his mind wanders back to the battles of the civil war from time to time, his blade is never slow to find its home in a draugr's chest.

Peart Rho is a Nord veteran of many battles, and probably the most combat-able of all of us. An Imperial Legion veteran and then Stormcloak Hero, Peart brings down his battleaxe with the fury of an angry God. Since the occupation of Solitude, he has grown more solemn, his rage over the deaths of his family by Thalmor hands subsiding now that the Imperial forces had been soundly defeated. Though he is currently taking a break from adventuring with me and serving as steward of my home, he has spoken of taking to High Hrothgar and training in the way of the voice to become one of the Greybeards, whom which he had spoken to during our journeys. Should he pursue this path I would hold nothing but the highest respect for his choice.

Others have lent their aid to us in times of need; Cosnach of Markarth, who fell in battle defending his home city when an ancient dragon attacked; Ghorbash the Iron Hand, who is currently serving as bodyguard to my two adopted children along with Peart at my estate in Falkreath; and Erandur, priest of Mara and friend who currently lives in Riften serving as a priest though always ready to answer the call of adventure.

My adventures have been many and they are only just beginning; my current task lies in answering the call I have received to investigate this group known as the 'Dawnguard', apparently an old vampire hunting faction that is reforming. I see opportunity for adventure and the chance to do good by slaying the creatures of the night; we shall see how we fare.

For now I shall content myself with this small entry. Perhaps I shall write more (no doubt due to J'zargo's pestering), or perhaps this journal will find a home lost in my seemingly bottomless pack. Time will tell.



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