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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:43 am 

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I don't think Motierre will be able to become Emperor. Titus probably has an heir. However, Motierre may engage in a power struggle, but we don't know what his exact plans are.

So long as he remains influential in Cyrodiil, he will be a useful ally.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:04 am 

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Knows-Many-Secrets killed Motierre. Brutally. And ripped his soul from his body to be used in his devlish experiments.

Now, he wasn't GOING to kill Motierre. He agreed to it to the Emperor, but it was meant as a lie to make the emperor's passing less... Demeaning. Granted that failed. Did you know the emperor turns hostile if you hit him with a soul trap spell? Because I sure didn't. Still, it made the kill more satisfying to see him run into his bedchamber and grab a decorative sword. Such a feeble attempt to defend himself... I suppose he was prepared to go the Aetherius, but not for the Soul Cairne.

But I digress. The moment Motierre made it plain he had no desire to work with the Brotherhood in the future (He says what amounts to him wanting to wash his hands of this business) Secrets realized he was more a liability than an asset. Can't have such a powerful man decide to get rid of the only witnesses to the murder, now can we? At least not with the Brotherhood already so fractured and weakened. Just can't take that risk like we could in the good ol' days.

As for the survey. Answering as my character in quotations and myself below.

1. What made you want to become an assassin for Sithis?
"I was born into the job. Trained from birth as it were."

Ahhh... Back in Oblivion I got an invitation for murdering the Arena Grand Champion. I found Lucien... Enthralling... So I decided to join. The NPCs were by far the best characters I had met in the game. Very likable. And the missions were to DIE for! (Badum tish) After learning more of the lore I came to realize the Brotherhood fitted perfectly for an argonian player like myself, and it's been a staple of nearly all my primary characters ever since.

2. Who is your favourite Skyrim sanctuary assassin?
"I was quite fond of Festus Krex... The old man had a certain flare for the arcane that was admirable. And we shared a love of fireballs from the dark corner of rooms."

LOVED Festus Krex. I wasn't expecting to find an assassin NPC that killed with fireballs. He kind of inspired me to make Secrets a full mage with sneak rather than the axe wielding illusionist he was prior. I also really enjoyed Babette and Arnbjorn. Babette just has a certain charm to her. Arnjorn had some of the funniest dialogue, especially if you're also a werewolf.

3. What do you make of Astrid?
"Hisss... Don't mention such a name. The woman betrayed me, betrayed her family, in a petty, naive attempt to keep power for herself. She acted not for the Brotherhood, but for herself. Turned her back on the Night Mother! Hers was a soul I did not take for myself. No torture I could devise could ever compare to what Sithis has in store for her..."

Seriously? She can go jump off High Hrothgar. She sold me out and got the entire chapter killed. The LAST chapter. So she can stay the boss. After I had tried to reassure her that I wasn't trying to take the job for myself. I liked her as a character before that. She was quite seductive and alluring, as befitting of an assassin recruiter. But after completing the quest... Arnbjorn could've done better.

4. What are your feeelings toward Cicero?
"A delightfully mad man. Devoted as well. Loyalty is such a hard commodity to come by these days."

Love the character. His voice does grate on me after a while though, which is why I don't travel with him. Well... That and the fact I'm a destruction mage and he has no fire resistance on those jester clothes of his.

5. Do you hate the Penitus Oculatus?
"I admit to having some... Aggressive compulsions toward them. But they were doing their duty. Their job. Just as I do every day when killing those close to others. I'd be a hypocrite to murder the family of others yet become enraged when my own family dies. That said, I do have Commander Maro's soul sitting in my pocket..."

Can't hate them for doing their job. Plus the Brotherhood would be a bit bland if there was no opposing force. We're illegal assassins. I'd be insulted if there WASN'T an organization trying to hunt us down.

6. Is there anything special you do when playing a Dark Brotherhood character (roleplaying-wise)?
I always make certain to wear my Brotherhood robes when doing a mission. Sure, it has a quarter the stats as my normal attire. But it gives me a certain feel. Plus I mostly attack while invisibility anyway, so there's no IC reason for guards to stop me on the streets.

7. What is your favourite Dark Brotherhood related quote?
"No one expects a fireball from the dark corner of the room..."

"Hey, I don't like to tell stories, but Telaendril and me... you know. Don't believe me? I've got her undergarments to prove it! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Pretty much everything Lucien Lachance has ever said.

8. What do you think would make a stronger Broherhood?
"More skilled wizards. Magic is the root of true power. Without it we are severely underarmed in case of further attacks on our sanctuaries. Speaking of that... We could do with... How should I say this... HIDING OUR DOORS."

Seriously. In Oblivion you'd almost never come across the Black Door without looking for it specifically. In Skyrim? You can see Falkreath's from the road. And the one in Dawnstar is in plain sight in what looks to be a decent fishing spot.

I also don't see why, in a world where mesmerizing spells and mind control exists, there isn't a better way of finding out who is a betrayer to the Brotherhood than slaughtering an entire chapter just in case... Which STILL DID NOT WORK. Of course the fact the Night Mother herself apparently wanted that to happen I suppose means it was out of our hands.

A more efficient relationship with the Night Mother may also be useful. She's an omniscient spirit being. Surely she'd be an effective early warning system for danger.

9. Have you ever destroyed the Dark Brotherhood?
I have not. My non-brotherhood assassins find it too fun fending off the occasional assassination. Just adds a neat dynamic to the world.

Also. Where are all those assassins coming from!? There were only a handful in the sanctuary!

10. What did you do with the money you earned from the last main assssination? Did you lie to Nazzir?
"I used it to rebuild the Brotherhood sanctuary of course. We must strengthen ourselves first if we are ever to reclaim our former glory."

Plus I was curious what the torture chamber was like. Little disappointed.

 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:06 am 

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Knows-Many-Secrets wrote:
Knows-Many-Secrets killed Motierre. Brutally. And ripped his soul from his body to be used in his devlish experiments.

Now, he wasn't GOING to kill Motierre. He agreed to it to the Emperor, but it was meant as a lie to make the emperor's passing less... Demeaning. Granted that failed. Did you know the emperor turns hostile if you hit him with a soul trap spell? Because I sure didn't. Still, it made the kill more satisfying to see him run into his bedchamber and grab a decorative sword. Such a feeble attempt to defend himself... I suppose he was prepared to go the Aetherius, but not for the Soul Cairne.

But I digress. The moment Motierre made it plain he had no desire to work with the Brotherhood in the future (He says what amounts to him wanting to wash his hands of this business) Secrets realized he was more a liability than an asset. Can't have such a powerful man decide to get rid of the only witnesses to the murder, now can we? At least not with the Brotherhood already so fractured and weakened. Just can't take that risk like we could in the good ol' days.

You dare steal the souls that rightfully belong to Sithis!?

:lol: Just joking mate. Play the games however you want.

And may you walk always in the shadow of death.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:03 pm 
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I'm not sure if it says anything about Titus Mede having an heir. I think Motierre would have a good chance of being emperor, especially if he has alot of political pull. If Mede does have an heir or rivals fighting him for political power because he is an ally of the dark brotherhood, he could hire the dark brotherhood to just kill off the competition.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:35 am 

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bepeasej22 wrote:
I'm not sure if it says anything about Titus Mede having an heir. I think Motierre would have a good chance of being emperor, especially if he has alot of political pull. If Mede does have an heir or rivals fighting him for political power because he is an ally of the dark brotherhood, he could hire the dark brotherhood to just kill off the competition.

There is nothing stating it, but it can be reasonably assumed. Emperors, particularly at an age as late as Titus, generally have an heir (be it a son or some other relative/crony).

However, a power struggle is very possible, however, for the brotherhood to play an active role, it would need a secure and established sanctuary in Cyrodiil. And I don't feel the brotherhood would work for one party, in fact, it would more than likely work for every party.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:10 pm 
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So I guess either way, the dark brotherhood' s influence will increase and because of the power struggle they can use it to distract people long enough to rebuild a sanctuary in cyrodiil.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:52 pm 

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bepeasej22 wrote:
So I guess either way, the dark brotherhood' s influence will increase and because of the power struggle they can use it to distract people long enough to rebuild a sanctuary in cyrodiil.

Remember though, it wasn't the authorities in Cyrodiil that were the problem. It was the drug gangs and bandits. The Authorities would be required to try and help get them off the brotherhoods back, but it won't be easy.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:10 pm 
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Unless we infiltrate the legionnaires.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:07 pm 
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ZackyZombify wrote:
Unless we infiltrate the legionnaires.

Does the Dark Brotherhood really do infiltration?

On another note, I have a new topic for discussion. Based on the facts we already know (not personal opinion), Can the Dark Brotherhood really recover and rebuild or are they doomed to fail?


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:19 pm 
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Not really infiltration. But have guard members join the family. And yes, they will eventually. It's said multiple times in game that the DB will always be needed.

"Cat's out of the bag on that one; who puts cats in bags anyways? Cats hate bags."
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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:06 pm 
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i didn't mean they would disappear completely. I just meant by "doomed to fail" that they would end up like they did at the start of skyrim. Not saying i belive that, but i am just clarifying the question.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:29 pm 
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ZackyZombify wrote:
Not really infiltration. But have guard members join the family. And yes, they will eventually. It's said multiple times in game that the DB will always be needed.

Indeed, it was rumored that Count Andel Indarys was aware there was a Sanctuary in his city of Cheydinhal.

Baurus: Our job is to get the Emperor out of situations like this. Though I'll admit, things aren't going exactly to plan.

Casandra: At the moment, the deadliest weapon at my disposal is a goblin's head on a stick. I'd be worried if this was the plan.

 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:28 am 
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True, but it also said that his mouth was kept shut by death threats and large amounts of bribes.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:01 am 

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ZackyZombify wrote:
Not really infiltration. But have guard members join the family.

I'm not sure if having guards on side would help. Similarly, I don't think many guards would join the Brotherhood.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:35 am 
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True, but you never know.

"Cat's out of the bag on that one; who puts cats in bags anyways? Cats hate bags."
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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:24 am 
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You lay plain that neither of you are aware of my Dark Brotherhood character's roleplaying scheme. We infiltrate the Guard— not the other way 'round.

<--- see that smirk? That's the glancing blow a dozen investigators landed with making one single dent because they never knew whom to swing hard at.

Baurus: Our job is to get the Emperor out of situations like this. Though I'll admit, things aren't going exactly to plan.

Casandra: At the moment, the deadliest weapon at my disposal is a goblin's head on a stick. I'd be worried if this was the plan.

 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:02 am 

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Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:
ZackyZombify wrote:
Not really infiltration. But have guard members join the family.

I'm not sure if having guards on side would help. Similarly, I don't think many guards would join the Brotherhood.

"Psst. I know who you are. Hail Sithis!"

There seems to be a lot of guards who are in the Brotherhood's pocket in Skyrim. Which is fairly surprising considering how small it is. Not to mention everyone in Dawnstar are entirely aware of the Black Door. The guards even talk about people seeing me going to and from it. Yet not a soul seems brave enough to confront those they see about it. And there are the "Rumors about you and the Dark Brotherhood" the guards keep mentioning... It seems that people are pretty aware who I am. They just don't arrest me due to a combination of being paid off, fear, and having no evidence to back up the claim.

And yet Maven Black-Briar is still blissfully ignorant that the person she's threatening with the Black Sacrament is the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood... Foul smelling ape.

 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:34 pm 

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Dark Spark wrote:

You lay plain that neither of you are aware of my Dark Brotherhood character's roleplaying scheme. We infiltrate the Guard— not the other way 'round.

<--- see that smirk? That's the glancing blow a dozen investigators landed with making one single dent because they never knew whom to swing hard at.

I still fail to see how that will combat the Drug Wars. The Guard has proven either unable, or unwilling to combat them thus far.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:36 pm 

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Knows-Many-Secrets wrote:
Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:
ZackyZombify wrote:
Not really infiltration. But have guard members join the family.

I'm not sure if having guards on side would help. Similarly, I don't think many guards would join the Brotherhood.

"Psst. I know who you are. Hail Sithis!"

There seems to be a lot of guards who are in the Brotherhood's pocket in Skyrim. Which is fairly surprising considering how small it is. Not to mention everyone in Dawnstar are entirely aware of the Black Door. The guards even talk about people seeing me going to and from it. Yet not a soul seems brave enough to confront those they see about it. And there are the "Rumors about you and the Dark Brotherhood" the guards keep mentioning... It seems that people are pretty aware who I am. They just don't arrest me due to a combination of being paid off, fear, and having no evidence to back up the claim.

Remember Gameplay=/=Lore.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:44 pm 

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Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:

Remember Gameplay=/=Lore.

True. But we have to be able to trust some things said as facts right? And lets face it, the Black Door in Dawnstar is in a fantastically obvious location. It's a larger stretch of my suspension of disbelief that the town is completely unaware of the door's existence than it is to just assume the people avoid the door out of fear.

Also Astrid seemed to have a lot more contacts than you'd think from such a small group. She had informants all over Skyrim. It's how she knew about you taking out Gerold the Kind. It's the only way she could track down everyone who performed the Black Sacrament. Learning when the Emperor would be arriving. Learning about the Gourmet and his involvement with the Emperor's feast. Then once we become Listener we find guards that know who we are and worship Sithis. Yes it's game mechanics that it's randomly selected dialogue that makes it seem that EVERY guard is in the Brotherhood's pocket. But I see no reason to assume that none of them at all are.

Plus it's not like the idea of corrupt guards is entirely unheard of in Elder Scrolls history.

 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:49 pm 
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astrid mentions how members of the thieves guild can pay off guards to look the other way or bribe them to get rid of bounties. so i would assume that if the thieves guild is able to bribe guards, so wouldn't the dark brotherhood or the DB could have the thieves guild bribe the guards for them.


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:05 pm 
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If you're a good assassin, guards won't even notice you :p

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:40 am 
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I think the Dark Brotherhood is in a way a combination of the Companions and the Thieves Guild. Both have their individual skill sets and i think they reflect in the DB.

I have a new question. I know it says Matthieu Bellamont was the cause for the "downfall" of the dark brotherhood, but do you think that was the only reason for the dark brotherhood's fall or do you think there are other reasons as well?


 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:51 am 
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I don't think they fell because of that. It seems they grew back into strength but were wiped out during the war.

"Cat's out of the bag on that one; who puts cats in bags anyways? Cats hate bags."
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 Post subject: Re: Dark Brotherhood (Club/Faction)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:43 am 

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Knows-Many-Secrets wrote:
Right-Hand-Of-Sithis wrote:

Remember Gameplay=/=Lore.

True. But we have to be able to trust some things said as facts right? And lets face it, the Black Door in Dawnstar is in a fantastically obvious location. It's a larger stretch of my suspension of disbelief that the town is completely unaware of the door's existence than it is to just assume the people avoid the door out of fear.

Quotes from generic characters (such as guards), should be taken with a grain of salt. Some guards (mainly in Riften, Falkreath or Dawnstar) may somehow be Sithis worshipers, but the vast majority probably aren't.

the location of the Dawnstar sanctuary, i admit, is probably well known to the population of Dawnstar. However, they may not know that it is a DB sanctuary. The comments from the Inn keeper sound like they're very superstitious, and a Satanic, speaking door is something they would generally fear, and not look into.

Resident Marxist of the UESP

The Void and the Webspinner: The Shrouded War. A mod aiming to expand on Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline.


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