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Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:18 pm

Hammerfell borders High Rock and Cyrodiil. Theoretically, those areas would appear to be plains. However, because western Cyrodiil resembles Spain and Italy, I assume that Hammerfell is similar, thus, it should appear to be like Tuscany, few trees, and large plains/farms. Maybe some vineyards. Bretons resemble the French, so I expect that parts of High Rock resemble France. Assuming that true, Hammerfell would resemble Spain and Italy a lot. Probably leaning towards Spain however, as Hammerfell contains deserts.

Do you believe my theory to be correct, or way too radical to be true?

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:42 pm

Yea, but with big booty Imperial tourist girls roaming the streets.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:09 pm

Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable conclusion.

HatofMadness wrote:Yea, but with big booty Imperial tourist girls roaming the streets.

He's got the right idea too.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:20 pm

Mix of Southern Spain in summer and Morocco, but mostly the latter.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:43 pm

I think a mis between spain an north africa in general not one specific country i guess

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:08 pm

Guessing that because the Redguards resemble Arabs/Caribbeans, I assume the buildings look Spanish in the outer areas, which I might add, look a lot like Italian buildings. Except for the Moorish architecture, but Sicily has some Moorish buildings too.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:13 pm

You guys do remember that we actually went to Hammerfell before, multiple times, right? We already know what it looks like. It's a few bays on the edge of a giant desert. It's not plains well not most of it anyway. Plus, it's described in many in game books. Look on the lore page on the wiki. Hammerfell. Most of the buildings and culture are more arabic than spanish. Tamriel isn't a Europesque setting everywhere. Some places also look like Anvil.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:02 pm

The interior of Hammerfell is a giant desert , but the border region would resemble Cyrodill for a while, and the Stros M'Kai region might be like Mediterranean North Africa

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:57 am

My impression of Hammerfell was that it is pretty much Morocco, which, of course, isn't all just desert as some people would think. The coastal parts and the regions close to Cyrodill would resemble, well, coastal Morocco, which can be reasonably temperate and similar in climate to other stereotypical Mediterranean regions such as parts of Spain and Italy. The desert part of Hammerfell is, well, probably resembling that of the desert of Morocco.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:00 am

cybrxkhan wrote:My impression of Hammerfell was that it is pretty much Morocco, which, of course, isn't all just desert as some people would think. The coastal parts and the regions close to Cyrodill would resemble, well, coastal Morocco, which can be reasonably temperate and similar in climate to other stereotypical Mediterranean regions such as parts of Spain and Italy. The desert part of Hammerfell is, well, probably resembling that of the desert of Morocco.

Hammerfell is mostly desert though, only the very edges near the coast are actually even survivable for most. It's not exactly the same or even pretty much the same.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:30 am

Br3admax wrote:
cybrxkhan wrote:My impression of Hammerfell was that it is pretty much Morocco, which, of course, isn't all just desert as some people would think. The coastal parts and the regions close to Cyrodill would resemble, well, coastal Morocco, which can be reasonably temperate and similar in climate to other stereotypical Mediterranean regions such as parts of Spain and Italy. The desert part of Hammerfell is, well, probably resembling that of the desert of Morocco.

Hammerfell is mostly desert though, only the very edges near the coast are actually even survivable for most. It's not exactly the same or even pretty much the same.

Okay, maybe then North Africa as a whole is a fairer comparison as opposed to Morocco which is more temperate.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:49 pm

Hammerfell traditionally consisted of several distinct cultures, depending on whether one was in Forebear or Crown territory and what specific province within Hammerfell one was in.

This recent thread at BGSF offers some tantalizing design ideas.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:43 pm

Concerning North Africa: when the RAF flew fighter intruder missions against Axis forces in Libya during World War 2, the British flying out of Egypt painted their planes in desert camo, anticipating that would provide them some advantage. Not without crestfallen surprise, when they flew into Libya, the land was fertile green and their tan camo made the planes stand out like an egg in a coal bucket.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:49 pm

I always pictured it looking like Saudi Arabia.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:15 pm

There has to be a transition though, it can't just begin desert, just like how in Skyrim, Falkreath resembles northern Cyrodiil.

How do you spell 'screwiest' withiout setting off spellcheck

Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:10 am

Truth be told, northern Cyrodiil looks like Winterhold.

Goes to show that, despite what we hope, the folks at Bethesda are running most screwy picture I've ever been in.

Re: How do you spell 'screwiest' withiout setting off spellc

Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:00 am

Dark Spark wrote:Truth be told, northern Cyrodiil looks like Winterhold.

Goes to show that, despite what we hope, the folks at Bethesda are running most screwy picture I've ever been in.

I don't see the issue? Northern Cyrodiil is up in the mountains, so it's colder and snowier. Once you cross over the mountains into Falkreath hold it's still cold and snowy (just venture to the mountains on the very south of the Hold), once you get down from the mountains there isn't much snow anymore, the mountains probably act as a shield around Falkreath, and it is also on a much lower elevation than Bruma County so less snow.

I don't think the geography is at all screwy in this instance.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:08 am

Well, the city of Anvil in Oblivion is a good hint at what eastern Hammerfell probably looks like.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:54 am

Which in turn, looks like Spain. One could say it looks like Calabria/Sicily too.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:03 pm

I'm all for more Iberian aesthetic in ESO. Skyrim's Imperials looked a bit more olive-skinned than in past games, and that suits them. I really hope Bethesda decides to stick to established lore like PGE 1 and have Redguards from different parts of Hammerfell have distinct cultures and modes of dress. Some of them would dress more like the Moors, like the ones in Skyrim, and some would dress like Cyrus from Redguard, or even a Matador.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:09 pm

Well, I've looked and I guess that this is as close as we'll come. This is what it looks like in Arena.

It looks like Hammerfell starts when the deserts do.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:57 pm

Jeelius-Tei wrote:Which in turn, looks like Spain. One could say it looks like Calabria/Sicily too.

Dunno, it seemed kinda Caribbean to me (of course much of the Caribbean was settled by the Spaniards, and so would have the same kind of style)

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:24 pm

There's a much more recent Hammerfell map (at least the northern part) with the ES Anthology, although it's in the style of the Oblivion map so things like deserts aren't clearly defined.

Considering this map shows the Iliac Bay region I'm gonna say it's the Daggerfall map, but it's not the one that came with Daggerfall back in the day. Some of the locations have shifted or slightly changed names since the Redguard days, too.

Re: How do you spell 'screwiest' withiout setting off spellc

Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:45 pm

Dark Spark wrote:Truth be told, northern Cyrodiil looks like Winterhold.

So do a good chunk of Northern Italy and Northern Spain.

I figured Hamerfell's climate is pretty much the same as you'd see travelling from Andalusia down to the Draa valley in Southern Morocco, minus the big salty wet bit in between.

Re: Would Hammerfell look like Italy or Spain?

Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:11 pm

More like Egypt lol.
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