For those topics that just don't fit anywhere else
Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:53 pm
I don't remember any topic about this, so I will start one myself.
We all know that Nords go to Sovngarde after they die. People who worship a Daedric God, or people which are kind of allied with them, go to the plane of Oblivion of that Daedric god. And we know that high Dark Brotherhood members like Lucien Lachance go to the Void.
This is the topic to brainstorm about the afterlife in the Elder Scrolls. Are there more Afterlife worlds for the other races, except the Nord. If you know anything about this you can write that down here, and philosophize a bit about the afterlife in the Elder Scrolls Universe.
Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:28 pm
Spirit goes to Aetherius, the soul is cleansed and recycled to be used again in a place called the Dreamsleave, and the body is interred in the ground. Or burnt as is the fashion for dunmer. In short.
Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:38 pm
Some Dunmer return as guardians to the living, or tombs.
Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:32 am
it has been suggested that many races go to the plane of the deity (nine or daedric prince's) that they worshipped most
Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:10 am
CBR JGWRR wrote:Spirit goes to Aetherius, the soul is cleansed and recycled to be used again in a place called the Dreamsleave, and the body is interred in the ground. Or burnt as is the fashion for dunmer. In short.
As far as I know this is just a theory right? Any sources for proves?
Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:20 pm
We've seen many spirits held to their bargains and beliefs, though they don't always go to Aetherius. Nocturnal's Nightingales. The people in Sovngarde, in the Soul Cairn, etc. The Far Shores of the Redguards will apparently be making an appearance in ESO. We don't know all the specifics, but we have little reason to doubt the idea that several if not all cultures have discovered their own unique afterlife. And each of them are triumphs, as, if the origin myths are to be believed, the whole reason Mundus was created was because lesser spirits were being periodically slaughtered. Though some afterlives are worse than death and even some of the good ones have not been all they were cracked up to be, each of them represents a sort of salvation regardless. And this is likely why the plan was salvaged by the Ehlnofey. For all it's faults, Mundus was a success. Lesser spirits were put in a position to keep existing.