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My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:54 am

It occurred to me the other day that Nirn could hypothetically be an isolated planet in the Farscape universe that simply hasn't been discovered yet. If Aeryn Sun accidentally crash landed there, I think she'd make a great Dragonborn, or at least an amusing one. :mrgreen:

Are there any other scifi/fantasy universes that Nirn could coexist with? Have you ever roleplayed a character from one of them in an Elder Scrolls games?

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:24 pm

Middle Earth, considering the fair amount of LOTR Easter Eggs in the TES games.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:41 pm

I say.. mortal combat!
It can coexist >_<

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:59 pm

Raistlin Majere, from the Dragonlance series.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:45 pm

I've actually had Star Trek/Elder Scrolls crossover dreams before. I don't necessarily know how well those two universes would coexist, but it was amusing.

Although I do have one random fantasy in my head of where my character from my own Star Trek tale crashed a shuttle on Nirn and learned, a few hundred years later, that she was Dragonborn. I had figured that, after a few hundred years had passed, she would have adapted to life on Nirn... And since Starfleet had no idea where she was (and too much time had passed), she would have come to fit in. So long as she changed her appearance and got rid of her markings, she would pass for a rather odd looking Bosmer with blue eyes. *points at old drawing in avatar*

Not exactly cannon Star Trek, but she is my own character. I've actually used her name for a Nord character before (name is Jeila). I don't think I would actually roleplay her, though. She's a little too... High technology, I guess. And high maintenance. She had a habit of getting herself into the worst possible situations in the unfinished book I wrote.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:19 am

TES can exist in Star Trek and it still be considered canon, on the Holodeck!

Personally, I would have to say I could see it as a parallel world to Mage (either The Ascension or Awakening).

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:36 pm

AngryNord wrote:Middle Earth, considering the fair amount of LOTR Easter Eggs in the TES games.

And also Britannia, of course, from the Ultima/Ultima Underworld games (does anyonw still remember those?) - after all, back in the day Ultima Underworld was a direct inspiration for Arena..

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Wed May 01, 2013 1:39 pm

Nirn could also coexist with the Once Upon A Time universe due to all of the weird portal stuff.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Wed May 01, 2013 2:02 pm

Hrolf Alfblod wrote:Raistlin Majere, from the Dragonlance series.

I had this exact idea once and played a bit with a character based off of Raistlin. That was fun!

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Wed May 01, 2013 5:29 pm

Unionhack wrote:
Hrolf Alfblod wrote:Raistlin Majere, from the Dragonlance series.

I had this exact idea once and played a bit with a character based off of Raistlin. That was fun!

I agree, extremely fun. I never increased his health, as he should be squishy, but he ended up so powerful that it didn't matter.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Fri May 03, 2013 1:36 am

Your spaceship wouldn't be the first.

How do you think the gods arrived here? A taxi cab?

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Fri May 03, 2013 4:33 pm

Doctor Who.

Dragon breaks explained.
M'aiq the Liar explained.

Re: My Spaceship Crashed On Nirn

Sat May 04, 2013 4:13 pm

cypruss11 wrote:Doctor Who.

Dragon breaks explained.
M'aiq the Liar explained.

M'aiq the Liar as a Time Lord is my new head canon. :mrgreen:
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