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Fight Club: The Challenge!

Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:21 pm

This is more or less focused on skyrim, but to a lesser degree extend out to other games of the series. Personally I have begun to get bored of the game due to the lack of a good challenge, and what better than to test one's limit. I am calling out a challenge, be it for role-playing, skill, or honor. Find an opponent worthy to be slain, but do so by your own hands.
That's right, unarmed combat!
Spells, shouts, and weapons are forbidden, and only the weak call for help. You are allowed to wear armor as you please, but a true warrior would charge to battle with only the hair on their backs. If your armor is enchanted or any perks that may assist you, please make a comment about them. Potions and ingredients are forbidden. The only supplies you can use are the food and meats the wild shall provide. If you feel that you have earned a feast, feel free to cook and prepare yourself. However if you feel raw meats aren't enough, drink to your content with ales, wines, and mead. There are no limits these two, but be considerate of what you take.
Learn to be clever and show all of Nirn that you alone are a weapon to be feared. The victor who claims the most difficult opponent deserves to be placed among the top of the charts. For added challenges entire dungeons can be cleared, but only some would present a true obstacle while others are not acceptable for obvious reasons Failure is not recommended, but much can be learned :wink:
Feel free to issue challenges among one another, but the real prize remains the biggest catch.
Remember to post your efforts here
On last thing, remember to post your character with their level and difficulty. Lying will only serve to cheat yourself. And as a reminder, post any perks, abilities, armors, or enchantments that would aid you on your challenge. Remember though, have fun and master oneself :mrgreen:

Re: Fight Club: The Challenge!

Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:27 pm

I am going to start up this challenge by issuing the most standard of opponents, the giants. Preferably one while alone, but this is at your risk. If you feel you cannot top this challenge, find your own and defeat them, be it a wolves den or a bear. But till that day comes, I shall wait till one teaches those club wielders that size isn't everything

Re: Fight Club: The Challenge!

Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:30 pm

This seems to be a forum game, which is disallowed by The Topic Rules.

I'm going to lock this. Feel free to PM me to appeal.
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