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 Post subject: Molag & Dagon; Ambitious or Foolish?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:38 pm 
World Class Eejít
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It really is an open-ended question, but it's been one that I've found myself dwelling on. I mean when we often look into the accounts of the Daedra and their interactions with Tamriel, both Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal seem to bring about great destruction, and it is no secret either wishes to take Tamriel for their own(though I am certain this is no different amongst any of the Princes). My point being is that both have time and again to seek and secure their prize, be it on Mundas or Oblivion, and one would think they are quite ambitious when compared to most.

First let's look at Dagon, renowned for his numerous attempts to invade Nirn and more often than not fail. It seems to me that he has learned little of his mistakes and continues on in the most direct means, where as most other Daedra would either abide by the Daedric Pact or do so via more subtle and indirect actions. Thing is, I very much believe Dagon to be foolish, ignoring the fact he may be the most ambitious one amongst his siblings. I mean one should know the prophecies as told by the Elder Scrolls, and that try as you might a hero shall rise. :wat: Something tells me the other Daedra find amusement from his failures, benefiting from his attempts much like a distraction. It makes you wonder though.. after getting humiliated after all that hard work during the Crisis.. did he finally decide to admit defeat? Or is he just bidding his time?

Now in regards to Molag Bal, he certainly may not of had as many attempts but his objective is practically the same. I am sure we are all familiar with his role in ESO, and while I am certain that event was likely his most ambitious something tells me there are lesser accounts that have not gone on record. Being the Prince of Domination, it's only fitting he'll desire to take Tamriel as his own. I mean look at his own realm Coldharbour, it's a parallel version to Nirn itself but twisted to ruin.. obsessed much? But really though, in my own opinion I find him to be no more foolish than any of his other siblings, while only slightly less ambitious than Dagon himself. I can't say why I feel this way, but then again he kind of got the better of Arkay via a blight of vampires.. so at least he can go home with a silver medal :roll:

So I really have to ask, what do any of you think of this? Or maybe you just consider all Daedra to be fools.. in which case.. have fun on the next Blood Moon <_<

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 Post subject: Re: Molag & Dagon; Ambitious or Foolish?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:55 pm 
Imperial Legate
Imperial Legate
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In Dagon's case, he feels Nirn is actually his birthright. He feels he's the spiritual successor to Lorkhan and Magnus, through some convoluted logic only he and Camoran could understand. If you take obscure texts like the Aldudaggas into account, he may actually believe he was originally a mundane spirit trapped in Oblivion, like Malacath was. This lingering memory - accurate or not - may color his perception of Nirn and his existence as a Daedric Prince.

Molag Bal's very sphere demands he attempt to enslave everyone. He's the King of Rape and the Daedric Prince of Domination. He's a very hands-on kind of guy, in the worst possible way. Unlike his subtler siblings like Vaermina or Azura he wants to directly, physically control the entire universe. I'd say his imperial ambitions overshadow Dagon's and come from a less sincere, honest place - not that Dagon himself is capable of such feelings, but we can at least sympathize more with Dagon's position and desires. Dagon feels he was robbed. Molag knows he's a thief himself but revels in this.

Monsters are bred in labyrinths, labyrinths are bred from walls. There is a reason the Giants choose to remain nomadic rather than follow their shield kin the Nords in building permanent settlements. The Tower is the beginning of all walls.

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