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Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon
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Author:  martez87 [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

Hey guys, just letting you all know that Giantbomb.com is doing a twelve hour gameplay marathon on Thursday with Greg Kasavin. In case you didn't know Greg used to work for gamespot back in its heyday, where he did the same thing with Oblivion. He now works for Super Giant Games, creators of Bastion.

Not sure if I will watch it live because it will be full of spoilers, but will likely watch it later, as I watch all of Giantbomb's stuff.

Author:  Eyegasm [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

i'll most likely watch it, despite spoilers, you can get tips on what to play and other stuff :)

Author:  Imperfect Three [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

It's a good thing I came on the forums today, I was thinking of not reading anymore into the game until Friday but I have got to see at least some of this!

Author:  Frost Mage [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

martez87 wrote:
Hey guys, just letting you all know that Giantbomb.com is doing a twelve hour gameplay marathon on Thursday with Greg Kasavin. In case you didn't know Greg used to work for gamespot back in its heyday, where he did the same thing with Oblivion. He now works for Super Giant Games, creators of Bastion.

Not sure if I will watch it live because it will be full of spoilers, but will likely watch it later, as I watch all of Giantbomb's stuff.

I love Greg when he was at Gamespot, especially in his Metroid Prime review :mrgreen: . Hey, by the way, does anyone know where Alex Nevaro went? Greg and Matt went to Giantbomb but I'm not sure about him.

Author:  Duderino Abides [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

FrostMage79x wrote:
martez87 wrote:
Hey guys, just letting you all know that Giantbomb is doing a twelve hour gameplay marathon on Thursday with Greg Kasavin. In case you didn't know Greg used to work for gamespot back in its heyday, where he did the same thing with Oblivion. He now works for Super Giant Games, creators of Bastion.

Not sure if I will watch it live because it will be full of spoilers, but will likely watch it later, as I watch all of Giantbomb's stuff.

I love Greg when he was at Gamespot, especially in his Metroid Prime review :mrgreen: . Hey, by the way, does anyone know where Alex Nevaro went? Greg and Matt went to Giantbomb but I'm not sure about him.

Alex Nevarro works for Harmonix, last I heard.

Author:  martez87 [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

Alex Navarro was working for Harmonix for a while, but he is back working with Ryan, Jeff, Brad and co at Giant Bomb now. He seems to contribute to both Giant Bomb and Screened, which is Giant Bombs sister site for movies. But yeah, Greg Kasavin is the man.

Author:  Frost Mage [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

Did anyone of you guys see "Frightly Bad Games", with Alex? If you haven't, go watch it. It's hilarious.

Author:  born2beagator [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

Not gonna watch one second :lol:

Author:  I_am_one [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

Is it a livestream, or a video? If it's a livestream, there's no way I'll watch it, but if it's a video, I'll probably watch, skipping the beginning...

Author:  martez87 [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant Bomb's Skyrim Marathon

It's a livestream, but usually they upload their live stuff as videos later on. Also, I forgot to mention, it starts at 8.00AM pacific time.

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