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Describe you're planned character(s)
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Author:  dkjestrup [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Describe you're planned character(s)

*topic*. Describe what characters you plan to make in Skyrim.

Male Nord
Heavy Armor, Maces, Shields, Destruction, Restoration, Smithing. Basically how I'm playing my Nord on Oblivion, but with Maces instead of Swords. But I may be tempted to use them just because the most powerful swords (Umbra, Shadowrend, Goldbrand) are generally better than equivalent maces. Not sure about starsigns obviously, as I feel the previously useless ones (Serpent, Tower, etc) may be simply a free perk this time, which could be useful.

Author:  The Tourist [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

A grumpy Nord with a big axe, and a short temper.

Nuff sed. :wink:

Followed by: a taciturn ex-priest noble, who wields two blades, one called Night, t'other called Day.

(for anyone detecting a slight pattern, you get a shiny gold star!)

Author:  HatofMadness [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

If we can drink in skyrim, ill be a Nord.

BulbaNord..what? maybe just a normal Nord.

Author:  Spiney [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I'll of course be an argonian. My split-personality treasure-hunter/madgod Argonian.

Author:  Dark Spark [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

My first Oblivion character was a Breton healer. A Breton healer. This character killed Lucien Lachance during their first meeting in an effort to combat the evil in this world.

My last Oblivion character— definitely was not a healer— though she did have Restoration as a Major Skill (it had something to do with Absorb spells rather than Restore).

My Skyrim experience will undoubtedly follow the same pattern— first I'll explore what I can do. Then I'll enjoy all the things I cannot do.

Author:  dkjestrup [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Dark Spark wrote:
My first Oblivion character was a Breton healer. A Breton healer. This character killed Lucien Lachance during their first meeting in an effort to combat the evil in this world.

My last Oblivion character— definitely was not a healer— though she did have Restoration as a Major Skill (it had something to do with Absorb spells rather than Restore).

My Skyrim experience will undoubtedly follow the same pattern— first I'll explore what I can do. Then I'll enjoy all the things I cannot do.

That's one thing I want to do. I basically want to play Warrior, then Mage, then Thief. Rather than a jack of all trades which would be kinda boring.

Author:  MrPuddings [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Spiney wrote:
I'll of course be an argonian. My split-personality treasure-hunter/madgod Argonian.

Like Sheogorath madgod?

As for me, I'm definitely playing a Nord warrior my first play through in order to pay homage to the setting of the game.

Author:  Spiney [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

MrPuddings wrote:
Spiney wrote:
I'll of course be an argonian. My split-personality treasure-hunter/madgod Argonian.

Like Sheogorath madgod?

As for me, I'm definitely playing a Nord warrior my first play through in order to pay homage to the setting of the game.

Yep I role-play him with a split personality between his normal treasure hunter self, and the madgod side of him he got during his time in the Shivering Isles.

Author:  Doctor Meaticus [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

If weight customization is an option, my character is going to be one hella' chubby mofo.

I'm thinking a big guy with a big axe, but a little brain. Brutalize first, don't even bother asking questions later.

Light armor, Axes, Hand-to-Hand... That's all I've got so far.

Author:  Jakarius321 [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I'll do my first play-through as a Male Nord and play the game "properly".
After that I will maybe try out a Female Breton Mage, just because I can :)

Author:  Argonanza [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I'll be an Argonian, as always. Though I cannot deside if I'm going for 'snnnneaky lizard' or 'big bulky alligator'.

Author:  Spiney [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Argonanza wrote:
I'll be an Argonian, as always. Though I cannot deside if I'm going for 'snnnneaky lizard' or 'big bulky alligator'.

How about, "sagely mage Argonian"?

Author:  Fiar [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I'll probably be a Nord barbarian, or a Night...Errr, Dark Elf, archer. This all depends on how differently they changed the stats and how the new character models for each race look.

Though i usually start out with a melee combat character cause I love me some hack and slash!

Author:  Gyerfry [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Big bulky khajiit. Blade, sneak, security, light armor, acrobatics. He'll be a really mean rogue.
If they're doing birth signs, I hope they bring back Morrowind's tower. Beggar's Nose was handy sometimes.

Author:  I_am_one [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Dark Spark wrote:
My first Oblivion character was a Breton healer. A Breton healer. This character killed Lucien Lachance during their first meeting in an effort to combat the evil in this world.

The ironic part is...
If he joined the brotherhood, he'd killed a pirate Captain, The whole sanctuary, the Dark Brotherhood silencers, the listener, a warlord, and other bad people that I'm sure I can't remember.

I think my first character will be a warrior type. Sword, axe, ,and Heavy armor. If he doesn't get his way, he has no problem paying 1000 septims (or whatever) if you can't defend yourself.

Author:  Korutsuru [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

im surprised some people is actually choosing argonians

i allways think that nobody choose them because they are ugglies

Author:  scribbane [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I think my first character will be imperial, simply because that is always how I start out. I never really play Dunmer, so that has a great chance of happening this time, just to be different.

Korutsuru wrote:
im surprised some people is actually choosing argonians

i allways think that nobody choose them because they are ugglies

Uh, oh. Run Away

Author:  Qwackie [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

A sneaky Bosmer, who uses two swords and sometimes a bow.
After that, a Breton mage, who also sneaks, or a Nord woman with two axes, light armor, and a bad temper.

Author:  ThorsHand11 [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I am Planing a wondering Nord Wizard almost a Gandalfish Character.

Author:  beregar [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

If we are starting out in a prison then my idea for this guy will work.
He will be a Nord barbarian-type character, maybe with some magic thrown in. Also, depending on how customizable character creation is in Skyrim, he's going to be around 6'3", 230 lbs with some battle scars and a mighty beard.

Here's my idea, it's just a little back story to him:

He was born during the time of the Nordic civil wars (estimated to be around 4E 180). When he was still a baby, his village got burned to the ground by a rival clan. He got separated from his parents and was raised in an orphanage. When he was 16, the person in charge of the orphanage (headmaster?) gave him a letter that came from his parents. It stated he was now the last of his very important bloodline. His parents were dead. The letter also had a map to where his Father's prized axe was. He ran away from the orphanage that night with only the letter and the clothes on his back.

He trekked to the nearest town. There he was recruited into a crime syndicate. On one of the missions he found his father's axe. He advanced through the ranks until eventually, he was the boss. A year later, he made a bad move, and he and his whole band of thieves ended up in jail. While in jail he decides to ditch his life of crime since he can't go back to his buddies. And until Skyrim releases we won't know what will happen when he gets out... 8)

Author:  Vendetta [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Jek - a dark furred khajiit necromancer

Bob - an angry nord that drinks a lot.

Author:  Sherrid [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

beregar wrote:
If we are starting out in a prison then my idea for this guy will work.
He will be a Nord barbarian-type character, maybe with some magic thrown in. Also, depending on how customizable character creation is in Skyrim, he's going to be around 6'3", 230 lbs with some battle scars and a mighty beard.

Here's my idea, it's just a little back story to him:

He was born during the time of the Nordic civil wars (estimated to be around 4E 180). When he was still a baby, his village got burned to the ground by a rival clan. He got separated from his parents and was raised in an orphanage. When he was 16, the person in charge of the orphanage (headmaster?) gave him a letter that came from his parents. It stated he was now the last of his very important bloodline. His parents were dead. The letter also had a map to where his Father's prized axe was. He ran away from the orphanage that night with only the letter and the clothes on his back.

He trekked to the nearest town. There he was recruited into a crime syndicate. On one of the missions he found his father's axe. He advanced through the ranks until eventually, he was the boss. A year later, he made a bad move, and he and his whole band of thieves ended up in jail. While in jail he decides to ditch his life of crime since he can't go back to his buddies. And until Skyrim releases we won't know what will happen when he gets out... 8)

:shock: Wow! Um... Wow! (Sherrid shakes her head in stunned silence for a moment before snapping out of it). You go boy! Whoo Hoo!

When I play a character from the basic 10 races I usually start with playing a sneaky theif character who loves using the bow with supporting magic as a secondary defense.

I then go to a mage who likes to throw spells at everyone and everything she sees. And I love to use the absorb spells to drain a person of their health and other attributes or just use elemental spells to fry/freeze/shock anything that annoys her.

But I am feeling the call to do something a lot different with Skyrim. I think I will be a two handed weapon weilding female barbarian. Who likes drinking, dirty jokes and picking up pretty boy warriors... to beat up of course! :wink:

I usually pick the race that fits the character I want to play rather than the other way around. So for the Barbarian she will be a Nord named "Wilda". The theif will be probably be an Imperial or wood elf named "Briun." The mage will be will probably be a Briton named "Mortish".


Author:  born2beagator [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Argonian of course :P don't know what skills yet. Depends on if they have the same leveling system with hidden attribute increases

Author:  NickNabors [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

I'll be a Dunmer, with double short swords occasionally switching to Destruction, a very fast-paced player fighting style kind of like an assassin minus the sneaky part.

Author:  dragonfett [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Describe you're planed character(s)

Normally I would start off as a Breton Mage, but with the new class system (or rather the new classless system), I am highly considering being either a Bosmer or Khajiit Thief type character (I am leaning heavily toward Khajiit, just because they are pretty kitties!).

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