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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:15 pm 
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You know those useless Wild Bay Horses near the Imperial City in Oblivion? Well, in Skyrim, it would be nice if we could tame wild horses,keep them and raise their Speed over time through use.


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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:47 am 
Grand Master
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In all seriousness, there is a single feature that I would absolutely love. I'd like the option to not be called "Hey, it's that guy who did that stuff at that place" and be called by name. I'd like the option of choosing my own name, or a pre-made one. Perhaps every race and gender get a name, 10 total. It wouldn't take that much more in the voice acting, just an occasional "Howdy, Tom" or whatever from a few select characters that you get to know over quest lines or whatever. If you decline a premade name, you are eternally known as the Hero of the Mead Hall or whatever as in previous games. Just, sometimes I get sick of never being called an actual name. The single time in a game that most stood out was Dragonage when a Knight said "I'm not sure what to call you" and you could choose "Grey Warden" "My name is ___" or a couple other things. The problem is, if you choose "My name is ___" he would say, "Okay Warden..."
It'd be, I think, a simple thing, which would be totally optional.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:08 pm 
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Cactus wrote:
In all seriousness, there is a single feature that I would absolutely love. I'd like the option to not be called "Hey, it's that guy who did that stuff at that place" and be called by name. I'd like the option of choosing my own name, or a pre-made one. Perhaps every race and gender get a name, 10 total. It wouldn't take that much more in the voice acting, just an occasional "Howdy, Tom" or whatever from a few select characters that you get to know over quest lines or whatever. If you decline a premade name, you are eternally known as the Hero of the Mead Hall or whatever as in previous games. Just, sometimes I get sick of never being called an actual name. The single time in a game that most stood out was Dragonage when a Knight said "I'm not sure what to call you" and you could choose "Grey Warden" "My name is ___" or a couple other things. The problem is, if you choose "My name is ___" he would say, "Okay Warden..."
It'd be, I think, a simple thing, which would be totally optional.

Same here! In the PES games (Pro Evolution Soccer) you could write the name of your player, and then choose an "announcer name": what the announcers call you. These names are the audio recordings that already exist, anything from Ronaldo to Larsson. Anyway, I've been "dreaming" about being able to compose your "oral" name from a range of syllables. So, if I want my name to be Fafner, I can just make my oral name "F"-"af"-"ner". It sounds easy but it might sound stupid if people want to say your name in different emotional states...

SwedishBerzerker at youtube.com


 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:41 pm 
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I agree with Cactus. It becomes painfully obvious that in some parts of games people are avoiding calling you by name.

Ring-a-ding, baby.

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:07 am 

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What I think should (not necessarily "could") be included in the TES 5:

1: Voice actors: I know! But it has just been burning me that out of all the different characters in the game, only Bretons and Imperials have unique voices. Those voice actors must be tired... especially the two elves! Individualise the races! Khajiits should have a sly or purring voice while Argonians have a scaly one, or something like that!
2: Inclusion of other weapons: Spears, throwing stars/daggers, dai-katanas... most of the weapons that missed out in Oblivion. Starves should retain their original bashing ability, as well. I wouldn't care if you could only bash it when its charge is depleted.
3: More unique items/artifacts: Morrowind had this. I never collected all of them in one game, though. Weapons like Chrysamere should be retained, or at least similar ones created. Volendrung the warhammer got a bigger part in Oblivion, for instance. And the uniqueness should not stop at blades and blunt weapons. For the not-so-average thief or archer, a bow could be rewarded. For a mage, a unique staff.
4: Better unarmed combat: Kicking. I don't know how they could encorporate that if all buttons have a specific purpose, but kicking would be awesome. Also, hand-to-hand combat should be worked on. Someone with a low hand-to-hand skill punched someone, they should get recoil at least. And gloves/gauntlets should affect the effectiveness of the skill i.e. Daedric gauntlets add a 2-5 damage bonus due to the spiky metal.
5: Additional ways of transport: I know I'm not the only one who is annoyed at the lack of transport in Oblivion. Fast travel is fast and all that if you're in a hurry, but what about role playing? Don't want to Ride a horse along the coast? Take a boat. (I don't think Skyrim would have a boat, but alternative ways of transport would be nice :) )
6: A NAME! I want a name. Not "Hey, Grand champion", not "Yes, Listener" and not "Yes Master? You needed me?" I agree with Arch-Mage Matt and Cactus. There needs to be a system that allows you to be named, and an intricate one at that. Not any of the "Hello, Te-LER-a," but a freeflowing one, "Hello, Telera". Even if that was impossible at this stage, It'd still be good to be called something instead of the whole matter being avoided.

Things that I DON'T want:

1: A single Blade ability: Totally defeats the purpose of claymores and shortswords.
2: Speechcraft minigame: Annoying. Like people say, there should be an alternative method of speechcraft in the midst of talking to someone. Coercing a weak-willed person or coercing a strong-willed person should have different effects. More intricate, less... pie.
3: Bound weapons that DISAPPEAR when you unequip them: Like I said. When you summon a sword, for instance, and you put it away, it automatically disappears. Kind of sucks when you want to hold a torch!

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:04 pm 
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A lock-on system, so you won't risk killing allies in dense fights. I really hated those parts. Look at Dark Messiah for example.

SwedishBerzerker at youtube.com


 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:36 pm 

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Maybe dual-wielding, perhaps only so that the off-hand can only hold a short blade etc.

Finishing moves, something along the lines of GTA IV. Maybe too impractical to implement all over the game, but perhaps in the Main quest and in some other major questlines (guilds).

A more dynamic economy - supply and demand would need to play a central role. And to go along with it, some quests that would have direct (maybe even drastic) results on the economy of the area for a while, for example increasing the supply of glass weapons by raiding a merchant ship. You get the idea.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:58 pm 
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1. Better hand-to-hand. Yeah, I'm a badass monk and all, but all I'm doing is repeatedly hitting you upside the head. I think that you should be able to kick, trip, grab limbs, etc.
2. The ability to get drunk and fat without mods. Who doesn't want to be an ale chugging, ax wielding Nord?
3. No scaled leveling system. Unlike on Oblivion, when you never saw a glass sword at level one, but by the time you're level 15, everyone has a glass claymore and Orcish armor. There should be bandits with normal fur armor and rusty iron blades at level one as well as twenty five, and the same with bandits with glass weaponry.
4. Pets, like in Fable, where you had a dog.
5. Earth spells, there are lightening spells, fire spells, and ice spells, so why not ones to cause earthquakes and crush your enemies with boulders?
6. Not everyone has a six-pack. Pretty self explanitory, it's hard to take a game seriously when your adoring fan, whose hair looks like a Hershey's kiss, has a six pack.
7. Cloaks without mods.
8. Followers that actually help with things, like someone to pick that lock while you bash in some ogre's skull.
9. Ability to set up a camp. You're stuck in the wilderness, and you don't want to use fast travel, so you set up a camp.
10. Ability to tie your horse to a tree. I'm tired of stealing some bandit's tent and then chasing down my horse.
11. Your horse should be able to attack while you're mounted on it, and you should be able to attack when you're on your horse.
12. I want to see the Dark Brotherhood in it, or some other sort of assassin's guild.
13. Weapons and quests like the Merhune's Razor add-on, so you don't have the same, boring things that are just enchanted to work fine, but look exactly like some other item.

Highly Narcotic Highly Alcoholic Absinthe of the UESP Beverages..... >:D

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:02 pm 
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Cactus wrote:
In all seriousness, there is a single feature that I would absolutely love. I'd like the option to not be called "Hey, it's that guy who did that stuff at that place" and be called by name.

I made this gripe with Oblivion when I read this broadsheet for the first time. The game registers your name, race, gender and job— it wouldn't have been too hard to include that info in a story.

Baurus: Our job is to get the Emperor out of situations like this. Though I'll admit, things aren't going exactly to plan.

Casandra: At the moment, the deadliest weapon at my disposal is a goblin's head on a stick. I'd be worried if this was the plan.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:11 pm 
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I agree that it would be nice to hear somebody call you by name, but I just don't feel like it would be practical to make it happen. There's no way for the system to be 100% sure how to pronounce whatever you named yourself, and I am definitely not going to pick a predetermined name.

In text it's fine, but it's unlikely we're going to hear our adventurers called by name anytime soon. This is why I partly wish Bethesda would stop fully voice acting everything and go back to textual dialogue.

Fool! All we do in hell is play DDR!
My name's not really dennis...

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:40 pm 
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Dark Spark wrote:
I made this gripe with Oblivion when I read this broadsheet for the first time. The game registers your name, race, gender and job— it wouldn't have been too hard to include that info in a story.

That is rediculous. How did you get fame for doing that mission when you weren't named, or even described?

Ring-a-ding, baby.

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:44 pm 
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In a different thread, someone pointed out that we where not the hero, we where just the heros sidekick. I completly agree.... and I hope we are not the sidekick of dragon born


 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:15 pm 

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I just thought of a couple of other things to add:

1. The warning music that comes on when an enemy is near. I wish it would change up a little. Maybe some light, mildly ominous music when a mudcrab is near, and save the heart pounding, full-orchestral dramatic music for when some serious baddies appear.

2. Make putting things in your house easier. My bookshelves were always a big mess.

edited to add: 3. I'd like to see a lot more with birthsigns, like getting boosts to attributes or luck during your birthsign.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:31 am 
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Cactus wrote:
In all seriousness, there is a single feature that I would absolutely love. I'd like the option to not be called "Hey, it's that guy who did that stuff at that place" and be called by name. I'd like the option of choosing my own name, or a pre-made one. Perhaps every race and gender get a name, 10 total. It wouldn't take that much more in the voice acting, just an occasional "Howdy, Tom" or whatever from a few select characters that you get to know over quest lines or whatever. If you decline a premade name, you are eternally known as the Hero of the Mead Hall or whatever as in previous games. Just, sometimes I get sick of never being called an actual name. The single time in a game that most stood out was Dragonage when a Knight said "I'm not sure what to call you" and you could choose "Grey Warden" "My name is ___" or a couple other things. The problem is, if you choose "My name is ___" he would say, "Okay Warden..."
It'd be, I think, a simple thing, which would be totally optional.

I think the problem with that is, that the voice actors would have to either record one dozen of names or single letters and it would be working lame, because in the end if somebody chose as an example a danish name the pronunciation would end up sounding like the "Microsoft Sam" voice from the Windows Speech function. So it'd be like "Hello ØÆÅ" and those three letters do not even exist in english so... do you get the point?

Avron the S'wit wrote:
Hippie, you are too cool.

“I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. ”
"Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right"

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:41 pm 
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a better notoriety system
i was thinking on the lines of having a notoriety counter alongside the bounty you have aquired. The higher the notoriety the more likley you are to be spotted. headgear such as helmets and hoods reduce your chance of detection. if you commit a few thieveries then you will be notorious in the local area. whilst your bounty will count for all of the province, you can only be arrested (by detection) if you are in an area where you are notorious. other wise you would have to turn yourself in. after a while your notoriety will go down, and eventually the bounty will be removed. the worse the crime, your notoriety will be longer lasting and further streaching.
more settlements
ones that are not quest related, places where we can buy houses outside of the city.
better house system
let us choose where we want to put our items (in their resoective area's) I.E in the dining area, we choose where we want the table. i imaging this would only work in the larger houses though :/
i am getting bored of only having the shivering isles and knights of the nine. i really want battlehorn castle and it's killing me!
character generation
i would like to make a more realistic character across all races, not just breton; whice i found where the easiest to make human looking.
if you serve your jail time, infamy will rise by one if it is a serious crime.
if you do not and you escape, your infamy will rase by 1 for any crime and by more if it is serious (4 or 5 points for escaping murder)
if you pay your gold your infamy should not rise for petty crimes but serious crimes would raise even more as you have served no sentence.
rewards for being grandmaster
we should have more managment capabilities once we are head of the guild, instead of just focus on recruitment etc. what if i don't want to leave everything to modreyn

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:51 pm 

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Taxidermy: as a real hunter, when I drop a trophy buck, I like to mount it. I think they need to incorporate taxidermies into the game, you drop a key creature or something you can take the head to get it mounted for your house. Easy to do. I keep seeing mounted deer heads but you cant steal them or get them. Think trophy room. A mounted dragon head over my fireplace sounds pretty sweet, or a deer skin rug.

traveling: remove fast travel and have gates ran by the university in key cites/villages. You must pay a toll to use the gates. Otherwise walk/ride

Wands: there are none. They should simply increase what the user casts or weakens it due to the type of wand and spell cast.

Brooms: yep flying brooms, they dont need to go fast. This allows for more air type creatures other than just dragons.

Carriages: if Im going to go clear a dungeon, I might need more than just a horse, lets be real here. I might want a 4 wheeled carriage to haul my loot.

Fighting: Make you store stuff in a pack, then have limited space for qick grab items, when your battling you cant just dig through your entire inventory for a potion, it must be in the quick grab bag.

magic items: when wearing armour, if you wear it long enough like 6 months it becomes part of you. (you'd also gain a tattoo from it as well) You gain say half the abilities of the item and its protection, then you gain a negative effect of similar items. Say feather boots of 20pts, 2pts protection once absorbed would be 10pts, 1pt protection, a new set of magical boots with feather of 20pts you'd only gain 10pts.

open up to earrings/ nose rings, tattoos and crowns, really there arent crowns or teiars (sp) for magical items as well.

Armourer skill: make this so an armourer can craft weapons that gain magical abilities when binded with other items like dragon scales, or troll fat or deadrea hearts. Let them make swords from different metals, bind rubies and pearls, etc into the weapon, as well as the ability to choose different styles of hilts/blades/butts etc. Like an armourer you'd have to whail on the metal for a long time, use the oven,blower and anvil to make a perfect sword. Not just a hammer to fix stuff.

Hair: why cant we change our hair styles once the game starts? People change.

Age: when something ages you your chracter actually ages, so at some point unless you cheat death or aging, your character will die. Lich might suck a year out of you, and you dont get it back.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:09 pm 
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The only problem with aging is if you age, NPCs need to age. And when NPCs can die of old age, they need to have children to repopulate. Not only does that bring the children controversy, but those children will at the best be randomly named and have no unique dialogue.

Ring-a-ding, baby.

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:46 pm 

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It would take an insane amount of time playing for aging to become relevant based on the timescale we've had previously.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:48 pm 
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I want to see a more diverse look on races. Im tired of mistaking a wood elf for a high elf and a nord for a human


 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:51 am 
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Blackfire wrote:
I want to see a more diverse look on races. Im tired of mistaking a wood elf for a high elf and a nord for a human

yes definitely

especially with lizard men and cat people. I think its largely down to the graphics engine, hopefully the faces will be even more varied than in Oblivion

The Inquisitor wrote:
It would take an insane amount of time playing for aging to become relevant based on the timescale we've had previously.

Yeah, exactly. Most of my high level characters in TES went through their entire careers "in game" in only a month or two so age shouldnt come into it unless they do a fable 2 type plot development
ie you spend 10 years in prison
or have "age" spells (like d&d ghost attacks where you age a number of years)

if they make it look better, scrap oblivion style levelling and maybe put back a few more features (there were a few skills from morrowind which were a shame to lose) i will be well happy

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:40 pm 
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I love the spell customisation system in Oblivion (hear that Bioware??) but would like better spell graphics. I mean, ice spells are just blue lights (painful to describe in my fanfiction because I try to be accurate) and 10 points shock damage on target looks the same as 100 points shock damage in 50 feet, etc. Conjuration graphical effects could be improved too. Dragon Age had some nice spell effects.

Companions like in Dragon Age would be great too, though of course the single player option should still exist. Then people wouldn;t have to go around with Mazoga and the Breton twins and the Adoring Fan lol. The Dark Brotherhood and Mages Guild companions died way too easy. More NPCs in cities, and more towns, hamlets etc in general.

I would also like to be able to summon ogrims and winged twilights-I really wanted to be able to summon them when I read about them! I want to talk to my daedra!

Proper necromancy? This is probably just wishful thinking but to be able to permanently have zombies and liches stalk my manor halls...

Nicer armour. And more staff designs, come to think of it.

Dungeons that are above ground. Give us some towers to explore! Castles! Why are all the forts single-entrance affairs, and why are there no active ones at all?

Option to join the guards as a faction. (I've been reading some Night Watch novels by Terry Pratchett :) )

Travel by boat and carriage (instead of stiltwalker perhaps lol) would be cool, with the option to do it instantly or watch the scenery change. (from white snowy plains to blue glaciers...and back again. Huh. Maybe not.)

Some fanservice through mentioning the Elder Scroll theft and defeat of Mannimarco. That would certainly tickle :) OMG!!! Maybe he came back agenn!!! I hope so actually, so they can make him much more impressive. He summoned a lich and went at me with a fruit peeler. I actually stood around and waited for him to loose some spells. I turned up the difficulty. Then I took pity on him and put him down. I actually reloaded to see if he'd be better the second time. Sad, really. Now Mankar Cameron, wow...that's what I want in a boss fight! Ooh there must be dragons, right?

Finally, I want to be able to see myself eat and drink. Would that have been too hard? To be able to watch my character pick up fork and spoon and eat a meal (perhaps like Thadon?)and not eat steak out of his hand (like I presume he does because that's what all the NPCs seem to do) and whip out a goblet to drink wine (and not just have the whole bottle vanish and lose some Strength, or whatever) would have increased the immersion, and countered the lack of bath tubs and toilets (Dragon Age had them! A couple, at least! And lots of suspiciosly located buckets...)

I know it looks like I want Oblivion to be more like Dragon Age and Morrowind but these are just some improvements I would like to see. I love Oblivion-my first Elder Scrolls game, first RPG addiction and actually my first fantasy RPG. I''d been a Command and Conquer type person before, with all my little RTSes...,and I still play it. The first time I fought a zombie...the first time I went into a fort and Ayleid ruin, the first time I did the Dark Brotherhood questline...they were all 'WOW' moments, yes with the capital letters. I only play Dragon Age because I like fantasy RPGs, and that only happened because of Oblivion. I also came across Lovecraft while doing research on Hackdirt, and he's now my favourite author. It's been a cool ride with this game (and this forum, which I came across cus I was stuck) and I hope Skyrim will contain as many experiences and lead to as many discoveries.

I just really, REALLY hope I don't have to play a warrior Nord. I mean, I'm an Altmer mage. I can't survive the switch. Can't, I say!!

@Zachariel009 in Elder Scrolls Online, PC NA. My primary house is open to the public!

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:04 pm 

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1. YES Symmachus. I was going to mention the eating and drinking thing. I want to see my character eat, drink, read, sleep, poop (well maybe not), take off / put on armor & clothes, mix ingredients to make potions, etc. It should be easy, NPC's do a lot of that stuff.

2. I like the idea of the "hardcore" mode where sleeping, eating, etc are required. I don't think I want it as a must though.

3. Better AI, nuff said. More immersive. Characters should call for help, even guards who I am putting the smackdown on.

4. No item / monster leveled lists! It was fun feeling like I really did something in Morrowind by narrowly escaping that first bandit cave they told you about in Seyda Neen.

5. No psychic guards! They shouldn't be able to tell half my goods are stolen unless the thefts were reported. This also would eliminate the need for fences though.

6. This is a big and difficult one that was hinted at earlier: No loading between outdoors / indoors at least for some small buildings. I want to look out my window and see the scenery and the weather and NPCs I need to talk to for quests. And when I get drunk in the tavern (IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN) the scenery outside should be just as wobbily as inside.

7. Bedrolls / tents

8. Agree with clothing under / over armor. Shirts, pants, cloaks.

9. Agree with the travel system idea. Being able to hire a carriage and see the scenery go by like in RDR.

10. Saw another thread where it was suggested that taverns should be more alive and I totally agree. I want to get drunk with NPCs and sing songs and start barfights and break bottles and stab people with them and chase them into the street and get in trouble with the law. Basically like the fighters guild quest in Leyawiin I wanna be those guys roughing up the pub and scaring away customers.

11. And of course more voice actors, and more real dialogue between characters. I get tired of hearing the same rumors.

12. I love you Bethesda :) I know this game will rule my life.

edit: oh and someone mentioned seasons and holidays. Yes! Holidays would be awesome. Shops close, NPC attitudes change, festivals in the streets, etc.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:59 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:35 am
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Not sure if anyone said this already, but the Dunmer need to sound like back in Morrowind. You know, like every one of them had been smoking three packs a day for the last 30 years :lol: . Would be even cooler if TES V has more variety in voice acting, then we'd have a whole bunch of _different_ chronic smokers :D.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:49 am 

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did someone say a console yet? (for the non PC version) I would rather enjoy having access to a console by plugging in a USB keyboard or using a game-pad keyboard somehow... Two Worlds managed it pretty nicely, and they made it so that if you used it for cheating, that you wouldn't get achievements. I thought that was nice, it allowed cheaters to cheat and gamers to... well game. and it would also come in handy for little bugs like getting stuck between trees or something, or if a bear mauls an important character, than you can re-spawn them.... or not. just a think.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:31 pm 
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I'd like to see different types of Khajiit. There's supposed to be 16 different forms (17 if you count the Mane), but it doesn't make sense that only one type went to settle in Morrowind, one type in Cyrodill etc. Let's see some housecat types, some tiger types, some almost-but-not-quite-humantypes. There are many possibilities.

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