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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:49 pm 
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They do. For 1 second enchantments are applied instantaneously.

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Chaos the N'wah wrote:

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:54 pm 
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The damage isn't dealt instantly. It's dealt over a period of 1 second.


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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:59 pm 
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Other people may have said this but I really want a hairdressers. Not all hairstyles and beard types go with all outfits and I want to be able to change them without starting a new character.

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:54 pm 
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Other people also may have said this, but I want Bandits that react to you realistically. In real-life, a murderer wouldn't attack you if you had a machine gun, so I don't want a bandit with a butter-knife trying to attack me if I've got the best armour and weapons, unless I'm a low level or he has a bunch of mates with him. Or, he's intoxicated! :mrgreen: Like all Nords!

Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:19 pm 
The New Number Two
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Morrowind had loads of artifacts and rumoured artifacts, in Oblivion they were tidied up and edited down

I would like more artifacts and more mystery, i think they were very interesting with the morrowind approach cos their existence and whereabouts was less obvious and they weren't just 'do this for the god and you get a prize' type thing.

There could be as many cursed items as beneficial ones, a good chance for Bethesda to exercise its imagination

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:29 am 

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FRom the looks of combat it seems you can only block with a shield so i hope im wrong.

1: Werewolves and Vampires

2: Being able to ride the dragons

3: And mods for the consoles would be nice

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:08 am 
The New Number Two
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i'm not sure if i want to ride dragons

the map would have to be huge for it to work, and since Skyrim isnt an island like Vvardenfell, there will be the unavoidable invisible wall when you reach the edges. Plus I would want to take my dragon south and start razing the Imperial homelands (and Blackmarsh if i am my usual Dunmer character) and would be disappointed

i think there's a pretty good chance we'll have werewolves and vampires, which will be cool so long as it doesn't turn the game into twilight :roll:

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:56 pm 

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An optional realistic hardcore mode, where you have to eat, sleep, drink, timing is critical and combat actually is dangerous - - if the enemy stabs you in the chest, you're gonna get somre real damage, maybe stagger backwards in pain etc. Same goes for you: Headshot with arrow = Kill. A well-placed stab = Kill.

I'm a real-life Nord :]

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:46 pm 

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I would like items that could be re-enchanted to accumulate as many enchantment points as I wanted not just the one time enchantment in the past. Many items are usually enchantable, but to have special quest related items or expensive items that allow accumulation of enchantments on one item would be wonderful.

So an amulet I bought for $10,000 from so and so at the wizards quild or one I found while doing a quest or found amung the artifacts found on a frost wraith I killed. I could enchant over and over each time I get a soul gem and get to use an enchanting alter. So if I am playing a Bosmer and wanted to increase my strength I could enchant the amulet or ring or piece of clothing with strength and next time I get another soul gem I could add it's strength to the previous points and go from 10 pts strength to 16 points strength, for example, and just keep adding.

These items could hold one type of enchantment but there may even be another single item that would be difficult to get that could hold multiple types of enchantments. I think the items could only work for the enchanter so when the enchanter dies the item is wiped clean of enchantments. So if i took it off of the Snow Wraith after killing it the enchantments placed by the wraith would be erased. There could even be a small quest like in Shadowbane wine that when I picked up the item I get the message that there is something different about the item and I should keep it until I find out more about it. Then go to several stores or the mages guild until I am directed to a certain mage or jeweler who could tell me what it could be used for. This person could also be the one to who sets me out to find the single multiple enchantable amulet. This mage jeweler may also be the only one who has the ancient knowledge to enchant these special items requiring returning trips to their abode/shop/lair. Sherrid

I would also like the ability to name my own animal companions. If I get a horse or some other pet companion I could name them myself. Like when we name our spells we could activate the pet and name it. Sherrid

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:33 pm 
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I would like to have multi-targeting melee attacks. I mean, like when you cleave with a longsword or large axe, it does damage in an area instead of just the enemy you are facing. I realize you risk hitting your allies, but it could be a special attack (like the left/right+attack command now). It makes more sense (immersion!) but hey, it's also very practical.

"A lady likes a weapon she can fit in her purse."
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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:38 pm 

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POMC S117 wrote:
Other people also may have said this, but I want Bandits that react to you realistically. In real-life, a murderer wouldn't attack you if you had a machine gun, so I don't want a bandit with a butter-knife trying to attack me if I've got the best armour and weapons, unless I'm a low level or he has a bunch of mates with him. Or, he's intoxicated! :mrgreen: Like all Nords!
dats racist!!!!!!!!11111111111!!!oneone

I'm a real-life Nord :]

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:39 pm 

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Patches, patches and more patches! If Skyrim will have as many glitches as Oblivion does (which it probably will) there will be some annoying glitches. I plan on playing Skyrim on my PS3, so I won't have access to mod patches, so I'm praying Bethesda will stick around to fix some annoying glitches that will be encountered in the future for the PS3 version of Skyrim. I exploit glitches as much as anyone, but most of the time glitches just kill the fun factor in games. :x

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:40 pm 
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Many glitches make Oblivion fun. :wink:

Oblivion is my playground Image Morrowind is my home

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:43 pm 

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VirtualWeasel wrote:
Many glitches make Oblivion fun. :wink:

Sometimes it does. Most of the time they don't. :|

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:51 pm 

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I felt in Oblivion, the bow system needed a little work, and since Bethesda already said they are making it slower yet more powerful, I cooked up somthing in my head...

Ammo: 21" arrows, Bodkin Arrows
Range (Drop): 150 ft. (0.013 ft. dropped per meter)
Accuracy: 6 degree cone

The average longbow has extreme range and a stronger damage, but is a little slower than the regular bow and wheighs you down a little bit more when equipped. It's not a good idea to use them in close quarters due the extreme precision and wheight of the Longbow.

Bodkin arrows

Bodkin arrows ignore half of the armor of an enemy, but do half the damage against flesh.
They have 80% of the range of it's weapon. There should be a perk that makes bodkin arrows the same range. (lower-level perk)
(Bodkin arrows were arrows designed to peirce armor and horses in Mideval times)

15" arrows are used for the standard bow, and 21" arrows are used for longbows.

All use of archery (drop, range, damage, accuracy) should be affected by the Archery/Marksman skill.

Evil-i wrote:
Some days are for pizza, others are for cheeseburgers. No reason to feel guilty about ignoring pizza on a cheeseburger day. The pizza doesn't care.

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:45 pm 

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This has likely already been mentioned (and I'm not going to look back at 40+ pages of this thread) but I want an easy (better) way to display my collected junk throughout the game. Like certain quest rewards. Example: I quickly didn't need my Kvatch curiass, but I wanted to put it somewhere I could peek at it. Some weapons were quickly outdated but I grew fond of some of them and couldn't bear to part with them, placing them in weapon racks is extraordinarily tedious.

Also (I know this has been discussed), damage multiplier to various body parts, with armors & helms effecting them etc...

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:49 am 

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In what combat area will the spears and halberds be placed? blade? blunt? or a polearm class for itself?
intersted in this

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:37 am 
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The weapon skills have been merged into One-handed and Two-handed. Polearms will be in Two-handed.

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:58 pm 
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Argonanza wrote:
The weapon skills have been merged into One-handed and Two-handed. Polearms will be in Two-handed.

In that case, this whole thread is now over ruled. The only possible answer is:

Seperate weapon skills for Spear, Axe, Blunt Weapons, swords, etc etc.
Seriously, what a terrible idea

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:02 pm 

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I hope the game starts out in a prison cell, much like oblivion, but you spend more in the actual cell. And theres a dark elf across from you heckling you. But i really don't want a starting dungeon. I want it to be like morrowind and just be released into the world. By myself. Alone.

Not changing this until Skyrim comes out, and even then, I'll probably be too busy... playing Skyrim...

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:43 pm 
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The game starts with you being led to your execution for crossing the Skyrim border.

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 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:50 pm 

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leftsock33 wrote:
This has likely already been mentioned (and I'm not going to look back at 40+ pages of this thread) but I want an easy (better) way to display my collected junk throughout the game. Like certain quest rewards. Example: I quickly didn't need my Kvatch curiass, but I wanted to put it somewhere I could peek at it. Some weapons were quickly outdated but I grew fond of some of them and couldn't bear to part with them, placing them in weapon racks is extraordinarily tedious.

Agreed. My armor chest in Oblivion lags whenever I open it because I can't bring myself to throw stuff away. What good is the Imperial Dragon Armor if you can't put it on display?

Also, I hope some of the most amusing bugs find their way from Fallout and Oblivion into Skyrim (Which they undoubtedly will. Bethesda bugs don't die). While I hate game crashing bugs, what's a Bethesda game without a few glitches and exploits? Who doesn't love a flying horse, or the ability to spontaneously create 1000 pumpkins just for fun?

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:07 am 

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1-more distinct weapon's and armor. 2-have leading a faction mean something.
My only gripe with oblivion was how towns ect were destroyed and never fixed once you "beat" the game

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:19 am 
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Was thinking I would like some sort of variation to the armor types in Skyrim, especially the end game armors. I hate seeing everyone at the end of oblivion in deadric or glass armor those should be rare. But it would be cool if they made different types of the same armors and made them all slightly different in their stats, like having orcish armor as a basic lvl, then orcish-ebony armor or something that can be orcish design but stronger like the deadric armor. They should all look different in game too!

I'm on my way to Windhelm to join up with the Stormcloaks, Ulfric has the right of it!

 Post subject: Re: The Elder Scrolls V Wishlist Thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:03 pm 

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Ok, i hate to be That Guy but i have noticed a lot of people talking about polearms, mark/recall, levitation and seperate armor peices (pauldrons, seperate gauntlets). However as much as it pains me to say it but Todd Howard in some fan questions has denied these things in some fan question thing. But otherwise i can pretty much agree with everyones ideas and if at least half of these things made it into skyrim i think it would ruin my sociall life completely. MORE VOICE ACTORS

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