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 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planed character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:13 pm 

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dkjestrup wrote:
MeallMhor wrote:
azuarc wrote:
My planed character is going to be really flat because of how well he's been sanded down. You might even say he's 2-dimensional.

I'll make whatever the spirit moves me toward when I get the game. I don't plan (or plane) these things.

Did nobody else like this? I thought it was a good joke.

Oh WOOOOW... I still hadn't noticed that until now...

Although there hasn't been any mention of if Skyrim will feature 3d tech.

Sarcasm? I can never tell with you kids these days.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:17 pm 
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It was more of a joke to be honest...

I play LBP! PSN: dkjestrup, play my Sonnet of the Gargoyle level!

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:27 pm 

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Do you find yourself favouring melee because archery and spells seem comparatively weak?

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:50 pm 
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If they rebalance the races ill play as an Adventurer High elf that can cast spells and fight with swords.

If High elfs continue to be wimpy ill play as an Imperial same as above.

Both of them would be greedy but will fight evil in skyrim. 8)

The future, is in the past. ONWARDS AOSHIMA!

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:27 am 
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I don't have specifics in mind, especially since I'll probably end up exploring various game mechanics early on and might even start the game over after playing the first day once I've gotten used to it. After that, I don't know. I always try to play the locals in my first games because I dunno, it's like the game expects you to. I first played a Dunmer in Morrowind and an Imperial in Oblivion, so I think I'll continue and play a Nord this time. Beyond that, I don't know. I had the idea to duel wield one-handed axes or maces simply because I can, but I might go with a left-handed Nord with a mace/axe and use magic in right hand. It'll let me explore both melee and magic as well as the new duel-wield mechanics. Beyond that, I've no plans or roleplay ideas in mind, and I might change my mind before then anyway. Chances are I'll just make stuff up when I start playing or just use whatever armour weapons I find first and stick with those skills.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:44 am 
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MeallMhor wrote:
Do you find yourself favouring melee because archery and spells seem comparatively weak?

Well, it's probably more due to my mindset. I see a "hero" as a warrior, so I feel it only right that my first playthrough be as one. But I have chronic restart syndrome, so I rarely ever finish. Meaning I keep playing a warrior because I feel like I should.

Skyrim seems to help with my restart syndrome due to better looking characters and no classes, though.

I play LBP! PSN: dkjestrup, play my Sonnet of the Gargoyle level!

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:37 am 

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Sol; he puts the imp in imperial

He whined about how dry Vvardenfell was
He complained about the bears in Cyrodiil
And don't get him started on how #@$&ing RED it was in Oblivion

Now he returns to drink mead, hunt for skooma, kill things, and with the only races that have a sense of humor (Orcs, Khajiit, Argonians, and some Bosmer)

Giggle as Nords ask: "So ya like to dance close to dah fire, don't cha?"

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:43 am 
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major skills:marksmen,blade,block,lihgt armor,athletics,acrobatic,sneak
birthsign:not yet decided

ja sam samo u prolazu i nemam pojma

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:02 pm 

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Darkelf assassin/ thief but more like robin hood than lucien Lachance. Bow, duel daggers/ shortswords, basic magic.. Dark hooded robes, ect.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:52 am 
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Dunmer vampire, survived from his time in Oblivion, now he's up in Skyrim, doin' his thang. I'll just ignore the story until I become a vampire, at which point it will take effect.

Now, they said they did away with the classes...unless that article I read was wrong. If that isn't the case, he'll be as close to a 'Battlemage' as I can get, and in fact, very prone to change. When I first played him, he was initially quite evil, but seemed to soften up eventually. He was a great antihero, actually.

What you hear when you take Skooma.

The proud Luchador mask of the renegade Headgear Club. We don't exist.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:15 am 
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You can still be whatever "class" you want, it's just you don't actually have or make in in-game. All skills now count towards leveling up. As any given skill increases it counts more towards leveling up, thus raising a skill from 10 to 11 isn't as good as raising a skill from 50 to 51. This mean you'll level quicker by focusing on fewer skills, but it also doesn't limit you meaning you can have your god-like character that maxes every skill, and it actually all counts instead of just your main 7 or whatever. I was disappointed by it at first, but I think this change is rather brilliant and I'm looking forward to it. It also opens the door to sporadically changing your style of play if you get bored of using a certain weapon or whatever but continuing to level up normally.

I'm especially happy about this because I tend to take forever deciding what skills I'm going to use only to start over when I realise I chose poorly. Now it doesn't matter, if I change my mind I just change my character.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:05 am 

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i think im gong to make a charahcter who as if wanted to some and go for makng with lots making blade i make would some could wat think to more for alot when of the aweom and he make would be to easy and some for going also to when he is for lookig caves.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:55 am 
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Offtopic wrote:
i think im gong to make a charahcter who as if wanted to some and go for makng with lots making blade i make would some could wat think to more for alot when of the aweom and he make would be to easy and some for going also to when he is for lookig caves.

That's exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to say it.
I had the exact same words, jumbled up in my head wondering how I was going to express them correctly. Then you come along and nail it on the head perfectly. Bravo good sir, bravo.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:17 pm 
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I have 2 planned:

1. The Warrior

Race: Nord
Sex: Ye- I mean, Male
"Class"(As in, what sort of playstyle): A Spellsword (Or a Combat/Magic combo, if you prefer)
Armour/Cloths: Heavy armour, with either no helmet or a hood. And if they add capes, a big, dark red one.
Weapons: Longswords, and I'll probably focus on electrical magic, ('Cause it looks cool :P )

2. The Assassin

Race: Imperial
Sex: Male (When given the choice, I pretty much always choose Male. I am not a cross-gamer)
"Class"(As in, what sort of playstyle): A Stealth/Combat combo, focusing on stealth-killing as many enemies as I can before fighting the rest.
Armour/Cloths: Light armour, with a hood, and maybe some sort of robe (This character is my avatar, BTW)
Weapons: Longswords, throwing knives (If available). I'll be focusing on taking as little damage as possible by dodging attacks.

And if it turns out you can turn yourself into a Lich, I'll make a Pure Magic character that is a Lich.

11/11/11 can not get here fast enough :)

ImageAh yes, "Signatures"Image

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:40 pm 
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Khajiit Assassin with duel blades :o


 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:10 pm 
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i may even start with assassin,but i prefer warrior.in that case i will be argonian or khajiit

ja sam samo u prolazu i nemam pojma

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:43 pm 
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This is a little too forward thinking in my opinion. The easiest way to enjoy a game in my opinion is to jump right in without any planning. Considering all I have heard and read about Skyrim it will be impossible to figure out what kind of character would suit me best. I'll probably stick with the "generic" character until I've grown accustomed to Skyrim's gameplay and will then make a character that suits me after I've learned the basics.

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 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:47 pm 

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Race: Undecided.
Name:Bidderlyn/Biddelyn/Exobo/Akpster/Bidly/Raindor. Very depending on the Race ill take. (Yes, all of the names are made up by me :D)

As a monk who lived all of his life under the wings of honor and silence, I will carefully raise my eyes upon this foreign land and dig deep in a try to find my feeligs who shall guide me through. Well, I have to do something big - with a meaning... I didn's leave my monastery for nothing! Tho the father of the monastery thinks its my barbarian hidden needs who drove me out of there... meh, he can go to hell. I know what drove me out of there - MY DESTINY!.

So yeah, ill be a monk. A good one. Stealthy but not for steals, stealthy as a way of life. quiet, patience, DEADLY.
I won't join any guild. my heart is telling me what to do. I wont talk to much. I will just look... Search for something who will call my hunch. Something simple. And who knows - maybe that simple thing will take me on the path my urge of forfilling destiny was looking for.

P.s - sry for any spelling mistake, english aint my mother's language ;)

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:14 pm 
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Decided what I'm playing as...

Ygfa Riverwalker
Female Nord barbarian with battle axes and light or no armor.

Female Bosmer stealth type character, with two swords for melee and a bow from afar. Uses light armor. Will probably join the DB, but isn't going to do the thieve's guild.

Marthe Marquard
Female Breton magic character, with swords when she runs out of magicka.

Highly Narcotic Highly Alcoholic Absinthe of the UESP Beverages..... >:D

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:13 am 

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Imperial female, all combat skills exept block, also alteration.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:27 pm 

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Since his earliest recollections, Morten Stalhjart had watched his father, Ragnar, at his forge. The sparks briefly suspended in the air became his mobile, the chrashes of hammer on anvil and the hiss of tempering steel his lullaby. Some had questioned the wisdom of raising the child in such an environment, but as Ragnar had pointed out, there could be few places better than his workshop to sheild his infant son from the bitter Skyrim cold. "The boy will grow with steel in his heart", he had said, alluding to the family name.

Morten's mother, Vanessa, raised crops on the small family farm, close to the border with Cyrodiil. A descendant of a lost tribe of Nordic ice mages, she gave up her apprenticeship at the Arcane University and returned to Skyrim to lead a more simple life with Ragnar, her childhood sweetheart. The pair survived by trading with the caravans heading to and coming from the border; the Stalhjart name was enjoying an ever growing reputation for excellence in weapons and armour, and the prices they fetched were more than enough to keep the family in a simple but comfortable manner.

By the time Morten was ten years old he would spend most of his time helping Ragnar in the forge. His mother, however, was wise, and made sure her son got as broad an education as possible. She would order books from the vendors of the Imperial City, and even from her friends in the Mage's Guild, and her son would study them conscientiously whenever his help was not required elsewhere. By the age of sixteen, not only were his smithing skills rapidly approaching those of his father, but he had learned the basics of enchantment, and could even forge the very souls of summoned Deadra into powerful weapons and armour, two things that Ragnar had never been able to learn, despite Vanessa's best efforts to teach him.

When civil war broke out in Skyrim, Ragnar refused to take sides. Despite several requests by both loyalists and seperatists to supply them with weapons, he was steadfast in his refusal. His descision hit the family hard; fewer and fewer caravans would travel the trade routes, and what they could grow on the farm was simply not enough for the three of them. Seeing his parents grow ever weaker, the now nineteen year old Morten was forced to hunt to keep them alive, and all of his weapon skills were tested to the limit. The forge was rarely lit these days, the fire that had been such a constant in his life quenched by dire circumstance.

Then, out of the blue, a large caravan arrived. The merchants, travelling under the protection of a hired battlemage, were obviously wealthy, clothed as they were in expensive finery and dazzling jewelry. Morten soon struck a deal to sell them the weapons he had remaining in the forge, still a sizeable cache despite recent inactivity. The caravan left with less gold and less food, but with a good stock of quality weapons which would fetch even better prices in the cities.

Four days and nights passed without incident, and Morten could see an impovement in his parents condition. On the fifth night came a hammering on the door. An Imperial scouting party had been attacked not far from here, all slaughtered apart from one who feigned death until the assailants had gone. When he made it back to his garrisson, they noted that the dagger in his leg bore the Stalhjart name. Furious, the garrisson commander struck Ragnar with an iron gauntleted hand as soon as he opened the door. In his weakened state he fell backward, unconscious, hitting his head on the stone floor. His body lay lifeless.

Morten didn't see what happened to his mother. As he was dragged away by the Legion he heard only her sobs and cries of anguish over the death of her husband. Set to face trial for treason, Morten Stalhjart awaits his fate in a lonely prison cell...

"Why you... you fiend! May the gods favour your enemies in battle, and may those things, you know the ones, they look like snakes but they've got arms and legs on 'em? May twenty to thirty of them crawl inside your bottomhole!" - Joan of Arc

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:23 pm 

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Maybe I'll try embrace stealth.

Race: Undecided
Sex: Male
-Swords and Fists, magic such as alteration or illusion.
-Charismatic, not the kind of person with whom you would forget an enounter
-Quick, atheltic but not massivly muscular
-Facial Hair. A must have
-When annoyed, can be down to earth, rather than going through the effort of stealing something he would walk in, take care of al threats, finish job and walk out.
-Unable to from long term relationships or freindships, mostly due to the fact he can't settle down anywhere, and is yet to meet anyone the same.

Lucien Lachance: I am here to end your misreable life to...but...I can see the confusion in your eyes. You...you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?
Soth(Me): Derp.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:02 pm 
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Gail Kim.

It's so hard to make and Asian character though... :(
And Bosmer.

 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:38 pm 
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Her name will probably start with an A. I like A names. Maybe Aera or Avarice or Astariel. She will be a dunmer maiden, and harbor a fierce dislike of restrictions and laws. So she breaks them, becoming an assassin and a thief. She works purely for her own entertainment, and on occasion to acknowledge a debt. She is an archer, reveling in the power of having control over another's life when they don't even know it. She knows some bladework, short blades mostly, but that's only when the enemy is too close to sniper.
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To see the world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower,
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 Post subject: Re: Describe you're planned character(s)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:29 am 
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I plan to have a full on warrior. I just dont know whether to have a nord or an orc. Ill decide when i get to see what they all look like and the bonuses that come with each race.

Theres definitely going to be a beard on mine....gotta have the beard.I just wonder what a beard on a dunmer or orc will look like. I dont think they'll include beards on the argonians. Maybe they'll let you choose different frills and the khajjit will have mane choices.

Ill have a sword skill, of course and heavy armour; cant decide what other skills would be, ill have to wait for the game on 11.11.11

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