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A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?
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Author:  Thefakewhitefang [ Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?

Since no one replied to me on the lore talk page here's a the same text on a forum post:

We can see that Waughin Jarth mentions two terms for what I believe is the same thing. "Undrape" is first used by Jurus:
"The Silvenar asked that we stay behind as Imperial representatives!" yelled Liodes Jurus. "In case there's a need for more contracts and negotiations! He's appointed us Undrape, some sort of special honor for foreigners at court!..."

And "Unthrappa" is first mentioned by Lord Vanech:
"From our client, the Silvenar," beamed his lordship. "It's some kind of local delicacy they call Unthrappa."

We know that Jurus is lacking in his penmanship and spelling skills. So are these terms synonyms or is that a mispronunciation on his part? It could also possibly be a mistake by Waughin Jarth (Though it is unlikely).

I ask this question as it's framed as a reveal:
"Where did this come from?" Scotti stammered.
"From our client, the Silvenar," beamed his lordship. "It's some kind of local delicacy they call Unthrappa."

Author:  SeaGtGruff [ Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?

I think they're the same thing, but the first one is more likely to be spelled incorrectly. I'm not deep into the lore, so I don't know which spelling or pronunciation is correct, but I always assumed that the first spelling was a mistake on the part of the speaker, and the second spelling was supposed to be correct.

Author:  SeaGtGruff [ Thu Feb 01, 2024 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?

By the way, TESO confirms that "Unthrappa" is the correct spelling, and says that the best translation for it is "atonement," but I wonder if "Undrape" might actually be a more literal translation-- the unclothing of a person in order to cook them, as it were, with the purpose being atonement for the person to whom the Unthrappa is served.

Author:  Lord Timster [ Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?

SeaGtGruff wrote:
I think they're the same thing, but the first one is more likely to be spelled incorrectly. I'm not deep into the lore, so I don't know which spelling or pronunciation is correct, but I always assumed that the first spelling was a mistake on the part of the speaker, and the second spelling was supposed to be correct.

Same here. I read 'Undrape' as a mis-hearing / misunderstanding on the part of Jurus, indicating a general lack of attention and awareness about what is going on. With unfortunate consequences.

If I were the author I'd probably have put Undrape in single quotes to emphasise that it was a word Jurus was attempting to copy but got wrong.

I might also have spelt it a bit differently. I read it as 'un-drah-pay' so a connection with 'Unthrappa' suggested itself immediately upon the 'reveal'. But I wonder if people who read it as rhyming with 'grape' might miss the connection?

Author:  Thefakewhitefang [ Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Dance In Fire: Unthrappa or Undrape?

Lord Timster wrote:
But I wonder if people who read it as rhyming with 'grape' might miss the connection?

I read it as rhyming with grape. I guessed that it was the same thing but it really ruined the amazing ending, literally unreadable.

I found out that in the translated versions they both have used the same word. So it must have been a mistake by the writer of the book in real life.

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