Hello all, first post, be gentle.
I wanted to start a long series of conversations, and possibly arguments, over the lore behind the origins of the races of Nirn.
I'm doing a huge visual overhaul of skyrim/SSE character system (we're talking thousands of models, hundreds of textures)
and I want to get a good grasp of each race and try and portray them more accurately than vanilla skyrim.
Considering how long my overhaul will take to complete, I would aim to only discuss each race every 2 weeks, as its going to take 4-5 months.
Heres a list of races/subspecies/nationalities I'll (aiming to) be establishing:
*note: I will NOT be attempting beast folk Argonians and Khajiti, as I was happy with their appearance
Ancient/extinct Men:Nedes. (1st migrations from Atmora pre civil war, almost pre-homo sapien in appearance)
Proto-Nords (different from Nedes? Ancient Atmoran nords, any way to relate to giants? Small deep seated eyes, huge nose, very tall)
Kothringi (based on Nedes but more aboriginal in appearance with dark purple skin and silvered sheen. White hair)
Akaviri Nedes (based on Japanese, extinct but some interbred with nords and imperials)
Current Races of MenBretons (thin, fragile features mixed with some "french" features. Subtle elvish influence)
Reachmen (unique race? More feral, intermixed with nords, hairier and heavier than bretons)
Nords (Viking inspiration. Tall, heavy, blonde. Some nords have obvious (Akaviri) asian heritage)
Skall (unique race? Unsure of direction. EIther heavier eskimo look, or more "pure" atmoran)
Colovian (northern european appearance, basically british, so ugly like me)
Nibenese (Spanish, Italian, darker skin, brown eyes)
Redguard Forebear (Arabian. Mixed with first nedes, then imperials).
Redguard Crowns (Purebreed Yokudan, Nubian Africans)
Ancient/Extinct Mer:Dwemer (Large eyes, small features, thin body, asian appearance, flat face (Assyrian influence))
Snow Elf (Pre-fall. beautiful, alabaster elves. Some facial inspiration from Mongolians)
Wild Elves/Ayelid (Unique facial shape, very pointed, thick bridges, use of feathers in hair)
Aldmer (something quite alien and bizarre for the original race)
Current Races of MerOrsimer (Same as Skyrim but will rely more on AdamAdamW (RIP) concepts)
Bosmer (Same as skyrim, flat noses, thicker lips, but hair styles more wild and include twigs and flora)
Native Bosmer (See above except Sharpened pointed teeth, wild hair adorned with bones (green pact))
Maomer (semi transparent skin, scaley skin, silver eyes)
Altmer (Tone down the yellow jaundice, make universally beautiful)
Dunmer (Harsher tougher faces, otherwise the same idea)
Ashlander (Original chimer appearance mixed with very harsh features from the elements)
Other races to be mentioned laterSload (technically near impossible)
tsaesci (snake human in main form, increases snake form much like werewolf transformation)
Tang Mo ( will be possible)
Riekling (no idea of the source)
Imga (technically difficult)
Some general notes on Men/mer differences.
Men have whites of eyes, elves do not. Elves also have much larger iris/pupils.
Men have oily glossy skin, Elves has a more metallic scattering sheen.
Elves heads are sloped at the front, and longer at the back.
Elves, apart from Orsimer, are ALWAYS thinner than races of men.
If theres any interest in this I'd like to start a quick convo on the origins of men, with nedes and nords.
Until then i'll leave u with the image I started with.
er, nevermind, not allowed to post images