UESP Forums

Imperial City Palace Library
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Author:  Frodo-Baginses [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Imperial City Palace Library

Is there any way you can get back into the Imperial City Palace Library after the "Ultimate Heist Quest"?

I didn't get a good look around in there and according to Wiki there's a couple of skill books still in there.

I've tried the route I took in the quest but it leads to a door that is now locked and there's no key. I wondered if there was a way in through the front door.

I have managed to get in the round building and if you turn left you head for the storage area where the big hourglass is. If you turn right you head up to the barracks but you need a key to get in and I can't figure out where you get it from.

hell, I don't even know if I'm heading in the right direction - just exploring!

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