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Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:02 pm


I love it.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:25 pm

Dat snake tho :lol:

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:16 pm

Aarah please make this a thing you're a great comic creator.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:02 pm

Wow, thank you Mars, your comment both surprised and pleased me greatly. :D

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:46 pm

I would subscribe to your patreon.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:32 pm

I have accumulated more silly comic stuff. Too much to post here, so I stuck it on Deviant art.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:20 pm

Come, Child

Come, child, do not dwell,
You shouldn't be here,
Your time has long past,
It's been over a year,

You should not gaze upon them,
Your sadness only builds,
To see them in mourning,
From the day you were killed,

Come, child, do not dwell,
They do not know you're there,
They can't see that you're watching,
They can't see you still care,

Come out of the living room,
For you are now dead,
You can't sit with your family,
Or sleep in your bed,

Come, child, do not dwell,
They'll move on without you,
They may cease to cry,
But they'll never forget you,

Come, take my hand,
You've somewhere to go,
It's different from here,
But it's somewhere you'll know,

Come, child, do not dwell,
We'll go there together,
But you'll see them again,
At the end of forever.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:52 pm


All your stuff is so emotional? Like, it conveys so much feeling aaaaa.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:04 am


Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:06 pm

Thank you, Wolfborn! ^-^

Cass, you are too kind! :D. Thanks alot! You are my favourite fan! :P

The Lament of Fargoth.

Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:06 pm

Far: By what means, by Imperial Grace
Be you here, perhaps, to run the race
Of life knee-deep in scum and that doth
Protest to the guard and find me without cloth
Seeking to take what thy kin have held thus truly
In times of blood and death, ugliness and beauty
That, passed on upon, rallies to it's name - Heirloom
That, in poverty we lived in but one damp room
But still, whether accompanied by the spirits of the Dunmer
Or the Divines divinity, I care not - 'tis not the matter
For the ill-smothered sot whose lair lieth in the sky
Does drain his treasury and yet he says "I'll bleed you dry"
One way or another, that he shall promptly do
For now I am lamented - I'll have to sell my shoe
For now, against Zenithar's wishes some cad calls
Against the Divine "Thou shall not steal" - the walls
Of his soul collapses in Oblivion's marbl'd gates
For gone has my security gone and so too I to a buri'd state.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:58 pm

Ohhhh, this thread! Yes! God it is terrifying to see old stuff I posted...so let's do it again so future me isn't disappointed.

Hi, I'm Avron and I doodle sometimes. Here's a WIP of me trying to learn how to draw with my tablet; it's my ESO main. Here he is again more cartoony; this was the first thing I ever did on the tablet, apparent from me not knowing how to use the tools to color, hah. And here's a warm up sketch I did of the Tharn from ESO. I feel compelled to make it into something glorious.

I actually am looking into taking real art classes in the months to come, which I am pretty excited about. It'll be really cool to see how my stuff evolves when I learn some skills that I am missing. :D

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:55 pm

Excellent drawings! You did really well on your first attempt with a tablet!

Here's my a few months old, cliche love poetry similar in style to british metaphysical poetry. I entitled the whole tome Starmakers. The second poem netted me getting a higher grade during this examination session, but alas, I received the highest grade possible at university level without it, so I've only got an exclamation mark by the grade. The last poem is unfinished.

Orion’s Pearls

All the stars in your eyes,
Through your pupils shining,
Compare not to the nebular beauty,
Concealed within your irises.

Clouds cold as ice,
Yet warmth emanating,
To take joy in them it is my duty,
As endless lie within them blisses.

Excellence they reflect,
Only seen when one is dreaming,
In white void submerged,
Clouds forming whirls.

Two comets perfect,
With starlight gleaming,
From Orion’s Belt they emerged,
Two flawless pearls.

The Brightest of the Stars

Throughout space far and wide
Among countless shining stars,
Two celestial bodies feelings can’t hide
An argument of lovers, Venus and Mars.

In between their fiery battles, Earth,
With its patches of green and blue,
To mere mankind gave birth,
And let it live without any clue.

On a rock by its star lost am I,
But my star I see, is you.
Your shine pleasing to the eye,
Together a nova we will do.

In this gleam will pale Venus and Mars
From our love will be born the brightest of the stars.

Fading Light

If our Sun will fade out
And we shall perish at once,
I will still remember,
Thousands of suns I had felt,
With your every touch.

If our Sun will fade out
And we shall perish at once,
My heart with stardust ember
Enkindled will melt,
Your shine means so much.

If our Sun will fade out
And we shall perish at once,
One last time I will ask
For your love, however shy,
And my spirit you shall receive.

If our Sun will fade out
And we shall perish at once,
In your gleam I will bask
Forsaking the blackened sky,
And your love will make me live.


Out of the space deaf and blind
With countless resonating strings woven,
I can’t put at ease my mind,
Beyond planes of reality cloven.

Thrown into black pit my body suffers,
Yet still, my spirit endures
Even though my every limb falters,
My heart withstands tortures.

It is a strange power which gives me strength,
Constantly bringing me to you,
Able to cut planes at any length
Between dimensions, across and through.

Defeated lies the void, that separated you and me,
By the might of love, as pure as it can be.


To describe you, I will need to hue my whole universe
Taking the star paint - no worse, I will start with golden gloom of the moon,
Matching it with azure heart of the noon, and crimson flames of all the suns,
A fiery comet I will stop at once, taking its tail of rainbows and sparks
To adorn it with cosmic marks, and wrap as a band of emeralds.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:41 pm

Wow, Snehk, those are beautiful poems (cliche and all!)! I love the star/universe motif; you've done some wonderful justice to a very grand theme. You've managed to paint some really beautiful imagery in these.

I love "Lightshade." But this line?
To describe you, I will need to hue my whole universe

This line is really something.

Have you published these poems? :o

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:06 pm

I'm glad that you liked it!

I haven't published them yet. I'll need to finish writing "Lightshade" some day and write a few more sonnets.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:40 pm

Ahhh, I think Lightshade is my favourite, too, even if it is unfinished. It just sounds so pretty. ^-^

Wonderful work, Snehk!

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:20 pm

Thank you! I always love to hear opinions about my works, they give me a lot of motivation, especially when they're as favourable as Yours!

After a few months of break, I decided to move on and finished "Lightshade!"


To describe you, I will need to hue my whole universe
Taking the star paint - no worse, I will start with golden gloom of the moon,
Matching it with azure heart of the noon, and crimson flames of all the suns,
A fiery comet I will stop at once, taking its tail of rainbows and sparks
To adorn it with cosmic marks, and wrap as a band of emeralds.

Using a prism, I will cut and spread the length of a wave
To receive shades of a manner more subtle than brave: silvery droplets of falling rain,
Daybreak arising star’s rosy stain, and all the pigments of tender light,
Ingraining the canvas of petals bright, in all of the flowers around my world
I will engrave your person pearled, so it will forever remain with me there.

My whole universe, touched with the shades of light most true
Is the only thing I can give to you.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:20 am

Oh my; I love it. It just makes me so happy to read. ^-^

Lovely, lovely. I really do love it.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:07 pm

I really like your drawing style Avron. Your characters are so animated. The Tharn looks cheeky! You have a lot of skill there.

Snehk, your poems are beautiful! You should definitely publish them. My favourites are The Brightest of the Stars and Lightshade.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:27 am

Thank you all! I want to write some more poems to make the tome more complete, explore the universe further in them, maybe write something sad for a change.

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:22 pm

Snehk wrote:After a few months of break, I decided to move on and finished "Lightshade!"


To describe you, I will need to hue my whole universe
Taking the star paint - no worse, I will start with golden gloom of the moon,
Matching it with azure heart of the noon, and crimson flames of all the suns,
A fiery comet I will stop at once, taking its tail of rainbows and sparks
To adorn it with cosmic marks, and wrap as a band of emeralds.

Using a prism, I will cut and spread the length of a wave
To receive shades of a manner more subtle than brave: silvery droplets of falling rain,
Daybreak arising star’s rosy stain, and all the pigments of tender light,
Ingraining the canvas of petals bright, in all of the flowers around my world
I will engrave your person pearled, so it will forever remain with me there.

My whole universe, touched with the shades of light most true
Is the only thing I can give to you.

You did my first impressions justice. Bravo. :D

And thank you, Aarah. :heart:

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:39 am

Thanks! Now for something completely different, here's a quick doodle and my incomplete attempt to turn it into a 3D model. I'll probably scrap the model and start it anew anyway.



Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:57 pm

Oh look, a double post!

Here's a little work in progress concept art of a character, inspired by Hammerite haunts and Revenants of Thief and The Dark Mod.



Made a small step forward.


Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:00 pm

Random sketchbook doodles taken with a cell phone, so I can do my patriotic duty.

Now post some poems, Snehk! ;)

Re: Post your creative stuff here!

Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:58 pm

Those doodles are excellent!

This one took longer than expected, because I started writing it in Middle English (checking Wiktionary just in case) and rewritten it to modern equivalent halfway through.

Traveller’s Grace

Where do you wander, oh the smallest of the stars?
Seeking your place mayhaps?
Seeking luck perchance?
What is your need?

It is your saunter, fortune in late lives of ours
Giving to us en masse.

Giving love a chance
To do its deed.
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