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Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:43 am

Aarah wrote:Do you have any tats?

No, solely cause I can't justify the cost for what I want.

Regarding the money thing...we need to iron this out in a contract. I'll have my people contact your people.

I didn't really 'meet' said person i was behind him in line at the gas station when he started talking to the lady there about how he won it.

Oh and 'dosh'. That's a new one! Haven't heard that before. Neat.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:03 am

leroybrown wrote:No, solely cause I can't justify the cost for what I want.

What do you want?

Regarding the money thing...we need to iron this out in a contract. I'll have my people contact your people.

I thought a verbal contract between friends was good enough, but I suppose if you don't trust me enough for that then I will wait for your people to get in touch.

I didn't really 'meet' said person i was behind him in line at the gas station when he started talking to the lady there about how he won it.

Yep, that's a classic way to impress the ladies.

Oh and 'dosh'. That's a new one! Haven't heard that before. Neat.

You like? Here's a few more slang words here for money: dough and wonga. (Though I think maybe you'd use 'dough' over there too?)
I don't use those two myself, but if ya pop over to London and other places (vague), you'll probably hear them. I just use Quid and occasionally dosh.
Oh, and smackers. That's another one.
"This jacket cost me 50 smackers!"

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:38 am

Aarah wrote:What do you want?

answer is a text wall. Short answer is it's a combination of images that make up who I am today. It would be pretty friggin huge but would easily cover up since I'm thinking shoulder.

I thought a verbal contract between friends was good enough, but I suppose if you don't trust me enough for that then I will wait for your people to get in touch.

...ouch! The cats got claws.

Yep, that's a classic way to impress the ladies.

Haha it wasn't like that. When someone wins a scratch off (or the lottery) the vendor makes cash off of it as well. He was asking the gal if she heard anything about that.

You like? Here's a few more slang words here for money: dough and wonga. (Though I think maybe you'd use 'dough' over there too?)
I don't use those two myself, but if ya pop over to London and other places (vague), you'll probably hear them. I just use Quid and occasionally dosh.
Oh, and smackers. That's another one.
"This jacket cost me 50 smackers!"

I'm a nerd for cultural tidbits so yeah pretty cool.

We say dough quite often but not wonga. Wonga sounds like an austrailian mammal of some kind. Now 'smackers' is very interesting. We say smackaroos from time to time but never smackers. Regarding 'quid' I finally learned that from a former mod here who I will refer to as Queen Spineless, ruler of all of Backstabia. Was happy when I learned that though cause I hear it often but never knew what it meant. Feel kinda dumb though cause it's pretty easy to figure out given the context.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:44 am

leroybrown wrote:...ouch! The cats got claws.


Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:36 am

.....I mean...just.... okay....ummm. Hmm.

Not sure how one conveys speechlessness with words? Excuse me while I go look for my wit I seem to have lost it.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:46 am

This last page and a half has been hugely entertaining for me.

Please, continue.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:07 am

Believe, I wasn't implying I left you around. Though, how did you escape your cage? I thought as per UESP Policy #983772, subsection 9.8, Believe was confined to the netherrealm for crimes of being Believe?

*Sighs*, all this talk of dresses means I'll end up being kidnapped by the S'wit and Aarah, forced into a dress and forced to do a shakespearian play.

Well, that ain't happening! Can't do it if I'm no lon.. *Wills self out of existence*

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:29 pm

The SheoDovah wrote:*Sighs*, all this talk of dresses means I'll end up being kidnapped by the S'wit and Aarah, forced into a dress and forced to do a shakespearian play.

I'd pay to see that.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:36 pm

Wolfborn wrote:
The SheoDovah wrote:*Sighs*, all this talk of dresses means I'll end up being kidnapped by the S'wit and Aarah, forced into a dress and forced to do a shakespearian play.

I'd pay to see that.

How much would you pay? I'm seeing if it would be worth my while.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:58 pm

I'll chip in with Wolfie for that too.

Pretty sure this is a case of "Just tell us how much already, it's happening."

Re: General Discussion

Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:27 pm

Believe wrote:I'll chip in with Wolfie for that too.

Pretty sure this is a case of "Just tell us how much already, it's happening."

Hmm, easy money then.

As you probably know, Dovah and I do like to annoy each other, so making him put on a dress and do a Shakesperian play is a task that you wouldn't have to pay me much to do.
Saying that, the fact that you are willing to pay pretty much anything, hmmm.
I suppose I should give mates rates, so how about we say £250 and we got a deal.

That's just my fee, if Avron does want to join in, she'll have her own fee. She'll have to pay for a flight so i'm guessing hers will be higher.

Re: General Discussion

Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:34 am

Ooh, this sounds like quite the show! I’ll pay to come see, but I would prefer some VIP treatment if I’m going all that way to watch.

Re: General Discussion

Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:58 am

Of course, Cass! You can have the branded coca-cola instead of the generic supermarket brand cola.
Sooo VIP!

Re: General Discussion

Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:33 am

Aarah wrote:I suppose I should give mates rates, so how about we say £250 and we got a deal.

That's just my fee, if Avron does want to join in, she'll have her own fee. She'll have to pay for a flight so i'm guessing hers will be higher.

I just posted the money now. It's going by boat, since I know how olde fashioned you Brits are. Should arrive by... May?

Re: General Discussion

Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:46 am

Aarah wrote:
Wolfborn wrote:
The SheoDovah wrote:*Sighs*, all this talk of dresses means I'll end up being kidnapped by the S'wit and Aarah, forced into a dress and forced to do a shakespearian play.

I'd pay to see that.

How much would you pay? I'm seeing if it would be worth my while.

*sighs* I go get the pink fluffy dress and underwear. I better get a better wig this time and a script worth my time! I am a professional, not some amateur who can dance for your enjoyment with crap tools.

And screw you, Aarah, buddy! *waits for the classic south park gag to take off* :P

As for coke, I find that there's little difference between store brand and cola. I had papa johns pizza last night. Also, can I suplex my sink? Tis [&@%!] me off.

Re: General Discussion

Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:19 pm

Aarah wrote:
Wolfborn wrote:
The SheoDovah wrote:*Sighs*, all this talk of dresses means I'll end up being kidnapped by the S'wit and Aarah, forced into a dress and forced to do a shakespearian play.

I'd pay to see that.

How much would you pay? I'm seeing if it would be worth my while.

That's just my fee, if Avron does want to join in, she'll have her own fee. She'll have to pay for a flight so i'm guessing hers will be higher....

Not only that, I happen to have experience forcing unwilling people to act out Shakespearian plays as well, so there's an experience fee. And the exchange rate. And the sweetroll comfort fee...

It's gonna be a pretty pricey business. I daresay Aarah and I could strike it rich.

Re: General Discussion

Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:04 am

Aarah wrote:Of course, Cass! You can have the branded coca-cola instead of the generic supermarket brand cola.
Sooo VIP!
Ooh okay that's very VIP. I'm down.

Re: General Discussion

Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:15 am

Dovah in a Shakespeare play and VIP service? I'm definitely in. Just tell me where to send the money...

Re: General Discussion

Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:53 am

Cassandra wrote:I actually don't know what I want, though... Aarah, can you just do something special for me, or is that too much pressure on you to ask for?


Re: General Discussion

Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:56 am




Re: General Discussion

Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:28 am

You're very welcome! :)

And the feeling is mutual!

Re: General Discussion

Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:09 pm

^ I think I have one of those laying around the shop

Re: General Discussion

Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:42 pm

You should put it in your garage with the message 'leroy's Pit Stop'.

Re: General Discussion

Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:51 am

....so me 'figuring out' discord is like explaining the internet to an 80 year old whose not interested. That being said when I get it all sorted an issue will be if you jerks use mics... I am an audiophile and while I'm sure you all have 'angelic' voices I would like to listen to my music at a high volume w/o interruptions of said 'angelic' voices. I do love you guys but I mean yall should see/hear my sound system. You wouldn't be able to argue a point without dancing cause it sounds so darn good.

EDIT: here's my bday wish, this pic as a poster

Wonderful American and her music is a guilty pleasure. It's cute and all how gals cover 'at last' but they miss absolute gems like 'bridge over troubled waters.' I challenge any of you to listen to that and not start singing like you're in a church somewhere in the south. Can't do it.

Re: General Discussion

Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:55 am

Sometimes I wonder if years in the future someone will look through my posts the way I look through old forumers'. Or maybe I will forever pass into obscurity. Or maybe the forums themselves will forever pass into obscurity... I don't know why, but this is what I'm currently pondering.
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