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How does this game compare to Oblivion and Morrowind? https://forums.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9312 |
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Author: | Not-Fade-Away [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:20 am ] |
Post subject: | How does this game compare to Oblivion and Morrowind? |
![]() |
Author: | Dogmantra [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:41 am ] |
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I haven't played it myself, but I did get it (tried to get it working and failed) and there are a few differences: Combat is done by holding the right mouse button and swinging the mouse around There are loads more skills There are more (compared to Morrowind) real life mythical creatures. Quests are randomly generated, so they last forever, but they do get a little repetitive. There are actually several endings to the main quest. |
Author: | The Raven [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:49 am ] |
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You cant really compare this game to Morrowind, and especially not to Oblivion. You're comparing Graphics from 1996 to graphics from 2002(MW) and 2006(OB) here. I cant really tell you anything about it, i have tried to make it work, but can get further, than choosing race(Bug or something like that.). |
Author: | JKing [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:41 pm ] |
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The Raven wrote: I cant really tell you anything about it, i have tried to make it work, but can get further, than choosing race(Bug or something like that.).
It occurs to me, Raven: did you apply the official Daggerfall patch? |
Author: | oldhomehaibane [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:35 am ] |
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I think it's a far better game than both Morrowind and Oblivion. For one thing, it's actually challenging, at least until you get to about level 13 (by which time you should be able to complete the main quest). You can run into vampire ancients, liches, and daedra lords at level 3 that can kill even a level 10 character in just a few hits, and even the enemies that are around your level aren't the pushovers you meet in Oblivion and Morrowind. The game boasts a much better character creation process than subsequent games in the series, with the option to further customize your character with a number of different special advantages and disadvantages which can make your character truly unique while raising and lowering the difficulty of raising your skills respectively. You can create a character who has a phobia of undead or animals, has a critical weakness to magic, can't use plate or leather armor, takes damage from holy places or sunlight, has a bonus to hit daedra, or has spell absorption in darkness, among others. The more advantages you take, the more difficult it is to advance your skills, and the more disadvantages you take the easier it is to advance your skills. You can take seven advantages and seven disadvantages during character creation. The main story of Daggerfall is much more interesting than Oblivion's utterly cliched demon invasion nonsense, with lots of interesting characters all scheming and vying for power in the Iliac Bay, and multiple endings depending on who you choose to benefit from your actions. NPCs are unfortunately more lifeless and robotic than in both Morrowind and Oblivion, and the cities are very repetitive, but this is made up for by the sheer scope and immersiveness of the cities in Daggerfall. It is quite possibly the only RPG I have ever played in which the cities have truly felt like they were cities. There are dozens and often well over a hundred buildings in any town or city you go to, with hundreds of NPCs walking the streets and lots of cows, cats, dogs, pigs, horses, and camels lying around making their respective sounds for added immersiveness. Cities feel alive in Daggerfall, and for once everything doesn't seem like it revolves around you. There are more factions to join in Daggerfall, too. The Fighter's Guild, The Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, as well as nine Temples and many Knightly Orders. Each of these guilds provides several benefits to characters at certain ranks which makes it worthwhile to join them (for example, at rank 3 in the Dark Brotherhood you are given access to the potion-maker, and at various ranks in the Mages Guild you are allowed access to the item maker, spell maker, daedra summoner, etc.) and you have to have the sorts of skills needed by that guild in order to join and advance in rank. In other words, no more big dumb barbarians becoming the Archmage like in Oblivion and a character with some skill in magic but not much might be able to join the Mages Guild but he won't be able to advance very far and get all the benefits until he raises his skill level quite a bit. Guild quests are also much more mundane; again, the world does not revolve around you, you are not there to save the day, and the work the guilds give you is, well, pretty much what you would expect a guild to actually give you. No more silly hero nonsense. In Daggerfall, there aren't any daedric shrines that you can go to in order to summon daedra. Instead, you have to be at an appropriate rank in either the Mages Guild or one of the Temples, or you have to find a witch's coven that will do the summoning for you. Finding a witch's coven can be difficult as you have to do a lot of quests for nobles until you finally have a high enough reputation to receive a quest in which you find a map to one of the various covens of the Bay. Summoning a daedra prince is very, very costly, around 100,000 septims to 200,000 septims depending on your reputation with whoever is doing the summoning (you can increase reputation with a witch's coven by doing quests for them, thus lowering the cost of summoning with that coven), and if you're summoning the daedra prince at a Mages Guild or Temple you have to summon them on their summoning day, which you can find out by doing research in the guild's libraries (one of the perks of membership are that you can peruse their libraries) or one of the many public libraries across the Iliac Bay. Summoning daedra is one way to get the most powerful artifacts in the game. The other is by joining one of the various knightly orders in the Iliac Bay. Unlike other guilds, you do not work for pay in the knightly order but rather for glory and the prosperity of the kingdom that your knightly order is sworn to protect. Usually you are sent on some dungeon crawl without any pay save what you find in the dungeons, but occasionally you are given a quest that will lead to you gaining one of several powerful artifacts. Dungeons in Daggerfall are much, much larger than in Oblivion and definitely larger than in Morrowind. There are always several levels to any dungeon and one can definitely get lost in these dungeons. A recall spell is essential unless you plan on following a particular wall, because otherwise you will surely become hopelessly lost. Dungeons are also creepier in Daggerfall than in Morrowind and Oblivion, largely thanks to the game's superb sound design and music. Nothing can be more unnerving to a level 3 character than the ominous sound of a door creaking open, followed by the hideous moaning of a vampire ancient. Basically this is one of the best games I have ever played in my life and I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about RPGs. And don't think that I'm just waxing nostalgic because I actually completed Morrowind and Oblivion both long before I ever played Daggerfall and I still think that Daggerfall is a superior game. I've been playing it just about every day for the past two months, and it is incredibly addicting. I've gone through the main quest once, took another character to the point where he could complete the main quest, and have just started the game a third time with another character who has lots of crippling special disadvantages to make the game very difficult. I do not think that I will get tired of this game anytime soon. I spent almost a hundred dollars buying it used on Amazon and I consider every single penny well spent. It's that good. |
Author: | Deandra [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:51 am ] |
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Welcome to the forums, oldhomehaibane! Your post makes me want to hunt down a copy of the game now ![]() |
Author: | The Raven [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:58 pm ] |
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JKing wrote: The Raven wrote: I cant really tell you anything about it, i have tried to make it work, but can get further, than choosing race(Bug or something like that.). It occurs to me, Raven: did you apply the official Daggerfall patch? Nope, would that make it work? And where can i get it? I can only get to the 'Please pick your home province' by clicking 'S' on Start New Game. But else, Order of the Raven ftw ![]() Edit: I got the patch, but it doesnt work, i still have to click on 'S' on Start New Game. |
Author: | JKing [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:46 pm ] |
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The Raven wrote: JKing wrote: The Raven wrote: I cant really tell you anything about it, i have tried to make it work, but can get further, than choosing race(Bug or something like that.). It occurs to me, Raven: did you apply the official Daggerfall patch? Nope, would that make it work? And where can i get it? I don't know if it would help you, but it's worth a shot. Unfortunately the anti-spam policy against URIs for new users is preventing from referring you directly to the patch, but if you look at the article "General:Playing DOS Installments under DOSBox" in the UESP wiki, there are instructions and a link to the patch. The patch itself is a DOS executable, so you run it in DOSBox. |
Author: | The Raven [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:52 pm ] |
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I have fixed the problem. There is a noCD.bmt(?) that makes it work! But sad thing is, Khajiit's are human-looking in Daggerfall. Or is it the Ohmes-Raht race in Daggerfall? |
Author: | Tsuki Ouji [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How does this game compare to Oblivion and Morrowind? |
Sorry, haibane, I could only get through half of your post (though that was enough for me to sing your praise to the gods, if that grammar is correct), so you may have said this, but this is definitely superior to Oblivion, and several aspects are superior to Morrowind. Oh, real quick: Raven, this question isn't about graphics; it's about the game itself. Anyway, like haibane said, Daggerfall has an awesome character creation system, which is excellent for RPers like myself (though my usual roleplay character will be impossible to make in any of the games, except possibly in Skyrim [half-dragon {a very specific dragon}]; so for this, I make dis-/advantages similar to a half-vampire), and though the backstory feature is really cool, you don't have much control over it-- I usually pick a combination of skills that don't allow me the "You are intimate friends with..." question, and I usually like my characters to have a romantic background; and there's no option for which Daedra you worship, only gods. All in all, this is my personal favorite--there is a very involving (and, thank the gods, un-cliched [or would it be non-?]) story, an equally involving (why do I get the feeling that I'm not using that word right, and should use "involved"...) character creation process, excellent hacking opportunities (not so much adding new places as restoring membership in Thieves' Guild & Dark Brotherhood after becoming a vampire, and buffing stats/improving equipment so you can survive the first dungeon [I'm dead serious... gallows humor/pun not intended]), a FULL-SIZED DRAGON MODEL IN THE DATA (which neither me nor any of my 'associates' has been able to implement), which I just realized that I forgot where it is (I gave up trying to do it sometime in 2000 or '01; about the time I got a computer that couldn't run the thing ![]() There are also many bad things: so many bugs that it's worthy of legend (though many are fixed by official and 'homemade' patches); the PC's relationship with Uriel isn't very well-explained, even in the background page; the afore-mentioned fact that it's next to impossible to get through the beginning dungeon without save-file editors (I thought tutorials were supposed to be easy!!!!); and that, due to the "randomness engine", I guess you could call it, major landmarks aren't in consistent locations, neither in the game nor in the lore. Wow, I guess this makes me a hypocrite, since I couldn't read haibane's post to the end... One more thing, though: I personally believe that Morrowind is the best game yet, due to its creative quests, limitless modding potential (though Oblivion has this too), ' das wunderkind' (yeah, first time I've used that phrase, not going to use it again, even [or maybe especially] when I visit my friends in Germany... Come to think of it, I think that's an entirely American-made phrase, like 'shoujo-ai' [yuri is ANY kind of girls' love, not just... ero... stuff] and 'shounen-ai' [same deal, but switched around]) modding community, and excellent programming even in vanilla form (though, yes, cliched main story). I'm sorry, I really need to learn how not to ramble on forums... Maybe it's because I have a complete lack of social knowledge, and have problems with a room with more than me and two people in it, excluding classrooms. This is not due to stereotypical 'video game preoccupation', or what have you; I really didn't get into games until the mid-'90s (guess why), before then I sometimes would play Pong and Duck Hunt (the original, obviously), but I mostly lived (and still do) in the realm of books of all kinds, other than straight-up sci-fi; books can't really pull that off (excluding Dune;it's amazing, but I still can't find the second one--I have the 1st and 3rd). I even read textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. In your face, people who think 'Autistic' means 'retarded'! Could go into more detail there, but I won't... D'arvit, I did it again!!! *starts up Final Fantasy XII and fights Yiazmat on a 111223 game* Anyway, if you want to hear me rant more about the general populace's idiotic preconceptions of Autism and gamers (the latter of which you all probably know what I'd say, since you probably experience the same thing), you can PM me... |
Author: | Leilah [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: How does this game compare to Oblivion and Morrowind? |
Please check the rules and don't necro-post. |
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